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Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

Monday, December 6, 2010

Assange's and W!kileaks'­s roles in this are no different than Robert Novak's and the Washington Post's roles when they reported that Joe Wilson's wife was a CIA agent and leaked her name.

Had Judith Miller (or any of the other journalist­s contacted by Bush administra­tion officials Lewis Libby, Karl R0ve or Richard Armitage) published it before Novak|Wash­ington Post, she would have been the equivalent of Jul!an Assange.  

And the Bush administra­tion officials Lewis Libby, Karl R0ve and Richard Armitage (along with Dick Cheney and Ari Fleischer, and the others who sprang into action on that fateful day in 2003, intent upon getting Plame's identity out there to distract and confuse the public as to Bush's l!es to get us into the wars) are the equivalent of pfc. Bradley Manning, the actual leakers.

If Cheney, et al, aren't sitting in prison awaiting trials for espionage and treason, why is pfc. Bradley Manning?

If Jul!an Ass@nge is being targeted for esp!onage charges, why isn't Katharine Weymouth (WaPo's publisher)­?  Why aren't WaPo's bank accounts being cut off?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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