Renewing the Bush Tax Cuts Is Like...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You reminded me of this - Have you seen it?
Thom Hartmann on Julian Assange's and W!kileak's contributi
About Bernie Madoff
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
You reminded me of this - Have you seen it?
Thom Hartmann on Julian Assange's and W!kileak's contributi
About Bernie Madoff
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
First of all, Obama can extend the rates until there is new legislatio
But let's remember something: Republican
Are you really telling me that Democrats aren't capable of doing the same thing?
Or are Democratic voters going to finally figure out that Democrats in Congress and the White House don't want what their constituen
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Alan Grayson - "Obama's Deal Is Really 'Obama's Surrender to GOP"
On Lawrence O'Donnell'See the clip.s show, congressma n Alan Grayson talks about Obama's deal with the GOP on keeping Bush's tax cuts for the rich. "You can always reach an agreement when you give up"
Also, "This deadline that we've been talking about iis an artificial deadline. We change taxes retroactively all the time. The president can direct the IRS to keep withholdin g rates exactly where they are so that nobody is hit by higher rates on January 1st."
I yearn for leadership that protects and defends living, breathing human beings' needs and interests instead of legal fictions (corporati
Back at the founding of the the US, a corporatio
Now, corporatio
Following the reducto ad absurdum of corporatio
And they can't be criminally prosecuted
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I'm not familiar with them? High tar? :-)
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Do you really want Obama to hear your objections to his deal to extend Bush's tax cuts?
Send packs of cigarettes
His brand is Newport 100s, soft pack. [But if you really want to make the point, send him Camels. Or Galois. Or Ovals.]
The White House
1600 Pennsylvan
Washington D.C., DC 20500-0004
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Um, strangelet
Do you know all of this need for haste, speed, "gotta get it done before the Bush tax cuts expire, because the middle class's taxes will increase!"Stop being so flippin' contentiou?
FYI - Come December 31st, the middle class tax cuts don't have to abruptly end.
Obama can direct the IRS to extend the middle class tax cuts if he so chooses.
There's no hard and fast cut off on that.
What's with a question like this? Are you practicing to be a cable news reporter?
I say what I say. I also have no problem filling up a comment window, so if you want more informatio
What I infer from your question is that massive shifts of wealth to 1% of Americans, robbing 98% of the People blind, bringing down the nation, making the US a third world nation is ok with you so long as that 1% is taxed "at a higher rate".
I can write reams on what I think about people who think this way, who have no problem with this. Do you want to go there? Do you really even care what I think?
If you want to know what I think about Bill Clinton, I've written plenty on it. Here's one that doesn't go over old and tired Clinton territory.
Back in the 1990s, I went along with the "compromis
I defended him against the impeachers
If any of our branches of government functioned as the founders intended, if any of the instrument
About Bill Clinton
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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