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Eric Holder To Stay In Obama Administration Beyond First Term: Report

Monday, November 19, 2012

You don't know what you're talking about.

"There hasn't been any serious investigation of any of the large financial entities by the Justice Department, which includes the FBI," says William Black, an associate professor of economics and law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, who, as a government regulator in the 1980s, helped clean up the S&L mess. Black, who is a Democrat, notes that the feds dealt with the S&L crisis with harsh justice, bringing more than a thousand prosecutions, and securing a 90 percent conviction rate. The difference between the government's response to the two crises, Black says, is a matter of will, and priorities. 


"Zero Accountability": Obama’s Refusal to Prosecute Wall Street Crimes - http://www.democracynow.org/2012/7/5/zero_accountability_glenn_greenwald_on_obamas

Journalists James Steele and Don Barlett, the twice Pulitzer Prize-winning team who wrote America: What Went Wrong?, and The Betrayal of the American Dream, talk about the media’s failure to hold Wall Street or politicians accountable for financial crimes and mismanagement - http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2012/8/1/part_2_barlett_and_steele_on_media_govt_failure_to_hold_wall_st_accountable_for_financial_crimes
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Eric Holder To Stay In Obama Administration Beyond First Term: Report

So much for a changed Obama, beholden to the Democratic Party's base.

I'd sure like to hear from those most ardent supporters of Obama's who, before the election, swore that he'd be delivering on those 2008 campaign promises if given a second term.
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Obama Myanmar Trip: Asia Visit Takes President Into Time Warp

I guess you've forgotten that it was Obama who cut the deal to extend Bush's tax cuts, as well as Obama who cut the deal with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries behind Congress's back for ACA.

Just last week:  Obama Prepares To 'Barn-Storm' The Country, Slamming Republicans, If They Don't Cut A Fiscal Cliff Deal

Obama likes being out of the country when US-approved hostilities (Gaza) take place.

So are you a political operative paid to spread disinformation online, or just one of the fawning, star-struck ObamaZombies?
About Barack Obama
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Obama Myanmar Trip: Asia Visit Takes President Into Time Warp

Obama always leaves the country when there's a military operation taking place that might call for Obama to weigh in or our involvement needs to be downplayed.
About Barack Obama
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Israel Airstrike Hits Al Aqsa, Hamas TV Station, In High-Rise In Downtown Gaza City

Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All
By Chris Hedges
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Israel Airstrike Hits Al Aqsa, Hamas TV Station, In High-Rise In Downtown Gaza City

Chris Hedges:

"Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia. The growing divide between the world's elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiraling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet's largest internment camp. These sacrifice zones, filled with seas of pitifully poor people trapped in squalid slums or mud-walled villages, are increasingly hemmed in by electronic fences, monitored by surveillance cameras and drones and surrounded by border guards or military units that shoot to kill. These nightmarish dystopias extend from sub-Saharan Africa to Pakistan to China. They are places where targeted assassinations are carried out, where brutal military assaults are pressed against peoples left defenseless, without an army, navy or air force. All attempts at resistance, however ineffective, are met with the indiscriminate slaughter that characterizes modern industrial warfare.

In the new global landscape, as in Israel's occupied territories and the United States' own imperial projects in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan, massacres of thousands of defenseless innocents are labeled wars. Resistance is called a provocation, terrorism or a crime against humanity. The rule of law, as well as respect for the most basic civil liberties and the right of self-determination, is a public relations fiction used to placate the consciences of those who live in the zones of privilege. Prisoners are routinely tortured and "disappeared." The severance of food and medical supplies is an accepted tactic of control. Lies permeate the airwaves. Religious, racial and ethnic groups are demonized. Missiles rain down on concrete hovels, mechanized units fire on unarmed villagers, gunboats pound refugee camps with heavy shells, and the dead, including children, line the corridors of hospitals that lack electricity and medicine.

The impending collapse of the international economy, the assaults on the climate, the resulting droughts, flooding, precipitous decline in crop yields and rising food prices are creating a universe where power is divided between the narrow elites, who hold in their hands sophisticated instruments of death, and the enraged masses. The crises are fostering a class war that will dwarf anything imagined by Karl Marx. They are establishing a world where most will be hungry and live in fear, while a few will gorge themselves on delicacies in protected compounds. And more and more people will have to be sacrificed to keep this imbalance in place.

Because it has the power to do so, Israel—as does the United States—flouts international law to keep a subject population in misery.  http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/12821-elites-will-make-gazans-of-us-all

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Dan Lungren, Drug Warrior, Loses Bid For Reelection

 Dan Lundgren, a smart Sarah Palin with a fraction of Mitt Romney's capacity for compassion.
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Israel Airstrike Hits Al Aqsa, Hamas TV Station, In High-Rise In Downtown Gaza City

If you believe that you're safe, unaffected by what is going on in Gaza, because you're only reading or watching reports, think again: Exposure to the traumatic images and reports causes health- and life-threatening stress with serious and long-lasting consequences.  

War changes you even when you're not directly in harm's way.  

I am by no means suggesting that the media stop publishing these events.  As citizens in democratic republics, we must be informed about what our governments are doing "in our names".  But don't for a moment take comfort in being thousands of miles away, and therefore it's not happening to you.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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