A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Osama Bin Laden Involved In Europe Terror Plot, Officials Say

Friday, October 1, 2010

CIA Analysts Shut Out on Afghan War
By Ray McGovern

No NIE prepared before Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan.

Ray McGovern served as an Army infantry/intelligence officer in the early Sixties and for the next 27 years as an analyst at CIA, where he chaired NIEs and prepared and briefed the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

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TARP Uncovered -- the Real Cost of the Government Bailout

Ratigan & Spitzer:  TARP's Only a Tiny Piece of Subsidies to Banks

"Why Aren't We Demanding Restitution?" 

On Dylan Ratigan, Eliot Spitzer and Larry McDonald explain how banks paying back TARP monies doesn't begin to cover what's been stolen.


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U.S. Steel Sued By Feds Over Firing Of Diabetic Woman

More of Obama's 'bipartisanship', and his not wanting to 'rock the boat' with Republicans:

Obama didn't replace Bush-era US attorneys so now we get Bush-style obscenity prosecutions: 


- Presidents may fire US attorneys, and they do so routinely at the beginning of a new administration.  It is unusual to fire US attorneys in mid-term (as Bush did) except in cases of gross misconduct (which wasn’t the case during the Bush administration).

We need a real Democrat in the Oval Office instead of this DINO.  One with fire in his belly to go after those who obstruct the People's business (Republicans), and not fire in his belly to go after the Democratic Party's base.
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Pakistan Soldiers Appear To Execute Civilians On New Tape (VIDEO)

Americans are losing our jobs, our homes, our Social Security, Medicare, police, firemen, teachers, & going into debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, (even our grandchildren won't be able to pay it off), for wars to protect & increase the riches that Americans don't derive any benefit from (an oil pipeline & mineral riches in Afghanistan, not to mention the oil contracts in Iraq). These are riches that ordinary Americans don't get profits from, but that the Establishment Elites (Dick Cheney & the Bush family among them) all are getting rich(er) from.

A few weeks ago, Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-strewn streets of Afghanistan with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-building actually builds. Watch this to see where are our tax dollars going, and learn how we are not "nation-building", not making us safer, and not helping the Afghans or building their nation at all (or a democracy). Learn how this has all been just a huge rip-off of the American people:

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Pakistan Soldiers Appear To Execute Civilians On New Tape (VIDEO)

The U.S. searches for war criminals - 

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes, something you read is so magnificent on its own that there is nothing to say about it.  This USA Today article proudly touting the increased efforts of the U.S. Government to track down and punish war criminals (provided, of course, that they're not American), is one such example: 

http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/10/01/war_criminals/index.html >
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Pakistan Soldiers Appear To Execute Civilians On New Tape (VIDEO)

Obama to finally punish torturers! 

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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

 the biggest danger we are facing is the Tea Party


Now you're just being s!lly, like a sports fan, mindlessly marauding for your team to win, and no better than Bushies or teabaggers.

And should that happen, that half a dozen teabaggers (who are really Republicans) get into Congress, they would be no different than the Republicans in there now (even Scott Brown moved away from the Tea Party once he got elected), and under the control of the Republican leadership in the House and Senate who vote with their party's leadership 100 percent of the time (just like Democrats in Congress -- fancy that!).

And if you're so worried about teabaggers, and should it happen that the few win their races, you'll have no one to blame but Obama and Rahm Emanuel.  Because the Republican Party was not only on the ropes after the 2008 campaign, but down for the count and Obama issued them a pardon.  

Obama and Rahm Emanuel didn't go after the Republican leadership in Congress, or even the Bush-Cheney administration for their many crimes.  No, Obama and Emanuel blocked all investigations into Bush-Cheney, and then elevated the teabaggers, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, two people with absolutely no job, no position in the GOP..  

Why did Obama and Emanuel do that?

Because that's who Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party wants to run against, both in 2010 and in 2012.  Obama wants to drive a wedge between the base of the Republican Party that controls the Republican Party (teabaggers) and the rest of the Republican Party.  Obama and the DLC does not want to offend the rest of the Republican Party and their voters.  

Obama and RahmEmanuel have never gone after the Republican leadership directly. Not MitchMcConnell, not JohnBoehner, not EricCantor, not JohnMcCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee).   

Obama and Rahm Emanuel won't go after Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, Yoo, Bybee, et al, or anyone in the Republican leadership or in Congress, but instead they go after Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin (two people with no official role in the Republican Party).

Why hasn't Obama (nor any of the DemocraticParty leadership) held the BushAdministration to account?  

Perhaps it would be kind of hard to swallow (Obama going after an administration for having committed crimes) when it's the same activities that Obama's actively engaged in.  It's also counter-intuitive to your other agenda, the DLC's agenda for the past 20 years, which is to attract Republican politicians & their supporters into the DemocraticParty, which can only be done by moving the DemocraticParty to the right of right-of-center.

You could stand to think about this before you respond with another comment.
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

Do you remember this?: 

==According to the February 2005 GAO report, seven hundred fifty-seven (about 8 percent) of these separated servicemembers held critical occupations ("voice interceptor," "data processing technician," or "interpreter/translator"), as defined by the services. Also, 322 members (about 3 percent) had some skills in an important foreign language such as Arabic, Farsi, and Korean. Government Accountability Office, February 2005. http://www.gao.gov/htext/d05299.html ==

It makes this criminal:
It's long past the time for Obama to stop being a politician and start governing, become president to all the People.  It would also go a long way to saving both the November elections for Democrats and his presidency.

Why would anyone who 1) supports gays' rights, 2) supports the troops, 3) believes we're in danger from terrorism, object to using all t00Is possible to end DADT, including the Corporate-T00L-In-Chief, Barack Obama?  

Don't defend the indefensible (Obama).  Not and call yourself a patriotic American who supports equal rights for all and a strong and competent military.
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

Yes, as Commander-In-Chief, the national security of the nation is very much in the hands of the president, and according to experts in military law, Obama can end DADT with the stroke of a pen:

http://www.palmcenter.org/files/active/0/Executive%20Order%20on%20Gay%20Troops%20-%20final.pdf >
Congress can continue to work on ending it through legislation, while individuals and groups go about ending it through the courts (the Log Cabin Republicans lawsuit has taken 6 years to get to last week's decision in the federal court; it's nowhere near over).  

There's no reason all can't happen simultaneously, and should. 
One of the many benefits of an executive order ending DADT is that its implementation begins to knock down the fallacies that exist about gay men and women serving in the military.  It gets people used to it, which would go a very long way in bringing this latest chapter in our nation's shameful history of big0try to a close, but not to an end.  This past May, the House and a Senate panel passed a plan to repeal DADT, but with the usual slick out-clause or backdoor.  The plan by politicians in our 2-party system has always been to use gay rights as a wedge issue for both parties' base's turnout each election, kicking the can down the road as long as possible by keeping gay Americans disenfranchised.

It also refocuses attention where I think it always should have been:  The purpose of our military and our true state of preparedness.  

How is it that this nation, that allegedly stands as a beacon for individual liberty and universal justice, can justify separating any competent professional soldiers from service for their sexual orientation in this time of war? 
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

Do you remember this?: 

==According to the February 2005 GAO report, seven hundred fifty-seven (about 8 percent) of these separated servicemembers held critical occupations ("voice interceptor," "data processing technician," or "interpreter/translator"), as defined by the services. Also, 322 members (about 3 percent) had some skills in an important foreign language such as Arabic, Farsi, and Korean. Government Accountability Office, February 2005. http://www.gao.gov/htext/d05299.html ==

It makes this criminal:
It's long past the time for Obama to stop being a politician and start governing, become president to all the People.  It would also go a long way to saving both the November elections for Democrats and his presidency.
Ellen Degeneres
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

A group of experts in military law concluded Obama can end DADT with the stroke of a pen:


Congress can continue to work on ending it through legislation, while individuals and groups go about ending it through the courts (the Log Cabin Republicans lawsuit has taken 6 years to get to last week's decision in the federal court; it's nowhere near over).  

There's no reason all can't happen simultaneously, and should. 
One of the many benefits of an executive order ending DADT is that its implementation begins to knock down the fallacies that exist about gay men and women serving in the military.  It gets people used to it, which would go a very long way in bringing this latest chapter in our nation's shameful history of big0try to a close, but not to an end.  This past May, the House and a Senate panel passed a plan to repeal DADT, but with the usual slick out-clause or backdoor.  The plan by politicians in our 2-party system has always been to use gay rights as a wedge issue for both parties' base's turnout each election, kicking the can down the road as long as possible by keeping gay Americans disenfranchised.  

WIth a stroke of a pen, Obama can go a long way to healing some of the problems in this country in many different ways.  It's good for gays, it's good for the military (we're having problems retaining troop strength, and gay soldiers skills' sets save all soldiers' lives), it's good for the war effort (it is "war time", or so we've been told often enough), it's good for the American people, and it's good for the world.

It also refocuses attention where I think it always should have been:  The purpose of our military and our true state of preparedness.  

How is it that this nation, that allegedly stands as a beacon for individual liberty and universal justice, can justify separating any competent professional soldiers from service for their sexual orientation in this time of war?  
Ellen Degeneres
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

We each must do what we can, and with what a president can do (a lot), the buck stops at Obama.

There is no higher authority in the US than our government.  Three co-equal branches, one of which (the executive branch) has authority and control over most of the US government.

When the president obfuscates and avoids doing what he can, what is within his power and ability to end discrimination against one group of Americans, it's a cowardly dereliction of duty.  

He's the Role-Model-in-Chief, and it's scandalous.
About Ellen Degeneres
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

The largest part of the responsibility at this moment in US history goes to Obama.  As president and Commander-in-Chief, can end DADT with an executive order (A group of experts in military law concluded Obama can end DADT with the stroke of a pen: http://www.palmcenter.org/files/active/0/Executive%20Order%20on%20Gay%20Troops%20-%20final.pdf ).  

It's unconscionable that a president of the United States has allowed any department of government under his authority to practice discrimination. Every day that big0ted government policies like DADT continue is the government giving a nod and a wink to the most ig.no.rant among us, and saying that gays are lesser Americans and not deserving of the full rights and responsibilities of citizens.  

Congress can continue to work on ending it through legislation, while individuals and groups go about ending it through the courts (the Log Cabin Republicans lawsuit has taken 6 years to get to last week's decision in the federal court; it's nowhere near over).  

There's no reason all can't happen simultaneously, and should.  
About Ellen Degeneres
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Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

All over the media, I'm hearing this story reduced to "concern" by faculty and administrators at colleges and universities around the nation, about "over-sharing online".  That wasn't the cause.  That was the means by which Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei assaulted Tyler Clementi (Ravi's roomate) for his sexual orientation.  

To be so comfortable in their bias that they didn't think twice about, 1) violating Clementi's privacy by taping him in the first place, and then 2) broadcasting it on the internet without bothering to hide their own identities, Ravi and Wei had to have felt strongly reinforced in their bias (not just by their families or religion, but by the culture) and that there would be no blowback.  They had to believe that everyone thought the same thing as they did about homosexual behavior and wouldn't fault them for invading Clementi's privacy and broadcasting it online.  When the US government itself practices discrimination through policies and laws like DADT and DOMA, what other message would Ravi and Wei have gotten, but that gays are lesser beings, not even human.  I say that because what Ravi and Wei did was what we do with our pets and other animals and then upload to YouTube.  

I used to believe that political leaders didn't realize how laws like DADT and DOMA set gays up for abuse and bullying and violent acts against them, but I don't any longer.  

I think now of political leaders as partners to the abusers & bullies.  They exploit intolerance and ig.nor.ance of their constituents, for their own parties' benefit, as well as for their own personal political power.  Both parties keep the denial of gays' rights a wedge issue, to activate their bases each election season.   
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Ellen's Emotional Plea: Stop Teenage Bullying (VIDEO)

All over the media, I'm hearing this story reduced to "concern" by faculty and administrators at colleges and universities around the nation, about "over-sharing online".  That wasn't the cause.  That was the means by which Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei assaulted Tyler Clementi (Ravi's roomate) for his sexual orientation.  

To be so comfortable in their bias that they didn't think twice about, 1) violating Clementi's privacy by taping him in the first place, and then 2) broadcasting it on the internet without bothering to hide their own identities, Ravi and Wei had to have felt strongly reinforced in their bias (not just by their families or religion, but by the culture) and that there would be no blowback.  They had to believe that everyone thought the same thing as they did about homosexual behavior and wouldn't fault them for invading Clementi's privacy and broadcasting it online.  When the US government itself practices discrimination through policies and laws like DADT and DOMA, what other message would Ravi and Wei have gotten, but that gays are lesser beings, not even human.  I say that because what Ravi and Wei did was what we do with our pets and other animals and then upload to YouTube.  

I used to believe that political leaders didn't realize how laws like DADT and DOMA set gays up for abuse and bullying and violent acts against them, but I don't any longer.  

I think now of political leaders as partners to the abusers and bullies.  They exploit intolerance and ig.nor.ance of their constituents, for their own parties' benefit, as well as for their own personal political power.  Both parties keep the denial of gays' rights a wedge issue, to activate their bases each election season.   
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


TARP Bailout Could Cost Less Than $50 Billion -- Or Even Turn A Profit, Treasury Says

Ratigan & Spitzer:  TARP's Only a Tiny Piece of Subsidies to Banks

"Why Aren't We Demanding Restitution?" 

On Dylan Ratigan, Eliot Spitzer and Larry McDonald explain how banks paying back TARP monies doesn't begin to cover what's been stolen.

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