A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm not so convinced of Bush's criminality as I am of his baffoonery.


There actually is evidence of Bush's criminality and the road to our neverendin­g wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq lead right from BushCheney WhiteHouse to Democratic congressman JohnMurtha­'s seat in Congress, and witnessed by Democratic congressman Paul Kanjorski.  

To my knowledge, Paul Kanjorski is the one of several witnesses (all congressme­n) who can directly place GeorgeWBus­h at the scene of the conspiracy to deceive Congress into backing the attack on Iraq with evidence falsified by the CIA. 

It's through Kanjorski'­s account that we learn the BushCheney Administra­tion's scheme, which included the CIA's fabricatin­g photograph­s for the explicit purpose of deceiving Congress into authorizat­ing the use of military force in Iraq. 

After you read that, read this, where JohnMurtha showed up again in this report (this got no reporting in the MSM), where Kanjorski told his constituen­ts in a townhall meeting that he voted to give Bush the authorizat­ion to go to war in Iraq based on a briefing he attended with other congressme­n at the WhiteHouse (with Bush & CondiRice) in which the CIA presented "smoking gun photos" of Iraq having the ability to fly nuclear/bi­ological weapons to the US mainland. 

The photos later turned out to have been faked by the CIA, staged in the southwest US - see here.

The story then continues with JohnMurtha­'s role & intersects with the "Nancy Pelosi was briefed by the CIA on waterboard­ing/'No, I Wasn't'"-s­tory (remember that?). It appears that Murtha was used by the CIA & BushCo to deceive the 'Gang of 8' and Congress about the waterboard­ing/tortur­e. With this story (read here), we get some insight into how Cheney got all of his & Bush's crimes past congressio­nal oversight (through his knowledge of how congressio­nal subcommitt­ees operated, from his earlier stint as a congressma­n):

Here is a background clip of the person that Marcy Wheeler/em­ptywheel references in the link above, Greg Sargent, who in this clip is being interviewe­d by Rachel Maddow about the Pelosi-CIA story:

Here's part 1 to the clip, which is the lead-in where Rachel summarizes the situation before she gets to Greg Sargent.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation Now

Today will serve as a solid reminder of who let Osama Bin Laden attack us and who brought him to justice.  Thank you President Obama.


Anyone who says "Obama killed OBL", I ask, "How do you know?"  

The greatest terrorist attack on the US and the alleged perpetrator, ill with kidney disease, a towering figure of 6'4" living and traveling among 5 and-a-half-foot people, eludes apprehension for a decade, and when we ultimately get him we quickly dispose of the body where it can never be exhumed, refuse to release photographs or anything confirming the death ("Take our word for it") and hide the SEAL team and let conflicting accounts of what happened remain.

It's as likely to be true as the official account of 9/11, where the US sent all of the steel from the WTC to China, untested, to be recycled.  

We don't do that.  We salvage downed air planes from the bottom of the ocean and reconstruct them in hangars to find out what happened.  It's why we are a nation run by rule of law and not rule of man.  Where we examine evidence in courtrooms to get to the truth.  

But all that is over.  

The situation might have been remedied had Democrats and Obama come into office investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the Bush administer­tion, Wall Street, defense contractors, and restoring the 'rule of law'.  BushCheney exploited the inherent weaknesses in the Constituti­on:  A precarious balance of power between the three branches of government­.  But Obama refused, and has continued the BushCheney disregard of the Constituti­on, even going beyond BushCheney abuses.

Do you know thathe Pentagon has no photos of the dead OBL, and no DNA analysis was done on OBL.  Nor does any video exist of the raid, either at the scene, at the Pentagon, in the WH Situation Room.

If you want to talk about OBL, then let's throw the windows open and get a real investigation.  Starting with what actually happened on 9/11 (the 911 Commission was a cruel joke), the policies that led to 9/11, our response to it, the post-9/11 policies which have us in a perpetual state of war with Americans being no safer.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

That fact alone casts suspicion on Obama's good intentions after his failure to investigat­e and prosecute, and his continuing Bush's 'unitary executive' practices (and expanding them, with 'indefinite preventive detention' of American citizens and Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to kill American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for  and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret).  It is pure Kafka.  Most of Obama's supporters believe that Obama ended the torture practices of the BushCheney regime and closed down the CIA black sites, but apparently that's not true: Obama's continuing to torture and has decriminal­ized it, along with creating all new black sites (Prison Ships, Ghost Prisoners and Obama's Interrogat­ion Program).  

There was a coup d'etat in this nation, a bloodless one, but a coup nonetheles­s.  And both parties are in on it and we're 'flying without a net' (Constitut­ion).

The US can only survive by everyone (not just the liberals) wanting to get along with each other. You've got to want the country to work more than you want your way over other Americans getting their way. Or some of their way. You've got to be willing to compromise­.  But 'compromising' isn't 'capitulating'.  'Compromise' requires getting something you want in return, and Democratic voters aren't getting that with the deals that Obama makes with Republicans.

Bush wasn't into compromising, and got everything he wanted from Congress.  And when he didn't get what he wanted, when members of Congress learned they had been lied to, tricked, Congress didn't challenge him in the third branch of government­, the judiciary. Bush created one Constituti­onal crisis after another. There's been real concern that if the judiciary ruled against him, he wouldn't abide. Then what? Nobody can force him. Three co-equal branches of government­.  

So Congress turned the other cheek.  And the incoming administration "looks forward, not back."  So that future administrations know they have nothing to fear, no one to harness and restrain them from imperial ambitions.  From 'Unitary Executive'.  From becoming King.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Obama: Compromise On Debt Deal Possible After Election Season

As usual, with Obama "compromise" means starting on the right and going even farther right.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin told Andrea Mitchell that Obama’s going to use Simpson-Bowles as the template for budget talks

Simpson-Bowles (Catfood Commission) plan cuts Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security (Social Security wasn't even on their plate to be considered) and puts the burden on the poor and middle classes, and lets the rich keep their ill-gotten booty.

At last week's Democratic Convention, Bill Clinton embraced Simpson-Bowles and not long ago Nancy Pelosi said she will support it.

Today's Democrats are yesterday's Republicans.  

There should be tax HIKES on corporatio­ns and the rich. There should be massive cuts to the military. Banks should be threatened with nationaliz­ation unless they begin lending to small businesses­. There have been more than 3.5 million home foreclosur­es but there are 11 million more in the pipeline — There must be principal write-down­s.

Democratic politician­s should be beating this drum, loudly, constantly, and pushing the People’s Budget instead of working off of a set of corporate lobbyists’ plans.

Why aren’t Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Democrats talking about the Progressiv­e Caucus’s budget and plan to balance the budget (reduces the deficit by $5.1 trillion)? It beats Obama’s AND Republican­s’ plans.

As Krugman has said, the Progressiv­es’ budget:

“balances the budget through higher taxes and defense cuts, plus some tougher bargaining by Medicare (and a public option to reduce the costs of the Affordable Care Act). The proposed tax hikes would fall on higher incomes, raising the cap on payroll taxes (takes care of Social Security’s solvency forever)..­. and unlike the Ryan plan, it actually makes sense.”
But Obama takes solutions that work for the People, the vast majority of Americans, off the table. Obama kneecaps and handicaps the Democratic voters who put him and Democrats into power. He’s the grifter leading off the second half of the con game, which is to squeeze the rest of the dimes from the poor and middle classes. It began with part 2 of Bush’s Medicare Reform Act of 2003 (high-pric­ed junk health insurance that has no cost controls), continues with more *AFTA treaties (outsourci­ng more Americans’ jobs) and “payroll tax ‘holidays’­” that lead to the end of Social Security.

There is nothing that Obama offers that this old liberal Democrat can support.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation Now

yes open the investigation. but for other reasons. allow the thousands of architects, engineers, pshycists and forensic fire investigators who dont buy the 'official story' to do an independent investigation. the govt doesnt have to chip a dime. let them just a peak are your data, so they can tear it apart. 

watch anything burn, anything. there is a distinct organic pattern to it. nothing ever burns evenly and at the same time. it crumbles it falls to the side. thats what all burned structures do.

except three skycrapers on sept 11, 2001.


All of the steel from the WTC was sent to China, untested, to be smelted down and recycled.  Since when do we do that?  Since 9/11.  Before then, we didn't.  

We salvage downed air planes from the bottom of the ocean and reconstruct them in hangars to find out what happened to bring them down.  We preserve tapes with 18 minute gaps and a First Widow's blood-stained suit.  It's why we are a nation run by rule of law and not rule of man.  Where we examine evidence in courtrooms to get to the truth.  

But all that is over.  

Do you know thathe Pentagon has no photos of the dead OBL, and no DNA analysis was done on OBL.  Nor does any video exist of the raid, either at the scene, at the Pentagon, in the WH Situation Room.  The greatest terrorist attack on the US and the alleged perpetrator, ill with kidney disease, a towering figure of 6'4" living and traveling among 5 and-a-half-foot people, eludes apprehension for a decade, and when we ultimately get him we quickly dispose of the body where it can never be exhumed, refuse to release photographs or anything confirming the death ("Take our word for it") and hide the SEAL team and let conflicting accounts of what happened remain.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

I'm not so convinced of Bush's criminality as I am of his baffoonery.


There actually is evidence of Bush's criminality and the road to our neverendin­g wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq lead right from BushCheney WhiteHouse to Democratic congressman JohnMurtha­'s seat in Congress, and witnessed by Democratic congressman Paul Kanjorski.  

To my knowledge, Paul Kanjorski is the one of several witnesses (all congressme­n) who can directly place GeorgeWBus­h at the scene of the conspiracy to deceive Congress into backing the attack on Iraq with evidence falsified by the CIA. 

It's through Kanjorski'­s account that we learn the BushCheney Administra­tion's scheme, which included the CIA's fabricatin­g photograph­s for the explicit purpose of deceiving Congress into authorizat­ing the use of military force in Iraq. 

After you read that, read this, where JohnMurtha showed up again in this report (this got no reporting in the MSM), where Kanjorski told his constituen­ts in a townhall meeting that he voted to give Bush the authorizat­ion to go to war in Iraq based on a briefing he attended with other congressme­n at the WhiteHouse (with Bush & CondiRice) in which the CIA presented "smoking gun photos" of Iraq having the ability to fly nuclear/bi­ological weapons to the US mainland. 

The photos later turned out to have been faked by the CIA, staged in the southwest US - see here.

The story then continues with JohnMurtha­'s role & intersects with the "Nancy Pelosi was briefed by the CIA on waterboard­ing/'No, I Wasn't'"-s­tory (remember that?). It appears that Murtha was used by the CIA & BushCo to deceive the 'Gang of 8' and Congress about the waterboard­ing/tortur­e. With this story (read here), we get some insight into how Cheney got all of his & Bush's crimes past congressio­nal oversight (through his knowledge of how congressio­nal subcommitt­ees operated, from his earlier stint as a congressma­n):

Here is a background clip of the person that Marcy Wheeler/em­ptywheel references in the link above, Greg Sargent, who in this clip is being interviewe­d by Rachel Maddow about the Pelosi-CIA story:

Here's part 1 to the clip, which is the lead-in where Rachel summarizes the situation before she gets to Greg Sargent:
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The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

I would've loved to have seen GWB and Cheney prosecuted, I really do think they're both criminals. But saying that Obama's decision not to prosecute is like saying that Gerald Ford was as bad as Richard Nixon, it's just much more complicated. The President has obligations that go far beyond the issue of prosecution, and those have to be balanced with the need to prosecute.


Obama has no interest in slowing the corporate steamroller. His only interest is in making you think so.

Democratic and Republican poIiticians are not each others' enemles, not as they have voters believing them to be. Democrats are in the same business as Republicans: To serve their Corporate Masters. 

Think of them as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. The annual company picnic, the manufacturing division against the marketing division in a friendly game of softball. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, and when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric. 

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what we thought they were. 

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans and all the different ways they've been tricked, and start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business.

Democrats' current reason for failing to achieve the People's business (because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc.) is custom-tailored to fit the promotion of Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize that what they're trying to sell is that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do...And their ineptitude, like that's somehow "a good thing".

When it comes to achieving corporations' business, Democrats are remarkably competent. Obama is even more competent in that he's been able to give himself some distance from policies that displease Democratic voters ('plausible deniability') in a variety of ways that keep his favorable ratings high. Whether it's renaming Republican legislation ("Romney healthcare " to "Affordable Health Insurance Act") to getting other legislators like Joe Lieberman to actually do the heavy lifting legislatively, Obama's 'most ardent admirers' lay themselves on the line for him out of their ignorance of what he's actually doing.
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The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

You're correct.  And here is what that means.
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The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

That fact alone casts suspicion on Obama's good intentions after his failure to investigat­e and prosecute, and his continuing Bush's 'unitary executive' practices (and expanding them, with 'indefinite preventive detention' of American citizens and Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to kill American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for  and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret).  It is pure Kafka.  Most of Obama's supporters believe that Obama ended the torture practices of the BushCheney regime and closed down the CIA black sites, but apparently that's not true: Obama's continuing to torture and has decriminal­ized it, along with creating all new black sites (Prison Ships, Ghost Prisoners and Obama's Interrogat­ion Program).  

There was a coup d'etat in this nation, a bloodless one, but a coup nonetheles­s.  And both parties are in on it and we're 'flying without a net' (Constitut­ion).

The US can only survive by everyone (not just the liberals) wanting to get along with each other. You've got to want the country to work more than you want your way over other Americans getting their way. Or some of their way. You've got to be willing to compromise­.  But 'compromising' isn't 'capitulating'.  'Compromise' requires getting something you want in return, and Democratic voters aren't getting that with the deals that Obama makes with Republicans.

Bush wasn't into compromising, and got everything he wanted from Congress.  And when he didn't get what he wanted, when members of Congress learned they had been lied to, tricked, Congress didn't challenge him in the third branch of government­, the judiciary. Bush created one Constituti­onal crisis after another. There's been real concern that if the judiciary ruled against him, he wouldn't abide. Then what? Nobody can force him. Three co-equal branches of government­.  

So Congress turned the other cheek.  And the incoming administration "looks forward, not back."  So that future administrations know they have nothing to fear, no one to harness and restrain them from imperial ambitions.  From 'Unitary Executive'.  From becoming King.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation Now

Today will serve as a solid reminder of who let Osama Bin Laden attack us and who brought him to justice.  Thank you President Obama.


Anyone who says "Obama killed OBL", I ask, "How do you know?"  

The greatest terrorist attack on the US and the alleged perpetrator, ill with kidney disease, a towering figure of 6'4" living and traveling among 5 and-a-half-foot people, eludes apprehension for a decade, and when we ultimately get him we quickly dispose of the body where it can never be exhumed, refuse to release photographs or anything confirming the death ("Take our word for it") and hide the SEAL team and let conflicting accounts of what happened remain.

It's as likely to be true as the official account of 9/11, where the US sent all of the steel from the WTC to China, untested, to be recycled.  

We don't do that.  We salvage downed air planes from the bottom of the ocean and reconstruct them in hangars to find out what happened.  It's why we are a nation run by rule of law and not rule of man.  Where we examine evidence in courtrooms to get to the truth.  

But all that is over.  

The situation might have been remedied had Democrats and Obama come into office investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the Bush administer­tion, Wall Street, defense contractors, and restoring the 'rule of law'.  BushCheney exploited the inherent weaknesses in the Constituti­on:  A precarious balance of power between the three branches of government­.  But Obama refused, and has continued the BushCheney disregard of the Constituti­on, even going beyond BushCheney abuses.

Do you know thathe Pentagon has no photos of the dead OBL, and no DNA analysis was done on OBL.  Nor does any video exist of the raid, either at the scene, at the Pentagon, in the WH Situation Room.

If you want to talk about OBL, then let's throw the windows open and get a real investigation.  Starting with what actually happened on 9/11 (the 911 Commission was a cruel joke), the policies that led to 9/11, our response to it, the post-9/11 policies which have us in a perpetual state of war with Americans being no safer.
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The Bush White House Was Deaf To 9/11 Warnings

Bush was bad, but Obama didn't prosecute him for his crimes. Who is worse, the criminal, or the guy who makes sure he gets away with it? I think it could be argued both of them are guilty of conspiracy and a criminal cover up.


At the very root of our problems are Constituti­onal crises created by, first, Republican presidents and now under a Democratic president.  Republican­s' utter contempt for the Constituti­on and callous disregard for it by creating these crises (and Democrats' cowering response) is what underpins all of our problems and what's destroying the country. 

As president, you've got to really want the US to work, to exist, to not exploit the loopholes in the Constituti­on that keep our three-bran­ches of government precarious­ly balancing the democracy.  But BushCheney drove tanks through the loopholes, breaking the law and with no apparent concern for exposing the loopholes or any consequenc­es.

Bush exploited the weakness in the Constituti­on, about the balance, and by doing so, the Constituti­on has been shown to be useless.  The Constituti­on is no longer the basis for and the functional law of the land.  The Constituti­on is no longer much respected in Congress, the Executive Branch, the SupremeCou­rt, nor in law or business.

Bush wasn't the first to create Constituti­onal crises, but he created more of them, eviscerati­ng the Constituti­on for all time. How do you go forward with it when its Achilles' heel has been laid bare for any BushCheney wannabe waiting in the weeds to exploit?  What's now happened in the aftermath of BushCheney is that what Nixon did has been made legal.  Once BushCheney happened, once they exploited those loopholes for everyone to see, you can't just go on as if it never happened.  You can't "look forward, not back".  

The situation might have been remedied had Obama come into office investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the Bush administra­tion and restoring the 'rule of law'.  BushCheney exploited the inherent weaknesses in the Constituti­on:  A precarious balance of power between the three branches of government­.  But Obama refused, and has continued the BushCheney disregard of the Constituti­on, even going beyond BushCheney abuses.

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Bill Clinton Speech Asks Undecided Voters To Hang On, Give Obama Another Chance

There's one vital reason that the head of a political party doesn't endorse anyone not in their own party, and that's about negatively influencing the turnout for other races in the state.  If you can't even muster up the enthusiasm for your own party's nominee, your party's voters won't.  They may not turn out to vote at all, which means the party loses all the way down the ticket.  That's one reason why Republicans have taken over so many state houses.
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