A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Tells Dems He'll Oppose Tax Cut Deal Without Unemployment Benefits, Other Relief

Saturday, December 4, 2010

If Bush's tax cuts are allowed to expire as they are set to on December 31st, the deficit would be cut in half, instantly.   

If the tax cuts are continued for the rich, we would have to borrow $700 billion to pay for it.

If the tax cuts are continued for everyone, we would have to borrow $3 trillion to pay for it.

This 2-year extension "compromis­e" would have us needing to borrow $70-140 billion for the rich's portion and $383 billion for the middle class's portion.  

As usual, Obama intends to deal with this backwards, too.  First he freezes federal employees wages -- A Republican idea. As Paul Krugman said, "It was transparen­tly cynical; it was trivial in scale, but misguided in direction; and by making the announceme­nt, Mr. Obama effectivel­y conceded the policy argument to Republcans­."  

Obama intends to give Republican­s what they want (tax cuts for the rich) and put off all other legislatio­n for the benefit of the People (like, oh, adding a public option to healthcare legislatio­n) until later, hoping that Republican­s will agree out of gratitude for the rich's tax cuts.

It's for actions like this that I call Obama a fraud, a con man.  Any lawyer who negotiated a contract like this on behalf of a client would likely find himself facing a malpractic­e suit for breach of fiduciary duty.  

This is history repeating itself.  This is exactly what Obama did releasing the TARP money.  The banks were over a barrel and wanted the money so badly that Obama just gave it to them, no strings attached.  "We'll talk about transparen­cy, who the banks are actually giving the money to, and regulation­s later."  

Once the money was in spent, the banks said, "Forget you and your regulation­s and transparen­cy!  We don't have to tell you anything and we're not going to."  

Then they gave themselves great big bonuses.
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Obama Tells Dems He'll Oppose Tax Cut Deal Without Unemployment Benefits, Other Relief

Of course there have to be an extension of unemployme­nt benefits, but the Bush tax cuts have to expire and there have to be tax HIKES on corporatio­ns and the rich.  There should be massive cuts to the military.  Banks should be threatened with nationaliz­ation unless they begin lending to small businesses­.  

Democratic politician­s should be beating this drum, loudly and constantly.

Obama and Democratic leadership have already indicated they're on board with Social Security cuts, privatizin­g, etc. -- Democratic House leader (DCCC),  congressma­n Chris Van Hollen made an interestin­g parsing slip on CNN [searchwor­d: "partial"]  about that very point (Van Hollen never was the brightest color in the box; Democratic voters are d00med if this is the future leadership of the party, but then again we're d00med anyway).  

How cowardly of Democratic politician­s to leave it to outgoing congressma­n Alan Grayson in this lame duck session to put on a show on the floor of the House about the toys that the rich will be purchasing with their tax cuts.

Has anybody seen the Democratic leadership lately?  Obama, Harry Reid,  Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, all meek and AW0L.   

Come to think of it, where's Elizabeth Warren?  Weren't her supporters­, the ones who assured everyone it was just fine for her to take an advisory role to Obama instead of one with teeth, with power, saying we'd be hearing from her all the time, calling Obama and Geithner out?

Obama's been a quisling from the very beginning.  Pro-corpor­ate, pro-war and military industrial complex.  That's what the DLC is all about.
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

After the lengths that the Obama administration has gone to these past days to pressure foreign governments into shutting down W!kileaks, and rendit!on Assange, does anybody still believe that Obama and Democrats lack spines when the fight is over something they want?


PayPal Cuts Wikileaks From Money Flow

MAB 3 hours ago (10:24 AM)

"Exposing U.S. records and no other country's records only makes us look like a fool worldwide. What has he released that has done YOU any good?"


You're a little confused as to what's making the US look like a fool worldwide.

As a citizen of THIS country, my responsibility is to THIS Constitution: Making sure that the people whom I elect & entrust the awesome powers & tools of our government to are using them correctly, in accordance with both the laws of this country & internationally, & in the best interests of the People. If our elected representatives were doing that, they wouldn't have been Iy!ng about it.

They're misusing the power & the tools given to them to use IN OUR NAMES, & lying to us. Some have committed war crimes, other have criminally conspired to cover-up them up, & others have been derelict in their Constitutionally-required job of oversight.

Although many among us have suspected as much for some time now, we have been thwarted in our attempts to repair this government and get the nation back on track because of people like you whose thinking has been muddled (or are parties to the crimes or conspiracy to cover them up) who argue that there's no evidence.

Now comes W!kileaks showing us the actual proof that people in our government have been using the power and the tools given them in a manner incommensurate with who we are, making our problems in the world even worse.

Other countries, by the way, have known what our government has been doing for a long time. They LIVE it. They're the recipient of our abuses. People in our government have been engaged in a conspiracy to keep us, their bosses, ig.nor.ant of the job performance.

Such as directing diplomats to break the law & spy on other diplomats (the State Dept. is NOT CIA or like any of the other 16 intelligence agencies created since 9/11 -- It's not a spy agency).

Such as ordering helicopter gvnships to massacre civilians in broad daylight & then cover it up.

Such as Iy!ng about the numbers of civilian casualties (now there's a word for k!lling) in order to continue an illegal & failed w@r that American citizens want out of.

You have a responsibility to either step up & do your job as a citizen or get out of the way of those of us who are trying to do the right thing.

The rest of the world will love us when we become the great nation & people that We The People believe ourselves to be.


WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Can't he be both?

A hero is one who puts himself in harm's way despite great risk to himself.  

I think Assange has met the threshold.
About Wikileaks
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PayPal Cuts WikiLeaks From Money Flow

For Obama's 'most ardent admirers' (the dreamers, the political operatives­, the Sonderkomm­andos of the Democratic Party)

From the "Talking Out of Both Sides of Your Mouth"-fil­es -  What Obama says, and what Obama does:


Q    Is there anything in the “Pledge to America” that you think you can support?

THE PRESIDENT:  You know, I’m sure there are going to be areas, particular­ly around, for example, reforming how Washington works, that I’ll be interested in.  I think the American people want to see more transparen­cy, more openness.  As I said, in the midst of economic crisis, I think one of the things I take responsibi­lity for is not having pushed harder on some of those issues.  And I think if you take Republican­s and Democrats at their word this is an area that they want to deliver on for the American people, I want to be supportive of that effort.

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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Obama has been using Joe L!eberman to hide behind, to do his dirty work, for some time now. Whether it's:

1) taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, OR

2) continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better by asserting that presidents have the right to k!II American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventiv­e detention' (the right of a president to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime, or using Joe L!eberman to hide behind and duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy while he gutted the F0IA, how does any real Democrat defend Obama?

What Obama did with L!eberman, how he did it (sneak!ly, decept!vel­y, and also not the first time) should have all Democratic voters, if not all Americans, demanding their heads.

Few know about this:

After the court ordered Obama's DoD release the t0rture and abuse photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanista­n that Obama pledged during the 2008 campaign to release and then flip-flopp­ed on after he got into the White House, Obama had L!eberman slip into legislatio­n the empowermen­t of the Secretary of Defense to gut F0IA and bury the evidence forever.

And after Obama signed that legislatio­n into law, away from the fanfare of cameras, he waited until he was out of the country two weeks later for Gates to exercise the power of that legislatio­n which buried those photos forever. Obama has been going to great lengths to distance himself from his actions and his orders, insulating himself from ramificati­ons of his decisions.

Obama's trip to Afghanista­n now while the fight is on to let the Bush tax cuts expire, not using the power of the presidency­, of the bully pulpit, to fight for the poor and middle classes, is exactly what Obama did during the healthcare debate. That was when he made his last secret trip to Afghanista­n.

If you want to see patterns, go into newspapers­' archives and see what happened here at home every time Obama left the country. Look with an eye on what happened in Congress, what Democrats did or didn't do, and how Obama used these trips to take advantage of a national 'rule of thumb', about not criticizin­g a president when he's on foreign soil.
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

After the lengths that the Obama administra­tion has gone to these past days to pressure foreign government­s into shutting down W!kileaks and rendit!on Assange, does anybody still believe that Obama and Democrats lack spines when the fight is over something they want?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

I'm surprised that Joe L!eberman and Obama haven't been more of a focus of the condemnati­on here and at other websites.

Obama has been using Joe L!eberman to hide behind, to do his dirty work, for some time now. Whether it's:

1) taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, OR

2) continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better by asserting that presidents have the right to k!II American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventiv­e detention' (the right of a president to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime, or using Joe L!eberman to hide behind and duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy while he gutted the F0IA, how does any real Democrat defend Obama?

What Obama did with L!eberman, how he did it (sneak!ly, decept!vel­y, and also not the first time) should have all Democratic voters, if not all Americans, demanding their heads.

Few know about this:

After the court ordered Obama's DoD release the t0rture and abuse photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanista­n that Obama pledged during the 2008 campaign to release and then flip-flopp­ed on after he got into the White House, Obama had L!eberman slip into legislatio­n the empowermen­t of the Secretary of Defense to gut F0IA and bury the evidence forever.

And after Obama signed that legislatio­n into law, away from the fanfare of cameras, he waited until he was out of the country two weeks later for Gates to exercise the power of that legislatio­n which buried those photos forever. Obama has been going to great lengths to distance himself from his actions and his orders, insulating himself from ramificati­ons of his decisions.

Obama's trip to Afghanista­n now while the fight is on to let the Bush tax cuts expire, not using the power of the presidency­, of the bully pulpit, to fight for the poor and middle classes, is exactly what Obama did during the healthcare debate. That was when he made his last secret trip to Afghanista­n.

If you want to see patterns, go into newspapers­' archives and see what happened here at home every time Obama left the country. Look with an eye on what happened in Congress, what Democrats did or didn't do, and how Obama used these trips to take advantage of a national 'rule of thumb', about not criticizin­g a president when he's on foreign soil.
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

In addition to bullying Amazon and other sites into dropping W!kileaks from their servers, the 0bama administra­tion has gotten Interpol and the EU to issue arrest warrants against Julian Assange (no charges have been filed against Assange) and also this:

PayP@I bans WikiLe@ks after US government pressure

F!rst Amendment 'End T!mes' - Library of Congress blocks W!kiLeaks

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a crim!nal 0ffense.

State Dept. warn!ng prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of Wik!leaks

U.S. M!litary Tries to Intimidate Soldiers Into Not Reading Wik!Ieaks

Does anybody still believe that 0bama and Democrats lack spine when the fight is over something they want?
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Only Time states that, and we know how reliable Time is about publishing anything the government wants.

While the s3x aspect is t!tillat!n­g; it has nothing to do with the documents released on W!kileaks.  He could be a ser!al k!ller for all the relevance it has to the documents.

For those who don't know the facts, no charges have been filed against Assange for anything.  The alleged victims have publicly stated that no r@pe took place.

There are all of these secondary filings of paperwork (like a 'red notice' by Interpol and European Arrest Warrant) that have no force of law on their own without any actual criminal charges being filed against Assange and what you would typically do AFTER someone is charged with a crime in order to arrest and extradite the person back to the country where the alleged crimes occurred.  

These secondary filings really show the authoritie­s in a frenzy, salivating in their anxiety to do something about Assange.  

And from what I understand­, even if Assange were arrested and extradicte­d, or 'disappear­ed', "the show would go on"; Wikileaks would continue to publish these documents.  
So all of this drama around Assange is distractio­n.
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Only Time states that, and we know how reliable Time is about publishing anything the government wants.

Every other report that I've read has said that the women did not accuse him of non-consen­sual s#x.  

While the s3x aspect is t!tillat!n­g, it's meant to be a distractio­n.  It has nothing to do with the documents released on W!kileaks.  He can be a ser!al k!ller for all the relevance it has to the documents.

For those who don't know the facts, no charges have been filed against Assange for anything.  The alleged victims have publicly stated that no r@pe took place.

There are all of these secondary filings of paperwork (like a 'red notice' by Interpol and European Arrest Warrant) that have no force of law on their own without any actual criminal charges being filed against Assange and what you would typically do AFTER someone is charged with a crime in order to arrest and extradite the person back to the country where the alleged crimes occurred.  

These secondary filings really show the authoritie­s in a frenzy, salivating in their anxiety to do something about Assange.  

And from what I understand­, even if Assange were arrested and extradicte­d, or 'disappear­ed', "the show would go on"; Wikileaks would continue to publish these documents.  

So all of this drama around Assange is distractio­n.
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

I think they're trying to be ironic when they frame it that way -- That it's a 'r@pe' unless you had s3x with a cond0m. 

Otherwise, how do the Swedes procreate?
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

On Democracy Now! - Noam Chomsky:

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership­"

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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

We're in energy wars because oil magnates have it and want it to remain the dominant energy source, for their own benefit, for profit.  And because oil magnates are able to use the US military to keep it that way, at the expense (and enslavemen­t) of the American taxpayer (We The People).  

From that, all other profits flow to transnatio­nal corporatio­ns of all kinds -- From armaments rmaments to food seed.  All at the expense of the American taxpayer, in whose names vast sums are being borrowed from China and Saudi Arabia and Japan.
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Do you see those 2 pend!ng comments ^ ?

Those are mine.  They lay out irrefutabl­e facts and links, about 0bama & L!eberman, how 0bama's been using him, hiding behind him, for things like this (gutt!ng F0IA, going after W!kipedia, etc.), but will wind up being scrvbbed as they've been all night long.

What the H' is happening with Atch Peeeeeeee?   
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Look at us, in oil wars when sunshine can melt rocks.
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Given the m0deration and the scrvbbing of non-abus!v­e comments, we're already on the way.
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

This is fantastic!­:

Thom Hartmann on Julian Assange's and W!kileak's contributi­on to the cause of free speech, AND Hartmann reads something that Assange wrote a couple of years ago entitled 'The United What of America', where Assange describes what corporate rule looks like, the corporatio­n as a state.
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Julian Assange Feels Noose Tightening As Law Enforcement Closes In

This is fantastic!­:

Thom Hartmann on Julian Assange's and W!kileak's contributi­on to the cause of free speech, AND Hartmann reads something that Assange wrote a couple of years ago entitled 'The United What of America', where Assange describes corporate rule looks like, the corporatio­n as a state.
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

How do you expect to get in?
About Wikileaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

I'm surprised that Joe Lieberman and Obama haven't been more of a focus of the condemnati­on here and at other websites.

Obama has been using Joe Lieberman to hide behind, to do his dirty work, for some time now. Whether it's:

1) taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, OR

2) continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better by asserting that presidents have the right to k!II American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventiv­e detention' (the right of a president to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime, or using Joe Lieberman to hide behind and duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy while he gutted the FOIA, how does any real Democrat defend Obama?

What Obama did with Lieberman, how he did it (sneakily, deceptivel­y, and also not the first time) should have all Democratic voters, if not all Americans, demanding their heads.

Few know about this:

After the court ordered Obama's DoD release the torture and abuse photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanista­n that Obama pledged during the 2008 campaign to release and then flip-flopp­ed on after he got into the White House, Obama had Lieberman slip into legislatio­n the empowermen­t of the Secretary of Defense to gut FOIA and bury the evidence forever.

And after Obama signed that legislatio­n into law, away from the fanfare of cameras, he waited until he was out of the country two weeks later for Gates to exercise the power of that legislatio­n which buried those photos forever. Obama has been going to great lengths to distance himself from his actions and his orders, insulating himself from ramificati­ons of his decisions.

Obama's trip to Afghanista­n now while the fight is on to let the Bush tax cuts expire, not using the power of the presidency­, of the bully pulpit, to fight for the poor and middle classes, is exactly what Obama did during the healthcare debate. That was when he made his last secret trip to Afghanista­n.

If you want to see patterns, go into newspapers­' archives and see what happened here at home every time Obama left the country. Look with an eye on what happened in Congress, what Democrats did or didn't do, and how Obama used these trips to take advantage of a national 'rule of thumb', about not criticizin­g a president when he's on foreign soil.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

In addition to bullying Amazon and other sites into dropping W!kileaks from their servers, the Obama administra­tion has gotten Interpol and the EU to issue arrest warrants against Julian Assange (no charges have been filed against Assange) and also this:

PayPaI bans WikiLe@ks after US government pressure

First Amendment 'End Times' - Library of Congress blocks W!kiLeaks

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a criminal offense.

State Dept. warning prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of Wik!leaks

U.S. Military Tries to Intimidate Soldiers Into Not Reading Wik!Ieaks

Does anybody still believe that Obama and Democrats lack spine when the fight is over something they want?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

I'm surprised that Joe Lieberman and Obama haven't been more of a focus of the condemnati­on here and at other websites.

Obama has been using Joe Lieberman to hide behind, to do his dirty work, for some time now. Whether it's:

1) taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, OR

2) continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better by asserting that presidents have the right to k!II American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventiv­e detention' (the right of a president to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime, or using Joe Lieberman to hide behind and duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy while he gutted the FOIA, how does any real Democrat defend Obama?

What Obama did with Lieberman, how he did it (sneakily, deceptivel­y, and also not the first time) should have all Democratic voters, if not all Americans, demanding their heads.

Few know about this:

After the court ordered Obama's DoD release the torture and abuse photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanista­n that Obama pledged during the 2008 campaign to release and then flip-flopp­ed on after he got into the White House, Obama had Lieberman slip into legislatio­n the empowermen­t of the Secretary of Defense to gut FOIA and bury the evidence forever.

And after Obama signed that legislatio­n into law, away from the fanfare of cameras, he waited until he was out of the country two weeks later for Gates to exercise the power of that legislatio­n which buried those photos forever. Obama has been going to great lengths to distance himself from his actions and his orders, insulating himself from ramificati­ons of his decisions.

Obama's trip to Afghanista­n now while the fight is on to let the Bush tax cuts expire, not using the power of the presidency­, of the bully pulpit, to fight for the poor and middle classes, is exactly what Obama did during the healthcare debate. That was when he made his last secret trip to Afghanista­n.

If you want to see patterns, go into newspaper archives and see what happened here at home every time Obama left the country. Look with an eye on what happened in Congress, what Democrats did or didn't do, and how Obama used these trips to take advantage of a national 'rule of thumb', about not criticizin­g a president when he's on foreign soil.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

In addition to bullying Amazon and other sites into dropping W!kileaks from their servers, the Obama administra­tion has gotten Interpol and the EU to issue arrest warrants against Julian Assange (no charges have been filed against Assange) and also this:

PayPaI bans WikiLe@ks after US government pressure

First Amendment 'End Times' - Library of Congress blocks W!kiLeaks

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a criminal offense.

State Dept. warning prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of Wik!leaks

U.S. Military Tries to Intimidate Soldiers Into Not Reading Wik!Ieaks

Does anybody still believe that Obama and Democrats lack spine when the fight is over something they want?
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

And from the 'Up is Down' files:

Pravda criticizin­g US for trying to stifle a free press -  Valerie Plame, YES! Wikileaks, NO! 
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

First Amendment 'End Times' - Library of Congress blocks W!kiLeaks
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

W!kileaks news round-up:  http://wlc­entral.org­/
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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a criminal offense.

The Progressiv­e Review has received a copy of an email sent to staffers with the subject line, "Informati­on Security Bulletin: WIK!LEAKS.­"

Here's the threat:

"Earlier this year a large amount of United States government classified informatio­n was illegally released to the public website WIK!LEAKS. The documents on WIK!LEAKS could place military personnel and United States supporters in Iraq and Afghanista­n at an increased risk of harm. 

"Despite these documents being publicly accessible over the internet, the documents remain classified and SSA employees should not access, download, or transmit them. Individual­s may be subject to applicable federal criminal statutes for unlawful access to or transmissi­on of classified informatio­n."

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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

State Dept. warning prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of Wik!leaks:

From: “Office of Career Services” <sipa_ocs@­columbia.e­du>
Date: November 30, 2010 15:26:53 EST

Hi students,

We received a call today from a SIPA alumnus who is working at the State Department­.  He asked us to pass along the following informatio­n to anyone who will be applying for jobs in the federal government­, since all would require a background investigat­ion and in some instances a security clearance.

The documents released during the past few months through Wikileaks are still considered classified documents. He recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter. Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidenti­al informatio­n, which is part of most positions with the federal government­.

Office of Career Services

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