A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

Monday, October 25, 2010

I've asked Obama's 'most ardent supporters' a dozen different ways & they all keep dodging answering these questions. It looks like they all keep dodging even THINKING about these questions:

How do you think a win by Democrats next month will be interpretted by Obama, Democrats & the media? What do you think they will think they have a mandate to do?

Criticism & failing numbers in the polls have done nothing to persuade this president or this Congress to move to the left. What makes you think they're going to do in the next 2 years with less of a majority that they refused to do with a filibuster-proof senate?

Obama & Democratic leadership in Congress have already said that even with a Democratic victory in November, they're caving more to the right.

We've been doing it your way (the DLC's way) for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic Party keeps moving farther to the right. If you & I are on the same side (as you insist) and want real Democratic policies, & going about getting them your way (protecting Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies & NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about?

When do you realize that you've become that classic definition for 'insanity' ("Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results")?

Do you ever realize it?

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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House Candidates To Spend Over $1 Billion On Elections

I've asked Obama's 'most ardent supporters' a dozen different ways & they all keep dodging answering these questions. It looks like they all keep dodging even THINKING about these questions:

How do you think a win by Democrats next month will be interpretted by Obama, Democrats & the media? What do you think they will think they have a mandate to do?

Criticism & failing numbers in the polls have done nothing to persuade this president or this Congress to move to the left. What makes you think they're going to do in the next 2 years with less of a majority that they refused to do with a filibuster-proof senate?

Obama & Democratic leadership in Congress have already said that even with a Democratic victory in November, they're caving more to the right.

We've been doing it your way (the DLC's way) for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic Party keeps moving farther to the right. If you & I are on the same side (as you insist) and want real Democratic policies, & going about getting them your way (protecting Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies & NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about?

When do you realize that you've become that classic definition for 'insanity' ("Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results")?

Do you ever realize it?

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

I've been voting the lesser of two ev!ls (DLC Democrats) since the DLC took over the DemocraticParty in the late 1980s.

I have watched the DLC take the DemocraticParty farther to the right each election cycle, promising change & reform, blaming the lack of it on voters for not electing enough Democrats liberals progressives, all the while the party leaders are bankrolling pro-corporate DINOs over true liberals & cooperating with Republicans in Congress.

Never are the party leaders using the bully pulpit of their offices to educate or inform the American people as to the great traditions of liberal Democracy & how the People have prospered under liberal Democrats.

Currently, this DINO of a president has continued just about all of the Bush-Cheney policies & gone Bush-Cheney one better in several areas. Civil rights abuses that Bush & Cheney could only fantasize about, never dare try, Obama's doing.

How does any Democratic voter defend Obama after he asserts he has the right to k!ll any American citizen without due process or oversight? And 'preventive detention'? And Obama's claims of 'state secrets' to deny courts even look at his a$$a$$ination program?
About Elections 2010
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

I've asked you 0bots a dozen different ways and you all keep dodging answering these questions. It looks like you all keep dodging even THINKING about these questions:

How do you think that will be interpretted by Obama, Democrats and the media? What do you think they will think they have a mandate to do?

Criticism & failing numbers in the polls have done nothing to persuade this president or this Congress to move to the left. What makes you think they're going to do in the next 2 years with less of a majority that they refused to do with a filibuster-proof senate?

Obama & Democratic leadership in Congress have already said that even with a Democratic victory in November, they're caving more to the right.

We've been doing it your way (the DLC's way) for 20 years now, & the government & the Democratic Party keeps moving farther to the right. If you and I are on the same side as you insist, if you and I want the same policies (real Democratic policies), and going about getting them your way (protecting Obama, reelecting DLC Democrats) is getting Republican policies, NOT Democratic policies, when do you realize that maybe you don't know what you're talking about? Do you ever realize it?
About Elections 2010
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

If the means to getting Bush-Cheney into office required a close election and Nader not been running, some other means would have been used. The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, and gamed it innumerable ways.

For pity's sake, the CIA was working on GOP absentee ballots in the weeks leading up to election day in Florida. Jeb Bush & Katherine Harris had been working for two years to purge voters from the polls.

Do people forget all the different ways that that election was gamed by the GOP, and all of the ways that the Democratic establishment abandoned Gore? And that's just in Florida, and just the ways that we learned about because of legal proceedings in the post-election days.

There was a coup d'etat in this country in 2000. A bIoodless coup, but a coup nonetheless.

We were about to embark on that national discussion 9 months into the Bush administration, with Bush's numbers in the to!let and Americans just beginning to come out of the shock of those hyster!cal post-election days in Florida. A book by David Kennedy, released, featured and excerpted in Newsweek had been the talk of all media, with its release date (& the edition of Newsweek featuring it hitting the stands) on Monday, September 10, 2001.

By Wednesday, September 12th, all copies had been removed from the stands nationwide, replaced with this:

http://cdn 2.ioffer.c­om/img/ite­m/137/166/­197/RKvikI­QRzgOhd8G.­jpg
About Elections 2010
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

Do you think that if Republicans take control of Congress next year that the Democratic minority, with greater numbers than the Republican minority has now, will be as effective at thwarting the Republicans as the Republicans have been in thwarting Democrats?

If you say yes, I say, "Where were they during the 8 years of Bush?"

Eight years when Barbara Boxer wrote two murder mysteries, because "It was always something I wanted to do if I had the time."

Eight years when Pat Leahy expanded his Grateful Dead collection and got to act in his favorite comic book hero movie, Batman.

Every last Democrat in Congress and the White House are going to do just fine personally, financially, when they're out of office. They will lobby, go on to sit on corporate boards and earn mega-millions.

How about you? How are you going to pay the increased deductibles and co-pays on your health care? How are you going to pay for what your insurance company isn't covering? And when your bank pays your property taxes so that it can turn around and charge you fees, if you can't pay those fees, where are you going to live when your home goes into foreclosure due to their lien?
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

It precisely allows for a representative democracy through the caucus system. Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman. Independents who caucus with Democrats. You've got a better chance of direct representation by voting for an independent than you have voting for either of the two parties (which is actually the same 'corporate party') these days.
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The Tea Party and the Republican Party Are the Same

The media & the DemocraticParty benefit by making the TeaParty seem like a growing movement, but, in fact, there are only 600 teabaggers registered nationally. What they actually are is the Republican base. The TeaParty is not really a "growing movement" any more than Republicanism is growing -- The TeaParty IS the RepublicanParty, & it's not any more conservative than the party's been for 30 years.

There are only a handful of them even running, & even if they all won (O'Donnell's 20 points behind in the polls), they'd move to the left as ScottBrown has done ("SarahPalin, who?") or remain fringe (in reliably 'fringe'-districts) or get voted out if they failed to move to the left once elected. Teabaggers would be directly controlled by Republican leadership in the Congress, the same Republican leadership that Obama & DLC Democrats have refused to go after. Even SarahPalin governed Alaska as a moderate Republican; if you're not afraid of EvanBayh, you've got no business being afraid of the actual political parties that use teabaggers and are in full control of them.

But it works for the DLC-controlled DemocraticParty to portray it as "Us versus Them", instead of the fact that the base of the DemocraticParty, the left, has had it with Obama & the DLC.
About Christine O'Donnell
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What Happens Next? The Complex Post-Election Landscape

Democratic voters have mistakenly believed that Obama & Democrats want what they want. The DLC-controlled DemocraticParty gives lip service to all populist issues (like CivilRights protections, restoring HabeasCorpus, ending the wars, PublicHealthcare, WallStreetReform, environmental & energy issues, etc.).

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid & relentless in your sales pitch & tactics. It's not that Bush & R0ve were geniuses & knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politicians & the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans.

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the nomination) & the oldest, most experienced politicians in US history (including the Rove machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politicians (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching Bush & Cheney off the table & have us still reelecting them, not marching on Washington with torches&pitchforks?

Obama & Democrats know how to do it -- They don't want to do it.

The trick for them's been to keep the many different populist groups believing that they really do support our issues, but they're merely inept. And to get us to keep voting for them despite their failure to deliver on any of our alleged shared objectives.
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

Since the election (& even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's given us every reason to distrust & doubt him. He's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans & BlueDogs stronger & harder to beat in 2010 & 2012.

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' are the most immediate problem. Obama's fans help him screw them & us over by keeping his personal numbers high. That enables Obama to blow them (& all Democratic voters) off. They do it out of ig.no.rance. They're the weakest links, targeted by the DLC for their gullibility, malleability, for the sophisticated propaganda campaigns designed by Frank Luntz-types to keep them loyal in the face of all evidence to the contrary why they shouldn't be. They swallow the most preposterous talking points & excuses, parceled out by WhiteHouse & DemocraticParty operatives a little at a time. With each passing day, it becomes more difficult & frightening for them to entertain doubts about Obama. With their "In for a penny, in for a pound" thinking as justification, they fear facing the truth, not just looking like id-jits, but being without a hero president, another Bush, if they were to come into reality.

Until they wake up to these facts, they're their own & our worst enem!es, & the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted them into office as the majority power
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Newsweek Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up

I suggest that you consider Democrats & Republicans as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, & when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric.

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, & continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what WeThePeople thought they were.

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans & all the different ways they've been tricked & start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business -- This current one, because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc., is custom-tailored to Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize they're trying to sell that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do, & that's "a good thing".

Whichever of us is right (& I can back up my contentions with much evidence of Obama's not being any more ethical than BushCheney, beginning with his assertion that the president has the right to k!II American citizens with absolutely no due process, no oversight), how is his government's ineffectiveness working for you, for us, I ask rhetorically.
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Since the election (& even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's given us every reason to distrust & doubt him. He's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans & Blue Dogs stronger & harder to beat in 2010 & 2012.

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' are the most immediate problem. Obama's fans help him screw them (& us) over. They keep his personal numbers high. That enables Obama to blow them (& all Democratic voters) off. They do it out of ig.no.rance & their malleability -- They are the weakest links. They're the targets of sophisticated propaganda campaigns designed to keep them loyal in the face of all evidence to the contrary why they shouldn't be. They swallow the most preposterous talking points & excuses, parceled out by WhiteHouse & DemocraticParty operatives a little at a time. With each passing day, it becomes more difficult & frightening for them to entertain doubts about Obama. With their "In for a penny, in for a pound" thinking as justification, they fear facing the truth, not just looking like id-jits, but being without a hero president, another Bush, if they were to come into reality.

Until they wake up to these facts, they're their own & our worst enem!es, & the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted Obama & Democrats into office as the majority power in
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Democratic voters have mistakenly believed that Obama & Democrats want what they want. The DLC-controlled DemocraticParty gives lip service to all populist issues (like economic justice, Civil Rights protections, restoring habeas corpus & the Constitution, ending the wars, public healthcare, Wall Street reform, environmental & energy issues, etc.).

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid & relentless in your sales pitch & tactics. It's not that Bush & R0ve were geniuses & knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politicians & the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans.

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the nomination) & the oldest, most experienced politicians in US history (including the Rove machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politicians (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching Bush & Cheney off the table & have us still reelecting them, not marching on Washington with torches & pitchforks?

Obama & Democrats know how to do it -- They don't want to do it.

The trick for them's been to keep the many different populist groups believing that they really do support our issues, but they're merely inept. And to get us to keep voting for them despite their failure to deliver on any of
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Obama, RahmEmanuel, the DLC, DavidAxelrod, DavidPlouffe, all have worked their @$$es off to prevent real progressives (or less conservative Democrats) getting into office. One example right off the bat is Blanche Lincoln.

The White House put its full weight & support behind Blanche Lincoln over the true progressive (& union-backed) candidate in the primary, Bill Halter.

This wasn't unlike when Obama made a deal with Arlen Specter and put the full weight and support of the Democratic machine behind Specter during the 2010 primary in Pennsylvania, trying to buy off (among other alternative candidates Democratic voters in PA might have wanted to vote to have representing them) Joe Sestak. Consider that -- Obama actively went about trying to prevent Democratic voters from choosing their preferred candidate for the US so that a DINO, Republican Arlen Specter, could retain the seat.

The real affront is what we're calling progressive and liberal. While Sestak's more progressive than Specter, he's not a liberal Democrat.

BlancheLincoln's 18 points down behind the GOP candidate JohnBoozman.

Guess who could beat Boozman in Arkansas? Lt. Governor BillHalter. Because, like just about all Americans, Arkansans would prefer an authentic, likable candidate, even if it's a progressive.

But more progressives in Congress means real populist legislation getting passed into law. Real reform bills, that re-regulate banks & big business. Real stimulus bills, with jobs creation, green clean energy development, and more. But that's not who or what Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats are about.
About Barack Obama
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

I suggest that you consider Democrats & Republicans as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, & when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric.

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, & continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what WeThePeople thought they were.

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans & all the different ways they've been tricked & start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business -- This current one, because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc., is custom-tailored to Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize they're trying to sell that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do, & that's "a good thing".

Whichever of us is right (& I can back up my contentions with much evidence of Obama's not being any more ethical than BushCheney, beginning with his assertion that the president has the right to k!II American citizens with absolutely no due process, no oversight), how is his government's ineffectiveness working for you, for us? (I ask rhetorically)
About Barack Obama
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

The DLC got into power by refusing to defend the word 'liberal' when Ronald Reagan, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove were demonizing the word. Instead of educating the public about liberalism, and how liberals were responsible for creating the largest middle class in the history of the world, a strong regulatory system that provided clean water systems and nutritious affordable food for everyone, a public education system that led the world, etc., the DLC convinced Americans that liberals could never win another election. The DLC attributed to ideology what is more accurately explained by lousy campaigns outgvnned by election dirty tricks & fraud.

When informed of the issues, most Americans agree with liberal policies. Neither they nor I would characterize themselves as far-anything or extreme, but mainstream. For example, nobody likes the idea of abortion, but most Americans do not want the government involved if they find themselves in the predicament of an unwanted pregnancy. And if you frame it as, "You like to k!ll babies?!?!?!?!", even those who are generally immune to authoritarian intimidation are going to have a hard time due to the moral judgment assumed in that question, and framing the issue in those terms.
About Barack Obama
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Let's get some definitions on the table.

I am an old FDR liberal Democrat. I'm against privatization of government, and for regulated capitalism (like Naomi Klein, I'm for a mixed economy). I'm for social safety nets; those we have, those we've had, and others which we would have had had it not been for the Reagan "revolution", and which would have come in handy during tough times like this, and which might have prevented this meltdown from happening at all. Most of all, I'm for education. Free to all, all the way.

I am one of the 70% of liberals that comprise the Democratic Party.

The DLC (pro-corporate, anti-populist, the Republican wing of the Democratic Party), through no acclaimation of the People or Democratic voters, controls the Democratic Party. The DLC, DINOs, are ideologically the moderate Republicans of the 1950s & 1960s. It's a t00l of the corporations, just like Republicans.

Most Democratic voters have no idea what the DLC is or who is in it.

Obama isn't a centrist; he's a neoliberal ( http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/N eoliberali sm ). As the president, he heads the national Democratic Party, i.e., he's the de facto head of the DLC. He's a DINO. Obama & Democrats are NOT doing what Democratic voters put Obama & Democrats into power to achieve on their behalf, i.e., undo 30+ years of Republican programming.

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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

In spite of the fact that she's one of the "professional left" that Obama, Gibbs, Emanuel and the whole of the administration has targeted?

I'd think she would know what she does and doesn't support.

But if you don't want to hear it from her, who would you hear it from?






On the far rightwing end of the spectrum, even Fox is reporting it, but you would probably not hear it from them either.
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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

==According to excerpts from the Times, aides say that the president's been spending "a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0," brainstorming with administration officials about the best way to revamp the strategies & goals of the WhiteHouse.

And despite the predictions that Democrats may relinquish a large degree of legislating power, including perhaps control of the House & even Senate, Obama isn't thinking of the next two years as a period that'll be marked with the same obstructive nature from the GOP.

"It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, [Republicans] feel more responsible, either because they didn't do as well as they anticipated, & so the strategy of just saying no to everything & sitting on the sidelines & throwing bombs didn't work for them," Obama says in the article. "Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals & work with me in a serious way."

DickDurbin says Obama's post-election agenda "will have to be limited & focused on the things that are achievable & high priorities for the American people." TomDaschle says Obama has to reach out more: "The key word is inclusion. He's got to find ways to be inclusive."==

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

Obama and Democrats ran on fixing NAFTA, on removing tax breaks for corporations outsourcing jobs, for putting the wars on the budget (instead of paying for them through emergency supplemental bills).

None of that has happened.

None of that has been even attempted.

Republicans have no part in this.

They're not about to tell you (because there is no excuse for it, not even with their base); I just did.

Let's see where your loyalty lies: With the nation, or with a political party.
About Financial Crisis
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

What Bush & Cheney did was the inevitable result of incremental steps put into place legislatively years earlier by both Republican & Democratic administrations & Congresses.

That the economy came to a head in September 08 was the result of very careful planning and timing to pull off the greatest heist in the history of the world during a "changing of the guard".

Both Democrats and Republicans pulled this heist. Obama, too. Obama & the DLC-controlled Congress have blocked investigations and prosecutions into everything that Bush-Cheney did. On war crimes, on contracting fraud, on banking abuses and fraud.

Obama's going in the wrong direction, and if you knew anything about legislation and government instead of responding to rhetoric and infotainment production values, you'd know that Obama is a t00l of the corporations.
About Financial Crisis
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Obama & Democrats, behaving like Republicans, have put Social Security on the table for cuts and privatizing by his Debt Commission:

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters:

Obama has filled his new 'debt commission' with Wall Street insiders determined to gut Social Security

http://www­.alternet.­org/story/­146183/oba­ma_packs_d­ebt_commis­sion_with_ social_ security_l­ooters?pag­e=entire

Obama Packs Debt Commission With Social Security Privatization & Benefit Cut Supporters



You don't put Social Security on the table at all before a 'Deficit Commission' (it's not in danger of going broke, to begin with) or put people like this on your commission if you weren't signaling that you're open to doing it.

And Chris Van Hollen made an interesting parsing slip on CNN about that very point (he never was the brightest color in the box -- Democratic voters are d00med if this is the future leadership of the party). Go hunt: http://arc­hives.cnn.­com/TRANSC­RIPTS/1008­/15/sotu.0­1.html

[Hint: "partial"]
About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

No, that's absolutely not true.

What is necessary is an informed electorate. That's to begin with.

Without public financing of elections, without 'personhood' being removed from corporations' legal status, the corporations will continue to BE the government, and neither the DLC-controlled Democratic Party or the Republican Party are going to change that.
About 2010 Elections
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

==According to excerpts from the Times, aides say that the president's been spending "a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0," brainstorming with administration officials about the best way to revamp the strategies & goals of the WhiteHouse.

And despite the predictions that Democrats may relinquish a large degree of legislating power, including perhaps control of the House & even Senate, Obama isn't thinking of the next two years as a period that'll be marked with the same obstructive nature from the GOP.

"It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, [Republicans] feel more responsible, either because they didn't do as well as they anticipated, & so the strategy of just saying no to everything & sitting on the sidelines & throwing bombs didn't work for them," Obama says in the article. "Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals & work with me in a serious way."

DickDurbin says Obama's post-election agenda "will have to be limited & focused on the things that are achievable & high priorities for the American people." TomDaschle says Obama has to reach out more: "The key word is inclusion. He's got to find ways to be inclusive."==

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

And DLC Democrats have aided and abetted.
About Financial Crisis
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

Imagine how many more would be working, how much of the economy and what was stolen from the middle class would have been restored had REAL Democrats (and not DLC Democrats, DINOs aka moderate Republicans) been running the White House and Congress?

Imagine a real Democratic president not blocking investigations and prosecutions of the Bush administration and the GOP's policies that has us in wars around the globe and destroyed our economy.
About Financial Crisis
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New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

I suggest that you consider Democrats & Republicans as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, & when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric.

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, & continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what WeThePeople thought they were.

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans & all the different ways they've been tricked & start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business -- This current one, because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc., is custom-tailored to Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize they're trying to sell that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do, & that's "a good thing".
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

I suggest that you consider Democrats & Republicans as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, & when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric.

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, & continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what WeThePeople thought they were.

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans & all the different ways they've been tricked & start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business -- This current one, because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc., is custom-tailored to Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize they're trying to sell that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do, & that's "a good thing".
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

The left does not support Obama.

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/jane­-hamsher/o­bama-vs-th­e-left-a-b­attl_b_745­311.html
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Once the election is over, what Obama & the DLC-Democrats are going to do are things we'd be discussing (and objecting to) now, pre-election, if we had the chance, like more NAFTA-like treaties to outsource Americans' jobs:



Elevating the TeaParty to prominence has enabled Obama to water down legislation, make legislation Republican-like, & make it possible for Obama & the DLC-controlled Congress to both deliver to the corporations AND move the DemocraticParty even farther to the right in order to attract moderate Republican politicians & their supporters into the Democratic Party.

No matter what the outcome of this election, Obama will spin it as a mandate for continuing a pro-corporate, anti-populist agenda. Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

==According to excerpts from the Times, aides say that the president's been spending "a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0," brainstorming with administration officials about the best way to revamp the strategies & goals of the WhiteHouse.

And despite the predictions that Democrats may relinquish a large degree of legislating power, including perhaps control of the House & even Senate, Obama isn't thinking of the next two years as a period that'll be marked with the same obstructive nature from the GOP.

"It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, [Republicans] feel more responsible, either because they didn't do as well as they anticipated, & so the strategy of just saying no to everything & sitting on the sidelines & throwing bombs didn't work for them," Obama says in the article. "Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals & work with me in a serious way."

DickDurbin says Obama's post-election agenda "will have to be limited & focused on the things that are achievable & high priorities for the American people." TomDaschle says Obama has to reach out more: "The key word is inclusion. He's got to find ways to be inclusive."==

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Elevating the TeaParty to prominence has enabled Obama to water down legislation, make it Republican-like, & make it possible for Obama & the DLC-controlled Congress to both deliver to the corporations AND move the DemocraticParty even farther to the right in order to attract moderate Republican politicians & their supporters into the Democratic Party.

No matter what the outcome of this election, Obama will spin it as a mandate for continuing a pro-corporate, anti-populist agenda. Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l

Once the election is over, what Obama & the DLC-Democrats are going to do after November 2nd are things we'd be discussing (and objecting to) now, pre-election, if we had the chance, like more NAFTA-like treaties to outsource Americans' jobs:

http://www­.nytimes.c­om/glogin?­URI=http:/­/www.nytim­es.com/201­0/07/08/us­/politics/ 08exports.­html&OQ=_r­Q3D1&OP=48­08f024Q2Fi­tMciW_OwB_­_hgig-!-i-­,i-Q27i7wi­(_PQ7ChQ7C­Owi-Q27MD(­_BhwQ254hQ­20P

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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

There are only 600 teabaggers registered nationally; what they actually are is the Republican base. There are only a handful of them even running, & even if they all won (O'Donnell's 20 points behind in the polls), they'd move to the left as Scott Brown has done ("Sarah Palin, who?") or remain fringe (in reliably 'fringe'-districts) or get voted out if they failed to move to the left once elected. Even Sarah Palin governed Alaska as a moderate Republican; if you're not afraid of Evan Bayh, you've got no business being afraid of the actual political parties that use teabaggers and are in full control of them.

Teabaggers would be directly controlled by Republican leadership in the Congress, the same Republican leadership that Obama and DLC Democrats have refused to go after. The Tea Party is not really a "growing movement" any more than Republicanism is growing -- The Tea Party IS the Republican Party, and it's not any more conservative than the party's been for 30 years.

Obama, the DLC-controlled Democratic Party, is utilizing the same fear tactics that Bush-Cheney-R0ve utilized before 2008 elections. Only now instead of terr0rists, it's fear of teabaggers (witches & gvn-toting John Birchers & Ginni Thomas) scaling the walls of our democracy with knives between their teeth to behead us, instead of Al Qaeda.

All to distract voters from discussing the real issues affecting us.
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Did Obama, who ran a pitch-perfect campaign to victory in 2008, use his oratorical skill to shape the healthcare debate? Did he use his unique ability to communicate, an ability that got more voters than ever before in the history of the nation to vote for him (a black man, in good old rac!st America, because they believed he could end corporations' grip on government & return the government to the People), to intervene & interrupt these kinds of disruptive tactics, and bring reason and order and humanity to the decision-making process?:



He didn't because what teabaggers were doing at Town Halls was what he & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party wanted to have happen. To get the pro-insurance & pharmaceutical industries kind of healthcare legislation that was passed, and not the real healthcare reform that he & Democrats were put into power to achieve.

Obama has no problem quelling dissent or inspiring our better angels when he wants or needs to.

What Obama did instead during the same Town Hall time period: Unleash federal security forces to Pittsburgh to break up peaceful protests of the G20 meeting (using the new weaponry on dissenters who the 'Establishment Elites' really fear) and stem the unrest that actually threatens the 'elites', i.e., the American people taking back their government -

About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

We saw how Obama & DLC-Democrats in Congress used teabaggers to get out of any real healthcare reform. We saw how Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats helped elevate the Tea Party to prominence. We all watched this play out through the 2009 summer debate over healthcare reform, as Obama disappeared from the public debate (especially onerous during the town halls when teabaggers came into prominence & disrupted any real discussion).

All last summer, as teabaggers brought gvns to the Town Halls, & members of Congress were canceling Town Halls, did Obama take charge, send out federal marshals to protect the democratic process? Did Obama gather both parties' leadership & take to the bully pulpit, did he hit the air waves, & say, "There will be gathering in the public square by American citizens to do what we do in America: Debate and discuss the issues facing us without threats of intimidation and brandishing of weapons!"?

About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

This is for the DLC-trolls (political operatives paid by the DNC to spread disinformation) who inevitably show up to deny that Obama took part in any "secret deal":

White House-PhRma Secret Memo Surfaces:

==Since mid-July, the WhiteHouse and the drug industry’s Washington lobby, PhRMA, have denied any specific agreement that would give the industry big benefits in exchange for its support for PresidentB arackObama ­s healthcare overhaul effort.==

http://blo­gs.wsj.com­/washwire/­2009/08/17 /white-hou­se-phrma-m­emo-surfac­es-again/




http://onl­ine.wsj.co­m/article/­SB12456721 1118336815.html


http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/08/10/whi­te-house-i­nsists-it-­di_n_25568­2.html

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/08/13/int­ernal-memo­-confirms-­bi_n_25828­5.html


http://www­.alternet.­org/story/­141856/oba­ma's_$80_bil­lion_deal_­with _pharma_is _a_very_ba­d_deal_for­_us/
About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

While Dick Armey, Fox & the Koch brothers helped create the Tea Party, Obama & RahmEmanuel helped elevate it and make it strong (along with Blue Dogs). The TeaParty is an effective nemesis for Obama: A paper tiger.

If Obama & DLC-Democrats had believed the Tea Party to be a threat, had they wanted to put the Tea Party down, the time to do it was last year during the healthcare debate when the Tea Party was coming to prominence.

Instead, Obama disappeared from the healthcare debate (to cut secret deals with Big Insurance, PhRma, hospitals, the AMA, etc., and then l!e about it) as the Tea Party grew & bullied at Town Halls.
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Is that on today's faxed DLC talking points, tr0ll? To try to brand critics as "big0ts".

Good luck trying to hang that on me, id-jit.

Try discussing what we on the left actual say, and not what's really in YOUR heart.
About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Obama blocks investigations and prosecutions into what actual Republicans have done to the US & Americans (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Rove, Feith, Cambone, Bybee, Yoo, et al) because their policies continue under Obama, and will continue post-Obama.
About 2010 Elections
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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Told you so.

Within 1 month of getting into the WhiteHouse, with a Republican Party not "on the ropes" but "on the mat", gasping its last breaths, Obama and Rahm Emanuel didn't go after the Republican leadership in Congress, or even the Bush-Cheney administration for their many crimes.

No, Obama & Emanuel blocked all investigations into what actual Republicans did to the US (Bush-Chen­ey-Republi­cans in Congress), & then elevated the teabaggers, SarahPalin & RushLimbaugh (two people with absolutely no job, no position in the GOP).

Obama & RahmEmanuel have never gone after the Republican leadership directly. Not MitchMcConnell, not JohnBoehner, not EricCantor, not JohnMcCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee).


Because Sarah Palin (and anyone else 'Tea Partyish') is who the Obama & the DLC-controlled DemocraticParty wants to run against. Both in 2010, but especially in 2012. Obama wants to drive a wedge between the base of the RepublicanParty that controls the RepublicanParty (far rightwing extremists) and the rest of the RepublicanParty (plain old rightwing conservatives and moderate Republicans) for the purpose of trying to attract the latter (Republican politicians & their supporters) into the Democratic Party. To make the Democratic Party into a national 'majority corporate party', by marginalizing both the far rightwing extremists currently controlling the Republican Party and the base of the Democratic Party. In order "to govern for 100 years".

Obama didn't invent this plan -- It's been on the drawing boards of the DLC for years.
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Gen. Hugh Shelton: Bush Officials Pushed For Iraq War 'Almost To The Point Of Insubordination' (VIDEO)

Since you appear unsure, the police are definitely and legally allowed to lie to you during an investigation. It's been reviewed and is allowed by the Supreme Court.


No, you're misunderstanding the point.

There are very few circumstances in life where you're not "allowed" to lie. Fewer still are the instances where prosecuting lying not allowed under the law will occur. Those few remaining instances appear to be when you or I commit perjury, but not any politically connected figure.

Neither Congress nor Obama is willing to enforce the rule of law.

Our system of justice has broken down.
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Gen. Hugh Shelton: Bush Officials Pushed For Iraq War 'Almost To The Point Of Insubordination' (VIDEO)

There is no substantive difference between the two parties, other than their rhetoric directed toward their bases - "The other guy is worse!"

Democrats are not even running on what they did with the overwhelming mandate they got from the electorate in 2008 for CHANGE, it's that bad.

Democrats are running on witchcraft & issues that will never come up in Congress, except as lightning rods to galvanize the masses. It's fear again, over candidates unlikely to win (O'Donnell is something like 18 points below Coons).

If a fluke happened and any Teabagger won, he or she would be controlled by the Republican leadership, a leadership that Obama won't even name or go after.

Any Teabagger winning would most likely do what ScottBrown did when he won TedKennedy's seat: Moved to the left, said, "SarahPalin, who???"

Brown is voting as a Republican (which is how he ran and all Teabaggers are running), which is how DLC-Democrats, Blue Dogs and even Progressives in Congress are voting (Pat Leahy voted to confirm John Roberts, pushed through the notaries'-­foreclosur­e bill that would have made it easier for banks to foreclose; Joe Biden voted with Republicans for the Bush Bankruptcy Reform Act, and against amendments by liberals to soften it). If you're not afraid of Evan Bayh, you have no business being afraid of Sarah Palin.
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