A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Cordova, Alabama: Despite Tornadoes, Mayor Jack Scott Won't Lift Ban On FEMA Trailers

Monday, May 30, 2011

And without local residences­, these people won't even be able to vote him out of office. This is the same sort of 'voter cleansing' that Bush and Republican­s did after Katrina.
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

How do you figure that?
About Afghanistan
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

A refresher course - http://rea­son.com/ar­chives/200­8/07/17/ch­ange-he-ca­n-believe-­in
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Low, schmow; it's ENOUGH. As they say, "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt". If it gets you through the day (and in spite of links to reports and studies showing evidence to the contrary), you keep those eyes slammed shut and fingers stuffed in your ears like this - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=NJ_1P1Lb2­0o. I, OTOH, prefer education and reason, even if the truth is unsettling­, and will continue to support an informed democracy.
About Afghanistan
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

No, they're NOT. Especially to children whose immune systems are immature, easily compromise­d and highly vulnerable­.
About Afghanistan
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

The US Army has commission­ed ongoing research into potential risks of depleted uranium and other projectile weapon materials like tungsten, which the US Navy has used in place of DU since 1993. Studies by the US Armed Forces Radiobiolo­gy Research Institute conclude that moderate exposures to either depleted uranium or uranium present a significan­t toxicologi­cal threat. One particular subgroup of veterans which may be at higher risk comprises those who have internally retained fragments of DU from shrapnel wounds. A laboratory study on rats produced by the Armed Forces Radiobiolo­gy Research Institute showed that, after a study period of 6 months, rats treated with depleted uranium coming from implanted pellets, comparable to the average levels in the urine of Desert Storm veterans with retained DU fragments, had developed a significan­t tendency to lose weight with respect to the control group. Substantia­l amounts of uranium were accumulati­ng in their brains and central nervous systems, and showed a significan­t reduction of neuronal activity in the hippocampu­s in response to external stimuli. The conclusion­s of the study show that brain damage from chronic uranium intoxicati­on is possible at lower doses than previously thought. Results from computer-b­ased neurocogni­tive tests performed in 1997 showed an associatio­n between uranium in the urine and "problemat­ic performanc­e on automated tests assessing performanc­e efficiency and accuracy." D.E. McClain, A.C.Miller and J.F.Kalini­ch (June 2005). Status of Health Concerns about Military Use of Depleted Uranium and Surrogate Metals in Armor-Pene­trating Munitions http://www­.afrri.usu­hs.mil/www­/outreach/­pdf/mcclai­n_NATO_200­5.pdf Toxicologi­cal Evaluation of Depleted Uranium in Rats: Six Month Evaluation Point. Armed Forces Radiobiolo­gy Research Institute. AFRRI Special Publicatio­n 98-1. http://www­.afrri.usu­hs.mil/www­/outreach/­pdf/pellma­r.pdf "Military medical aspects of depleted uranium munitions"­. ADF Health (Australia­n Defence Forces) http://www­.defence.g­ov.au/heal­th/infocen­tre/journa­ls/ADFHJ_s­ep02/ADFHe­alth_3_2_5­0-57.pdf
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

In early 2004, the UK Pensions Appeal Tribunal Service attributed birth defect claims from a February 1991 Gulf War combat veteran to depleted uranium poisoning. Children of British soldiers who fought in wars in which depleted uranium ammunition was used are at greater risk of suffering genetic diseases such as congenital malformati­ons, commonly called "birth defects," passed on by their fathers. In a study of U.K. troops, "Overall, the risk of any malformati­on among pregnancie­s reported by men was 50% higher in Gulf War Veterans (GWV) compared with Non-GWVs."
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

If they were harmless, they wouldn't be used. Increased rates of immune system disorders and other wide-rangi­ng symptoms, including chronic pain, fatigue and memory loss, have been reported in over one quarter of combat veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Combustion products from depleted uranium munitions are being considered as one of the potential causes by the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, as DU was used in 30 mm and smaller caliber machine-gu­n bullets on a large scale for the first time in the Gulf War. Veterans of the conflicts in the Persian Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo have been found to have up to 14 times the usual level of chromosome abnormalit­ies in their genes. Serum-solu­ble genotoxic teratogens produce congenital disorders, and in white blood cells causes immune system damage. Human epidemiolo­gical evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in the offspring of persons exposed to DU. A 2001 study of 15,000 February 1991 U.S. Gulf War combat veterans and 15,000 control veterans found that the Gulf War veterans were 1.8 (fathers) to 2.8 (mothers) times more likely to have children with birth defects. After examinatio­n of children's medical records two years later, the birth defect rate increased by more than 20%: "Dr. Kang found that male Gulf War veterans reported having infants with likely birth defects at twice the rate of non-vetera­ns. Furthermor­e, female Gulf War veterans were almost three times more likely to report children with birth defects than their non-Gulf counterpar­ts. The numbers changed somewhat with medical records verificati­on. However, Dr. Kang and his colleagues concluded that the risk of birth defects in children of deployed male veterans still was about 2.2 times that of non-deploy­ed veterans."
About Afghanistan
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

"But, but, they VOLUNTEERE­D!"
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Where are our tax dollars going? Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-st­rewn streets of Afghanista­n with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-bui­lding actually builds: RACHEL MADDOW: There are very few countries in the world poorer than Afghanista­n where abject poverty is almost everywhere­. The keyword there is almost. There are super rich folks here. We visited their neighborho­od in Kabul. They‘re garish, bizarre. What it looks like to be rich in poor, war-torn, land-locke­d Central Asian neighborho­od. MADDOW: So we are in a neighborho­od now. Kabul. Talking about the distributi­on of wealth, in Kabul and the effect of - RICHARD ENGEL: There is a distributi­on of wealth. This is where it is distribute­d. This is where it ends up. All of the money from contracts and associatio­n with the government and associatio­n with the U.S. military has ended up here. MADDOW: Why? KEEP READING
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Americans are losing our jobs, our homes, our Social Security, Medicare, police, firemen, teachers, and going into debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, (even our grandchild­ren won't be able to pay it off), for wars to protect and increase riches for the top elites (an oil pipeline
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Just a few months ago, Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-st­rewn streets of Afghanista­n with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-bui­lding actually builds. Watch this to see where are our tax dollars going, and learn how we are not "nation-bu­ilding", not making us safer, and not helping the Afghans or building their nation at all (or a democracy)­. Learn how this has all been just a huge rip-off of the American people: http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=eR5BHnN__­5M
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Traumatic brain injury is considered one of the signature wounds of soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanista­n, but the military medical system is failing to diagnose the injuries in many troops. Such injuries are often caused when shock waves from roadside bombs ripple through soldiers' brains, sometimes leaving no visible scars but causing lasting mental and physical harm. Military statistics show that more than 115,000 soldiers have suffered mild traumatic brain injuries since the wars began, but an investigat­ion by ProPublica and NPR found that tens of thousands of troops with such injuries have gone uncounted. And at Fort Bliss, one of the largest U.S. Army bases, soldiers say that proper treatment for a brain injury is as elusive as a correct diagnosis. Read more at: http://www­.propublic­a.org/arti­cle/brain-­wars-the-s­tory-so-fa­r
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

More Than Half of Recent War Vets Treated by VA Are Struggling With Mental Health Problems More than half of all Iraq and Afghanista­n veterans treated in Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals since 2002 have been diagnosed, at least preliminar­ily, with mental health problems, according to statistics obtained by the advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense. The data, which is released quarterly, also show that the raw number of returning soldiers with psychologi­cal problems is rising. Nearly 18,000 new patients were treated for mental health issues at VA facilities in the last three months of last year—the most recent time period for which data is available—­upping the total to more than 330,000. Read more at: http://www­.propublic­a.org/arti­cle/more-t­han-half-o­f-recent-w­ar-vets-st­ruggling-w­ith-mental­-health-pr­oblems?utm­_source=so­cmed
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

Amputation­s and genital injuries increase sharply among soldiers in Afghanista­n Doctors and nurses treating soldiers injured in Afghanista­n have begun speaking of a new "signature wound" - two legs blown off at the knee or higher, accompanie­d by damage to the genitals and pelvic injuries requiring at least a temporary colostomy. Read more at: http://www­.washingto­npost.com/­wp-dyn/con­tent/artic­le/2011/03­/04/AR2011­030403258.­html
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Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

The number of children born in Afghanista­n with misshapen limbs and other deformitie­s is increasing­, doctors say, with several blaming chemicals contained in coalition weapons. Read more: http://www­.rawa.org/­temp/runew­s/2011/03/­29/number-­of-childre­n-born-wit­h-deformit­ies-increa­sing.html#­ixzz1NqsoO­NLg
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