A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

President Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's pretty much the same base 6 million conservative people, listening to the same shows, another 9 million in different configuring groups of non-voters, independents and conservative Democrats.

Audiences don't listen to their entire programs either. They only listen to about 15 minutes of each show (average drive time).
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President Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest

Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest


What's next?

A 2012 campaign season with Michelle competing on Dancing With The Stars?
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President Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest

Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest


Anything but talk with the real Democratic voters who brung 'im and explain a strategy that has Americans losing more ground economically, politically, culturally and morally.

Instead of waging a campaign focused on witchcraft, Ginni Thomas and "We're not as bad as the other guys", I'd have liked to see the media focus on what the candidates (particularly the Democrats) intend to do if they retain power and if they don't.

Obama & the Democratic leadership told the Times two weeks ago that they're going to do more caving to the Republicans, look for more "inclusion" and bipartisanship. That means that they're moving the Democratic Party even farther to the right-of-r­ight-of-ce­nter. That's what Obama and Democrats are taking from the election, no matter what the results.

Why won't Obama face legitimate questions from journalists on the left and answer seering questions?

Why won't any Democrats face legitimate questions from journalists on the left?

I'd like to see Obama and other Democrats in office face a panel with Amy Goodman, Laura Flanders, Matt Taibbi, Ezra Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Thom Hartmann, Glen Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, and a few others.
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David Broder: War With Iran Will Save Economy, Obama Presidency

The Washington Post is the press division for the Pentagon, CIA and the whole of the military industrial complex.
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

Do you have any idea how far to the right you have to be to believe that Obama is a liberal?

I'm a liberal, and there are many gradations to my left, and Barack Obama is nowhere in those gradations or stand anywhere near me.

Where do you live that you think liberals live so differently than you?

Have you ever been to Berkeley? Do you know that Bush's t0rture architect, John Yoo, teaches there? Yes, maybe John Yoo eats tofu and beansprouts, and is a closeted liberal.

Really, where do you live?
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

When else but during election season can I come home to find that both Leonardo Di Caprio and Doris Roberts have called me?
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Morgan Freeman Says GOP Candidate B.J. Lawson Is Lying: I Never Recorded An Ad For Him

What's actually funny about this are the comments before and after the truth was determined, that it wasn't Freeman.

Pre-truth, Republicans at Politico were lauding Freeman: "Liberals are going cr@zy! Always loved that guy; a class act!"

After-truth, Republicans are trashing him, "I've hated him ever since Driving Miss Daisy."

Politics to the unwashed masses is a sporting event, with teams to root for. When are they going to realize that it's our lives that are at stake and really learn about the issues that they're handing over to strangers to decide?
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

Do you think that's an answer to the questions?
About U.S. Senate
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

I weep for you who, through no fault of your own, didn't get the education that we in older generations did get on the public dime. You should know this. Had you had a decent public education, you would. But you're left here believing what anonymous people are telling you on the internet. I, at least, provide links to support what I'm telling you.

How do you guys get through the day not having your shoes stolen right off your feet?
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

It's amazing the bullchit excuses that DLC-controlled Democrats come up with to excuse their not doing the People's business, but MORE amazing is the ig.nor.ance of an electorate that isn't informed enough to know when they're being l!ed to.

HarryReid has had no problem forcing the GOP to actually filibuster when it's something that the DLC wants & perceives it needs. For example, when Democrats needed unemployment benefits to continue because the masses were becoming 'critical', Reid had no problem calling Republican Jim Bunning's bluff to filibuster. Reid said, "Bring in the cots, do it" and Bunning and the GOP caved. Benefits for unemployed workers continued.

Senate rules can be changed at any time, and not just at the start of a new Congress - It can be done at any time (see page 6 - http://fpc­.state.gov /documents­/organizat­ion/45448.­pdf ).

Nor is there just one way (or even two) for Democrats to get bills passed without Republican votes.

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/07/27/ezr­a-klein-ho­w-to-end-t­he_n_66123­4.html


http://ygl­esias.thin­kprogress.­org/2009/0­8/hertzber­g-on-the-c­onstitutio­nality-of- the-filibuster/

Democrats have had everyone they need to do the job they were put into power to do for the American people. They don't want to do it.
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

Thank you for making my point for me.

Democrats couldn't go on TV with a simple graph because Democrats are partners with the GOP and participate in the mass deception of the American people.

Obama & Democrats pledged in 2008 on putting the wars on the budget, no more supplemental emergency spending bills to pay for these wars. Funding them through supplementals was how BushCheney avoided congressional oversight & public scrutiny.

After two years of controlling both Houses of Congress & the WhiteHouse, Democrats are continuing the funding of the wars through supplementals. This is completely within the Democrats' power, as the majority party & the party controlling the WhiteHouse to accomplish.

What's significant about moving the war 'on budget'?:

When the funding of wars goes 'on budget', congressional committees & subcommittees then hold hearings & investigations into US policies, about US interests around the world, from which the UnitedState's overall foreign & military policies are derived. That's how civilian-control over the US military takes place: Through the citizens' chosen representatives choosing weapons systems & overseeing US military operations & installations, plans & policies, etc.

This doesn't happen with supplemental spending bills.

The nature of them is, "It's an emergency, we're running out of money, give us $80 billion now (that's the magic sum, invariably $80 billion) or you won't be 'supporting the troops'...We'll talk about it later".

"Later" doesn't happen.

The $80 billion ploy is so the American people think they're always talking about the same $80 billion.

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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

What do you think Obama is going to do after toorrow if Republicans take control of one or both Houses of Congress?

Do you think he'll veto the legislation they pass (through reconciliation & every other means they can manage)? Do you think Obama will take to the bully pulpit, urge Americans to bury Republicans in email, phone calls, snail mail, & urge Democrats to block Republicans every way possible?

Or do you think that Obama's going to be making deal after deal with them, spinning what he can as somehow "Good for the People and Democrats", and/or, "I'm president of all the People, & the People in their infinite wisdom put Republicans in the majority, so I must honor their wishes & work with Republicans, & not try to obstruct their will"?

And if Democrats keep control of Congress? Do you think Obama's going to continue trying to work in a "bipartisan manner" with Republicans, keep flip-flopping on his campaign promises, & say that the election was a referendum on his trying "change the tone in Washington", and voters want him to do more of the same?
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

There's nothing about our current state of politics, governance, political discourse, candidates, policies, legislation, NOTHING, to be "over the moon about".

I am outraged that a Sharron Angle could happen, and with the help and encouragement yet of a Democratic president and DLC-controlled Democratic Party.

I am LIVID about a Senate Majority Leader with a pro-corporate agenda trying to snooker the electorate that put him and Democrats in the majority into believing that they were for populist legislation.

I don't even have words anymore to describe what ring of heII Democratic politicians belong in after squandering this opportunity to do right by the citizens of the country.

If the choice is you being over the moon or in the doldrums, I'll take the latter any day of the week, always. Because you're an A-number One Id-jit, TiffanyHus­seinBanned­.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Civil rights?

You think Obama and this Democratic Congress have made great strides on CIVIL RIGHTS?????

It's extraordinary that you believe such a thing, much less have the courage to actually claim it, say it, on a public website.

It's truly a remarkably laughable contention.

I dare you to do it in your real name.
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Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye

Had he forced Republicans to actually filibuster (as Senate rule 22 allows the Senate Majority Leader to do) instead of letting Republicans merely threaten to, Harry Reid and Democrats would be soaring in the polls. The excitement of the 2008 elections, of CHANGE and a return to the sane policies that created the greatest middle class in the history of the world, would bring out all of those new and dropped out voters from years past.

But no.

What we got were DINOs running the Congress and the White House. They led voters to believe they were liberals and progressives, but once in power, their corporate stripes showed.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Before we get to the answer, or solution (and there's not just one solution, but several), the real problems preventing solutions have to be identified and discussed [WARNING: Limited space/time/my patience also limits my diplomatic abilities]:

#1 problem - The 'pragmatists'.

We hear that a lot from Obama's 'most ardent supporters'. That they're only being "pragmatic" (or "reasonable", or "realistic", or "adult", or some other characterization which is intended to elbow the greater majority of Democrats' positions and issues off the table & out of consideration), when the truth is that their "pragmatism" is the hobgoblin of a cowardly, selfish, lazy/ig.no.rant mind.

'Pragmatists' have no dog in the hunt for the issues of their fellow Democrats or have been bought off (they've had their demands on the issues met, or mistakenly think so because of their faulty understanding of the legislation); 'pragmatists', once bought off, are perfectly content to throw everyone else under the bus.

'Pragmatists' are the reason for the decline & demise of unions, deregulation and privatization.

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'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Extended Indefinitely By Federal Appeals Court

Trust YOU?

You are who?

Of all the m0ronic comments I come across on this website, it's really only the ones like these that rankle me.
About Don't Ask Don't Tell
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

They already have.

Both Sotomayor and Kagan are to the right of the justices that they replaced (Souter and Stevens).




http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/09/21/ter­esa-lewis-­supreme-co­urt-mental­ly-disable­d_n_734081­.html
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Democrats have been more than willing to sell any group's interests, but particularly women's & the pro-choice movement's.

And Obama's been particularly 'oily' (slippery) on these issues. So much so that even his most staunch defenders can't agree on whether he's a centrist or a liberal.

This is just on a woman's right to choose:

You can't get an ab0rtion in 87% of the counties in the US.

There are 3 states in the country that have only one ab0rtion clinic.

Other states heavily restrict ab0rtion, ban ab0rtions in clinics or any facility that receives public funds, or ban ab0rtion counseling or clinic recommendations.

Why bother making it illegal if you can just make it impossible to get?

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/06/02/no-­choice-87-­of-us-coun­ti_n_21019­4.html

Obama's healthcare reform legislation = ending insurance coverage of ab0rtion services


http://new­s.firedogl­ake.com/20­09/11/17/g­wu-study-y­es-the-stu­pak-amendm­ent-would- end-covera­ge-of-abor­tion-servi­ces-over-t­ime/
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Democrats have been more than willing to sell any group's interests, but particularly women's & the pro-choice movement's.

And Obama's been particularly 'oily' (slippery) on these issues. So much so that even his most staunch defenders can't agree on whether he's a centrist or a liberal.

This is just on a woman's right to choose:

You can't get an ab0rtion in 87% of the counties in the US.

There are 3 states in the country that have only one ab0rtion clinic.

Other states heavily restrict ab0rtion, ban ab0rtions in clinics or any facility that receives public funds, or ban ab0rtion counseling or clinic recommendations.

Why bother making it illegal if you can just make it impossible to get?

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/06/02/no-­choice-87-­of-us-coun­ti_n_21019­4.html

Obama's healthcare reform legislation = ending insurance coverage of ab0rtion services


http://new­s.firedogl­ake.com/20­09/11/17/g­wu-study-y­es-the-stu­pak-amendm­ent-would- end-covera­ge-of-abor­tion-servi­ces-over-t­ime/
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Obama & Democrats are joining Republicans in putting Social Security on the table for cuts and privatizing by Obama's Debt Commission:

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters:

Obama has filled his new 'debt commission' with Wall Street insiders determined to gut Social Security

http://www­.alternet.­org/story/­146183/oba­ma_packs_d­ebt_commis­sion_with_ social_sec­urity_loot­ers?page=e­ntire

Obama Packs Debt Commission With Social Security Privatization & Benefit Cut Supporters



You don't put Social Security on the table at all before a 'Deficit Commission' (it's not in danger of going broke, to begin with) or put people like this on your commission if you weren't signaling that you're open to doing it.

And Chris Van Hollen made an interesting parsing slip on CNN about that very point (he never was the brightest color in the box -- Democratic voters are d00med if this is the future leadership of the party).

Go hunt:


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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

"I so appreciate your point of view, HOWEVER...

In THIS ELECTION it IS the ISSUES (ie) POLICIES that the "TeaPublicans" have VOWED to adopt that I'm referring to:


what they will do to SOCIAL SECURITY? Not fix it...they would PLACE IT IN THE STOCK MARKET! I could go on ,but you are astute enough to know why I feel there policies WILL change MY life in radical ways!!

This is NO TIME for your FLOWERY RHETORIC this election! I HOPE no matter what your synical views are:

"Runnnnnn!! VOTE 4 UR LIFE!!"


Calm down; your hyster!a is showing that they've got you just where they want you: NOT thinking rationally and NOT holding them to account.

Obama and the DLC created this mess, and teabaggers, and they did it to get you cr@zed with fear and voting against your best interests.

If ab0rtion & Social Security are your issues and you think the DLC-controlled Democrats are going to save you, you're woefully misinformed.

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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Democrats have been more than willing to sell any group's interests, but particularly the pro-choice movement's.

And Obama's been particularly 'oily' (slippery) on the issues. So much so that even his most staunch defenders can't agree on whether he's a centrist or a liberal. This is just on a woman's right to choose:

You can't get an abortion in 87% of the counties in the US.

There are 3 states in the country that have only one abortion clinic, Other states heavily restrict abortion, ban abortions in clinics or any facility that receives public funds, or ban abortion counseling or clinic recommendations.

Why bother making it illegal if you can just make it impossible to get?

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/06/02/no-­choice-87-­of-us-coun­ti_n_21019­4.html

Healthcare reform legislation = ending insurance coverage of abortion services


http://new­s.firedogl­ake.com/20­09/11/17/g­wu-study-y­es-the-stu­pak-amendm­ent-would- end-covera­ge-of-abor­tion-servi­ces-over-t­ime/
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Abortion & Social Security are your issues and you think the DLC-controlled Democrats are going to save you????

Obama & Democrats are joining Republicans in putting Social Security on the table for cuts and privatizing by Obama's Debt Commission:

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters:

Obama has filled his new 'debt commission' with Wall Street insiders determined to gut Social Security


Obama Packs Debt Commission With Social Security Privatization & Benefit Cut Supporters



You don't put Social Security on the table at all before a 'Deficit Commission' (it's not in danger of going broke, to begin with) or put people like this on your commission if you weren't signaling that you're open to doing it.

And Chris Van Hollen made an interesting parsing slip on CNN about that very point (he never was the brightest color in the box -- Democratic voters are d00med if this is the future leadership of the party).

Go hunt:


[Hint: "partial"]
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

This is a joke, right?

18 months into a job where he knew that the MMS wasn't overseeing operations in the Gulf, and that there was nothing in place to handle a spill from underwater drilling, Obama did nothing.

The Obama administration, with an OIL SYCOPHANT as Secretary of the Interior, issued more leased to drill offshore in the Gulf than any other administration.

And then, once the catastrophe occurred, Obama has let BP continue to take charge, no criminal indictments after they k!lled 11 people and destroyed the Gulf, an entire region of the country, Gulf states, and perhaps have brought on an ELE (extinction level event).

Are you freakin' out of your mind?

But please keep posting because we get to see BUSHSPEAK out of Obama's the DLC's mouths.
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They hate his foreign policy, which they're learning is the same as BushCheney's, but they LOVE his domestic policies (also the same as BushCheney's) which outsource jobs to them.

That's a fact, Jack.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

The Lilly Ledbetter Act again? Ledbetter was a done deal before Obama put his hand on the bible that Lincoln was sworn into office with in 1861. You should be mortified that Obama still has you holding Lilly Ledbetter up as the cornerstone of his achievements after 2 years in office, with Democrats controlling both Houses of Congress, and after blowing a filibuster-proof Senate.

There are no jobs, and the Obama administration admits there won't be for at least another decade, but if and when that happens, women will get equal pensions with men. This is why Obama has YOU talking about 'his accomplishments' instead of him and Democratic politicians -- They'd be sh0t down in 2 seconds flat.

Obama's healthcare & finance bills are only 'reform' in that both are massive giveaways to big business. The healthcare bill is part 2 of Bush's Medicare Reform Act, & doesn't do what voters put Obama & Democrats into power to achieve. Forcing the American taxpayer to pick up the tab for a few million more insurance policies (leaving millions without insurance still) is not getting affordable quality medical treatment for everyone. Having insurance does not mean you can afford medical care. Neither bill, healthcare or finance reform, move us in the right direction.

Obama's picks for the Supreme Court have moved the Court to the right. That's all that even needs saying about them. That's not what Democratic voters put Obama and Democrats into power to achieve on their behalf.
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Every last Democrat in Congress and the White House are going to do just fine personally, financially, when they're out of office. They will lobby, go on to sit on corporate boards and earn mega-millions. But how about you?

How are you going to pay the increased deductibles and co-pays on your health care? How are you going to pay for what your insurance company isn't covering? And when your bank pays your property taxes so that it can turn around and charge you fees, if you can't pay those fees, where are you going to live when your home goes into foreclosure due to their lien?
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Do you think that if Republicans take control of Congress next year that the Democratic minority, with greater numbers than the Republican minority has now, will be as effective at thwarting the Republicans as the Republicans have been in thwarting Democrats?

If you say yes, I say, "Where were they during the 8 years of BushCheney?"

Eight years when Democrats did nothing to prevent Republicans' 'expansionism', & as Republicans waged a *SHOCK&AWE* assault on ordinary Americans. When BarbaraBoxer, chairwoman of the SenateEnvironment & PublicWork­sCommittee­, wrote two murder mysteries, because "It was always something I wanted to do if I had the time." http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=tX4CLfleL­Vg

Eight years when PatLeahy expanded his GratefulDead collection & got to act in his favorite comicbook hero movie, Batman. http://www­.usnews.co­m/usnews/n­ews/articl­es/061110/­10leahyfac­ts.htm

PatLeahy shepherded Roberts' & Alito's names out of the SenateJudi­ciaryCommi­ttee & to the floor for confirmation as SupremeCourt justices, saying, "I won't vote for them, but a president's entitled to an up or down vote on his nominations".

NO! You fight & obstruct every step of the way!

I can give you bullet points like this on just about all Democrats in Congress

Where the h3ll is their 'fire-in-the-belly' for ordinary Americans? Why is it that the best they can offer is, "We're not as bad as those guys"??

They've been saying the same thing for 30 years, but they still vote for privatization, & refuse to oversee and regulate.
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40. Obama increased America’s approval rating on the World Stage. It has soared to 60% & 70% in Western Europe which is much higher than Bush’s term. Also since 2009 we have experienced huge leaps in our overall reputation with Poland, Russia, China, Indonesia, France and Germany.


Obama's unfavorables are rising all over the world as people are realizing his policies are BushCheney's, on steroids.

You don't invade sovereign air space with drones and k!ll civilians.

You don't occupy lands to steal the resources of those people.

You wouldn't like it either, and if it was being done by a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government, you would go after the people who put the leaders into power who gave those orders.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Obama's unfavorables are rising all over the world as people are realizing his policies are BushCheney's, on steroids.

You don't invade sovereign air space with drones and k!ll civilians.

You don't occupy lands to steal the resources of those people.

You wouldn't like it either, and if it was being done by a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government, you would go after the people who put the leaders into power who gave those orders.
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Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats bailed out the banks and credit companies, and are allowing USURY rates.

Without jobs, without rising incomes, with the guaranteed increases coming in inflation, Americans will NEVER bail themselves out of debt.

And with Bush's Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2003 which many Democrats serving in Congress today signed on to (including Dianne Feinstein and Joe Biden), bankruptcy isn't an option open to most Americans. They "reformed" the system to let banks rob and steal from the People.
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And you only prove my point, about Obama's and the DLC's plan to move the Democratic Party even farther to the right-of-center than it already is, and make it into the Republican Party of the 1950s & 1960s. The Party of Nixon, the party of Goldwater.

Chaffee didn't become a Democrat, and if you don't understand the necessity for supporting your choices on the national ticket with your choices 'downticket' (state races), and the importance of having Democrats as governors and controlling the state houses, then you failed to learn the lessons of 2000 and 2004, and Florida, and Ohio, and New Mexico, and Pennsylvania, etc., etc., etc., etc.

Obama's failure to endorse the Democrat in Rhode Island looks like it's also going to cause more seats in the US Congress to go Republican.

And also, your support of Obama's position on this is supporting increasing executive branch power, 'Unitary Executive' that Cheney asserted (and why Alito should have been rejected as a Supreme Court nominee), over the power of the People, the legislature, YOUR power.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Let me put it this way, LiberalDemIda:

Meek wouldn't have been my choice in a Democratic primary, but of the three running Meek is the only one with clear and true liberal positions on the issues (like Social Security). And as a Democrat, he tips the balance of power to Democrats so that they retain control of the apparatus (the Senate) who may then control what legislation comes up and how it's written. Particularly important with OTHER liberals getting into office.
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Final Election 2010 Polls Diverge: Will It Be Tsunami Or Bad Storm?

"You're not limited to voting for just Democrats & Republicans. There are other alternatives besides sitting out the election or voting for Republicans. There are other candidates running as independents, from Green to Libertarian, in just about every race."

blah, blah, blah. I suppose you want us to vote Nader for President too.


The outcome would've been the same had Nader been in the race or not.

Whatever the means necessary to get BushCheney into the WhiteHouse would've happened. If the means for getting BushCheney into office required a close election & Nader hadn't run, we would've learned about something else that brought the numbers down. (Butterfly ballots anyone?)

Do people forget all the different ways that that election was gamed by the GOP, & all of the ways that the Democratic establishment abandoned Gore?

The CIA was tampering with GOP absentee ballots in the weeks leading up to election day in Florida. JebBush & KatherineHarris spent two years purging legal voters from the polls. Close to 200,000 legal ballots weren't counted. And that's just Florida, & just the ways that we learned about because of legal proceedings in the post-election days.

The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, & they gamed it in innumerable ways.

There was a coup d'etat in this country in 2000. Bloodless, but a coup nonetheless, & your believing it's because of RalphNader just proves what dvmb suckers the powers that be take you for. And they're
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Obama's a DINO. A Democrat-I­n-Name-Onl­y. He's ideologically a Republican, more precisely he's a neoliberal (no relationship to liberal at all) - http://en.­wikipedia.­org/wiki/N­eoliberali­sm .

Not only have Obama's actions since getting into the WhiteHouse (and even before, with his FISA flip-flop in July, 2008) told us this, but the Republican-like legislation he's pushed through into law have. And his continuation of just about all Bush-Cheney policies. Plus going Bush-Cheney one better, asserting that a president can imprison anyone indefinitely, and k!ll Americans without due process, no oversight, do it all secretly without Congress or the Judiciary or the American people ever knowing. This is BushCheney on steroids.

Just like "You are what you eat", "You are who & what you vote for".

If you're supporting Obama & voting for incumbent Democrats, you're a neoliberal, & cutting your own throat economically, socially, culturally and in every way: http://www­.corpwatch­.org/artic­le.php?id=­376
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In 2008, we gave Democrats the best that's possible, not just for now, but for the foreseeable future, given the political climate & ideological layout of the population geographically, the state of our educational system and a media that keeps voters ill-informed, AND the rules of government which have been gamed to keep the status quo of corporate-control of government and legislation written by lobbyists.

Democrats have refused to use the tools they've had available to them to get real Democratic legislation and reforms through, or even change the rules that they claim are hamstringing them.

With Citizens United, corporate 'personhood', and 2 political parties unmotivated to outlaw any of it, 2008's 60-member Democratic Caucus with 2 Independents & 7 Blue Dogs was the best it was ever going to be.

The fact is: Obama deliberately sabotaged any chance of delivering on the change he & Democrats were put into power to deliver, with his 'go slow'-bipa­rtisanship approach with Republicans who made it crystal clear that they wouldn't "cooperate", weren't interested in bipartisanship, and would vote lockstep in opposition to everything Democratic during the 2008 campaign, & even before then, with the 2006 victories that put Democrats in control of both Houses of Congress.

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Obama's a DINO. A Democrat-I­n-Name-Onl­y. He's ideologically a Republican, more precisely he's a neoliberal (no relationship to liberal at all) - http://en.­wikipedia.­org/wiki/N­eoliberali­sm .

Not only have Obama's actions since getting into the WhiteHouse (and even before, with his FISA flip-flop in July, 2008) told us this, but the Republican-like legislation he's pushed through into law have. And his continuation of just about all Bush-Cheney policies. Plus going Bush-Cheney one better, asserting that a president can imprison anyone indefinitely, and k!ll Americans without due process, no oversight, do it all secretly without Congress or the Judiciary or the American people ever knowing. This is BushCheney on steroids.

Just like "You are what you eat", "You are who & what you vote for".

If you're supporting Obama & voting for incumbent Democrats, you're a neoliberal, and cutting your own throat economically, socially, culturally and in every way: http://www­.corpwatch­.org/artic­le.php?id=­376
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In 2008, we gave Democrats the best that's possible, not just for now, but for the foreseeable future, given the political climate & ideological layout of the population geographically, the state of our educational system and a media that keeps voters ill-informed, AND the rules of government which have been gamed to keep the status quo of corporate-control of government and legislation written by lobbyists.

Democrats have refused to use the tools they've had available to them to get real Democratic legislation and reforms through, or even change the rules that they claim are hamstringing them.

With Citizens United, corporate 'personhood', and 2 political parties unmotivated to outlaw any of it, 2008's 60-member Democratic Caucus with 2 Independents & 7 Blue Dogs was the best it was ever going to be.

The fact is: Obama deliberately sabotaged any chance of delivering on the change he & Democrats were put into power to deliver, with his 'go slow'-bipa­rtisanship approach with Republicans who made it crystal clear that they wouldn't "cooperate", weren't interested in bipartisanship, and would vote lockstep in opposition to everything Democratic during the 2008 campaign, & even before then, with the 2006 victories that put Democrats in control of both Houses of Congress.
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By getting involved in the election at the primaries' stage, Obama became the first sitting president in US history to interfere with the citizens' very limited rights in this democratic republic to select who they will trust to make laws to which they consent to be governed.

Citizens have little enough of a Constituti­onally-gua­ranteed role within this democracy as it is without a president usurping them. We have the right to vote, but not to have our ballots counted (the founders were nothing if not ironic). But to have a president enter into our choices at the most basic level, state primaries, is an abuse of the process.

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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

To the rhetoric, "No, the solution is to elect more progressiv­es/liberal­s", I say, "Nice idea, but that's not possible with the DLC working with Republicans against it".

Obama & the DLC have worked their butts off to PREVENT more progressiv­es/liberal­s from getting elected. Obama & the DLC have put the power of the WhiteHouse, the DNC, & the Democratic congressional committees behind BlueDogs, Republicans & Independents over progressiv­es/liberal­s & real Democrats:

BlueDog BlancheLincoln over progressive Democrat Lt. GovernorBillHalter.

Republican­-turned-In­dependent ArlenSpecter over progressive DemocratJoe Sestak.

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Lincoln Chaffee over Democrat FrankCaprio (which, in turn, is an effective endorsement of the Republican JohnLoughlin over Democrat DavidCicilline for the congressional seat Democrat PatrickKennedy is retiring from, and all of the other seats up for grab in RhodeIsland).

Republican­-turned-In­dependent CharlieCrist over liberal Democrat KendrickMeek.

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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

By getting involved in the election at the primaries' stage, Obama became the first sitting president in US history to interfere with the citizens' very limited rights in this democratic republic to select who they will trust to make laws to which they consent to be governed.

Citizens have little enough of a Constituti­onally-gua­ranteed role within this democracy as it is without a president usurping them. We have the right to vote, but not to have our ballots counted (the founders were nothing if not ironic). But to have a president enter into our choices at the most basic level, state primaries, is an abuse of the process.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

To the rhetoric, "No, the solution is to elect more progressiv­es/liberal­s", I say, "Nice idea, but that's not possible with the DLC working with Republicans against it".

Obama & the DLC have worked their butts off to PREVENT more progressiv­es/liberal­s from getting elected. Obama & the DLC have put the power of the WhiteHouse, the DNC, & the Democratic congressional committees behind BlueDogs, Republicans & Independents over progressiv­es/liberal­s & real Democrats:

BlueDog BlancheLincoln over progressive Democrat Lt. GovernorBillHalter.

Republican­-turned-In­dependent ArlenSpecter over progressive DemocratJoe Sestak.

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Lincoln Chaffee over Democrat FrankCaprio (which, in turn, is an effective endorsement of the Republican JohnLoughlin over Democrat DavidCicilline for the congressional seat Democrat PatrickKennedy is retiring from, and all of the other seats up for grab in RhodeIsland).

Republican­-turned-In­dependent CharlieCrist over liberal Democrat KendrickMeek.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

There is no other way to get the government & politicians working on behalf of the People, for the citizens' best interests & not for the corporations' bottom lines, than to vote out ALL incumbents. Republicans AND Democrats.

You're not limited to voting for just Democrats and Republicans. There are other alternatives besides sitting out the election or voting for Republicans. There are other candidates running as independents, from Green to Libertarian, in just about every race.

The DLC controls the Democratic Party. The DLC is the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. It represents a fraction of Democratic voters (most Democratic voters have never heard of the DLC).

The Democratic politicians who are in office, if not DLC themselves, are controlled by the DLC. No matter how nice you think they are, no matter how liberal their rhetoric, they are ineffective at getting real Democratic reforms through. Getting incumbent Democrats out of office is the only way to get the DLC out of the Democratic Party.

And the only way to do that is to vote third party.

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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

There is no other way to get the government & politicians working on behalf of the People, for the citizens' best interests & not for the corporations' bottom lines, than to vote out ALL incumbents. Republicans AND Democrats.

You're not limited to voting for just Democrats and Republicans. There are other alternatives besides sitting out the election or voting for Republicans. There are other candidates running as independents, from Green to Libertarian, in just about every race.

The DLC controls the Democratic Party. The DLC is the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. It represents a fraction of Democratic voters (most Democratic voters have never heard of the DLC).

The Democratic politicians who are in office, if not DLC themselves, are controlled by the DLC. No matter how nice you think they are, no matter how liberal their rhetoric, they are ineffective at getting real Democratic reforms through. Getting incumbent Democrats out of office is the only way to get the DLC out of the Democratic Party.

And the only way to do that is to vote third party.
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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

We've been doing it your way, the DLC's way, for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic Party keeps moving farther to the right.

If you & I are on the same side (as you insist) and want real Democratic policies, & going about getting them your way (protecting Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies & NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about?

When do you realize that you've become that classic definition for 'insanity' ("Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results")?

Do you ever realize it?

Obama & Democrats have already said they intend to do MORE caving to Republicans, more "reaching out", "inclusion", "looking for bipartisan cooperation" NO MATTER WHO WINS tomorrow.

Read it for yourself:

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l

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To Democratic voters:

We've been doing it your way, the DLC's way, for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic Party keeps moving farther to the right.

If you & I are on the same side (as you insist) and want real Democratic policies, & going about getting them your way (protecting Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies & NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about?

When do you realize that you've become that classic definition for 'insanity' ("Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results")?

Do you ever realize it?

Obama & Democrats have already said they intend to do MORE caving to Republicans, more "reaching out", "inclusion", "looking for bipartisan cooperation" NO MATTER WHO WINS tomorrow.

Read it for yourself:

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l

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I wonder if you have done what I and others have these past couple of decades: Gotten active within the Democratic Party, and worked to get the DLC out?

Until you have done everything possible as we have, you don't get to tell those of who have been working our butts off for decades and hearing the "lesser of 2 ev!ls" BS argument, and that we are wrong.

You can go chase your own tail.

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By continuing to vote for the 'lesser of two ev!ls, you're responsible for the mess we're in, for Republicans getting power, and for Bush ever happening.

By refusing to vote for REAL alternatives, you're diluting the votes of Americans trying to make sure BushCheney can never happen again, in the only sure way possible. In the last-chance, only sure way possible. With the Citizens United decision and our economic condition, we are at the end of the road.

You're keeping this plutocracy that's enslaving Americans and destroying the nation in place with your continuing to vote, mindlessly, in knee-j3rk fashion, for DLC-controlled Democrats. You're voting for the SAME policies.

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No. I've had it with 8 years of Bush. "For whatever reason" is an ignorant person's justification for STAYING ignorant. NO. Putting them back in power, for whatever reason... to use YOUR words, is WRONG.


I've never said put Republicans back in power. I've said, "You are not limited to voting for just Democrats and Republicans. There are other alternatives besides sitting out the election or voting for Republicans. There are other candidates running as independents, from Green to Libertarian, in just about every race."

Apparently Obama doesn't agree with the argument you put forth, that not voting for the Democrat means Republicans win. Obama's not as loyal to Democrats as you are:

Last week Obama refused to endorse the Democratic candidate for governor in RhodeIsland, because Obama "doesn't want to offend" the Independent candidate, LincolnChaffee. One effect of that is the suppression of the Democratic turnout in RhodeIsland, thus risking PatrickKennedy's seat going 'R' (Kennedy is leaving the House, not running for reelection).

If you think that not having a Democrat governor in a state house (or Democrats downticket), then you've forgotten Florida-2000 and Jeb Bush.

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