A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Republicans Jubilant About Gulf Coast Coverage

Friday, June 11, 2010

Republicans couldn't have gotten any traction on this had Obama stepped up & been the leader needed during this catastrophe:

==[T]he "moratorium" on drilling announced by the president does little to prevent future disasters. The ban halts exploratory drilling at only 33 deepwater operations, shutting down less than one percent of the total wells in the Gulf. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, the Cabinet-level official appointed by Obama to rein in the oil industry, boasts that "the moratorium is not a moratorium that will affect production" – which continues at 5,106 wells in the Gulf, including 591 in deep water.

Most troubling of all, the government has allowed BP to continue deep-sea production at its Atlantis rig – one of the world's largest oil platforms. Capable of drawing 200,000 barrels a day from the seafloor, Atlantis is located only 150 miles off the coast of Louisiana, in waters nearly 2,000 feet deeper than BP drilled at Deepwater Horizon. According to congressional documents, the platform lacks required engineering certification for as much as 90 percent of its subsea components – a flaw that internal BP documents reveal could lead to "catastrophic" errors. In a May 19th letter to Salazar, 26 congressmen called for the rig to be shut down immediately. "We are very concerned," they wrote, "that the tragedy at Deepwater Horizon could foreshadow an accident at BP Atlantis."==

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James Carville Goes Off On Fareed Zakaria: 'I Wanted To Hit Him With A Football Bat' (VIDEO)

Carville's complaint about shrimp from Indonesia and seafood from other countries isn't about pride in local products.

Almost all seafood in US supermarkets comes from developing nations -- 80% of all seafood sold in the US is imported. The FDA inspects and tests less than 1% of it, and when it does, it frequently finds filthy fish and banned chemicals. Catfish from China? Veterinary drugs. Swordfish from Vietnam? Poisonous. Snapper from Malaysia? Filthy.



What has happened to all of our food since deregulation, corporatization, and NAFTA is a crime.



I expected a Democratic administration and Congress to reinstate the regulations, inspections and oversight over our food supply that's been gutted over the last 30 years. I did NOT expect Democrats to be continuing to throw away taxpayers' money and future on 'Long Wars' and junk insurance, and payoffs to PhRma.

Americans face greater threats to their lives from what's on their dinner plates than cave dwellers half a world away. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are bitter disappointments.
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

The "splitting the difference"-decisionmaking that we see in Obama (and the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham-energy bill) doesn't solve problems. It only pushes the problem off, kicks the can down the road for a time. We're at the end of the road. We have to turn around, go back to the beginning, and make new HEALTHY, green and clean choices.

To tout nuclear is to be deaf, dvmb and blind to the fact that it's not safe or cheap. And dismissing conservation as a joke, out of hand, & then in the next breath suggest that the oil that is being drilled in the Gulf is "ours" (it's put up on the world market where we stand in line to buy it like everyone else) just means you're either a t00I or a stooge.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

Environmentalists have provided solutions (wind, solar, hydrogen, conservation, 'smart communities' - ending suburban sprawl, etc.), but greed has overwhelmed rationality. Establishment capitalists reject the solutions because their obscene profit-making comes from an unregulated growth & development pyramid scheme.

Their way to wealth is always about MORE -- More people to buy more products which require using up more raw finite resources, manufactured and delivered with dirty energy that creates unhealthy toxic conditions for human beings and other living things.

We have come to the end of a world and an economy that requires constant growth and consumption of the planet's resources to keep increasing wealth. We don't need increased population competing for scarce resources. We don't need some people to work 80 hour weeks and others living off stock dividends.

You can't eat oil.

We rely on the oceans of the world for so much, but primarily food and oxygen. We're destroying our own life support system so that 2% of the world's population can hold most of the world's wealth.

About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

What we have here is a corrupt government, including Obama, which intends to continue the status quo of offshore drilling.

It's not because we have to, that there aren't alternatives. It's because our political system is controlled by big money interests that make huge profits from oil.

It makes their argument, that transitioning to wind and solar is too expensive, abzurd.

The oil companies, BP included, are all positioned to make more obscene profits from the (Obama)-Kerry-Lieberman-Graham-energy bill, which is all nuclear, coal, gas and oil. There's chump change in it for green sustainables.

This is one of those moments in history which exposes real greatness. If it's there. If Obama had that ability, had he the vision & the talent, he would have recognized the opportunity in this crisis, embraced this event as the vehicle to get us off of oil. He would've turned his back on his Corporate Masters, trusted that the People had his back, & led us to the only future possible for human survival: Green, clean, sustainable. He could have solved every problem that's bogging him (& us) down, from soup to nuts (economy to wars).

But Obama's not the one.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

On Dylan Ratigan's Show, oil expert Matt Simmons talks about what you're saying, in addition to the face that BP is doing everything wrong -- "It's spewing 150,000 barrels of oil a day and BP is patching the wrong part".


And then there's this - Another Gulf oil spill: Well near Deepwater Horizon has leaked since at least April 30 -

About Gulf Oil Spill
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Obama Was Flying To Private Fundraiser During Deepwater Horizon Memorial Service

And Obama's meeting on Wednesday with BP executives?

What's the rush?
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Jim Sensenbrenner, BP Investor And GOP Congressman, Won't Recuse Himself From Oil Spill Hearings

No. Even if this was about getting the best talent in oil engineering or any other field (& it's not; the government attracts precisely the kind of people we think we want in public service, i.e., top of their classes, award-winning, UNethically-challenged, but it's the corrupt, greedy, intellectually-challenged political appointees & the politicians who've appointed them that are responsible for our predicament), that's not what or who is required to solve these problems.

Deregulation & privatization of US resources & the political ideology that it came from is the overarching problem. Oil engineers figured out how to go where no man has gone to get oil, but they didn't figure out how to prevent accidents or respond to them or clean them up without destroying the ecosystem we all rely on to live.

We're governed by an economic system that dooms us to extinction. When it was regulated, capitalism worked well, with one major hitch: It requires constant growth to sustain itself. Growth = new markets. More people. It might work if we had an unlimited supply of planet earths (along with its resources). But we don't, & the planet has limits. There's no problem that exists where the solution is "More people, please", & yet we've let far rightwing extremists dictate that people who don't want to continue pregnancies be forced to.

We let a lot of people's ideas that aren't in our individual or collective interests take flight & become laws which we all must abide.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

Oil companies drill in deep water because that's where the oil is. It's got nothing to do with aesthetics.

We're in Peak Oil -- All the oil that's easy to get at has been harvested. Now what's left is the real hard to get at, dangerous to try locations.

And Ixtoc in 1979 and Montara in 2009, that gushed for months, were both shallow depth.

The oil companies don't have the ability to prevent or stop oil gushing -- Relief wells aren't guaranteed to work. They had to drill 5 relief wells before they were able to stop Montara.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

All oil companies did, as well as Congress and the White House.

The situation is that we have 50,000 oil wells in US waters in the Gulf of Mexico alone, not counting the offshore drilling off the rest of America's coastlines, by many different oil companies, & none of them have disaster response plans in the event of an accident.

From Rachel Maddow's Show -

Part 1


Part 2

About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

There is no way that the government (Congress and presidential administrations) didn't know that all of the oil companies falsified disaster plans.

For the government to issue permits, to allow drilling offshore, in ecologically sensitive areas, to let oil companies drill and potentially destroy Americans' food supplies and our source of oxygen (80% of the earth's oxygen comes from the oceans) is an act of treason. It's beyond what Al Qaeda could ever do to this nation.

ALL offshore drilling must stop.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

There are close to 4000 oil & gas platforms in US waters in the Gulf, each with multiple wells. There are over 50,000 wells. That's not counting the other offshore oil & gas platforms off America's coastlines.

BP l!ed to the government about having a disaster response plan, but what nobody is talking about is that all of the other oil companies drilling in the Gulf lied, too. Because each was required to file a plan in order to get issued a permit to drill. If their plans were viable, they would have been examined when this rig blew up & BP's plan (that lists walruses among the marine life to look out for in the Gulf of Mexico in the event of a spill, even though walruses really only live in the Arctic & in places where it‘s really cold) was determined to be no plan at all. BP had just copied their Arctic plan & submitted it as their Gulf plan apparently (BP is moving ahead with drilling in the arctic, with the blessing of the government http://alaskadispatch.com/dispatches/energy/5533-bp-plans-to-move-ahead-with-offshore-oil-drilling-in-arcticic ).

The situation is that we have 50,000 oil wells in US waters in the Gulf of Mexico, by many different oil companies, & none of them have disaster response plans in the event of an accident.

From Rachel Maddow's Show -

Part 1


Part 2

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