A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

12 People Left Behind During America's Recovery

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

James Burke of "Connections"-fame produced an excellent program about 30 years ago called "After The Warming" that you can see online.  It's done as if it's 2050 with Burke looking back over the history of the world's climate changes and the effect that cyclical warming and cooling has had on the development of animal, vegetation, and civilization.  Up until the industrial revolution, and how what's happening is man-made, how we know that it's man-made, and how fast it's happening.  In less than one generation, human civilization on the planet is going to irrevocably break down.  Mass die-off of species, specifically humans, from a whole host of assaults (famine, drought, disease, pandemics, wars, etc.). 

If every Fox viewer saw it, they might be convinced, but it wouldn't matter; it's too late.  Bleak?  You bet.  But we have to start talking about it and demanding politicians address it.  Don't believe it?  Then look at this and see how Congress is in fire sale mode, set to have the crash happen all over again.

Watch "After The Warming" with your families and friends.  It's somewhere to begin.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Still Suffering the Damage: Iraq 10 Years Later

It's a great example of how once a government gets something, it doesn't easily let it go.  Like the Patriot Act.  

If the Bush administration really believed that Saddam Hussein still had WMD, they'd have let up on the no-fly zone, to see and/or prove where there were WMD.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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