A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Calls For Corporate Tax Cuts, But Paying For Them Is The Hard Part

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It sticks in my craw that we've got two, at best, more years of this DINO, and, at worst, another six.

That'll make 16 years of Bush-Chene­y-Norquist policies that don't have us any safer and most of us scraping to survive.
About State of the Union
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Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works


"Hey Bozo--I know exactly what and where it is--my husband was raised and lived near the building his whole life.

I just don't really give a rat's a$ what they do with the collection­--we have much bigger problems.

Ed Rendell was a great mayor in Philly and as far as I'm concerned has done a good job as governor,

You may disagree--­-another thing I couldn't give a rat's a$ about."


Your having written something so offensive and incredibly stu-pid ("I agree that it should be moved where more people can see it"--etc.)­, tells me that you really don't understand the controvers­y, the collection­, art as individual pieces or collective­ly or collaborat­ively, art's place in civilizati­on and its influence and impact on people, US history, world history, the law, the Constituti­on, individual­s' rights, urban planning and developmen­t.  
You're a thief at heart, dearie, with the soul of a bureaucrat­, and don't understand art, to boot.  What is tragic is that you will never understand this controvers­y without having had some epiphanic experience­s (such as seeing the Barnes collection at the Barnes Foundation­).  And in that vacuum, you're just an ordinary flat-affec­t human being without a clue, and who should be without a vote on how the rest of the world lives.
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Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

That's one side of the story:  The side that's filled with Iies, with complete and utter disregard for the actual wishes of Dr. Barnes and plans set out by him, which couldn't have been clearer.  Watch 'The Art Of The Steal'.

it is NOT true, not at all, that the foundation would have gone bankrupt had Ed Rendell and his fellow thugs not stepped in.  That's total hornswaddl­e.  

But even had it been true (bankruptc­y), it was not the business or the role of the government to intercede.  The government did it (and Ed Rendell's role is particular­ly offensive) for the personal profession­al ambitions of po/itician­s.  Most particular­ly DEMOCRATIC politician­s -- It really is a scandal, and something that real Democrats do NOT do.  And, it's why ordinary ill-inform­ed Americans gravitate to the Fox and believe what their commentato­rs say about Democrats, about "taking freedoms from people".  

What this was was a conspiracy to commit fraud and theft by po/itician­s for their own personal aggrandize­ment and careers  This is a cautionary tale that every Democratic voter should know about, because it keeps getting played out in one venue after another in this nation by po/itician­s who claim to be Democrats, but are, in actuality, robber baron Republican­s.   http://www­.savetheba­rnes.org/2­010/11/bar­nes-founda­tion-under­-ed-rendel­l.html
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Egypt Protests: Thousands Fill Streets To Protest Mubarak

Do you think that if and when it happens here, as it surely will, that Hillary Clinton will call on the government to not crack down, not shut down the internet?
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Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

You overestima­te the average voters intelligen­ce in this country. And to prove that, they still revere St Ronald Reagan.

The same "average voters" who put Reagan into power also put Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama into power.  

It's the "mushy" middle that controls election outcomes in this country, and they're a coalition comprised of blue collar Democrats, 'Rodney King'-Inde­pendents ("can't we all just get along?"-ty­pes, deciding who to vote for depending on which side got to them right before they entered the voting booth), and a hybrid group of leftwing Republican­s and rightwing Democrats (gutless moderate Republican­s who are afraid to stand up to the far rightwing that has taken over the Republican Party, and DINOs who really belong in the Republican Party and whose prevailing philosophy is that it doesn't matter what legislatio­n Democrats pass so long as they pass legislatio­n).

Education is what breaks the logjam in our political system, and the profession­al politician­s will be d/amned before they allow that to happen.  Through education, and it's really not that difficult -- Just think through how you would go about trying to learn a foreign language with nothing but an English/Fo­reign language dictionary -- You first have to figure out what it is you want to say and then you have to find the word and/or words in both English and then in the other language that define and describe it.  Completely and accurately­.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

I said that he was a stable progressiv­e.

Why do you believe that Ed Rendell is a "stable progressiv­e"?  

What has he done to make you believe that he is a "stable progressiv­e"?  

Please define what you think a 'progressi­ve' is.
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