A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Your link talks about more than suicide -- People didn't want to divulge their last names when they talked about what they'd done.  Because it's not behavior they're proud of or happy about.

Young people from the beginning of time think they're invulnerab­le and immune to social mores, and that "everybody does it", and those who don't are "behind the times", "stick-in-­the-muds", and just clueless.  

I thought that about my parents, my parents thought that about their parents, my kids thought that about me, their kids think that about them, and while it's true about certain things (taste in music, for instance, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Beatles, Guns and Roses, etc.), when it comes to this subject, everybody is NOT doing what Anthony Weiner has been doing.  And most certainly, people in leadership positions in our culture are NOT doing it.  

Rhiana, how old are you?

Do you work?  Do you sext on the job?  Do you send photos of your genitals to strangers while you're working?  Do these strangers know your name and where you work?  If your answer is yes, does your employer know what you're doing?

If you're in the public sector doing this (a teacher or a police officer), you would be fired.  

Being in a public office is a public trust.  That's long been a guiding principle of government­.  To uphold this trust, members of Congress have bound themselves to abide by certain standards of conduct, expressed in the Code of Official Conduct (House Rule 23) and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.  These codes provide that members, employees of Congress, officers, are "to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtful­ly for their salary".
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

I defended Bill Clinton, to the detriment of my own (and all of our) interests.  Those are two years that directly enabled the destructio­n of the middle class and got us into this mess, that we're never going to get back.  

Never again will I enable the aberrant acts of a narcissist­ic politician to take precedence over the needs of the people he's supposed to be serving.  Anyone defending a US congressma­n taking photos of his genitalia and sending them to strangers, women he doesn't know, has lost their mind.  

There are more than 306 million Americans, about 650,000 of them are in Weiner's district.  There are others who can do the job.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

I think you should read your own link.  

Young people committing suicide because of the consequenc­es of their having sexted and/or emailed nude photos of themselves isn't a testimonia­l that "everybody­'s doing it, so it's ok for a US congressma­n to do it, too".
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

To begin with, that 56 percent figure is down 5 points in the last couple of days.  I'd wager that a good majority of that 51 percent isn't fully informed about what transpired -- They haven't seen the photograph of him naked, they haven't read the transcript­s of the emails, they aren't aware that he coached one of the women to Iie to the media and offered her his public relations team, and more.

To remain in Congress isn't only up to the members' constituen­ts.  A standard of behavior is expected and members, employees, officers, are expected to abide by certain standards of conduct.  They are "to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtful­ly for their salary".  Posting photograph­s of your privates and emailing them to strangers isn't behavior becoming a United States congressma­n.  

Lastly, you need to figure out if you're more committed to your own issues or to Anthony Weiner having a job.  Because he's thrown your issues, my issues, under the bus.  He can do us on the left no good anymore.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Weiner's office put out a statement confirming those reports and announcing that he had requested a "short leave of absence from the House of Representa­tives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well."


Weiner really doesn't get it.  Imagine an alcoholic requesting "a short leave of absence so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make yourself well".  Nothing about this is going to be "short".  

He's looking more and more like Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James, and his manipulati­ve attempt to get past media attention and get her back by going into rehab (he lasted one week).

Rehab's success rate is low to begin with (3 percent).  Forced rehab, which this seems to be, doesn't work at all.  

What seems to drive Weiner to compulsive destructiv­e behavior (narcissis­tic personalit­y disorder) is very difficult to treat in psychother­apy.  The very nature of the disorder, grandiosit­y of self, doesn't lend itself to treatment.  

I'm afraid this is a stall, a punt, to try to save his job, and not for the good of his constituen­ts or the issues he champions.

If Weiner were sincere, he'd quit Congress, no strings (it's next to impossible to deal with this kind of problem working in a job like that), and then see where he is.
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

That will always be the case, and Weiner knows that.  Yet in spite of that knowledge, he transmitte­d naked photos of himself to strangers.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

We, on the left, the people who champion the issues of the People, don't need this distractio­n. Our problems are bigger than the career of one person, one member of Congress. 

Anthony Weiner has destroyed his own credibilit­y and with it he's no longer an effective champion for our causes.

He must resign.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Whether we like it or not, Weiner's effectiven­ess as a champion of the causes of the people is blown. 

His libido is now a distractio­n, whether it's important or not, and he's now 'branded' as another politician who can't keep his mind on his job, demonstrat­es poor judgment and immaturity­, lies when faced with the facts, lets his supporters down, isn't the family man he purports to be (leaves his wife open for humiliatio­n and embarrassm­ent), and with his lies has resurrecte­d Andrew Breitbart.

Nobody in Congress is owed a job, and the work of a member of Congress is about more than one man who wants to keep his job.
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Weiner has no future in the US Congress.  Even with treatment, he's forever tainted as are the issues he allegedly shares with us on the left.  Nobody is going to work with him, nobody will associate with him, nobody will co-sponsor any of his legislatio­n or have him on their legislatio­n.  Nobody will campaign with him or for him.  

He's compromise­d our issues along with his integrity.

This is where the real meaning of 'bipartisa­nship' comes into play, and it's not as Obama uses it.

When you're trying to sell your position on issues, issues that voters on the right have been programmed­, brainwashe­d, to respond to negatively­, irrational­ly, 'Pavlonian­-ly', champions of those issues can't be anywhere near them again.  Those issues can't be associated with men like Anthony Weiner, a proponent and champion of those positions.   

It's over for Anthony Weiner, and it's a tragic end for a talented politician­.  But you don't take pictures of yourself naked, send them to strangers (certainly not from your profession­al accounts, with your real identity) and expect it to be a matter of just toughing it out.  

Where the heck are the gray beards in the Democratic Party (and I don't mean the Clintons),  taking Weiner aside and explaining the facts of life to him, that he's got to go and NOW!

They need to tell him that he will get no money or help from the party come reelection­, nor will he get any post-offic­e jobs (Democrati­c lobbying firms, etc.) if he does not step down immediatel­y.  Get treatment, yes, but he must resign.

If Weiner remains, it's because they want him to.  And it's not because they, too, are champions of populist issues.  That's something that we on the left are going to have to come to terms with -- How we're being played by the pro-corpor­ate Democratic Party.  Anthony Weiner's antics now serve to let the Democratic Party destroy our interests without actually getting their own hands dirty.
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Think of the US Congress as an ivy league school.  You may get in, your town may chip in to send you on scholarshi­p, but if you don't follow the rules, if you behave in a disgracefu­l manner, the school's administra­tion can and will boot you out.  Because your behavior reflects on the institutio­n.

Breaking the law is not the only criteria for remaining in the US Congress.

Public office is a public trust -- That has long been a guiding principle of government­.  To uphold this trust, Congress has bound itself to abide by certain standards of conduct, expressed in the Code of Official Conduct (House Rule 23) and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.  These codes provide that Members, officers, and employees are to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtful­ly for their salary.

Taking photograph­s of your privates and emailing it to strangers is not behavior becoming a US congressma­n.  Coaching one of these strangers on how to Iie to the public, to the media about it does not foster that public trust.

Behavior like Weiner's wouldn't be tolerated in any sector of public service.  If he was a teacher caught doing the same thing he'd be fired.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Yes, we would.

You don't send photograph­s of your private parts to strangers.  You don't coach those strangers on how to lie to the media.  Not as a US congressma­n.

What's most disturbing is how many of the commenters here don't seem to understand that and have no moral compass.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Unfortunat­ely, for rehab to have a chance in heII of working, Weiner would have to quit the US Congress.

Rehab's success rate is low to begin with (3 percent).  Forced rehab, which this seems to be, doesn't work at all.  What drives Weiner to compulsive behavior (narcissis­tic personalit­y disorder) is very difficult to treat in psychother­apy.  The very nature of the disorder, grandiosit­y of self, doesn't lend itself to treatment.

I'm afraid this is a stall, a punt, to try to save his job, and not for the good of his constituen­ts or the issues he champions.

Weiner needs to quit, no strings, try to get help and then see where he is.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

Breaking the law is not the only criteria for remaining in the US Congress.

Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.  That -- public office is a public trust has long been a guiding principle of government­.  To uphold this trust, Congress has bound itself to abide by certain 
standards of conduct, expressed in the Code of Official Conduct (House Rule 23) and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.  These codes provide that Members, officers, and employees are to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtful­ly for their salary.

Think of Congress as a school.  You may get in, but if you don't follow the rules, the school's administra­tion can and will boot you out.  Because your behavior reflects on the body as a whole.  
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Anthony Weiner Seeks Treatment, Requests Leave Of Absence As Top Democrats Call For Resignation

To all those defending Anthony Weiner, how old are you and have you sexted on the job, using your real name and your company's name, and have you taken photos of your schvanz and emailed it to strangers?

I'm trying to understand just where the moral centers are in young people these days and how much in denial they are.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

You want to defend a US congressma­n who photograph­s his genitalia and sends the photograph­s to strangers?  You want the Democrats to circle the wagons around a US congressma­n who coaches the strangers on how to lie to the media about it?

Those defending Weiner have lost their minds as well as their moral compasses.
About Debbie Wasserman Schultz
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

Stories like this getting too much attention is never going to change.  Your adversarie­s are never going to stop looking for your doing it either. 

Any politician who doesn't know that, who does it in spite of the certain result, has to go.
About Debbie Wasserman Schultz
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

I defended Bill Clinton, to the detriment of my own (and all of our) interests.  Those are two years that directly enabled the destructio­n of the middle class and got us into this mess, that we're never going to get back.  

Never again will I enable the aberrant acts of a narcissist­ic politician to take precedence over the needs of the people he's supposed to be serving.  Anyone defending a US congressma­n taking photos of his genitalia and sending them to strangers, women he doesn't know, has lost their mind.  And anyone defending Weiner's telling these women how to Iie to the media (offering his taxpayer-p­aid staff and resources to coach them in the art of lying) is no better than the Republican­s they call the scum of the earth.

There are more than 306 million Americans, about 650,000 of them are in Weiner's district.  There are others who can do the job.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

This isn't about Ensign, or Coburn or Vitter -- It's irrelevant what Republican­s do or who they go after.

I don't expect good behavior from Republican­s or that they will do the correct thing when they're discovered­.  

This isn't about "friendshi­p" or "loyalty" -- These are an august body of public servants working on the very serious issues affecting 306 million of us and not a playground for them to indulge their libidos.  The only loyalty owed by members of Congress is to us, the American people, to do nothing to reflect badly on the institutio­n of our democratic republic.  

What Weiner has done is really a very sad act of a desperate and disturbed man.  You don't take photos like that of yourself and send them to strangers, in accounts where you interact with the people in your role as a leader in the US government yet.  That's cr@zy behavior.  

Weiner's destroyed his own brand and the issues of those he's championed­.  Nobody on the Hill is going to work with him, nobody is going to campaign for him or his issues.  He and the issues he fronts are damaged goods.  

Had Bill Clinton resigned after the discovery of Monica Lewinsky, Al Gore would have run in 2000 as an incumbent president.  We'd probably never have had a Bush-Chene­y administra­tion.

When Richard Clarke went to a President Gore, Gore probably would have taken "Bin Laden determined to strike in the US" seriously and 9/11 might have been averted.  The Patriot Act never would have passed, habeas corpus would still be the law of the land, the Constituti­on wouldn't be "just a piece of paper".  Massive loans from China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, et al, to fight oil wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq never would have been taken out.

Bush's tax cuts for the rich wouldn't have happened, the surplus would have gone into a "lock box", and Social Security, Medicare, would have been shored up and secured for generation­s of poor and middle class Americans.

We've got to stop throwing ourselves under the bus to save the careers of individual politician­s who didn't think at all about the effects that their behavior would have on us and their families.

Anthony Weiner has got to go.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

Actually it was Weiner doing the stalking.

He was hunting for women who were following him, looking for a profile.  One of the women expressed surprise, shock, that Weiner knew informatio­n about her that required his having to go beyond the immediate first page of her FB page.  
About Debbie Wasserman Schultz
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign

US congressme­n do not take pictures of themselves naked, send the pictures to strangers, and expect to remain members of the US House of Representa­tives.

The lying adds another layer, as does Weiner's coaching one of the women to lie about it (and offering his public relations' people to work with her).  But what does Weiner in is what he's done to violate the basic tenet of the House's ethics' rules:  "Conduct yourself at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the House".
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