US taxpayer-paid private contracted troops are now directly handling combat, and will until the 56,000 US combat-trained and ready troops remaining in Iraq are needed.
Obama's doing what Obama has always done: Continuing Bush policies, renaming them something that he hopes the American people will swallow.
And as more realize the facts, as more catch on to Obama-speak, it's why Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress are losing the base. But they don't care because the policies that they're installing are Republican policies, which they hope will cause Republicans (politicians and supporters) to support.
That's the DLC's 'master plan'. The DLC has been working on this for years. It's why Obama and Rahm Emanuel went after Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin as soon as Obama got into the Oval Office. In spite of the fact that Limbaugh & Palin have no role in the RepublicanParty. Obama and RahmEmanuel have never gone after the Republican leadership directly. Not MitchMcConnell, not JohnBoehner, not EricCantor, not JohnMcCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee). It's why Obama (nor any of the Democratic Party leadership) has held the Bush administration to account.
The DLC is trying to marginalize the RepublicanParty by forcing the fringe right of the RepublicanParty into the TeaParty, making the TeaParty the face for the Republican Party, leaving the rest nowhere to go but to the DemocraticParty.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost