"Hey Bozo--I know exactly what and where it is--my husband was raised and lived near the building his whole life.
I just don't really give a rat's a$ what they do with the collection--we have much bigger problems.
Ed Rendell was a great mayor in Philly and as far as I'm concerned has done a good job as governor,
You may disagree---another thing I couldn't give a rat's a$ about."
Your having written something so offensive and incredibly stu-pid ("I agree that it should be moved where more people can see it"--etc.)
, tells me that you really don't understand the controvers
y, the collection
, art as individual pieces or collective
ly or collaborat
ively, art's place in civilizati
on and its influence and impact on people, US history, world history, the law, the Constituti
on, individual
s' rights, urban planning and developmen
You're a thief at heart, dearie, with the soul of a bureaucrat
, and don't understand art, to boot. What is tragic is that you will never understand this controvers
y without having had some epiphanic experience
s (such as seeing the Barnes collection at the Barnes Foundation
). And in that vacuum, you're just an ordinary flat-affec
t human being without a clue, and who should be without a vote on how the rest of the world lives.
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