A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

Monday, November 8, 2010

It’s always easier to condemn abuses by an “enemy” state than to acknowledge similar crimes committed by your own. But that it is the commitment that the United States and other signatories to anti-torture agreements undertook.

Instead, President Obama has followed the hypocritical political course of shielding his U.S. predecessor from any accountability for torture, murder and other crimes, while adopting a moralistic posture against Iran, as Jason Leopold notes in this guest essay:

This week, in a burst of stunning hypocrisy, President Barack Obama signed an executive order that imposes sanctions on Iran for human rights abuses and targets eight Iranian government and military officials who are blamed for the torture, abuse and murder of citizens who protested Iran’s 2009 presidential election.

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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

This is not your website.
You get to express your opinion, and not mine.
About George Bush
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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

You are either for the rule of law or you're not.

For a president of the United States not to equally apply the law to all people, presidents, too, means that the grand experiment is over. 

Not prosecuting BushCo is destroying the country. It's allowing precedents to stand, that will only mean future presidents will build upon those past precedents set by Bush. 

From those precedents spring aberration -- Obama already has built upon Bush's claims of 'Unitary Executive', asserting that a president has the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and no legislative or judicial review of that position. Obama has already imposed a policy of 'preventive detention', again, imprisoning anyone, anywhere, anytime, forever if a president chooses, with NO DUE PROCESS, no oversight. 

How any Democrat defends that is beyond my understanding.

Bush happened because of the pardoning of Nixon. The Nixon pardon happened because of Cheney & Rumsfeld. These are not just disconnected events. These people have been up to mischief for a long while. They never got over Watergate & their fall from grace. They never believed they did anything wrong. 

Running from these facts isn't going to make the Nixon-Reag­an-Bush-Ch­eney-GOP-C­onservativ­es behave, or go away. Waiting them out, until they d!e, isn't going to end it -- They've raised & trained an army of 'true believers' to carry on after they're gone.
Investigations and trials go a long way in dealing with that. It's not their minds you want to change, but the millions of Americans who never knew the facts. They broke the law, and we enforce the law so that people KNOW the laws and live by them. If People don't agree with the laws, if they don't like the laws, they can change the laws. But the People have to have a direct experience and understanding of the laws before they can change them. And that's how you get an informed, healthy and active democracy. With an knowledgeable electorate.
About George Bush
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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

No, he hasn't.
You don't campaign on being against the wars & for putting them on budget (which is a method for ending them - see how & why here: http://www .huffingto­npost.com/ social/Mar­cospinelli­/obamas-in­terview-wi­th-progres­sive-blogg­ers_n_7751­12_6529499­4.html ) & then don't. 

And THEN, vote for more supplementals!

Democrats have controlled the entire process. Democrats have had the ability to accomplish putting the war on budget; Democrats haven't needed Republicans to do this, for TWO YEARS & haven't done it. 

Democrats have let Obama continue with just about all of BushCheney's policies & wars, & gone BushCheney even one better, letting Obama assert, unchallenged, that presidents have the right to k!ll Americans with no due process or oversight, 'preventive detention', no transparency of anything a president asserts should be his secret - Not by the citizens or even judicial review. 

Democrats have abdicated their Constituti­onally-REQ­UIRED role of oversight of the executive branch. They failed to perform it during the BushCheney administration, & still don't perform it with one of their own in the WhiteHouse.
About George Bush
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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

It's not over.
Obama is continuing most of Bush-Cheney policies and going Bush-Cheney one better.
Preventive detention.
And Obama's assertion that the president has the right to deny Americans their day in court, to murder American citizens with no due process, no oversight whatsoever:
Obama is as corrupt as Bush.  More so, because Bush & Cheney made no excuses for what they did.  They made no bones about what they were.  Obama & Democrats ran on knowing better.
About George Bush
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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

We're being forced to suffer this atrocity because of Obama's refusal to enforce the rule of law.
About George Bush
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'Decision Points': George W. Bush Book Brings Former President Back In Spotlight (PHOTOS)

Why is George W. Bush being allowed to crawl back into polite society?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democrats have blocked all investigations and prosecutions into Bush-Cheney and Republicans, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constitution and return us to the rule of law, by holding Bush, Cheney, et al, accountable, JEB Bush was all over the news on election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-di tant-future. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.
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CIA To Investigate Wikileaks Documents

Obama blocking the court ordered release of the torture & abuse photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan after pledging to release them:


After Obama flip-flopped on this issue that he campaigned on (transparency and releasing the thousands of t0rture photos of detainees), he used Lieberman to slip it into legislation that gave the SoD the power to gut FOIA and bury the evidence forever.


http://www­.alternet.­org/blogs/­peek/14332­2/outrage:­house_sneakily_passe­s_bill_ban ning_relea­se_of_phot­os_showing­_detainee_­abuse/
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CIA To Investigate Wikileaks Documents

Obama in his own words:

Transparency Will Be Touchstone:


"On transparency", "About inviting the people back into their government again", and "Part of the job of the next American president is making Americans believe that our government is working for them, because right now they don't feel like it's working for them. They feel like it's working for special interests and it's working for corporations:


"We need a president who sees the government not as a tool to enrich well connected friends and high-priced lobbyists, but as a defender of fairness and opportunity for every single American. That's what this country's been about and that's the kind of president I intend to be:


"Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public, no more secrecy.....No more secrecy.....":


"Clintons did health care the wrong way, behind closed doors": 




"The American people are the answer":


Obama's Transparency Problem:

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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

That's pretty d@mned r@c!st of you.
Nobody expected "magic" from Obama.  

We did expect honesty & transparency.

There can be no democracy, no solutions, no functioning government, without honesty, without trust, when elected officials are Iying, cutting secret deals and then spinning them as something that they're not.
Obama's a politician, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word.  He convinced centrists that he was a centrist.  He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist.  First and foremost, however, Obama is a lawyer (also in the worst sense of the word).

Obama chose his words very carefully (lawyer-speak) during the campaign, giving people the sense of what they wanted to hear to get their vote. It's why even among his most ardent admirers, they still argue about whether he's a liberal or a centrist or a moderate Republican.

It turns out that doing what's right for transnational corporations is what Obama is about, & trying to sell it as good for Americans is what he does afterwards. He's the epitome of the 1950s Republican, "What's good for GM is good for America."
Obama did a snow job on everybody.
About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

And about your last comment: 
When informed on issues, most Americans agree with liberal policies.  
And liberals and progressives were fighting for what they wanted.  What they didn't realize was that Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats in Congress weren't fighting for them, but against them.
About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

I think Lawrence O'Donnell, et al, explain it very well (but I can get others if these aren't to your liking):
Did Obama, who ran a pitch-perfect campaign to victory in 2008, use his oratorical skill to shape the healthcare debate? Did he use his unique ability to communicate, an ability that got more voters than ever before in the history of the nation to vote for him (a black man, in good old rac!st America, because they believed he could end corporations' grip on government & return the government to the People), to intervene & interrupt these kinds of disruptive tactics, and bring reason and order and humanity to the decision-making process?:



He didn't because what teabaggers were doing at Town Halls was what he & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party wanted to have happen. To get the pro-insurance & pharmaceutical industries kind of healthcare legislation that was passed, and not the real healthcare reform that he & Democrats were put into power to achieve. 

Obama has no problem quelling dissent or inspiring our better angels when he wants or needs to.  And the only people Obama has ever battled are progressive and liberal Democrats.  
About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

For any DLC-trolls (political operatives paid by the DNC to spread disinformation) who inevitably show up to deny that Obama took part in any "secret deal":

White House-PhRma Secret Memo Surfaces:

==Since mid-July, the WhiteHouse and the drug industry’s Washington lobby, PhRMA, have denied any specific agreement that would give the industry big benefits in exchange for its support for PresidentB arackObama s healthcare overhaul effort.==







http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/08/10/whi­te-house-i­nsists-it-­di_n_25568­2.html

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2009­/08/13/int­ernal-memo­-confirms-­bi_n_25828­5.html


About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

Add to that Rahm's strategy of not repeating Hillary's mistake of developing healthcare reform behind closed doors, but instead using, wait for it, five different committees of the Congress to craft a bill.
This is impressive revisionist history.
Obama's healthcare legislation was completely done behind closed doors, with Obama undermining all of the committees working on legislation (but one) and cutting secret deals with PhRma/BigI­nsurance/A­MA/Hospita­ls; the Senate Finance Committee (Baucus's committee)­ wound up being the last legislation standing (Baucus's bill was the only one of the committees' bills that had a mandate and no public healthcare option in it).
About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

I don't think you're going to like the answer.  
If I can reframe it somewhat:
You are noticing that this election's winner (Republicans) seem to be getting the usual spoils that go to victors.  So why didn't we, the People, get the spoils when the Democrats won in 2008, and 2006 before that?
Because the Democrats don't work for us.  They work for the same people that Republicans work for.  Transnational corporations.
That's the short answer.
About Lame Duck Session
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Conservatives, Out-Organizing Dems In Lame Duck Session, Suggest Pitchfork Protests

Democratic voters have mistakenly believed that Obama & Democrats want what they want. The DLC-controlled DemocraticParty gives lip service to all populist issues (like CivilRights protections, restoring HabeasCorpus, ending the wars, PublicHealthcare, WallStreetReform, environmental & energy issues, etc.). 

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid & relentless in your sales pitch & tactics. It's not that Bush & R0ve were geniuses & knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politicians & the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans. 

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the nomination) & the oldest, most experienced politicians in US history (including the Rove machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politicians (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching Bush & Cheney off the table & have us still reelecting them, not marching on Washington with torches&pi­tchforks?

Obama & Democrats know how to do it -- They don't want to do it. 

The trick for them's been to keep the many different populist groups believing that they really do support our issues, but they're merely inept. And to get us to keep voting for them despite their failure to deliver on any of our alleged shared objectives.
About Lame Duck Session
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Dems To Cave On DADT Repeal In Lame Duck

Where, in any part of my comment, did you get a suggestion by me?
About Don't Ask Don't Tell
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Dems To Cave On DADT Repeal In Lame Duck

Now the can, which had been kicked to Congress by Obama, goes back to Obama.  Obama and the Courts have been kicking the can back and forth, up until last week when the Court kicked it into suspended animation for a few years (basically, the Court kicked it back to Obama).
What will Obama do?
Will Obama sign an executive order (stop-loss) which will overturn it for the duration of his time in office?  It has the effect of ending the process temporarily and getting people used to it until Congress and/or the Courts end it permanently.  It also provides gay troops another legal argument, in that they can argue that once they come out, they can't unring that bell, so based on what the president did they took him at his word that the "trajector­y for ending DADT was in sight".  
Place your bets.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

You don't campaign on being against the wars & for putting them on budget (which is a method for ending them - see how & why here: http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/ social/Mar­cospinelli /obamas-in­terview-wi­th-progres­sive-blogg­ers_n_7751­12_6529499­4.html ) & then don't. 

And THEN, vote for more supplementals!

Democrats have controlled the entire process. Democrats have had the ability to accomplish putting the war on budget; Democrats haven't needed Republicans to do this, for TWO YEARS & haven't done it. 

Democrats have let Obama continue with just about all of BushCheney's policies & wars, & gone BushCheney even one better, letting Obama assert, unchallenged, that presidents have the right to k!ll Americans with no due process or oversight, 'preventive detention', no transparency of anything a president asserts should be his secret - Not by the citizens or even judicial review. 

Democrats have abdicated their Constituti­onally-REQ­UIRED role of oversight of the executive branch. They failed to perform it during the BushCheney administration, & still don't with one of their own in the WhiteHouse.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

That's not Obama's decision to make.
You think about it; NOT investigating and prosecuting gives license to every presidential administration that it can do as it pleases, with no repercussions.
And all you have to look at to realize the truth of that is what Obama's been doing since in office.
He's continued just about every one of Bush's policies.  And he's even gone BushCheney one better.  Do you know what 'preventive detention' is?
Do you know that Obama is asserting that as president he has the right to deny Americans their day in court, to murder American citizens with no due process, no oversight whatsoever?

Pure Kafka-

Obama is as corrupt as Bush.  More so, because Bush & Cheney made no excuses for what they did.  They made no bones about what they were.  Obama & Democrats ran on knowing better.
You're just choosing to remain ig.no.rant of the facts.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

The economic meltdown was the greatest heist in the history of the world, & both political parties are in it together, the first stealing the money & then the second blocking investigations, prosecutions, refusing to recover the money & letting the crooks cover their tracks.

What People want & expect is that when they're ripped off the police will apprehend the perps & try to recover the property. Obama & Democrats are NOT doing that.It would be one thing if Obama were restringing the social safety nets cut under Clinton so that the People, most of whose life savings have been wiped out, were assured a roof over their heads & food to eat. But he's not.

Instead, Obama is setting up the Great Heist's parts 2, 3 & 4, which are to squeeze the last dimes out of the middle & poor classes, with the privatization of Social Security & cuts to Social Security & Medicare benefits, high-priced junk health insurance that has no cost controls (or guarantees of coverage, or universal coverage), & the outsourcing of the rest of Americans' jobs with the coming *AFTA treaties that Obama & the *new* Republican Congress are going to pass.

There can be no fixing this mess, no trusting these b*stard politicians, no "looking forward, until there is LOOKING BACK, investigating & prosecuting & RESTITUTION.

Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats are as crooked as Republicans & BushCo.

Instead of borrowing money 'in our names' from China & the Saudis, & draining (bleeding) the Treasury, our money, into the banks & the offshore bank accounts of the rich, retire THE PEOPLE'S debt.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

I don't know what you think was so miraculous about what Obama did.  It was pretty stu.p!d, actually, saving banks with no strings whatsoever.  No agreement on regulations, no agreement on loans to the People.  That's when and where you put hooks in contracts -- When they're over a barrel.  Not after they've been bailed out.
But it's like every other agreement that Obama's made on behalf of WeThePeople: Either really inept or he's corrupt to the core.  I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways.  
Who makes a contract with BP that verbal & that's non-securitized?  It's taken forever to get BP to live up to the first installment, and even then they're 'light'.  And BP is actually blackmailing Obama, saying that unless BP is allowed to continue risky & dangerous deep water drilling, and despite its $40 billion in profits this year alone, "We won't be able to pay any more."
The secret contract with Big Insurance/­PhRma/AMA/­Hospitals?  The People got scr3wed royally in that one.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

I suggest that you consider Democrats & Republicans as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. One side (Republicans) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, & when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric. 

Once in power, Democrats consolidate Republicans' gains from previous years, & continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertising campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what WeThePeople thought they were. 

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigans & all the different ways they've been tricked & start seeing Democrats as no different than Republicans, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business -- This current one, because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc., is custom-tailored to Obama's 'bipartisan cooperation' demeanor. It's smirk-worthy when you realize they're trying to sell that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do, & that's "a good thing".
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

"war crimes are international. bring on the Hague!" ==========­==========­==========­===== Just like there will never be any resolutions against the US out of the UN, the Hague will never bring charges against a member of the US government. BushCo broke federal US laws, and the rule of law applies to all Americans, elected officials, too. Elected officials especially. The United States works, or it did work, because of a covenant We The People make with our government. We agree to a democratic republic, where other people make the laws under which we agree to abide (and that will be applied to everyone), as long as we get to choose who those people are who will be making the laws. It is under those conditions that we consent to be governed. When we no longer trust in the process, when we no longer trust that the selection process by which our elected representatives is fair and accurate, or that the laws don't apply equally to all, then all bets are off. And no government can stand once that happens.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

Just like there will never be any resolutions against the US out of the UN, the Hague will never bring charges against a member of the US government.
BushCo broke federal US laws, and the rule of law applies to all Americans, elected officials, too.  Elected officials especially.
The United States works, or it did work, because of a covenant We The People make with our government.
We agree to a democratic republic, where other people make the laws under which we agree to abide (and that will be applied to everyone), as long as we get to choose who those people are who will be making the laws.  It is under those conditions that we consent to be governed.  
When we no longer trust in the process, when we no longer trust that the selection process by which our elected representatives is fair and accurate, or that the laws don't apply equally to all, then all bets are off.
And no government can stand once that happens.
About Tea Party Movement
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

Why do you believe they didn't break any laws, or that regulatory laws have been revoked/repealed?

Where did you get these ideas?

I don't know where you've been, what you've read, seen, heard, but your statement is so eye-poppingly startling to me that I have to ask it.

Start here:
http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/vinc­ent-buglio­si/the-pro­secution-o­f-george_b­_102427.ht­ml
Cut and paste that URL, and be sure to take the space out between the 'huf' and the 'fington'.


Jonathan Turley: "Condi Rice Confessed to Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes"http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=JJmdHQaHY­vM

John Dean: "Condi Just Confessed to Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes":http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=1Y1meM6jC­JY

Waterboarding is t0rture, and it's settled law:http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=KlI322hcC­UA




Read this thread:http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/soci­al/Marcosp­inelli/kan­jorski-los­es-house-r­ac_n_77813­5_66118642­.html

Cut & paste the URL, make sure to take the space out between the 'huf' and the 'fington'.



The only thing that's been revoked or repealed is the enforcement of the laws.

Jonathan Turley, John Dean, Vince Bugliosi, Bruce Fein, and the rest (I can keep you busy for weeks reading/wa­tching/lis­tening to material) are hardly liberally-biased -- These are conservative Republicans.
About Tea Party Movement
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TrashCare: Tea Party Activists In Arizona Protest Changes In Trash Collection, New Recycling Program

Five different hauling companies servicing the same residential block is tearing up the roads.
Do teabaggers not realize that with less tax revenue, our roads are not being maintained, and with increased traffic, the roads are breaking down and causing damage to cars driving those roads?  
If you don't pay it one place, you'll pay it in another place. 
In the last year I've had to replace two windshields (loose gravel) and have had to get my wheels realigned 3 times from pot holes and other unlevel disintegrating road conditions.
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Introducing HuffPost Divorce: Everything You Wanted to Know About Divorce But Were Afraid to Ask

Talk about class warfare!  
If there ever was a column and an article that was out of touch with the reality of its readership, this is it.
In hard economic times, the poor and the middle class don't get divorced.  They can't afford to.  It's generally the rich who can afford to break up the family, move to and set up two separate households.  
How about a column by and for people who have made their marriages work and their families together, in spite of all of the obstacles thrown at them of modern daily life?
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

Add this to the list:
Fabricated evidence to get Congress to give him the authorization to go to war in Iraq.
About Tea Party Movement
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

“It's OK - no statute of limitations for war crimes. He'll stay cocky and one day go on a foreign vacation and do a pinochet.”
No, there are statutes of limitation, for instance on t0rture.  I understand the statute on the destruction of the CIA's t0rture videotapes runs out today.
This isn't just about Bush-Cheney, but about the 'lieutenants' who enable them.
You've got to stop spreading the BS panacea of "Relaaaaaax, he'll get his laaaaaaaaaater", or else I'm going to presume you're political operative being paid to obstruct justice.
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

The problem is that Bush-Cheney legally didn't break any laws. What crime can you charge them with? What investigations were blocked? All the regulatory laws that were enacted have been revoked/repealed thanks to the last administrations.
Why do you believe they didn't break any laws, or that regulatory laws have been revoked/repealed?
Where did you get these ideas?
I don't know where you've been, what you've read, seen, heard, but your statement is so eye-poppingly startling to me that I have to ask it.
Start here:
http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/vinc­ent-buglio­si/the-pro­secution-o­f-george_b­_102427.ht­ml
Cut and paste that URL, and be sure to take the space out between the 'huf' and the 'fington'.
Jonathan Turley: "Condi Rice Confessed to Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes"
John Dean: "Condi Just Confessed to Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes":
Waterboarding is t0rture, and it's settled law:
Read this thread:
http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/soci­al/Marcosp­inelli/kan­jorski-los­es-house-r­ac_n_77813­5_66118642­.html
Cut & paste the URL, make sure to take the space out between the 'huf' and the 'fington'.
The only thing that's been revoked or repealed is the enforcement of the laws.
Jonathan Turley, John Dean, Vince Bugliosi, Bruce Fein, and the rest (I can keep you busy for weeks reading/wa­tching/lis­tening to material) are hardly liberally-biased -- These are conservative Republicans.
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Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

This has EVERYTHING to do with Obama and his failure to hold criminals at the very top of our system of government to account.  The message that that telegraphed throughout the country results in what we're seeing in Colorado.
Obama CAN sic his attorney general (Eric Holder) on this case, to investigate and prosecute why LOCAL gendarmes and district attorneys aren't enforcing the law equally.
About Banks
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George Bush On Fox News' 'Hannity': Tea Party Shows 'Democracy Working,' Jeb Bush Should Run In 2012

Why is George W. Bush being allowed to crawl back into polite society?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democrats have blocked all investigations and prosecutions into Bush-Cheney and Republicans, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constitution and return us to the rule of law, by holding Bush, Cheney, et al, accountable, JEB Bush was all over the news on election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-di tant-future. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.
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Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

A REAL Democratic president would be putting his attorney general on this.
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Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

If you can get over Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Feith, Cambone, Yoo, Bybee, et al, not being prosecuted for their crimes, why can't you get over a contemporary in the finance sector not being prosecuted?
This is a direct outgrowth of the Obama administration's failure to restore the Constitution and the rule of law (it has to apply to everyone), with its refusal to prosecute the Bush administration, BP, etc.
This is what Obama's US attorneys do instead - Bush-style obscenity prosecutions:
How does a Democratic president, on the heels of the most criminal and corrupt administration in the nation's history, not replace Bush-era US attorneys?
Presidents may fire US attorneys, and they do so routinely at the beginning of a new administration. It is unusual to fire US attorneys in mid-term (as Bush did) except in cases of gross misconduct (which wasn’t the case during the Bush administration). But this is what Obama's US attorneys are doing instead of restoring rule of law & the democracy to the American people.  
We have nobody to blame but ourselves for sitting back and allowing Obama to do this.
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

This is where the ig.norance took over all reasoned discussion last year.  
Single payer universal health care would NOT put Big Insurance & PhRma out of business.   

If we went to single payer universal coverage, there would be a two-tiered system: Basic coverage for everyone and boutique coverage for those willing to pay for it. So you don't have to worry about poor Big Insurance & Big Pharma -- There would be work for all. Big Insurance & Big Pharma would just have to make smarter gambles, with no taxpayer bailouts.
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George Bush: Cheney Was Angry That I Did Not Pardon Scooter Libby

If you haven't seen this, I think you might find it very interesting:
Laura Flanders, John Perkins ('Confessions of an Economic Hitman') & Russ Baker talk about Obama, corporations & US military:

About Dick Cheney
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

Obama's in office to mellow-talk us into accepting that which we'd never stand still for if we had contentious fire-in-the-belly Democratic politicians actually fighting on our behalf. Obama's in the White House to ease us into accepting the greatest heist in the history of the world, and never even think about trying to get back the money that was ripped off from the middle & poor classes.
About Economy
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

Insurance isn't medical treatment.
Having an insurance premium does not mean your insurance company is going to pick up all of your medical costs or cover all (or any) of the treatment costs of illnesses you have.
There's a lot of slipping between the semantics by politicians, chiefly Obama, about this.
About Economy
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

Obama gamed real healthcare reform before the debate & negotiations ever started, by barring liberals from the table and preventing single payer advocates from the negotiations.
Obama decided, on his own, that the two points that were identified as what everyone EXCEPT the insurance companies wanted ended (insurance through one's employment and insurance companies as the gatekeepers to medical treatment) were to be retained.
What Obama's healthcare legislation is is corporate welfare.  It's part two of Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003.  
It does not satisfy what voters put Obama & Democrats into power in 2008 to accomplish: Affordable, quality medical treatment for everyone.
About Economy
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

Democratic voters, for the most part, still haven't finished their love affair with Bill Clinton.

Like the real debate & assessment of Reagan that's never happened, we've never assessed Clinton's true legacy. Eliminating the social welfare safety nets, Glass-Steagle, the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, rendition, privatization, the sanctions & daily bombing of Iraq (& so much more) laid the foundation for what BushCheney did to decimate the country. As AlanGreenspan said, "Bill Clinton was the best Republican president we've had in a while."

The same is so for Obama. More so. 

The DLC's pitch for not throwing Democratic incumbents out of office last week was "Do you want to return to the failed policies of BushCheney & Republicans?"

When did we ever leave them? 

Obama's been continuing just about all of the BushCheney policies, and the DLC-controlled Congress has been watering down real Democratic legislation, turning it into Republican legislation. 

Republicans love it -- They get, generally, what they want (or what they can build on later) & don't have to vote for it, which satisfies their base's need for knee-jerk tribal warfare between the 2 political parties (how many times have you heard Republican tr0IIs declare that a bill "must be bad if Democrats are for it"?), AND, it satisfies their & Democrats' shared Corporate Masters. They get amply rewarded with great big donations to their reelection campaigns.

What Obama's been doing should be shocking to all real Democratic voters.
About Economy
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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

If you must continue to delude yourself into thinking Obama's a good guy who never would have started those wars, & who has only the best of intentions (I don't share that opinion anymore), but got a bad deal, then think of all this as a business plan where the Corporate Masters of the Universe have charted out their plans years in advance (governments do them, too) & select the politician /personality best able to achieve those plans in 4 year increments. If you want to l!e the country into war for oil & war-profiteering, then George W. Bush is your man to front it (with Dick Cheney, the former Secretary of Defense who initiated the privatizing of the military a decade earlier, actually running the operation from the shadows). 

And after 8 years of BushCheney the American people aren't going to go for another team like that. They're going to want HOPE & CHANGE, with a persona they can believe in & trust. BarackObama.

The truth is that Obama is no better than BushCheney. Not better, not worse, but the same. His 'most ardent admirers' just like the packaging better. I'm not talking skin color, although that may be a factor for some of them; I'm talking about how a 'D' after the name is a brand they trust believe and trust in, despite the fact that it's the same 'soap' (product).

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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

The truth about Obama's appointments of populists like Elizabeth Warren -

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Obama On '60 Minutes': Midterms 'A Referendum On The Economy'

Dylan Ratigan, Glenn Greenwald, and Cenk Uygur talked the day after the elections last week about the Obama presidency, progressives and the Democratic Party. 

Watch it and see if you don't agree:

Part 1 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=TRpK_ANpT­vM

Part 2 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=EMUx6Bt6q­Vg
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Democrats Dissatisfied With Obama Because He Doesn't Throw Parties And Schmooze With Lobbyists

Dylan Ratigan, Glenn Greenwald, and Cenk Uygur talked the day after the elections last week about the Obama presidency, progressives and the Democratic Party. 

Watch it and see if you don't agree:
Part 1 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=TRpK_ANpT­vM
Part 2 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=EMUx6Bt6q­Vg
About Eat The Press
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Democrats Dissatisfied With Obama Because He Doesn't Throw Parties And Schmooze With Lobbyists

Dylan Ratigan, Glenn Greenwald, and Cenk Uygur talked the day after the elections last week about the Obama presidency, progressives and the Democratic Party. 

Watch it and see if you don't agree:

Part 1 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v=TRpK_ANpTvM

Part 2 - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=EMUx6Bt6q­Vg
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George Bush: Cheney Was Angry That I Did Not Pardon Scooter Libby

This isn't news.  It was reported the pardon didn't happen ( http://www­.nytimes.c­om/2009/02­/18/us/pol­itics/18ch­eney.html ).
Why is George W. Bush being allowed to crawl back into polite society?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democrats have blocked all investigations and prosecutions into Bush-Cheney and Republicans, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constitution and return us to the rule of law, by holding Bush, Cheney, et al, accountable, JEB Bush was all over the news on election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-di tant-future. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.
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Bush Admits Katrina Air Force One Photo Was 'Huge Mistake'

Exactly why is George W. Bush being allowed to crawl back into polite society?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democrats have blocked all investigations and prosecutions into Bush-Cheney and Republicans, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constitution & return us to the rule of law, by failing to hold Bush, Cheney, et al, accountable, JEB Bush was all over the news on election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-di tant-future. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.
About George Bush
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Bush Admits Katrina Air Force One Photo Was 'Huge Mistake'

"In retrospect, however, I should have touched down in Baton Rouge, met with the governor and walked out and said, 'I hear you. We understand. And we're going to help the state and help the local governments with as much resources as needed,'" Bush said.


You left out what he said right after that:

"And then got back on a flight up to Washington."

He still doesn't get it. It's all about APPEARANCE.

Had Bush unleashed the resources of the US government, he never would have had to show his face at all.

In the days following Katrina, all we heard out of Bush's mouth was how everyone is on their own, and shouldn't expect the government to come to the rescue.
About George Bush
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