A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Bill Clinton Races To Help Democrats, Treading Where Obama Won't

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How do you come to believe that "Americans seem to not want a government where workers, unions, shareholders and management have to work together"?

Let me rephrase it slightly and ask if you really believe that Americans don't want a government where workers, unions, shareholders & management work together?
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Bill Clinton Races To Help Democrats, Treading Where Obama Won't

Me, personally?

I'm not a member of the Green Party ( http://www­.gp.org/in­dex.php ), but I can attest to Green Party achievements that have benefitted me, including but not limited to the revitalizing of my local economy, eliminating threats to my health and life (banning toxic chemicals, pesticides, second-hand smoke, reducing particulate matter in the air, etc., aggressive cutting of greenhouse gas emissions, etc.), improved the quality of life for me and my neighbors' with SMART growth & building practices (everything from new transportation choices to mandatory green building - http://lat­imesblogs.­latimes.co­m/greenspa­ce/2010/01­/green-bui­lding-code­-californi­a-usgbc.ht­ml ), all while saving us money and not cutting services or personnel -- No mean fete in this economy.
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Bill Clinton Races To Help Democrats, Treading Where Obama Won't

No, the argument is which party is serving your interests, the average American citizen's interests, and the answer is neither. Both serve the corporations' interests, and if you can't see that corporations' interests are not only NOT aligned with the People's interests, but are in direct opposition to the People's interests, and that the Democrats are no better at serving the People's interests than the Republicans are, you have to have been asleep or bra!nwashed these past two years.

Did you happen to catch what happened in the Gulf of Mexico this year?

There is just about nothing that Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats in Congress have done that had Republicans done them, you wouldn't be ready to march with a torch and a pitchfork over.
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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