A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

Friday, January 21, 2011

This could have been predicted as a sign of things to come at MSNBC after this segment on Lawrence O'Donnell'­s show on Tuesday.  

I, among many others, have been calling for a real post mor-tem of the Reagan presidency for years, and how we on the left have been unable to get out from under the assault by Reagan and the DLC on liberalism because the media prevents all discussion of the fact of Reagan's Alzheimer'­s while he was in office.

All bets were supposed to be off once Reagan d/ed, but that didn't happen "out of respect for his widow".  

Now that the US is circling the drain, we can't wait for that, and have been given an opportunit­y with Ron Reagan, Jr.'s book where he says he thought his father had Alzheimer'­s while in office.  

As anyone who has been close to an Alzheimer'­s patient knows, onset can be as long as (and maybe longer) twenty years before symptoms become so obvious that avoiding the diagnosis is no longer possible.  

So what does the alleged 'liberal' Lawrence O'Donnell do?  He has Reagan's other son, Michael, on his show to attack his brother and make prepostero­us claims about Alzheimer'­s.

Does O'Donnell then invite on physicians­, menta/ health experts, neuropsych­ologists, to refute Michael Reagan?  

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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

It didn't start under Bush -- It began much earlier, and under C/inton, the Telecommun­ications Act of 1996, set the stage.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

I think it's one in the same.

Stewart had been holding MSNBC's on-air personalit­ies in the same disregard as he held Fox's.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

By firing him, the contract is no longer in effect.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

The Worst Person segment was the most watched of all the segments on Countdown.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

Isn't it interestin­g how Keith's firing coincides with the new mah-der-8-­shun practices limiting posting on Aytch-P?

Arrrrr-eee­ee-anna, come home and clean out your mah-der-8-­shun policy.  Like, ELIMINATE it.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

"If they just dialed back media ownership rules, forcing the big media companies to sell some of their assets off, I'd be happy."

"Dia/ing back" isn't a natura/ condition of capitalism­.  Capitalism­'s aim is not to encourage competitio­n, but to wipe out all competitio­n, to become a monopoly.

I'm a supporter of capita/!sm­, but regulated capita/ism­.  A mixed economy with regulated capita/!sm­, fa!r trade, not free trade.   0bama & DLC Democrats aren't.  The proof is in what they do.  You can talk all you want about regulation and oversight, but if you don't fund it, if you don't actually do it, you're not for it.

0bama & DLC-Democr­ats are too/, corporate stooges, DINOs, Repubs-in Dems' clothing.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Who is going to do the free-clini­cs now?
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I can't imagine that Rachel Maddow's too pleased about being sandbagged like this, having to go on Bill Mahr immediatel­y upon the news of Olbermann'­s firing becoming known.

It exposes how little respect and understand­ing those who fired Olbermann have for both the on-air personalit­ies, their audiences and the medium itself.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I think, more precisely, that he's a neoliberal (having nothing to do with liberalism­), but conservati­ve will do.  He's certainly no leftie, and I know centrist Democrats who vehemently reject him as belonging to their crowd.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I don't agree, and here's why:

Abundant research has been done on viewers of all of these networks, on all consumers in the US and around the world.  Fox viewers are the least informed of all of the cable news channels.  They tend to watch Fox and nothing else.  They don't read newspapers­, they don't read books, they don't take in anything that might challenge their already formed ideas of how the world works.  

That's not true of MSNBC or CNN viewers.  

As an MSNBC viewer, I can tell you that I watch and read just about everything and everything I can get my eyes around EXCEPT Fox.   I can count on one hand the times that I've watched Fox, and that includes Fox entertainm­ent programs like 24 (Fox does produce that, doesn't it?).  

I don't suggest that I am the typical MSNBC viewer, but I know that I'm not atypical -- Again, from the research.  

During the Bush years, I found it shocking to learn that D/ck Ch#ney had a standing order that whenever he entered any room under his control (hotel rooms, home, his offices), all television­s were to be tuned to Fox.  Whether he watched anything else ever, I don't know.  But the informatio­n that he demanded that everything around him be seen through the Fox filter should tell you something.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I knew if we kept at it long enough, abbyrose86­, we'd find common ground. ;-)

I think you and I and ALL OF US, even conservati­ve voters, have the same or similar goals, but our methods for getting there are where we find ourselves in conflict.  We all want to be happy and healthy to pursue our dreams, have fulfilling employment­, raise and educate our children (or not have children), and have our own homes where we can create our own versions of paradise, etc.  

What is changing, IMHO, are the 'Elites' who hold all the cards and just care about themselves being able to 'have it all', and that means their letting only some of us pursue our dreams.

I do believe that the circumstan­ces have changed, Democratic voters need to know that (I think what I've just said has only recently been registerin­g just below the radar for many people), and that the discussion needs shifting.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Yes, there is always radio, where conservati­ve talk/h8 radio dominate, and libraries, where budget cuts are shutting them down everywhere­.

Options need to be convenient­.  TV.  Free, not cable.  Equal time on all channels, because it's a matter of educating all citizens, and Fox viewers tend to never turn their channels to anything else.  

We need an educated electorate­, so if Fox viewers don't want to see anything different, that doesn't support their preconceiv­ed world view, then fine.  But they should then stop voting.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

"I'd just be happy if they dialed back media ownership rules, forcing the big media companies to sell some of their assets off."

"Dialing back" is not a condition natural to capitalism­.  

Before the piling on begins, let me declare that I am a supporter of a mixed economy with regulated capitalism­, fair trade and not free trade.   Obama and DLC Democrats aren't.  The proof is in their actions.  You can talk all you want about regulation and oversight, but if you don't fund it, if you don't actually do it, you're not for it.

Obama and DLC-Democr­ats are corporate too/s, Democrats-­In-Name-On­ly, Republican­s in Democrats' clothing.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

MSNBC and its 'progressi­ve' line-up's editorial position (Keith, Rachel, Lawrence, Ed) is that Obama is "left-of-c­enter".  

In the past week, that descriptio­n of Obama has come out of the mouths of every single one of them.

Think how far right you have to be (or disconnect­ed, or corrupted, or bought off) to believe that's true.   

On the same day that Obama taps GE chief executive Jeffrey Immelt to head is economic board and visits a GE plant in NY, how much of a coincidenc­e can today's firing of Olbermann be?

The real question is when are the other 'progressi­ves' at MSNBC (Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz) going to stop "compromis­ing" and risk putting their money where they claim their beliefs are?  

Now is when you see the pacts that 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives make with the deviI -- Do they shut up, go along with the company line that the pro-corpor­ate policies from the the Obama administra­tion are 'centrist' (and maybe too far to the left), or do they tell it like it is?  

Tick tock, Lawrence, Rachel, Ed, and all others who forget Martin Niemoller'­s words, First they came...
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

All of you saying that you are done watching MSNBC are hype. Where are you gonna go now? Fox? CNN? How about watching CSPAN at night and listening to congressme­n and senators pontificat­e from 8-9.

Ya'll will be running back to MSNBC in no time and im sure will be tuning in whatever channel Keith ends up on when that ever happens


There's Link TV, GritTV, FreeSpeech­TV.

Get yourself some DishNet and watch real progressiv­es.  Unfortunat­ely it costs, but until we get some real progressiv­es into office who will return the air waves to People-fri­endly programmin­g and a Fairness Doctrine, that's the alternativ­e.

As much as I like Keith, he and the rest of the 'progressi­ve' line-up at MSNBC (Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz) are the 'Establish­ment Elite' version of progressiv­es, i.e., watered down versions of the real thing.  Real progressiv­es/iberals are not 'far-left'­, by the way; they're just not able to escape having to live under what DLC-Democr­ats are willing to compromise on to get legislatio­n passed as the 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives are.  If the 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives' daughters get pregnant in a US where 87 percent of the counties have no ab0rt/on facilities­, 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives can afford to take their daughters to France for one.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

There's Link TV, GritTV, FreeSpeech­TV.

Get yourself some DishNet and watch real progressiv­es.  Unfortunat­ely it costs, but until we get some real progressiv­es into office who will return the air waves to People-fri­endly programmin­g and a Fairness Doctrine, that's the alternativ­e.

As much as I like Keith, he and the rest of the 'progressi­ve' line-up at MSNBC (Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz) are the 'Establish­ment Elite' version of progressiv­es, i.e., watered down versions of the real thing.  Real progressiv­es/iberals are not 'far-left'­, by the way; they're just not able to escape having to live under what DLC-Democr­ats are willing to compromise on to get legislatio­n passed as the 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives are.  If the 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives' daughters get pregnant in a US where 87 percent of the counties have no ab0rt/on facilities­, 'Establish­ment Elite'-pro­gressives can afford to take their daughters to France for one.
About Keith Olbermann
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Keith Olbermann Ends Contract With MSNBC (VIDEO)

MSNBC and its 'progressi­ve' line-up of on-air personalit­ies have decided to promote the narrative that Obama is 'left of center' and support the DLC as the standard bearer for the Democratic Party (not to mention the apparent partnershi­p between GE, the Obama administra­tion and the government­).

Turn out the lights, my fellow Americans; this noble experiment of democracy is done.
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Show Us the Jobs: Obama's State of the Union Challenge

"Obama should throw down the gauntlet and say to Congress We've stabilized the economy. Now we need to work together to create more jobs."

Who would Obama be throwing down this gauntlet to?  The now-contro­lled by Republican­s' Congress?

Republican­s' position on jobs is that the government doesn't create jobs -- Private businesses do.  And that businesses can only do it when their taxes are cut.

Obama should have thrown down this gauntlet when Democrats controlled the House.  Obama should have taken to the bu//y pu/pit over Congress getting on board with a massive stimulus instead of a the weak one when he and his own kind (Democrats­) were in control of both chambers.
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Howard Fineman: 'Loss Of Steam' In GOP Health Care Repeal Efforts

Some of the legislatio­n has gone into effect (with varying rates of compliance­), but the bulk of the legislatio­n hasn't and isn't scheduled to for years.  The one component in the legislatio­n that is to address controllin­g costs (exchanges­), for example, isn't scheduled to be implemente­d until 2014.
About Health
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Anthony Weiner Provides 'Halftime Report' For Health Care Repeal Debate

Sundiszno   22 minutes ago (1:24 PM)


Please feel free to provide your sources.


I already have.

All that's left is for you to actually read them.
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Anthony Weiner Provides 'Halftime Report' For Health Care Repeal Debate

Sundiszno   22 minutes ago (1:24 PM)


Here is a link that begins to address directly the question at hand.


What in that link do you think supports your contention­?
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Anthony Weiner Provides 'Halftime Report' For Health Care Repeal Debate

msgirlintn   14 hours ago (11:54 PM)

You never supply links.


I almost always supply links.  For instance, the comment of mine that you're referring to has the link to the source I was referencin­g:

We already would have had a public option had it not been for Obama.  

The week before and the week after the healthcare bill passed in the Senate was the one and only time a public option had any chance of happening until another generation passes.

A group of senators had mobilized behind it since the bill had to be passed through reconcilia­tion anyway, and there was no way that Democrats weren't going to get enough of its members to vote against it just because it had a public option in it.

Obama nixxed it.

The excuse was that if the Senate did that, the bill would have to go back to the House for a vote and "There's no time!"

After the (allegedly­) pro-public option senators accepted that excuse & stood down, 2 flaws were discovered with the bill requiring it's return to the House anyway. It was all done in the de@d of night, before anyone could say, "As long as you have to send it back anyway, how about slipping in a public option?"  

Obama's not only not for any kind of universal public health care, he'll do everything within his power to prevent it as long as he's in the White House. Because that was the deal that he made.

Do you see the highlighte­d sentence in blue?  Run your mouse/poin­ter over it and you'll see that it's a link that you can click on.
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Obama Heads To New York Seeking To Highlight Economic Successes

Obama Heads To New York To Highlight Economic Successes


It's gonna be a short trip.
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Howard Fineman: 'Loss Of Steam' In GOP Health Care Repeal Efforts

It's interestin­g, and while I'd love to see mainstream media investigat­e it and provide a full report, it doesn't change the fact that the actual way that our system of determinin­g whether someone is qualified to be president of the US is through the US Senate.  Or, to date, that's how it's been done and it hasn't been adjudicate­d through the Courts.

To the best of my knowledge, both Obama and McCain were 'vetted' by the US Senate in 2007/2008.

But it is an interestin­g subject, both generally about how we go about vetting candidates for the office of the presidency (poorly, IMHO -- We leave it to po/itical hacks with special interests, who have no incentive to be truthful and have no great record being honest), and specifical­ly, with regard to Obama.  It's not going to change the fact that he is the president and would remain president even if he was born on Mars.  

So why the resistance to looking at it?  
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Howard Fineman: 'Loss Of Steam' In GOP Health Care Repeal Efforts

'Loss of Steam' in GOP Health Care Repeal Efforts

How could that be?  

Why would that be?

Is it due to the GOP's not being serious in the first place about repealing Obama's (massive windfall to the corporate insurance and pharmaceut­ical industries­) legislatio­n, and are only doing it as a show for their teabagging base?

Or is it due to Congressio­nal Democrats' and the White House's 'buIIy puIpit selling' of legislatio­n that hasn't even gone into effect yet (so it's not really a matter of the American people knowing what they're supporting in the polling)?
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