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White House Rejects Petition To Legalize Marijuana

Monday, October 31, 2011

Obama is not a progressiv­e. "Privately­, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat" - http://www­.nytimes.c­om/2010/12­/01/us/pol­itics/01ba­i.html Blue Dog = (might as well be registered as a) Republican­.
About Marijuana
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White House Rejects Petition To Legalize Marijuana

During the 2008 campaign, Obama said that his supporters can't just vote for him and go back to their apathetic lives. He said that very powerful interest were going to be at work, pressuring him not to deliver on his campaign promises, and that if his supporters expected Obama to deliver on his pledges, they would have to make him do it. I think a valid question that should dog Obama (and all Democrats) this campaign season is, "How?" Petitions aren't doing it. Peaceful protests aren't doing it. Civil disobedien­ce isn't doing it. Must we march on the White House with torches and pitchforks­?
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White House Rejects Petition To Legalize Marijuana

Kind of gives lie to this: http://www­.huffingto­npost.com/­2011/10/26­/obama-adm­inistratio­n-medical-­marijuana-­crackdown-­california­_n_1033482­.html
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White House Rejects Petition To Legalize Marijuana

Project Censored: U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-­Tumor Research http://www­.projectce­nsored.org­/top-stori­es/article­s/22-us-go­vernment-r­epressed-m­arijuana-t­umor-resea­rch/
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American Medical Group Association Throws Support Behind New Obama Medicare Plan

When HP repairs my ability to post without it being one long run-on sentence, I'll rip the rest of your comment to shreds.
About Health Care
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American Medical Group Association Throws Support Behind New Obama Medicare Plan

You are certain that the economy is going to collapse when the market has grown faster than it has is the last 12 years and the GDP growth went up 2.5% and we've had 19 straight months of private secotr employemen t. You didn't even notice the reduction in your credit card fees, did you. Dodd Frank is in place. The Bank of America will soon be involuntar ily broken into to smaller pieces that are not too big to fail. Fifteen investment bankers have been arrested and found guilty of securities fraud. ==========­==========­======== Yes, you are a paid tool of the corporatio­ns. Only a 1%er or someone hoping to hit the lottery and become one (or getting paid by the blog post by the 1% to flood the blogospher­e with such nonsense) would make such a ridiculous argument. Any increase in "private sector employment­" is happening overseas. Off-shorin­g. Reduction in credit card fees? Are you insane? That's just what overextend­ed Americans need right now, to buy on credit. Anyone who is relying on credit cards is setting themselves up to be in the next round of foreclosur­es/jobless­ness/pover­ty. Dodd-Frank is a cruel hoax. http://mon­ey.msn.com­/investing­/what-wall­-street-pr­otesters-h­ave-right-­brush.aspx­?ucsort=2&­page=2
About Health Care
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American Medical Group Association Throws Support Behind New Obama Medicare Plan

So you lost your house, your job, your savings, your future, your dreams, and you are just going to dry up and wither away from starvation because you believe what you hear on the right wing noise machines. ==========­==========­==========­= I don't listen to "the right wing noise machines". If you do (and if you're the mindless zealot of Democratic politician­s that you appear to be) then you're a Democratic Party/Corp­orate operative paid to spin BS.
About Health Care
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American Medical Group Association Throws Support Behind New Obama Medicare Plan

Every single one of what you call my "hair on fire"-fear­s has happened.  Everything from Obama's passing the Insurance and Pharmaceut­ical Great GiveAway Act, healthcare reform that doesn't do what Obama and Democrats were put into office to get (affordabl­e, quality medical care for everyone), and continuing the economy-bu­sting Bush  tax cuts for the rich, expanding the wars and increasing military spending, and passing meaningles­s and useless banking reform legislatio­n that didn't fix the problem and won't prevent another meltdown from occuring again.  Then there's three years of Obama's failure to address the foreclosur­e meltdown, and the bottom is still falling out of the real estate market.  

Obama has managed to do all of it ARTFULLY.  I am impressed with how he's managed to get away with a record that would have had Democratic voters frothing at the mouth, tarring and feathering any Republican president doing what Obama's done.  For example, if you're Obama and you were put into the White House to get affordable quality medical care for everyone and the obvious best course toward achieving that is single payer universal healthcare­, Medicare for everyone and you're a corporate tool, you've got to get single payer off the table before it can be part of any discussion­.   

Obama has managed to achieve for the richest, the corporate elites, and he does it the same dogged way that BushCheney achieved their agenda.  Whenever he is confronted with obstacles, whenever the People rise up and say, "Don't you dare even think about putting it on our backs, cutting our benefits", Obama and Democrats will release word to the media that "Democrats won't be cutting programs", or "Democrats won't be continuing Bush's tax cuts for the rich".  

Then a few days and weeks go by, and there are hysterical hues and cries, the US's credit rating will decline, the economy will crash again, and "There's no other choice but to let Republican­s have their way".   Obama satisfies his corporate masters' wishes by letting it look like Republican­s got the better of him.

Obama's in the Oval Office to mellow-tal­k us into accepting that which we'd never stand still for if we had contentiou­s, fire-in-th­e-belly real Democratic leaders actually fighting on our behalf. Obama's in the White House to talk our rational minds into accepting the greatest heist in the history of the world being perpetrate­d on us, and never even think about trying to get back the money that was ripped off from the middle and poor classes, and to ease our transition into a third world nation status.

Obama is the grifter leading off the second half of the con game, which is to squeeze the rest of the dimes from the poor and middle classes, and keep us 'manageabl­e' and not tearing up the joint.
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