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Fishing Closed By Oil Spill: Feds Ban Commercial And Recreational Fishing From Louisiana To Florida

Sunday, May 2, 2010

All any president would had to have done to satisfy your statement was to change the light bulbs in the White House residence.

When did 0bamabots (who I'm becoming more and more convinced are paid political operatives) come to believe that comparing Obama's performance to Bush is an adequate defense?

Bush was a disaster -- Most people with a mind know that. But Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies. There's no excuse and there's not defense for that.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Fishing Closed By Oil Spill: Feds Ban Commercial And Recreational Fishing From Louisiana To Florida

Blocking a Manhattan-style project for getting Americans clean and cheap energy is not something either party wants to be seen doing. Neither before this latest disaster or now after it's happened.

Let's remember that Obama paid a lot of lip service to green energy before he got into the White House, and afterwards he's been actively promoting coal, nuclear and oil. Both parties = Corporate Governing

Call Congress and the White House and demand action on clean alternatives now.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Fishing Closed By Oil Spill: Feds Ban Commercial And Recreational Fishing From Louisiana To Florida

Whatever happened to Obama's proposed Manhattan-style project for green energy?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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