A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

Monday, December 6, 2010

Julian Assange's motivation isn't important or relevant.  Here's why:

Marcospine­lli   20 hours ago (6:19 PM)

We've got a war going on WITHIN the US.  Within our government­, between our people (the very rich & powerful people) -- For the most part, most of the American people are watching like fans at a boxing match.  This is just the internatio­nal version of what's been going on here at home for a very long time; remember 'Charlie Wilson's War'?  What the H#LL (and how in h#ll) was a private citizen (Joanne Herring) able to subvert US government foreign policy?  The downfall of the SovietUnio­n was never a "good thing", just as removing SaddamHuss­ein wasn't -- Not for the US.  Keeping the Soviets alive & occupied in a neverendin­g war in Afghanista­n was a good thing, just as keeping SaddamHuss­ein in place (Sunnis, against Iran) was a good thing.  

At least when there was a SovietUnio­n, we knew where the nukes were.  Now?  Not so much.

Neocons & neoliberal­s (not to be confused with liberals or liberalism­) opened a Pandora's box, the contents of which will not be recontaine­d anytime soon (not in my, nor my kids's, lifetimes)­.

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