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Columbia University Walks Back Anti-WikiLeaks Advice

Monday, December 6, 2010

In addition to bullying Amazon and other sites into dropping W!kileaks from their servers, the 0bama administra­tion has gotten Interpol and the EU to issue arrest warrants against Julian Assange and also this:

Swiss close Assange's bank account

PayP@I bans WikiLe@ks after US government pressure

F!rst Amendment 'End T!mes' - Library of Congress blocks W!kiLeaks

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a crim!nal 0ffense.

State Dept. warn!ng prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of Wik!leaks

U.S. M!litary Tries to Intimidate Soldiers Into Not Reading Wik!Ieaks

State Dept. warn!ng prospectiv­e recruits to steer clear of W!k!leaks, which is as "official" a State Department directive as you're ever going to get.   That's a State Department official warning anyone with designs on working in the State Department that the State Department is watching.  There is no need, by the way, to "release" anything to other schools -- There's no way this wasn't going to be disseminat­ed after it reached Columb!a.

Does anybody still believe that 0bama and Democrats lack spine when the fight is over something they want?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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