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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

Friday, May 21, 2010

How does dividing it in two end the corruption?

Nobody is being fired.

After Obama allegedly froze the permit process, permits have been given out. The spokeswoman for the department asserts that there have been no new permits and goes silent when informed that permits have, indeed been given out.

The Justice Department should be launching an investigation and Congress and Obama should be controlling BP's every move instead of asking BP to release the live feed. BP just told the EPA to buzz off, that it will continue using Corexit (tied to Goldman Sacks). http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/bp_is_sticking_with_its_disper.html
About Chris Matthews
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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

Oil Accidents Waiting To Happen


12 Offshore Rigs, Oil And Gas, Launched In U.S. This Week Despite Gulf Oil Spill -


Within his power, and Obama does nothing.
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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

Carville and Matthews ain't entirely wrong, but only in that Obama has not shown us the depth of concern and engagement that we all expect when dealing with a tough, tough, issue.


ONLY in that Obama has not shown us concern and engagement?

Oil Accidents Waiting To Happen


12 Offshore Rigs, Oil And Gas, Launched In U.S. This Week Despite Gulf Oil Spill -

About Chris Matthews
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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

If you learned that what BP is doing to stop the gusher is drilling a different well to access the first and close it with concrete, and that it's on target to cap the gusher on August 14, 2010 (no guarantees), AND, that this is what Obama had authorized, what would you think about Obama then?
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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

What would you think if you found out that Obama was actually calling the shots, and BP is doing what Obama is ordering?

Would you be able to rest assured, believing that all that could be done is being done, or would you think he's inept and incompetent?
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James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

The minute he says, 'I'm in charge,' he takes the blame, but somebody has to. It's in our interest."


That minute came and went weeks ago.

From an interview with the national incident commander, Admiral Thad Allen on The Rachel Maddow Show this week -

MADDOW: In terms of the overall responsibility here and the direction of the response, if BP wasn‘t doing something that you thought could improve the situation—I‘m not accusing them of doing that, but if that were the case, could you compel them to do it?

ALLEN: That‘s a great question, Rachel, and the answer is yes. Under the law, the federal on-scene coordinator—in this case, it‘s Rear Admiral Mary Landry, who runs the area unified command down in Robert, Louisiana, who reports directly to me. We have the authority to direct BP to provide information. That is how the video was released today that you saw.


The Obama administration has been watching that live feed for weeks (even though it was only released to the general public a couple of days ago), knew that more than 5000 barrels a day was gushing out, and is satisfied with letting it gush until the target date of August 14th that BP has given for capping it.
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Chris Matthews Tells Leno: 'The President Scares Me,' Limbaugh 'A Joke' (VIDEO)

If Obama takes over then BP is only responsible for what happened up to now.


Total BS.

Obama needs to federalize this operation and shut BP's operations throughout US waters.

If someone came into your home and was destroying it, would you allow them to continue the activity and be in charge of clean-up?


You would call in your own people, your own specialists, and give those who had destroyed it the bill.

The argument that BP should control the effort stop the oil from gushing (and subsequent clean-up) because the oil industry's employees are the sole/best experts is abzurd.

It is long past the time when Obama should have pushed BP aside and put the Army Corps of Engineers on this. When the Army Corps of Engineers is allowed to do the job, there is nobody better.

BP has no desire or incentive to stop this disaster. As a matter of fact, by destroying the entire region ecologically, BP and all pro-drilling interested parties (politicians included) can and will argue that offshore drilling increase, "since it's all ruined anyway".
About Tonight Show
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Conservatives Who Supported Bush's No-Strings-Attached Bailout Are Faring Badly

Conservatives who supported Bush's No-Strings Attached Bailout are faring badly


Obama and the Democratic Congress shared that "no strings attached" bailout.

How is it that 0bamabots forget Tarp2?

This old liberal Democrat wants to know how is it that 0bamabots can hate Bush & conservatives so, but give Obama a pass for not investigating and prosecuting him and his cronies?
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Has Obama Created A Social Security 'Death Panel'?

On 12/6/09:


Obama pledging to release the torture photos:


Report is Critical of Obama's Efforts at Transparency:

About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Has Obama Created A Social Security 'Death Panel'?

Obama, in his own words:

"On transparency", "About inviting the people back into their government again", and "Part of the job of the next American president is making Americans believe that our government is working for them, because right now they don't feel like it's working for them. They feel like it's working for special interests and it's working for corporations:


Transparency Will Be Touchstone:


"Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public, no more secrecy.....No more secrecy.....":


"Clintons did health care the wrong way, behind closed doors":




"We need a president who sees the government not as a tool to enrich well connected friends and high-priced lobbyists, but as a defender of fairness and opportunity for every single American. That's what this country's been about and that's the kind of president I intend to be:


"The American people are the answer":


Obama's Transparency Problem:

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