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Sharron Angle Senate Campaign: How To Lose An 11-Point Lead In 7 Weeks

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Now imagine had Obama, Harry Reid, and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party had put the same sort of energy into single payer universal health care or a public option that they've put into prevailing over Angle & Teabaggers in Nevada.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Why won't Obama face serious journalists and answer questions?

I'd like to see Obama face a panel with Amy Goodman, Laura Flanders, Matt Taibbi, Jeremy Scahill, Rachel Maddow, Danny Schechter, Greg Mitchell, Seymour Hersh, Thom Hartmann, Glen Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, and a few others.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Why won't Obama face legitimate questions from journalists on the left and answer seering questions?

I'd like to see Obama face a panel with Amy Goodman, Laura Flanders, Matt Taibbi, Jeremy Scahill, Rachel Maddow, Danny Schechter, Greg Mitchell, Seymour Hersh, Thom Hartmann, Glen Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, and a few others.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Barbara Walters's stock question, to Fidel Castro, Menachem Begin, Margaret Thatcher: "If you were a tree, what kind would you be?"
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Obama avoids facing serious and in-depth questioning by professional journalists with extensive knowledge and education in foreign and domestic policy and history, in favor of this s!IIy low-brow fluff.

Why wouldn't Obama's most ardent supporters want to see him in a venue more worthy of the intellect they believe he possesses?
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

The ig.norance of Obamab0ts is tragic.

You, Darcy64, may just be learning of it today, but the fact that a banned and toxic dispersant was allowed to destroy our food supply isn't news.

And I can post a transcript of the ridiculous, softball questions that were asked of Obama, that satisfy you and other mouthbreathers like you.

Since you think so highly of Obama, why wouldn't you want to see him in a venue more worthy of the intellect you think he possesses? Why do you think he avoids facing serious and in-depth questioning by professional journalists with extensive knowledge and education in foreign and domestic policy and history?
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

We know that you love him, you want to marry him, abbyrose.

I watched the WHOLE thing. http://abc.go.com/watch/the-view/SH559080/VD5578323/the-view-729

It was empty, self-aggrandizing fluff, with nobody asking questions of any substance or challenging him on any of his assertions.

To go on The View instead of facing serious examination by professional journalists (and not just the corporate w.h.o. r. e.s in the WH press corps) is cow@rdIy.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

I watched the WHOLE thing. http://abc.go.com/watch/the-view/SH559080/VD5578323/the-view-729

It was empty, self-aggrandizing fluff, with nobody asking questions of any substance or challenging him on any of his assertions.

To go on The View instead of facing serious examination by professional journalists (and not just the corporate wh.ore.s in the WH press corps) is cow@rdIy.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Why would Obama go on The View to answer questions about Lindsay Lohan and Snooki, instead of facing a full court press conference with journalists asking questions about what he's done regarding the real issues affecting our lives?

Issues like why Obama let BP pollute our food supply with a toxic substance, the only purpose of which is to hide the oil and escape fines:

Scientists Find Evidence That Oil And Dispersant Mix Is Making Its Way Into The Foodchain

http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/2010/07/29/scientists-find-evidence_n_664298.html#comments
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

His schedule this past couple of days is the heaviest I've ever seen it:

July 28, 2010 -

9:30 AM - Obama receives the presidential daily briefing.

10:00 AM - Obama meets with senior advisers.

10:40 AM - Obama meets with Sen. John Kerry.

1:30 PM - Obama meets with a group of small business owners.

2:20 PM - Obama delivers a statement to the press at a Tastee Sub Shop.

5:40 PM - Obama attends a DNC finance event (fundraiser).

(closed to the press)

7:20 PM - Obama attends a DNC finance event (fundraiser).

(closed to the press)

July 29, 2010 -

10:05 AM - Obama delivers speech on education reform

11:10 AM - Obama meets with his national security team for his monthly meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan

12:35 PM - Obama has lunch with Joe Biden

1:45 PM - Obama receives the pdb

4:50 PM - Obama signs the Tribal Law & Order Act

6:00 PM - Obama signs the Supplemental Appropriations Act

7:05 PM - Obama attends a DNC finance event

(closed to press)
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Obama is rarely stuck in the Oval Office all day.

His daily schedule is second only to Bush's in lightness. He's in by 10 am, spends most of the day in photo ops and giving fundraising speeches at Democratic Party events. Most Fridays he's off (long weekends at Camp David) and most days he knocks off early and is upstairs at the residence for dinner with the family and a movie (or some recreational event) by 5 pm.

I bet I know more than you do about Obama's schedule, what he does, Washington and the product coming out of his administration and the DLC-controlled Congress.

His itinerary is second in lightness only to Bush's.

His days are spent, primarily, in photo ops and giving speeches to raise money for Democrats. That's been true since the day he got into the White House.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Obama's appearance on The View was an insult to the intelligence of voters.

He needs to start holding regular press conferences with journalists from ALL media.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Obama pledged action "On day one ..." and transparency, so that citizens could see what was or wasn't being done. No sooner did he enter office than he slammed the door shut on transparency. He doesn't hold regular press conferences (the last one came from criticism after not having one for almost a year), preferring r!d!culous venues like this one, The View. - Obama has borrowed Bush's style of avoiding scrutiny & questioning. And like Bush, everything that Obama does is purely political -- His days are short, his weekends are long (3-4 day weekends at Camp David), & what time he does spend in the White House & Washington is spent doing PR fluff (throwing out first pitches at baseball games, photo-ops, barbecuing with Bobby Flay, appearing on American Idol, etc.).

This is not leadership -- This is detached corporate shilling.
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Obama 'The View' Interview: President Talks Sherrod Firing, Afghanistan, Lindsay Lohan (VIDEO)

Politifact only recognizes 19 broken promises & cuts Obama much slack.

Politifact has gamed its way of measuring Obama's "promisekeeping"; its categories ('NO ACTION', 'IN THE WORKS', 'STALLED' or 'NOT YET RATED) are misleading. Many a campaign promise or pledge (hundreds of them) has been generously placed in these categories to languish.

As Politifact claims, "Once we find action is completed, we rate them 'PROMISE KEPT' 'COMPROMISE' or 'PROMISE BROKEN'". By Politifact's own definition, it enables Obama to keep these issues in limbo for 4 years.

One of many examples of Politifact's gaming its list is that Politifact doesn't even list in its "Promises Broken" category Obama's campaign promise to impose 'Windfall Profits Taxes on the Oil & Gas Industry" - Obama immediately reneged on it once in office, saying, "The prices have now dropped - We'll see about doing that if or when they rise again."

With oil over $80/barrel (the amount that, had Obama kept his promise, the windfall profits tax would have been triggered).
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