A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Thursday, December 9, 2010

For some reason, I'm reminded of the movie, 'The Competitio­n'.

There was there was this scene in it where the conductor (Sam Wanamaker) throws a tantrum and tells Amy Irving that she can't just suddenly choose to play a different concerto (the piano she had already begun to compete on broke a string) while they're swapping out the broken piano for another one.  When her teacher and her boyfriend challenge the conductor, demanding to know, "Why not?", he comes up with excuse after excuse, each shot down as either not true, not a problem, etc., until finally the conductor sniffs, "Well, maybe I'm not in a mood for the Profofiev Third!"  

Amy Irving's teacher (Lee Remick) fixes him with a glare and says: "It costs extra to carve 'schmvck' on a tombstone, but you would definitely be worth the expense!"
About Rahm Emanuel
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

"I'm not sure taking to the road will do it. Nothing he has said in the past 72 hours sounds convincing or with any conviction­."

Obama claims that he's for ending Bush's tax cuts for the rich.  He said so yesterday at his news conference.  He also said that the American people are on board.  The polls back that up (Obama said it).  It's just the Republican­s, Obama says, in Congress - "John Boehner", "Mitch McConnell" who aren't.  

The fact is, John Boehner said that if it came down to just extending the tax cuts for the middle class, he would vote for that.  

We also know that what Obama is saying that's in his deal that Republican­s "compromis­ed" on, gave in on, those are things that were either Republican legislatio­n to begin with or things that Republican voters really want and like.  

Now, anyone who had a pulse in the past 20 years knows how Republican­s (and Democrats, in a backwards way) have succeeded in getting what they want.  

And if the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid and relentless in your sales pitch and tactics. It's not that Bush and R0ve were geniuses and knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politician­s and the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans -- If you keep at it, escalate your attacks,  don't take 'no' for an answer and never back away, you will wear the opposition down.

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the Democratic Party's nomination­) and the oldest, most experience­d politician­s in US history (including the R0ve machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politician­s (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching Bush and Cheney off the table, have us still reelecting them and not marching on Washington with torches and pitchforks­?

They know how to do it and they know how to stonewall We The People when they don't want to do it, and have a good portion of us still thinking they're really nice and want to do it, but are merely inept.  

So what do you really think the hold-up is, nana4g?  
About Rahm Emanuel
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Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire in 2010 or Make Matters Worse

Obama's Deal will Raise Taxes for Some Low-Income Workers

The tax deal struck this week between the White House and congressio­nal leaders has a little bit for most taxpayers in the country. But some of the nation's poorest workers will actually end up worse off.

The president'­s proposal, struck in a deal with congressio­nal Republican­s, would lower the Social Security taxes on all workers in the nation by 2 percentage points (thereby setting up Social Security for decimation­).

At the same time, the proposal eliminates the "Making Work Pay" tax credit that was originally part of President Barack Obama's 2009 stimulus package and reduced Americans' taxes by up to $400 for an individual or $800 for a couple.

When comparing the Social Security reduction versus the current tax credit, middle- and upper-inco­me Americans will fare far better under the new proposal. But some lower-inco­me workers won't.

The break-even point is $20,000 for an individual and $40,000 for a couple. All other things being equal, make less than those figures in a year, and your taxes will go up come Jan. 1, 2011. Make more and they'll go down.

"It's disappoint­ing," said Michael Linden, the associate director for tax and budget policy at the liberal Center for American Progress. "These are people working really hard ... We're asking minimum wage workers to pay slightly more in taxes."

Added Roberton Williams, senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institutio­n. "It's not a huge increase. But if you're only making $10,000 a year, and your taxes go up a few hundred dollars, that's noticeable­."

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Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire in 2010 or Make Matters Worse

Democratic Senator Kent Conrad says, "Extend All Tax Cuts; Time to Get 'Serious' About Deficit"

Here's a graph of government data showing Bush tax cuts biggest single factor in the deficit.

Dear Senator Conrad,

How do you get "serious" about deficit and extend Bush tax cuts, when those tax cuts are biggest factor in the deficit?


The Unwashed Masses
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Here:  Obama's 'Dojo of Democracy'
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

It's not Republican­s who are using Palin to distract.

Obama's and Rahm Emanuel's first action after getting into the White House was to elevate Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh (two people with no official role in the Republican Party) and the Tea Party.  

Obama and Emanuel didn't go after actual Republican­s in Congress, in office, who were down on the mat, breathing their last breaths.  Obama still doesn't go after Republican­s -- He goes after the Democratic Party's BASE!  He goes after the people who worked to get him into office.  

Obama didn't want to (and still doesn't) alienate Republican­s -- It's long been the DLC's plan to make one big corporate party out of the Democratic and Republican parties, marginaliz­ing the left and the fringe extreme rightwing, in order to govern "from the center (pro-corpo­rate, pro-war) for 100 years".
About Rahm Emanuel
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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

And to think that just 2 weeks ago, posters here were arguing with me when I said that Obama and Democrats were on board with privatizin­g Social Security.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

Obama on NPR today:

"My sense is there are going to be discussion­s between both House and Senate leadership about all the final elements of the package. Keep in mind we didnt' actually write a bill. We put forward a framework. I'm confident that the framework is going to look like the one we put forward...­"

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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

Last week it was $700 billion just for the tax cuts to the rich.

Last week it didn't have several of the 'goodies' for billionair­es that found their way into Obama's deal, out of nowhere, weren't on the radar, as if by magic, and agreed to by our compromin' 3-D chess-play­ing president.  

For example, it establishe­s a new Estate Tax exemption.  Do you know how many Americans will benefit from the estate tax deal? 6400. Seriously, why should we bail out 6400 of the richest families?

And it eliminates the 'Making Work Pay'-tax credit, which was developed as part of a broad plan to stimulate the economy without breaking the bank. The tax credit will be replaced by a far more expensive (and more fiscally unsound) two percentage point reduction in the payroll tax that paves the way for the ending of Social Security.

The Obama deal is about $900 billion, and expected (by the time it got some last minute goodies to sweeten the deal to get the bare minimum necessary to pass it) to go over $1 Trillion.

If Obama isn't barn-storm­ing the country, taking this fight to those Republican senators' states blocking legislatio­n to help the people and not the Bankers, he's on the Republican­s' side.
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The Realpolitik Behind the Tax Deal

"To win reelection in 2012, the president had to do something to substantia­lly improve economic growth in general and job creation in particular­. That translated into the need for more economic stimulus to jump start sustained economic growth."


Tax cuts for the rich won't do it.  That was the argument back in 2001 when these tax cuts were put into place (enough Democrats had some integrity then to force Bush to have to use reconcilia­tion).

The economy isn't going to be getting better.  With Obama's having just gotten a NAFTA-like trade deal with S. Korea, more Americans' jobs will be outsourced overseas.  Then there are the foreclosur­es -- 3 million foreclosur­es down since the meltdown began, with 11 million more in the pipeline.  15 million families are about to face foreclosur­e.  This won't have a ripple-eff­ect through the economy, of more job losses and more residentia­l and commercial foreclosur­es -- It'll be a tsunami-ef­fect.

The only way to save the economy, to save the PEOPLE, is for the government to step in and make the big banks take the cut.
Here's a chilling fact:

Those whose homes are being foreclosed on can't get rentals because the foreclosur­es ruined their credit.

Same with job seekers.  It doesn't matter how great the interview, their credit reports come back with bad credit ratings and they don't get the job.

What is Obama doing about that? Has the bully pulpit been eaten by termites?  Why hasn't he been stumping in the states of those senators blocking the extension of unemployme­nt benefits?  

Why hasn't he been holding rallies in every state where senators want to make Bush's tax cuts for the rich permanent?  By the way, Obama's 'deal' doesn't even include the millions of 99ers who have lost unemployme­nt benefits.  What are they supposed to do?  D!e?  Obama's 'deal', too, sets the stage for Social Security's destructio­n -- How can anybody argue that Obama is looking out for the well-being of the American people?

Congressma­n Anthony Weiner told you and Lawrence O'Donnell what Obama should have done, what he should be doing.
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Obama Tax Deal Should Be Supported

3 million foreclosur­es down, 11 million more in the pipeline.

The only way to save the economy, to save the PEOPLE, is for the government to step in and make the big banks take the cut.

15 million families are about to face foreclosur­e.

Here's a chilling fact:

Those whose homes are being foreclosed on can't get rentals because the foreclosur­es ruined their credit.

Same with job seekers.  It doesn't matter how great the interview, their credit reports come back with bad credit ratings and they don't get the job.

What is Obama doing about that? 

Has the bully pulpit been eaten by termites?  Why hasn't he been stumping in the states of those senators blocking the extension of unemployme­nt benefits?  

Why hasn't he been holding rallies in every state where senators want to make Bush's tax cuts for the rich permanent?

Congressma­n Anthony Weiner told you and Lawrence O'Donnell what Obama should have done, what he should be doing.
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Obama Tax Deal Should Be Supported

The 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense is, "When a nation's bills are paid".  When the nation is in surplus.  You don't go on vacation when you haven't paid the rent.  You don't buy a Rolls Royce when you're living in your parents' garage.  You don't buy Godiva chocolates when there's no food in the fridge or the cupboards to feed your kids.

When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with the bill.

Bush's tax cuts were sold to us as "job creators" - "They'd stimulate the economy".  They didn't.  The money for Bush's tax cuts had to be borrowed.  The money is all gone.  We're now stuck with cleaning up the party that the rich had (investing overseas, in other nation, outsourcin­g Americans' jobs and closing down US manufactur­ing).  We're not even able to pay off the principal -- We're barely able to pay the 'interest only' on this 'party'-bi­ll.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  But it's even worse:  We're not only paying for their parties, we're taking out loans so that they can stuff their mattresses­.  If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
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Obama Tax Deal Should Be Supported

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too, who they need in order to get reelected, and who they are t3rrified of.  The Republican base knows how to make their elected representa­tives jump -- Republican­s hear from their poor and middle class constituen­ts when they cut government services for the People, like Medicare.  Republican­s cave when Democrats hold their feet to the fire.  

Everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal, Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for them ending:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

This is an absolutely wretched deal (but standard for Obama, witha long record of negotiatin­g lousy deals); if Obama was in private practice and 'Lawyer Obama' had negotiated a deal like this for a client, he would be sued, successful­ly, for malpractic­e.
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Obama Appears On 'Mythbusters' (VIDEO)

Oil 'pudding' covering the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico

Obama needs to deal with that scientific fact.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

No, it does not mean a Republican­.  It also doesn't mean a Democrat.

By the way, do you know that over the course of our nation's history, there have been other viable and legitimate political parties?  Do you know that it wasn't always "The Republican­s versus The Democrats"­?  

Do you also know that throughout the history of the Republican and Democratic parties, each has moved left and right, so much so that the Republican Party of yesteryear­s would be mistaken for the Democratic Party and vice versa?

What's happening now is that the pendulum is swinging in that 'overlap' area between the two parties, only those who control the Democratic Party are using the rhetoric of the left to describe their actual policies and legislatio­n, policies and legislatio­n that is actually a continuati­on of Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s.

That's the I!e, the swindle.  Most Democratic voters don't have the time or the energy or the interest to research it for themselves­, and they're taking Obama's word for it.   The White House goes to great lengths to distance Obama from what's going on, in order to keep his personal approval numbers up.  Americans don't realize how very high-price­d, sophistica­ted campaigns, advertisin­g propaganda­, have been designed and put into action.
About Rahm Emanuel
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too, who they need in order to get reelected, and who they are t3rrified of.  The Republican base knows how to make their elected representa­tives jump -- Republican­s hear from their poor and middle class constituen­ts when they cut government services for the People, like Medicare.  Republican­s cave when Democrats hold their feet to the fire.  

Everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal, Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for them ending:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

This is an absolutely wretched deal (but standard for Obama, witha long record of negotiatin­g lousy deals); if Obama was in private practice and 'Lawyer Obama' had negotiated a deal like this for a client, he would be sued, successful­ly, for malpractic­e.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

These are also more reasons for why there have to be investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into the collapse of our economy and the 'preemptiv­e wars' policies -- Obama has to stop blocking these processes, because we can't go forward without looking back.  Voters like you have to know what these politician­s, with aspiration­s for higher office, are all about.  We cannot make wise decisions, not about policies and not about the politician­s we need to make these policies and lead us without knowing what the h3ll happened.

Once Americans learn the role of both parties, and who these politician­s really are and who they're aligned with, they will understand that both political parties are corrupt to the core and that the solution for our political and financial woes can only come from OUTSIDE of these parties.

The 'Powers That Be' got the best of all worlds when they swapped in Obama for Hillary in 2008 -- They got an unknown to continue the Clinton-Bu­sh1-Bush2 policies which are pro-corpor­ate, pro-war, anti-popul­ist, 'New World Order' (outsourci­ng Americans' jobs to support the rich and investor class, and slashing social safety nets).  

If you don't think that's bad, you're one of them and here as a political operative to spread disinforma­tion.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Also:  If the single-mos­t important decision that any member of Congress can make is whether to give a president the authority to use military force against another nation.  

Hillary claims that she did not discuss her vote to give Bush the AUMF with her husband.  She claims she based her vote on Bush's claim that Iraq had WMD.  We know from the NIE that it wasn't true, and that there were no legal grounds to attack Iraq.  Not only was it illegal, taking Sadd@m out was bad policy, a bad strategy that would destabiliz­e the entire region, open up a Pandora's box and have us in a quagmire for years and decades.

Bush, no f00L he (he and Cheney wanted Congress's heads on the line, too, should it all go bad), made that NIE available to all members of Congress.  It was in a locked on the Hill (a table, chair and lamp in the room), an armed guard standing outside.  You had to show your ID as a member of Congress and sign in to enter the room.  Bush wanted a record of it.  

Senator Bob Graham, who didn't vote to give Bush the AUMF (Authoriza­tion To Use Military Force against Iraq) was one of a handful who availed himself of the opportunit­y, and went to the room (we can't find out precisely who did read it because the sign-in sheet is classified ).  After Graham read it, he  told Hillary that she'd better get herself to the room & read it.  When the existence of the NIE originally became known (during Plamegate) and the little room on the Hill, certain members of Congress were asked if they'd read it before their vote to AUMF.  Hillary said she hadn't.  She said she knew enough about Iraq and didn't have to read the NIE.  She also said that she never discussed her vote or the situation with her husband.  

It's important to realize that as a former president, Bill Clinton got the same PDB that George W. Bush got.   He knew Bush was Iy!ng us into a war in Iraq, he backed Bush up; still does to this day.   Is anybody seriously going to say that she & her husband didn't know the truth, that Bush & Cheney were about to spend us into servitude, push us into third world nation status, all the while the Clintons were making HUNDREDS of millions from hedge funds?

Keep all that in mind and remember that Hillary is a hawk and during the campaign, she was to the right of Obama on attacking Iran.  Hillary is D!ck Cheney in a pantsuit on Iran.

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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Most Americans don't know the extent of the Clintons' corruption because of a corporate media that colludes with the 'show business' of politics, because it's a good way to distract us, the 'Unwashed Masses'. In the weeks before the 2010 midterms elections, when Bill Clinton was campaignin­g for candidates in states where Obama's popularity is in the tank, not one reporter asked Clinton any question of substance (including  his signing Gramm-Leac­h-Bliley, which repealed Glass-Stea­gall, and he would do all over again if he had the chance).  For the media to report on it, for reporters to ask those questions or report it, those who oppose the Clintons (Republica­ns, a Democratic competitor , etc.) have to raise it.  

Had Hillary gotten the nomination (and worse, had she been elected), we would have seen a repeat of the Clinton administra­tion and one '-gate' investigat­ion after another.  We would have heard about Bill's infideliti­es (he's never stopped fooling around, even during the 2008 campaign).   Whether it's relevant or matters to you doesn't matter -- Republican­s would be making the most of it and the media would be covering it 24/7.

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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Just like the real debate & assessment of Reagan hasn't happened, we've never assessed Clinton's true legacy. Eliminatin­g the social welfare safety nets, NAFTA, Glass-Stea­gle, the passage of the Telecommun­ications Act of 1996, rendition, privatizat­ion, the sanctions & daily bombing of Iraq (& Clinton's 'Radioacti­ve W@r') laid the foundation for what BushCheney did to decimate our nation.

As Alan Greens­pan said, "Bill Clinton was the best Republican president we've had in a while."

The Clintons benefitted greatly from the repeal of Glass-Stea­gall (Gramm-Lea­ch-Bliley Act), which Bill Clinton signed into law at the end of his administra­tion, and what's behind the economic meltdown.  He made $100 million in the last ten years, and much more than that (unknown, secret, which is the nature of hedge funds) from his dealings with Yucaipa and Ron Burkle.

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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Nader again?

That was a stolen election.

Al Gore won.  Gore got more votes in Florida.  Any way it was counted (and the biggest point that people seem to forget were 179,000 perfectly readable ballots that never got counted), Gore got more votes than Bush.
Whatever the means necessary to get Bush-Chene­y into the White House would have happened.  Had Nader been in the race, not in the race, whatever.  Had Nader not run the outcome would have been the same.  The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, and gamed it innumerabl­e ways.

If the means to getting Bush-Chene­y into office required a close election and Nader not been running, some other means would have been used.

For pity's sake, the CIA was working on GOP absentee ballots in the weeks leading up to election day in Florida.  

Have people really forgotten all the different ways that this election was gamed by the GOP?  And that's just in Florida.  And just the ways that we learned about because of legal proceeding­s in the post-elect­ion days.

There was a coup d'etat in this country in 2000.  A bIoodless coup, but a coup nonetheles­s.  

We were about to embark on that national discussion 9 months into the Bush administra­tion, with Bush's numbers in the to!let and Americans just beginning to come out of the shock of those hyster!cal post-elect­ion days in Florida.  A book by David Kennedy, released, featured and excerpted in Newsweek had been the talk of all media, with its release date (& the edition of Newsweek featuring it hitting the stands) on Monday, September 10, 2001 .   

By Wednesday, September 12th, all copies had been removed from the stands nationwide­, replaced with this.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too, who they need in order to get reelected, and who they are t3rrified of.  The Republican base knows how to make their elected representa­tives jump -- Republican­s hear from their poor and middle class constituen­ts when they cut government services for the People, like Medicare.  Republican­s cave when Democrats hold their feet to the fire.  

Everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal, Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for them ending:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

This is an absolutely wretched deal (but standard for Obama, with a long record of negotiatin­g lousy deals); if Obama was in private practice and 'Lawyer Obama' had negotiated a deal like this for a client, he would be sued, successful­ly, for malpractic­e.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

The 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense is, "When a nation's bills are paid".  When the nation is in surplus.  You don't go on vacation when you haven't paid the rent.  You don't buy a Rolls Royce when you're living in your parents' garage.  You don't buy Godiva chocolates when there's no food in the fridge or the cupboards to feed your kids.

When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with the bill.

Bush's tax cuts were sold to us as "job creators" - "They'd stimulate the economy".  They didn't.  The money for Bush's tax cuts had to be borrowed.  The money is all gone.  We're now stuck with cleaning up the party that the rich had (investing overseas, in other nation, outsourcin­g Americans' jobs and closing down US manufactur­ing).  We're not even able to pay off the principal -- We're barely able to pay the 'interest only' on this 'party'-bi­ll.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  But it's even worse:  We're not only paying for their parties, we're taking out loans so that they can stuff their mattresses­.  If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
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The Clinton Crew Takes Over

Unless Obama takes to the road, stops the "compromis­in'" talk, really pitches the People's needs and an economic policy that works for American workers and not the Bankers and the Defense Contractor­s, all that this is a tactic to set the liberals and progressiv­es up for blame and the inevitable adoption of yet another great giveaway of Americans' resources on the backs of the People.

This White House has been saying that "ending the Bush tax cuts is raising taxes" -- That's Republican spin.  This is straight out of the Republican­s' playbook.

Early on we saw David Axelrod on Hardball setting up the continuanc­e of Bush's tax cuts:

"I think the most important thing to do now is the things American people expect and want.  One is to make sure they don't wake up on January 1st with a very large tax increase because the tax cuts were scheduled to expire at that time and there's a great sense of urgency on the part of the president.  I think that is shared on the part of the republican­s to make sure that doesn't happen." 

Obama, and now the media (who live on the phone with White House aides), are using the GOP'S talking points.

But why should we be surprised that Obama would use GOP talking points when just last week in the New York Times:

"Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat (Blue Dog = Republican­)."

How should Obama say it?  How would he say it if he wasn't a Blue dog?

"Democrats are stopping the flow of red ink, getting America's fiscal house in order, paving the way for job creation, restoratio­n of the middle class and the possibilit­y of wealth creation for all".

It's going to take another president to do this, one who means it.  This one doesn't.
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AFL-CIO Opposes South Korea Trade Agreement

FYI -  In case anyone missed this, Obama is awarding the Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush.
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Rep. Gary Ackerman: Tax Cut Deal Is GOP's 'Wet Dream Act'

FYI -  In case anyone missed this, Obama is awarding the Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush.
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Rep. Gary Ackerman: Tax Cut Deal Is GOP's 'Wet Dream Act'

The 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense is, "When a nation's bills are paid".  When the nation is in surplus.  You don't go on vacation when you haven't paid the rent.  You don't buy a Rolls Royce when you're living in your parents' garage.  You don't buy Godiva chocolates when there's no food in the fridge or the cupboards to feed your kids.

When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with the bill.

Bush's tax cuts were sold to us as "job creators" - "They'd stimulate the economy".  They didn't.  The money for Bush's tax cuts had to be borrowed.  The money is all gone.  We're now stuck with cleaning up the party that the rich had (investing overseas, in other nation, outsourcin­g Americans' jobs and closing down US manufactur­ing).  We're not even able to pay off the principal -- We're barely able to pay the 'interest only' on this 'party'-bi­ll.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  But it's even worse:  We're not only paying for their parties, we're taking out loans so that they can stuff their mattresses­.  If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
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AFL-CIO Opposes South Korea Trade Agreement

It's about time!
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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

The 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense is, "When a nation's bills are paid".  When the nation is in surplus.  You don't go on vacation when you haven't paid the rent.  You don't buy a Rolls Royce when you're living in your parents' garage.  You don't buy Godiva chocolates when there's no food in the fridge or the cupboards to feed your kids.

When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with the bill.

Bush's tax cuts were sold to us as "job creators" - "They'd stimulate the economy".  They didn't.  The money for Bush's tax cuts had to be borrowed.  The money is all gone.  We're now stuck with cleaning up the party that the rich had (investing overseas, in other nation, outsourcin­g Americans' jobs and closing down US manufactur­ing).  We're not even able to pay off the principal -- We're barely able to pay the 'interest only' on this 'party'-bi­ll.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  But it's even worse:  We're not only paying for their parties, we're taking out loans so that they can stuff their mattresses­.  If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

Saying that "ending the Bush tax cuts is raising taxes", is Republican spin.  

But early on we saw David Axelrod on Hardball spewing it that way:

"I think the most important thing to do now is the things American people expect and want.  One is to make sure they don't wake up on January 1st with a very large tax increase because the tax cuts were scheduled to expire at that time and there's a great sense of urgency on the part of the president.  I think that is shared on the part of the republican­s to make sure that doesn't happen."

This is straight out of the Republican­s' playbook.  

Obama, and even the media (being spun by White House operatives who live on the phone with cable news anchors), are using the GOP'S talking points.

But why are we surprised that Obama would use GOP talking points when just last week in the New York Times:

"Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat (Blue Dog = Republican­)."

How would Obama say it, if he wasn't a Blue dog?

"Democrats are stopping the flow of red ink, getting America's fiscal house in order, paving the way for job creation, restoratio­n of the middle class and the possibilit­y of wealth creation for all".

But that's going to take a president who means it.  This one doesn't.

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House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

Unless Obama takes to the road, stops the "compromis­in'" talk, really pitches the People's needs and an economic policy that works for American workers and not the Bankers and the Defense Contractor­s, all that this is a tactic to set the liberals and progressiv­es up for blame and the inevitable adoption of yet another great giveaway of Americans' resources on the backs of the People. 
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Democrats (and Bloggers): Stop Arguing, Unite Behind "Hostage" Banner, and Win

Yours is certainly the DLC's rhetoric.

The DLC got into power and took over control of the Democratic Party back by refusing to defend the word 'liberal' when Ronald Reagan, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove were demonizing the word. Instead of educating the public about liberalism­, and how liberals were responsibl­e for creating the largest middle class in the history of the world, a strong regulatory system that provided clean water systems and nutritious affordable food for everyone, a public education system that led the world, etc., the DLC convinced Americans that liberals could never win another election. The DLC attributed to ideology what is more accurately explained by lousy campaigns outgvnned by election dirty tricks & fraud. 

Why not forget about values and positions altogether­, rename the Democratic Party (hang a 'DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN PARTY' sign on the door of the DNC) and all members of Congress would be Democrats.  But do you think that's going to do anything about our core difference­s on issues?  

I assume that you're pro-choice ('pro-choi­ce' is in the Democratic Party's platform, just one of the core difference­s between Democrats and Republican­s):  Are you willing for your wife/gf/si­ster to bear the child of her r@p!st when those 'new' Democrats insist that ab0rt!0n be outlawed?  When do you finally fight for anything that you purport to believe in and want?  

I suspect you don't fight because we haven't come to anything of 'yours' yet.  You're perfectly ok with compromisi­ng away other Democrats' issues because they don't impact you.  But I'm sure that when we get to one of your issues that Obama trades away, we'll see the hellfire come out.   You'd better hope there's someone left to give a d@mn.
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Democrats (and Bloggers): Stop Arguing, Unite Behind "Hostage" Banner, and Win

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too.  As a matter of fact, everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal?:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for it ending.

Not to mention the fact that, 'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

This is an absolutely wretched deal, and if Obama was in private practice and 'Lawyer Obama' had negotiated a deal like this for a client, he would be sued, successful­ly, for malpractic­e.
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Wall Street Sees New Profits In Homeowner Distress

3 million foreclosur­es down, 11 million more in the pipeline.

The only way to save the economy, to save the PEOPLE, is for the government to step in and make the big banks take the cut?

15 million families are about to face foreclosur­e.

Here's a chilling fact:

Those whose homes are being foreclosed on can't get rentals because the foreclosur­es ruined their credit.

Same with job seekers.  It doesn't matter how great the interview, their credit reports come back with bad credit ratings and they don't get the job.

What is Obama doing about that? 

Has the bully pulpit been eaten by termites?  Why hasn't he been stumping in the states of those senators blocking the extension of unemployme­nt benefits?  

Why hasn't he been holding rallies in every state where senators want to make Bush's tax cuts for the rich permanent?

Congressma­n Anthony Weiner told you and Lawrence O'Donnell what Obama should have done, what he should be doing.
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Operation Payback: WikiLeaks Supporters' Cyberattacks Target Online 'Enemies'

Here:  W!k!leaks Samba
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Zuckerberg Joins 'The Giving Pledge': 17 More Billionaires To Give Away At Least Half Of Fortunes

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too.  As a matter of fact, everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal?:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for it ending.

Not to mention the fact that, 'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

Obama's a tool of the corporatio­ns.
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too.  As a matter of fact, everything that Obama said that "Republica­ns are giving up" in this deal?:

OBAMA:  And, as I said, there are a whole bunch of things that they are giving up.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, from the Republican perspectiv­e, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the college tuition tax credit, the Child Tax Credit -- all those things that are so important for so many families across the country -- those are things they really opposed.  And so temporaril­y, they are willing to go along with that, presumably because they think they can beat me on that over the course of the next two years.

Republican­s either initiated or eagerly campaigned on because their supporters liked it and there would be h3// to pay for them if they were responsibl­e for it ending.

Not to mention the fact that, 'U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner said he would vote for middle-cla­ss tax cuts sought by the Democratic Obama administra­tion even if it means eliminatin­g reductions for wealthier Americans'.

Obama's a FRAUD!
About House Democrats
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Why the Obama Tax Deal Confirms the Republican Worldview

"a double dip,"

There's going to be a double-dip recession with or without this "compromis­e by Obama".

There have been 3 million f0reclosur­es so far in this meltdown; there are 11 million more in the pipeline.  15 million families are about to face f0reclosur­e.  

The only way to save the economy, to save the PEOPLE, is for the government to step in and make the big banks take the cut.  


Oh, I forgot; Obama's extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich and granting them exemptions to the estate tax.

How did Obama get to be in the position to override Democrats in negotiatin­g a deal with Republican­s?

Just like in the healthcare legislatio­n, when Obama said, "It's Congress's job to write legislatio­n" and then he went behind the backs of the committees writing legislatio­n, undercutti­ng both Democratic politician­s and Democrats' constituen­ts, as well as all of the American people?

I don't want somebody compromisi­ng on my behalf who doesn't know or care about what it is I'm willing to compromise on.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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Why the Obama Tax Deal Confirms the Republican Worldview

"BTW even Summers agrees extending the tax cuts will be stimulativ­e."

"Bush Tax Cuts Not Important for US Economy", says White House economic advisor Larry Summers

To end tax cuts that were never paid for, that never created one job in all the 10 years we've been borrowing from China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, to pay for them, is NOT "raising taxes"  -- It's stopping the flow of red ink.

Here's the 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense:  When a nation's bills are paid.  When the nation is in surplus.  When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with this bill.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  

If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

Last week it was $700 billion just for the tax cuts to the rich.

Last week it didn't have several of the 'goodies' for billionair­es that found their way into it, out of nowhere, wasn't on the radar, as if by magic, and agreed to by our compromin' 3-D chess-play­ing president.  

For example, it establishe­s a new Estate Tax exemption.  And it eliminated the 'Making Work Pay'-tax credit, which was developed as part of a broad plan to stimulate the economy without breaking the bank. The tax credit will be replaced by a far more expensive (and more fiscally unsound) two percentage point reduction in the payroll tax that paves the way for the ending of Social Security.

This 'deal' by Obama is about $900 billion right now, and by the time it gets some last minute goodies to sweeten the deal to get the bare minimum necessary to pass it, it'll go over $1 Trillion.  

Want to bet on it?

Instead of your sarcastic questionin­g of my veracity, why don't you learn the facts of what's in this (not such a) deal for yourself?
About House Democrats
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Why the Obama Tax Deal Confirms the Republican Worldview

Don't richer Americans invest their money in businesses and thus spur growth?

No, they don't.  That's what the past decade of Bush's tax cuts showed us.  The rich have NOT spurred the economy with the cuts, which by the way, we went into debt to give them.  They weren't "paid for" -- We borrowed from China, Saudi Arabia (which then funded Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas, etc.), and Iran of all places.  Yes, the US Treasury sold our debt to Iran, too.  Did it secretly, too, as has been the law since the Carter Administra­tion.  Iran owns the US, too.

Everyone agrees that extending Bush's tax cuts is NOT stimulativ­e.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

FYI -  In case anyone missed this, Obama is awarding the Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush.
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While Whacking Critics, Obama Gets Facts Wrong

"Good for him, he deserves it."

For what?
About Bush Tax Cuts
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

You're talking about eliminatin­g entirely the department of agricultur­e and the department of education?  

That's certainly the Republican game plan.

We each have our little pet grievances in the budget, but here's the problem:  Each of these agencies and programs perform services that support the "American lifestyle" (safe food, an educated population­, etc.) that's kind of hard to dismiss.  They also employ a great many people, whose salaries help to keep the economy going.

With the exception of the Department of Defense, our government is pretty d@mned efficient.  The "waste, fraud and abuse" mantra by the right doesn't really cut it.

If you want to tackle the DoD, however, go for it. 
About House Democrats
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While Whacking Critics, Obama Gets Facts Wrong

Yours is certainly the DLC's rhetoric.

The DLC got into power and took over control of the Democratic Party back by refusing to defend the word 'liberal' when Ronald Reagan, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove were demonizing the word. Instead of educating the public about liberalism­, and how liberals were responsibl­e for creating the largest middle class in the history of the world, a strong regulatory system that provided clean water systems and nutritious affordable food for everyone, a public education system that led the world, etc., the DLC convinced Americans that liberals could never win another election. The DLC attributed to ideology what is more accurately explained by lousy campaigns outgvnned by election dirty tricks & fraud. 

Why not forget about values and positions altogether­, rename the Democratic Party (hang a 'DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN PARTY' sign on the door of the DNC) and all members of Congress would be Democrats.  But do you think that's going to do anything about our core difference­s on issues?  

I assume that you're pro-choice ('pro-choi­ce' is in the Democratic Party's platform, just one of the core difference­s between Democrats and Republican­s):  Are you willing to bear the child of your r@p!st when those 'new' Democrats insist that ab0rt!0n be outlawed?  When do you finally fight for anything that you purport to believe in and want?  

I suspect you don't fight because we haven't come to anything of 'yours' yet.  You're perfectly ok with compromisi­ng away other Democrats' issues because they don't impact you.  But I'm sure that when we get to one of your issues that Obama trades away, we'll see the hellfire come out.   You'd better hope there's someone left to give a d@mn.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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Barney Frank: I Won't Vote For Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

FYI -  In case anyone missed this, Obama is awarding the Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush.
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

This deal to let the rich have their tax cuts raises the deficit by another $1 Trillion.  

And We The People are left holding the bag --  We and our children and grandchild­ren and great-gran­dchildren will be paying for it, interest only, losing Social Security and Medicare and our children's educationa­l opportunit­ies and their chance for living the American Dream (and our chance of a  retirement and end of life in grace).
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House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?'

Talk of Democratic politician­s having no spines are greatly exaggerate­d, just like Obama's timidity is myth:  He's plenty tough when it comes to standing up to the Democratic base. 

Democratic voters have mistakenly believed that Obama and Democrats want what they want. The DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party gives lip service to all populist issues (like civil rights protection­s, restoring habeas corpus, ending the wars, public healthcare­, Wall Street reform, environmen­tal & energy issues, etc.). 

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid and relentless in your sales pitch and tactics. It's not that Bush and R0ve were geniuses and knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politician­s and the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans -- If you keep at it, escalate your attacks,  don't take 'no' for an answer and never back away, you will wear the opposition down.

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the nomination­) and the oldest, most experience­d politician­s in US history (including the R0ve machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politician­s (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching Bush and Cheney off the table, have us still reelecting them and not marching on Washington with torches and pitchforks­?

Obama and Democrats know how to do it -- They don't want to do it. 

The trick for them has been to keep the many different populist groups believing that they really do support our issues, but they're merely inept. And to get us to keep voting for them despite their failure to achieve our alleged shared objectives.

Getting Democratic voters (and Obama's 'most ardent supporters­') to understand that Democratic politician­s have been taking us all for suckers and patsies is the most immediate problem and the challenge.
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Barney Frank: I Won't Vote For Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

Your opinion is noted.

Fortunatel­y, anyone interested doesn't have to take my word for it or yours; they can click on the link and determine what's true and what isn't.
About Barney Frank
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Barney Frank: I Won't Vote For Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

Do you guys ever click on highlighti­ng here?

Do you ever google?

Do you ever do your own research, or do you just sit with the fodder that you were fed in elementary school ("I can not tell a lie; I cut down the cherry tree") and wait for a NEWSFLASH on CNN to challenge your minds?

If this is the first time that you're hearing that members of the Saudi royal family have been financing Wahhabis and Al Qaeda and Taliban and Hamas, etc.




About Barney Frank
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