A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan: 1,200 People Approved So Far

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's never going to happen with Obama in the White House. That was the deal that he made with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and the AMA.

It almost happened right at the end, but Obama nixxed it.
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Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan: 1,200 People Approved So Far

The only reason that we don't have a strong healthcare bill is Obama. And we won't have any kind of real healthcare reform until he's out of office.

The week before & the week after the healthcare bill (or, more accurately, 'The Insurance & Pharmaceutical Industries Windfall Act') passed in the Senate was the one & only time a public option had any chance of happening until another generation passes.

A group of senators had mobilized behind it since the bill had to be passed through reconciliation anyway, & there was no way that Democrats weren't going to get enough of its members to vote against it just because it had a PublicOption in it.

Obama nixxed it.

The excuse was that if the Senate did that, the bill would have to go back to the House for a vote & "There's no time!"

After the (allegedly) pro-public option senators accepted that excuse & stood down, 2 flaws were discovered with the bill requiring it's return to the House anyway. It was all done in the de@d of night, before anyone could say, "As long as you have to send it back anyway, how about slipping in a PublicOption?"

http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/2010/03/25/byrd-rule-sends-health-care-back-to-house_n_512609.html

Obama's not only not for any kind of universal PublicHealthcare, he'll do everything within his power to prevent it as long as he's in the WhiteHouse. Because that was the deal that he made.
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A Forecast of the 2010 House Election Outcome

More Dems back tax breaks for the rich

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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

That line doesn't work on a whole range of levels.

Bush, with Cheney allegedly pressuring him, didn't attack Iran, and McCain has a long history of saying one thing and doing another.

Obama has surrounded himself with pro-Iranian-warriors who are beating the war drums even now, and Obama's record has been to follow the advice and policies of those he's surrounded himself with. If he goes that route, he would even have Hillary Clinton's support.

If & when the Establishment Elites decide to go to war in Iran, we'll go to war, no matter who is in the Oval Office. As Obama himself has admitted, he's not anti-war, even when to go to war means the destruction of the US.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Despite the 56,000 service personnel remaining, The New York Times reported this morning that a "remarkable civilian effort" would be required to fill the void left by the withdrawal, and suggested THE NUMBER OF PRIVATE SECURITY GUARDS (MERCENARIES) COULD DOUBLE (if they admit that, it's more accurate to say given past experience, 'quadruple' at least) over the next 18 months. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/19/world/middleeast/19withdrawal.html?_r=1&ref=global-home


Because as Iraqi Lieutenant General Babakir Zebari said, "If I were asked about the withdrawal, I would say to politicians: the US army must stay until the Iraqi army is fully ready. In 2020."


Obama's problem, our nation's problem, what has led to our downfall as a great nation and people, is this inability to be honest and straightforward.

We never went to Iraq for WMD, or to bring freedom and democracy to Iraqis, or even to remove Saddam Hussein (though that might be the deluded rationale for a white-knuckled drunk of a former US president's son).

Obama's presidency is already failed. And that's the real story here.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Worth a read - http://blog.buzzflash.com/contributor/3341
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

US taxpayer-paid private contracted troops are now directly handling combat, and will until the 56,000 US combat-trained and ready troops remaining in Iraq are needed.


And, not that they were worth much, but along with the official announcement that "combat has ended in Iraq", so goes the little media that's [embedded] there reporting the events on the ground.

So Americans are really going to be in the dark about what's being done "in our names [and with our money]".
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

US taxpayer-paid private contracted troops are now directly handling combat, and will until the 56,000 US combat-trained and ready troops remaining in Iraq are needed.


Obama's doing what Obama has always done: Continuing Bush policies, renaming them something that he hopes the American people will swallow.

And as more realize the facts, as more catch on to Obama-speak, it's why Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress are losing the base. But they don't care because the policies that they're installing are Republican policies, which they hope will cause Republicans (politicians and supporters) to support.

That's the DLC's 'master plan'. The DLC has been working on this for years. It's why Obama and Rahm Emanuel went after Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin as soon as Obama got into the Oval Office. In spite of the fact that Limbaugh & Palin have no role in the RepublicanParty. Obama and RahmEmanuel have never gone after the Republican leadership directly. Not MitchMcConnell, not JohnBoehner, not EricCantor, not JohnMcCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee). It's why Obama (nor any of the Democratic Party leadership) has held the Bush administration to account.

The DLC is trying to marginalize the RepublicanParty by forcing the fringe right of the RepublicanParty into the TeaParty, making the TeaParty the face for the Republican Party, leaving the rest nowhere to go but to the DemocraticParty.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

US taxpayer-paid private contracted troops are now directly handling combat, and will until the 56,000 US combat-trained and ready troops remaining in Iraq are needed.


Obama's doing what Obama has always done: Continuing Bush policies, renaming them something that he hopes the American people will swallow.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Obama hasn't ended the war.

He's just moving it off-the-books.

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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Combat operations are still continuing.

Had we done in Japan (and the rest of the world where we still have bases) what we're doing in Iraq, FDR would have declared "Mission Accomplished" shortly after December 7, 1941, before Harry Truman dropped 'fat man' and 'little boy' on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Obama-speak is just like Bush-speak -- DECEITFUL.

And let's talk about all of those bases we have around the world.

We are a war-loving people, and that's got to end.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Fighting off insurgents and supporting occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan has cost more than $1 trillion, at least 5,648 American lives [ http://www.defense.gov/News/casualty.pdf ] and demands more security forces than the government can muster. That's why private contractors now make up 54 percent of Department of Defense (DoD) employees overseas, according to a Congressional Research Report (CRS) released in July. http://opencrs.com/document/R40764/

Overall, the DoD employs 19 percent more contract workers than uniformed personnel, according to the report.

The report shows how insufficient contract management can "delay or even prevent troops from receiving needed support" and lead to "wasteful spending." The report also shows how poor contract management and "abuses and crimes committed by certain contractors" against local national and civilians is undermining the US counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, as locals may not distinguish contractors from official US troops and occupiers.


Same old, same old.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

''This isn't just about broken laws or wasted tax revenues,'' then Sen. Barrack Obama said in a 2007 New York Times article on contractor oversight. ''This is about our claims to moral leadership in the world. We cannot win a fight for hearts and minds when we outsource critical missions to unaccountable contractors.''

But now, with looming deadlines and a frustrated public gearing up for midterm elections in November, Obama seems to have changed his tune. By declaring the end of combat operations in Iraq, the administration is moving toward replacing combat troops with diplomatic officials who will increasingly be protected in the danger zone by thousands of private security contractors.

The contractors take over combat roles like flying strike drones, searching for roadside bombs and defending US bases in Iraq, according to The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/19/world/middleeast/19withdrawal.html?_r=2&ref=private_military_companies


It's just swapping out on-the-books activities to off-the-books.

The Obama administration is just a continuation of the Bush administration.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Thousands of private contractor troops remain in Iraq (along with 56,000 US military troops), all combat-trained and combat ready, as "the Iraq War is not over and it is not 'won'," writes Anthony Cordesman, a military expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "In fact, it is at as critical a stage as at any time since 2003 ... everything now depends on a successful transition to an effective and unified Iraqi government, and Iraqi security forces that can bring both security and stability to the average Iraqi. The creation of such an 'end state' will take a minimum of another five years, and probably ten."

Leading Iraqi military commander Gen. Babaker Shawkat Zebari said Iraqi security forces won't be able to stand on their own for at least a decade.

Cordesman criticized the Obama administration for misleading both Americans and Iraqis, calling the August 18 announcement "just as wrong and irresponsible as the one given by President Bush."

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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

The truth is that the Iranians freed the hostages, due to treason committed by the Reagan campaign.




Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Casey and their gang should have faced trial and prison, just as Joanne Herring should have (Charlie Wilson's War). In a democracy, private citizens do not get to use the government and its resources, particularly its military, for their own personal gain and purposes.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Young people today might begin to understand now why Vietnam vets didn't get "flowers and candy" here at home in the 1970s. Stopping war is impossible when people are willing to join the military. And when people have no other choice but to join the military in order to get a paycheck (which wasn't the situation during the Vietnam war years), war becomes (literally) a 'dead-end job'.

Since the draft ended and since the privatization of the military began, our government has been able to cloak accurate counts of troops in these wars.

Reinstating the draft and ending the privatizing of military services (and all government services, as privatization only makes services more expensive by adding middlemen, CEOs & shareholders, into the transactions for the sole purpose of getting a piece of the action) is the only way We the People are going to be able to end these wars.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

They're not terrified.

Obama has invested pennies in alternative energy development.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

It seems to me the elephants under the table are the Saudi royalty--Bush's best buddies


Not to mention Obama's - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WlqW6UCeaY
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Many Americans want to believe that the US improved conditions for the Iraqis by invading their country and ousting Saddam Hussein.

Here are statistics on how human misery has spread across the country in the wake of the U.S.-led invasion:

Iraq has between 25 & 50 percent unemployment, a dysfunctional parliament, rampant disease, epidemic mental illness, & sprawling slums. The killing of innocent people has become part of daily life.

What a havoc the US has wreaked in Iraq [& is wreaking in Afghanistan].

A recently published report [State of the World’s Cities, 2010-2011] with statistics on the status of cities around the world & their demographics - http://www.unhabitat.org/pmss/listItemDetails.aspx?publicationID=2917.

Slum dwellers: Those living in urban centers without one of the following -- Durable structures to protect them from climate, sufficient living area, sufficient access to water, access to sanitation facilities, & freedom from eviction.

Prior to 2003 & the US invasion of Iraq, the percentage of the urban population living in slums in Iraq hovered just below 20 percent.

Today, it's 53 percent: 11 million of the 19 million total urban dwellers are slum dwellers. In the past decade, most countries have made progress toward reducing slum dwellers. But Iraq [& the US] has gone rapidly & dangerously in the opposite direction.


This should give pause about what's going to happen here in the US as our economy worsens & more of us become 'slum dwellers'.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

It's not ended.

56,000 troops permanently occupying Iraq is not "ending the war".

All 56,000 troops in Iraq are combat-trained and ready.
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Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus

Many Americans [like flossophy] want to believe that the US improved conditions for the Iraqis by invading their country and ousting Saddam Hussein.

Here are statistics on how human misery has spread across the country in the wake of the U.S.-led invasion:

Iraq has between 25 & 50 percent unemployment, a dysfunctional parliament, rampant disease, epidemic mental illness, & sprawling slums. The killing of innocent people has become part of daily life.

What a havoc the US has wreaked in Iraq [& is wreaking in Afghanistan].

A recently published report [State of the World’s Cities, 2010-2011] with statistics on the status of cities around the world & their demographics - http://www.unhabitat.org/pmss/listItemDetails.aspx?publicationID=2917.

Slum dwellers: Those living in urban centers without one of the following -- Durable structures to protect them from climate, sufficient living area, sufficient access to water, access to sanitation facilities, & freedom from eviction.

Prior to 2003 & the US invasion of Iraq, the percentage of the urban population living in slums in Iraq hovered just below 20 percent.

Today, it's 53 percent: 11 million of the 19 million total urban dwellers are slum dwellers. In the past decade, most countries have made progress toward reducing slum dwellers. But Iraq [& the US] has gone rapidly & dangerously in the opposite direction.


This should give pause about what's going to happen here in the US as our economy worsens & more of us become 'slum dwellers'.
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