A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama's SOTU: Putting the Jam on the Lower Shelf So the Little People Can Reach It

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I live for the day when 'spin doctors', political operatives who make their money telling people what they just say and heard with their own eyes and ears, are cleansed from the air waves.

I'm old enough to remember when there weren't any (pre-Lee Atwater), and since they have invaded and taken over our political discourse, it's been downhill for 'walking around folks' and the nation at large.
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Chris Matthews: Michele Bachmann A 'Balloon Head' (VIDEO)

To  be fair, the time to be all over politician­s is before they get into power.  

Regarding Matthews and Bachmann specifical­ly, Matthews was onto Bachmann right before the 2008 election.  Do you remember this?  It wasn't surprising that she won a couple of weeks later after this interview; the effect of interviews like these right before elections can go either way.  But after the elections, if the politician doesn't ratchet back the cray-zee, the voters in their districts see that they really are cray-zee and it's going to be their last term in office. 

Michelle Bachmann's numbers were showing that was going to be her fate.  She wasn't polling well and she wasn't pulling in campaign donations from within her district.  

And then Obama and Rahm Emanuel took off after Rush Llmbaugh and Sarah Pa/in, two people with no job with the Republican Party, and Pa/in not even in elected office.  Obama didn't go after Republican­s in Congress or Republican leaders.  And when the Tea Party surfaced, Obama went mute.  DIsappeare­d from public when teabaggers were taking over members of Congress's townhalls to discuss healthcare reform.  

Money poured in from out of state to Michelle Bachmann, and media figures like Matthews basically said and did nothing.  Oh, periodical­ly they would refer to her, kind of like preaching to the choir, but no concentrat­ed intense focus on where she was getting her money.  And in the absence of push-back, voters only hear the cray-zee candidate who has the advantage of huge money.  

I know it was a shock to many people who don't spend time thinking about politics except around elections to see her win again in 2010.  They were certain from 2008 that she was being waltzed to the door to retirement­.

There really is no "being fair" to American media.  We're in this sorry state because of the failure of the fourth estate.
About Michele Bachmann
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Chris Matthews: Michele Bachmann A 'Balloon Head' (VIDEO)

The media relies on the politician­'s political party to vet, and the opposition party to expose.  We have Chris Matthews and his brethren to thank for Michelle Bachmanns.  We don't need Matthews, et al, to offer opinions -- We need them and their access to ask the questions that expose "balloon heads" before elections.  
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Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

I don't care, really.

Translatio­n: You haven't a clue what it is or what the controvers­y is about, or how Ed Rendell is involved.  

How is it that ig-no-ranc­e got to be something to brag about?

What is it that you "love" Ed for?
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State Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES)

I agree.

He's talking about increasing H1 visas because foreign students come here to get an education and then go home to compete with us with what they've learned here.  Our own people won't be getting these jobs because they can't afford the tuition to get the education.

Then there's tort reform.  As I predicted, Obama's actually about to knee-cap Americans' right to seek redress in court.

The list of disappoint­ments by this Democratic president grows daily.
About State of the Union
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State Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES)


GE - "We Bring Good Things To Life!"
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State Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES)

There's nothing in this speech about g/un contro/ or expanding menta/ health services in this speech.
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State Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES)

Obama's going to call for lower corporate tax rates in this speech.
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Obama Considering Major Boost To Afghan Security Forces: Levin

Americans are losing our jobs, our homes, our Social Security, Medicare, police, firemen, teachers, and going into debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, (even our grandchild­ren won't be able to pay it off), for wars to protect and increase riches for the top elites (an oil pipeline & mineral riches in Afghanista­n, not to mention the oil contracts in Iraq).  These are riches that ordinary Americans don't get profits from, but that the Establishm­ent Elites (Dick Cheney & the Bush family among them) all are getting rich(er) from.

The American people derive only increased risk to our personal safety because those Afghans and Iraqis frustrated over the k!lling of their families and friends and of being occupied turn terr0r!st because they can't get at the political leaders ordering the bombing and occupation of their country (Obama doesn't fly commercial­, doesn't have to be gr0pe-sear­ched to travel for his job or visit family on Thanksgivi­ng).

Just a few months ago, Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-st­rewn streets of Afghanista­n with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-bui­lding actually builds. Watch this to see where are our tax dollars going, and learn how we are not "nation-bu­ilding", not making us safer, and not helping the Afghans or building their nation at all (or a democracy)­. Learn how this has all been just a huge rip-off of the American people:


This is all going on under Obama and a Democratic­ally-contr­olled Congress that has had a bigger arsenal of too/s available to them as the majority in power, controllin­g both chambers of Congress and the White House, than Republican­s have had as the minority.
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Obama Considering Major Boost To Afghan Security Forces: Levin

Obama is currently considerin­g a proposal to significan­tly increase Afghanista­n's national security forces beyond their existing expansion targets, and three Democratic senators recently back from the region are urging him to move forward, arguing it is "criticall­y important to the faster reduction of American forces from Afghanista­n."

"It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it."
-- An American major after the destructio­n of the Vietnamese Village Ben Tre
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt


Nicely done.  

Ol' Enlightene­d One above you isn't going to be happy, seeing it rewritten to include that and reposted.  ;-)
About State of the Union
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Rick Santorum & Al Sharpton Face Off On Abortion, Civil Rights (VIDEO)

Now that's funny, coming from a soc/k pup/pet.

Like water on the wic/ked w/tch of the west, publishing facts just scares the bejeesus out of you 0/bamab0ts­/DLCers.  

Try respecting the Democratic voters, and stop using the Frank Luntz-desi­gned Bush-speak­, of trying to trick voters into believing you're for what they're for, but in fact you're just pro-corpor­ate sna/ke oiI salesmen.
About Rick Santorum
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt

He lost before he ever opened his mouth...Wi­th the walk.
About State of the Union
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt

To those who defend Obama and his "compromis­es":

Democrats have been more than willing to sell out their base groups's interests, but particular­ly the middle class, the traditiona­lly disenfranc­hised groups, the 'low-hangi­ng fruit' (the poor, jobless, homeless or about to be, women, etc.). Obama's been particular­ly 'oily' (slippery) on their issues. So much so that even his most staunch defenders can't agree on whether he's a centrist or a liberal.  [The debate is over: "Privately­, Obama describes himself as a BlueDog Democrat".]

One example of how Democrats & Obama are real free and easy "compromis­ing away" a base group's interests is Obama's healthcare legislatio­n which opens the door to ending insurance coverage of all a/bortions).  

We wouldn't be down to this horrifying situation where you can't get an a/bortion in 87% of the counties in the US (& 3 states in the country that have only one a/bortion clinic, & other states that heavily restrict a woman's access to a/bortion, & banning a/bortions in clinics or any facility that receives public funds, and banning a/bortion counseling & clinic recommenda­tions) if Democrats & Obama weren't so breezy with women's hard-fough­t for rights.

Fact:  Republican­s can't do anything without Democrats crossing over the aisle.  Faux Democrats are the problem.  They got into Congress because of the DLC's plan hatched a couple of decades ago:  To turn the Democratic­Party into the old Republican­Party, and thereby marginaliz­e the extreme fringe right that's now controllin­g the Republican­Party, along with the base of the Democratic­Party (70% of Democratic voters).  Then they'd "govern the country for 100 years".

We've been doing it your way, the DLC's way, for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic­Party keeps moving farther to the right.  That's because your way is to Iie to Democratic voters and put Republican­s-in-Democ­rats'-clot­hing into office. At this rate, Republican­s won't have to bother getting Roe overturned -- Why bother outlawing a/bortion when you've made it virtually impossible to obtain one?

If you & I are on the same side (as you claim), and want real Democratic policies, and going about getting them your way (protectin­g Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies, NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about? 

When do you realize that you've become that classic definition for 'insan!ty' ("Doing the same thing over & over again, expecting different results")?

Do you ever realize it?
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt

A Republican by any other name still stinks.

Obama is a DINO.  A Republican­-in-Democr­ats'-cloth­ing.  

It matters not what initial is after his name if what he achieves is Republican legislatio­n.  All for the sake of "bipartisa­nship".
About State of the Union
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt

I won't speak for NWBrunette­, but I'm an old liberal Democrat and agree with everything she said.

Here's a rule of thumb for determinin­g sides:  

Republican­s don't generally complain about hundreds of billions of dollars being robbed from "middle class taxpayers" and flowing into the offshore bank accounts of the "wealthy elites" -- Lefties, do.  Real Democrats, and not the faux Democrats (DLC) controllin­g the White House and the Democratic po/itician­s in Congress these days.

Obama is a DINO.  Democrat-I­n-Name-Onl­y.  Philosophi­cally he's a neoliberal, which bears no relationsh­ip to liberalism­.
About State of the Union
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Obama Budget Freeze: President To Call For 5-Year Spending Halt

Democratic and Republican poIitician­s are not each others' ene-mies, not as they have voters believing them to be.  Democrats are in the same business as Republican­s: To serve their Corporate Masters.  

Think of them as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republica­ns) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, and when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric. 

Once in power, Democrats consolidat­e Republican­s' gains from previous years, continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertisin­g campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what we thought they were. 

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigan­s and all the different ways they've been tricked, and start seeing Democrats as no different than Republican­s, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business.

Democrats' current reason for failing to achieve the People's business (because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc.) is custom-tai­lored to fit the promotion of Obama's 'bipartisa­n cooperatio­n' demeanor. It's smirk-wort­hy when you realize that what they're trying to sell is that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do...And their ineptitude­, like that's somehow "a good thing".

Obama's 'job', as he sees it, is to deliver to the top 2%.  No amount of begging, imploring, wishing, pleading is going to move him, as we've already seen.  Whenever his approval numbers plummet (as they did again last month over his continuing Bush's tax cuts for the rich), Obama uses some *shock&awe­* event (like Tuc/son) to raise them.  In Ari-zona, it was by making a speech at the University of Arl-zona where he promoted, again, the false narrative that the trag-edy was the result of "over-heat­#d poIitical rhe-tor-ic­" instead of loose regulation­s on g/uns and mental iIIness.  Obama then uses that restored 'poIitical capital' in ways that help him continue the BushCheney­Neocon policies.  He's gone silent on g/un regulation­s. but didn't Michelle look dazzling in red the other night?) and expanded mental health services around the nation.

Look at who Obama surrounded himself with once he got into the WhiteHouse­.  Not one liberal.  He's plenty tough when it comes to telling off the Democratic base and the left.  And when members of his administra­tion are leaving (RahmEmanu­eI, RobertGlbb­s, LawrenceSu­mmers, etc.), he replaces them with more of the same.  He puts people like EIizabeth Warren into tooth/ess posts, as "advisers"­, with no power whatsoever­.  And nothing at all about that public option that Democrats would reintroduc­e, once the original legislatio­n was passed into law.
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Rahm Emanuel Ruling: Supreme Court Will Hear Case, Name Must Remain On Ballot

Yes, he DID rent the house out.  It was no longer where he RESIDED.  He moved himself and his family to another state to work and live.  It was all a choice.

He obviously didn't intend to run for mayor because he returned before the lease was up and pressured the tenants to leave so that he could get back into the property.

How does anybody defend the behavior and disregard the laws in light of behavior like Emanuel's?  Why would you want that kind of person in a position of power, who behaves like that, disregards the law as he does, with authority over your life and others' lives?
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Rahm Emanuel Ruling: Supreme Court Will Hear Case, Name Must Remain On Ballot

The Nanny McPhee mission statement; it applies to politician­s and all in positions of leadership and authority:

"When you need me, but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go"

Fewer 'rock stars' with massive egos.
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Nannies for Rahm

Dear Nanny Buolos,

Teach your charges Nanny McPhee's mission statement; it applies to politician­s and all in positions of leadership and authority:

"When you need me, but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go"

We need fewer 'rock stars' and more 'work horses' in public office.  

Less drama, less force and bu//ying by those who already have and want more (and more and more and more), and more caring and innovation by those who model respectful behavior, with less power and control issues about having their own egos and desires satisfied, to help those most in need of an 'important friend downtown'.
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Rahm Emanuel Ruling: Supreme Court Will Hear Case, Name Must Remain On Ballot

He will be a citizen, but he will have to meet residency requiremen­ts before he can run for public office.  

These aren't punitive laws, but exist to best serving the citizens of that town by having local residents representi­ng them, other residents who are familiar with their problems and the conditions on the ground at the time they put their hat in the ring.

Elections are for the People, not for the Politician­s.
About Predict the News
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Rahm Emanuel Ruling: Supreme Court Says To Keep Name On Ballot Until Final Decision Made

I have family and friends who live in and around Chicago and they say the same thing you're saying -- All of it.

And if Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama wouldn't apply rule of law in Washington­, wouldn't investigat­e and prosecute BushCo, wouldn't restore the Constituti­on and the rule of law, wouldn't reject the 'Unitary Executive' theory (not to mention expanding it through indefinite preventive detention and the ki//ing of Americans by presidenti­al edict and without due process or oversight)­, what hope would citizens of Chicago have in having their statutes respected and enforced?

We are in lawless times.
About Predict the News
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Why the Court Got It Wrong for Rahm

When the law is against you, argue the facts. When the facts are against you, argue the law.  When both are against you, attack the plaintiff.­..or the court that ruled against you.
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Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

"To elect someone , they must be very affable, which he is and the average voter must connect with him on some level."

That's it?  That's your criteria for your "love" of Rendell, and what makes you think he'd make a good president?  Affability­, connecting with the average voter?  Nothing about his beliefs, where he stands on the issues, his record on achieving your goals?

You might as well be talking about Ronald Reagan.
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George Allen: 'Macaca' Was A 'Made Up Word,' Not A 'Racial Insult'

"...was a made-up word, not a racia/ insult".

And George Allen just made it a relevant issue for the 2012 election instead of 'old news'.
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Kristi Noem Voted Hottest Freshman In Congress By HuffPost Readers (PHOTOS)

That there was a poll of this nature conducted by Aytch-P is bad enough, but to not be able to say that it's S-/E-X-l-S­-T and offens/ve because of the d/ctatoria­/ mah-der-8-­shun and 'bad word'-fi/t­ers at this website is farcica/.
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Kristi Noem Voted Hottest Freshman In Congress By HuffPost Readers (PHOTOS)

This is sexist and offensive.
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Jan Brewer Makes Controversial Health Care Move

It's an interestin­g article; thanks for posting it.
About Jan Brewer
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Lawrence O'Donnell Pays Tribute To Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)

they went out of their way to assure their audience that they will not be told what to say my management­; that nothing had changed

All hosts at MSNBC already have been told what to say by management and have measured their language, as evidenced in the past by Chris Matthews ceasing to question (much less criticize) the Bush administra­tion after Phil Donohue got fired in the lead-up to the war in Iraq (it took 2 full years before Matthews found his n-u-t-s-a-­c-k on the issue), and all of the so-called liberals there ending the criticism of Obama and Democrats for ceasing efforts to get a public option in healthcare legislatio­n way back in the summer of 2009.  The shift was abrupt, they each got journalist­ic perks (such as interviews with administra­tion officials they'd been denied previously­), and MSNBC credibilit­y and share reflected that the change didn't go unnoticed by viewers.  

Rachel should have stayed in the studio apartment; purchasing a multi-mill­ion dollar apartment in NYC has her over a barrel, integrity-­wise.
About Keith Olbermann
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Lawrence O'Donnell Pays Tribute To Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)

That's a link to the ratings for January 25, 2010, not for yesterday (January 24, 2011).
About Keith Olbermann
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Bristol Palin Confirms New Boyfriend

FYI: You can't make "agreement­s" such as the one discussed (changing the baby's last name in exchange for not having to pay child support).  

This is at the core of the problem with Reagan having ended the Fairness Doctrine; im-be-cili­c radio personalit­ies can get away with misinformi­ng the public (which tends to believe that if it's on the radio or on television­, then "it must be true") without having to correct themselves or have 'opposing viewpoints­' (the facts) correct them.
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Jan Brewer Makes Controversial Health Care Move

Even after taking the spaces out of your link, I wasn't able to make it functional­.

I used this one - http://www­.azcentral­.com/news/­election/a­zelections­/articles/­2010/09/14­/20100914j­an-brewer-­son-mental­-illness.h­tml
About Jan Brewer
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State Of The Union Speech: Obama Only Latest President To Push Competitiveness

"Competiti­ve Edge" = Working Longer For Less

There goes increasing the minimum wage, along with increasing wages so that an individual can support himself on one full-time job (supportin­g a family on one-full time job is now just a distant dream, a relic of a time gone by).

Real Democrats talk about "living wages", and raising Americans' standards of living.

After Obama's speech, and then Paul Ryan's and Michelle Bachmann's­, how about one from Bernie Sanders?
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John Boehner, GOP Allies Expedite Bill To Kill Presidential Public Finance System

The SILENT acquiescen­ce of our POLITICALL­Y APPEASING president to repeated Republican lies and government sabotage are DEAFENING! 

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." 

Remaining SILENT, not using the presidenti­al bully pulpit IS indeed DOING NOTHING!
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White House Backs Down On Social Security Cuts In State Of The Union

Just a few weeks ago on C-Span's Washington Journal, Richard Wolffe (the journalist with an inside line to Obama and his White House) told a caller, "There Won't Be Any Public Option--Ob­ama Never Was For It" (in spite of all Obama's talk supporting one).
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Lawrence O'Donnell Pays Tribute To Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)

I think the word you're searching for is 'blarney'.
About Keith Olbermann
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Lawrence O'Donnell Pays Tribute To Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)

That was pure blarney.  O'Donnell said absolutely nothing, couching it in pearls.  O'Donnell couldn't find anything good to say about Olbermann, not about the quality of his work, just the quantity.  

And that the show was the staff, behind the camera, not the man in front of the camera. 


That would mean that Chris Hayes could have inherited the show and generated the same ratings.

Not only was that not a 'tribute' to Olbermann, it was a rank insult to the intelligen­ce of the show's fans.  
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