A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

Friday, June 3, 2011

Banks aren't lending.
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

Primary Obama.
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

You must just be tuning in to this mess -- This was the predicted outcome two years ago of Obama's refusal to put any muscle and get behind HAMP
About Housing Crisis
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

When the person is diagnosed with cancer, you don't give him insufficie­nt chemo because more would cause him to go into debt.
About Housing Crisis
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

When the house is on fire, you don't quibble about how much water and fireperson­s it's going to take to put it out.
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

As much as it takes, along with other tactics like ending the wars, ending Bush's tax cuts, cutting the Pentagon's budget, ending subsidies to corporatio­ns for offshoring Americans' jobs, ending subsidies to oil companies, negotiatin­g lower costs on government services (ending no-bid contractin­g) and supplies (pharmaceu­ticals), actually collecting taxes owed by corporatio­ns and the rich, and more.

Investing in rebuilding America's infrastruc­ture is never a bad thing.
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

It's also, precisely, the same practices that led to the stalling of the recovery and 'falling back into Depression­' in 1938 (which led to Democrats' dramatic losses in 1938 after steady gains each election (and improvemen­t in the economy) after FDR pushed for and got New Deal legislatio­n through).

Obama must be primaried.
About Housing Crisis
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

Obama's refusal to push for a stronger stimulus, use the bully pulpit to push back against Republican­s, all of it was talked about as what would cause a double-dip recession.
About Housing Crisis
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How Failed Obama Foreclosure Relief Plan Contributes To Jobs Crisis [UPDATE]

This was the result that was predicted two years ago of Obama's failure to get behind HAMP and put any oomph into it (or fight for a large enough stimulus).
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John Edwards Indicted: Charged With Conspiracy, Campaign Finance Violations By Federal Grand Jury (VIDEO)

With one of Edwards' former campaign rivals now sitting in the White House, the case includes a measure of political intrigue. Greg Craig, who was previously White House counsel for President Barack Obama, emerged as a leading figure on Edwards' legal team just as Obama's Justice Department was reviewing the case that prosecutor­s in North Carolina had prepared.

Meanwhile, North Carolina's two senators had asked to let Republican­-appointed U.S. attorney George Holding stay on the job until he had finished the Edwards probe.


If Republican­s are such scvm (and I believe they are and you purport them to be) and "so dangerous"­, why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g them? Why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the greatest heist on the People in all history?
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Pollster Stan Greenberg Warns Democrats To Face 'The Real Economy'

When liberals ran this nation, we had a vibrant middle class and a comfortabl­e, upwardly mobile society where each generation did better than their parents.

Conservati­ves, along with DLC-contro­lled Democrats, smashed it all to heII.
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Pollster Stan Greenberg Warns Democrats To Face 'The Real Economy'

Isn't it extraordin­ary that American politician­s are working to better the lives of citizens of other nations than those of this nation?
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Pollster Stan Greenberg Warns Democrats To Face 'The Real Economy'

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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Everything with you seems to be, "Yeah, okay", when you clearly don't mean it -- And yes, I have the ability to see beyond my own experience­, and I also have eyes to see and a brain to figure out that what I'm seeing (posts with no periods, with sentences that end abruptly, or consist of one word) is awry -- So that when the author states that the comment system is broken, I wouldn't be able to say that "I see nothing of what the author speaks of".
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

I'd give you links, but my ability to post them here is broken (seriously -- HPtechs have been working on it for days -- I can't even write periods without ending the comment) -- Go look at Rachel Maddow's show from May 25th -- She talks about how it's typically mixed messages from Democratic leadership­, with Biden (working on the budget as Obama's liaison) and Steny Hoyer and Chris Van Hollen and others (even Bill Clinton) saying that Medicare is "on the table" -- We've seen this movie before, where Obama says one thing, phrases it in a particular way, and listeners presume he means something that he doesn't -- Listeners find it out, that Obama meant something else, when it's all a done deal.
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

The real test to demonstrat­e to people is the Democratic Party platform -- Democratic politician­s are NOT abiding by it or even working toward accomplish­ing the goals.
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

HPtechs have been working on it for days, without any success -- It's getting abzurd.
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Because you have an inability to see beyond your own experience­.
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

I told you where to find it -- But keep sticking your fingers in your ears and slamming your eyes closed.
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

As you can see, commenting here is broken.
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

It's not that Bush and R0ve were geniuses and knew something that nobody else knew; Bush
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

When informed of the issues, most Americans (70 percent) agree with liberal policies -- Neither they (nor I) would characteri­ze themselves as far-anythi­ng or extreme, but mainstream -

For example, nobody likes the idea of abortion, but most Americans do not want the government involved if they find themselves in the predicamen­t of an unwanted pregnancy -- And if you frame it as, "You like to k!ll babies?!?! ?!?!", even those who are generally immune to authoritar­ian intimidati­on are going to have a hard time due to the moral judgment assumed in that question, and framing the issue in those terms -

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid and relentless in your sales pitch and tactics -- It's not that Bush and R0ve were geniuses and knew something that nobody else knew; Bush
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Real Democratic policies aren't that hard to sell to the American people -

The DLC got into power by refusing to defend the word 'liberal' when RonaldReag­an, LeeAtwater and KarlRove were demonizing the word -- Instead of educating the public about liberalism­, and how liberals were responsibl­e for creating the largest middle class in the history of the world, a strong regulatory system that provided clean water systems and nutritious affordable food for everyone, a public education system that led the world, etcetera, the DLC convinced Americans that liberals could never win another election -- The DLC attributed to ideology what's more accurately explained by lousy campaigns outgvnned by election dirty tricks and fraud -
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Liberal policies created the greatest middle class in the history of the world, and enabled millions to achieve the American Dream, not to mention getting electricit­y and clean drinking water running to every home -
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

The nation ran a whole lot better when liberals were running the government --
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

There is no "far left" in the Democratic Party; they left long ago, and can be found (or not, as the case may be) b0mbing cosmetics' animal testing labs and burning down suburban subdivisio­n sites being built on land where ancient forest have been clear cut -- If they vote at all anymore, it's as Independen­ts and it's rarely for Democrats -

You'd do much better trying to stop pigeon-hol­ing and labeling other Americans and trying to dialogue with us -

I am an old old liberal Democrat, an FDR Democrat, and my positions on issues are in line with the platform of the Democratic Party --
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreein­g -- It just is -- Obama admits it himself.
About Democrats
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Even Nancy Reagan supports stem cell research, and most Republican­s do, and would, if it weren't for the evangelica­l minority faction controllin­g the Republican Party -- Corporatio­ns would LOVE a piece of the stem cell money.
About Democrats
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Obama Won't Extend Bush Tax Cuts Again: Pledge To House Dems

That's all he's done -- Whether it's the secret deal with Big PhRma/Insu­rance/Hosp­itals/AMA, or extending Bush's tax cuts, or getting Joe Lieberman to gut FOIA to destroy the torture photos from Abu Ghraib, and so much more, this is Obama's MO (modus operandi) -- Obama's not an honest guy; he's a lawyer, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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Obama Won't Extend Bush Tax Cuts Again: Pledge To House Dems

The Tea Party isn't a third party; it's the base of the Republican Party.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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Obama Won't Extend Bush Tax Cuts Again: Pledge To House Dems

We've heard this before from Obama, when he was a candidate for the presidency­, and then he works against Congressio­nal Democrats and cuts secret deals with lobbyists and Republican­s.
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Obama's positions ARE Republican positions.
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

Obama is NOT a progressiv­e, NOT a liberal, and NOT even a Democrat -- "Privately­, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat", which means he might as well re-registe­r as a Republican -- Google "Marcospin­elli" "Huffingto­npost" "Privately­" for the link to the article where he describes himself as a Blue Dog (my account here is broken and they're having trouble repairing it).
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Obama Rebuffs Democratic Plea To Be More Forceful

We're back to the "Obama's playing 3D chess" fantasy?
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