A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns Crisis Is Far From Over

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Did you know that the photo the other day of Obama & his daughter swimming "in the Gulf of Mexico" (so that people would travel to the Gulf states and spend their vacation dollars there, that the water was safe), that Obama & Sasha weren't actually swimming in the Gulf of Mexico? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/president-goes-for-a-swim-in-the-gulf-ndash-or-does-he-2053567.html

Few know this because this story about the building of a m0sque in NYC has obliterated all other news in the media.
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Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns Crisis Is Far From Over

Stop the BS.

Americans use gas/oil/coal/nuclear because the Corporate-owned government has set it up that way.

All 306 million of us could be environmentally conscious and want to use alternative types of energy, but if it's not there we're going to use what is there.

Until the government makes it happen, it won't.

I think it's too late to change course (and has been too late since the Sixth Great Extinction began), and what's happening now is the "thinning of the herd".

There's no way that pro-non-regulated capitalists intend to repair the economy (or any of the damage done to the US economy & environment in the last 40 years) aside from 'growth' (using shared national resources, e.g., lumber from national forests, minerals, water, etc., to manufacture products for sale). Growth also means building more houses, shopping centers, etc., and that means more people. We don't need more people. We're in this fix because the planet has too many people, and too much growth.

So hunker down, batten the hatches, because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

P.S. Obama's a fraud. He's in office to serve the Elites, preserve and save their fortunes and keep capitalism intact, and keep the People from rioting in the streets and marching on Washington with torches and pitchforks.
About Green Energy
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Elizabeth Hurley Swears By 'Almost Nothing For Breakfast'

Or to quote Roseanne Barr on the secret to how she lost weight, "Eat less, move more. Who knew?"
About Celebrity Body
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Existing Homes Sales PLUNGE To 15-Year Low

Sure, but everyone has to live somewhere. So if you're selling your home to relocate for a new job, someone else is looking to buy a home where you are selling yours, perhaps for the same reason?

"Neighborhood decay"? Is that a euphemism for "white flight" due to "the wrong people (minorities)" moving in next door?

You can never tell how a neighborhood is going to evolve, or what your city's government is going to do over the course of a lifetime to affect your property's values, which is why it's a good idea to be active in your city's local political scene. I've lived in cities where those who weren't active saw their neighborhoods (& lives) destroyed by redevelopment (the Fillmore-Western Addition in San Francisco - http://harlemofthewestsf.ucsc.edu/redevelopment.html / New York & Robert Moses - http://books.google.com/books?id=Oy3rUgKAWrYC&pg=PR17&lpg=PR17&dq=%22redevelopment+in+the+1960s%22+%22new+york%22&source=bl&ots=Pm4gbmfFVn&sig=Re42fHzn539pDDNg07x1m6UAWPU&hl=en&ei=HQV1TLX7IYPCsAP87OSgDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=%22redevelopment%20in%20the%201960s%22%20%22new%20york%22&f=false ).

I'm currently living in a city that has been transitioning from rural agricultural to dense single family suburban developments ("little boxes made of ticky tack"). Hold-outs who refused to sell to developers have forced the developers to build around them. Only time will tell if their homes appreciate in value or will ultimately be sold to the developers by the heirs for land value alone. Or if the homes (late 19th/early 20th century Victorian farmhouses) merit preservations as historical registered landmarks.
About Real Estate
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