A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Learning To Walk: Fear, Shame And Your Underwater Mortgage

Thursday, February 3, 2011

People lost their jobs.  

When they purchased their homes they could afford them.  

People did what has been real estate investment practice for the past 40 years in the US: Buy the most house you can get a loan for, even if there's a balloon payment due within 2-5 years.  Your equity will increase, the value will have appreciate­d, you can refinance it to pay off the balloon, your investment is sound.

The real problem that has been plaguing us is the pyramid scam of over-devel­opment of our resources.  "Growing the economy" (more people).  The answer isn't "more people"; it's conservati­on of our resources, developing the talent and expertise of the people who are already here.  It's not automation­, doing away with the need for people's labor, but better quality merchandis­e that lasts longer.

It's begun again, over-build­ing, and NONE of the legislatio­n passed in the past two years has addressed what caused the meltdown.  None of it.
About Housing Crisis
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

I don't speak for all liberals, but I'd bet on my memory over yours any day of the week.

Try to focus; we're talking about Egypt.  it's 2011, Arafat's been d#ad for seven years.  Palestinia­ns have nothing to do with this.
About Egypt News
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

And the only way to heal it is to deal with it head on.  

It's not to send Mubarak into exile with $40-$70 billion that he skimmed from 30 years of dlctating -- It's to put him on trial in Egypt.

It's what's going to have to happen here in the US, too.  Putting Bush and Cheney on trial.  There really is no way around it, no way to restore the Constituti­on and the rule of law.
About Egypt News
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

Egyptians do not want Mubarak to leave the nation; they want Mubarak put on trial.
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

Hosni Mubarak will take with him $40 to $70 BILLION.
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

They only leave the country to visit nations that are s#xual tourist meccas.
About Egypt News
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for tort-ure when we rendltion.  

"Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Prot-ests End"?  

Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers pro-testin­g openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.  
About Egypt News
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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

And who are you?

It actually is our business.  They made it our business, first when they announced that they're going to disregard the law and not hold a special election to replace her if she doesn't return to the job in 3 months.  Next, when they had Kelly pose for photos with her hand (jeebus key-wry-ss­st!), not once but twice, and then report that she had given him "a 60 minute massage" and that she watched the SOTU.  

Nobody is talking about the quality of care she's getting; notice that none of her physicians are  testifying that anything the husband has said is accurate.  

When you say that "she was shot in the head and the fact that she is alive gives you hope" only says you really know nothing about brain injuries.  Her having survived the gunshot is a wholly separate issue from her recovery.  I repeat, it's not just unlikely that she'll ever be able to speak again (much less work again); it's probable that she will live the rest of her days 100 percent disabled.  

If they don't want me and others talking like this, then they shouldn't be staging BS photo ops and playing with the facts and emotions of the public.  In the US, in a democratic republic, we have to deal with factual informatio­n, and not in fantasies or magical thinking.
About Arizona Shooting
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

If that's true, I'll be a fixture there.
About Egypt News
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

The momentum for a popp-ulist democracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him hanglng around for another 8 months, to tam-per with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup-pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Reglme Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dls-sident Voices, if the pro-tester­s leave Tahrir Square the dlssidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for tort-ure when we rendltion.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Prot-ests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers pro-testin­g openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2 percent, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
About Egypt News
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Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup-pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dlssident Voices, if the pro-tester­s leave Tahrir Square the dlssidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for tort-ure when we rendltion.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Prot-ests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers pro-testin­g openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2 percent, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.

About Egypt News
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Egypt Journalists Roundup Continues As Violence Escalates

The mah-der-8-­shun here at Aytch-P makes this website worthless for any legitimate discussion­s.
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

Let me remind you that it was YOU who 'gibbered' on my comment first.
About Most Popular
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Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

I agree.
About Barack Obama
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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

My hunch is that you're very young, don't have the experience or the knowledge to have understood this on your own, and it's why I am a broken record on the need for better journalism­.  To help people like you understand that which you've never been trained about or lived through to know without being told.

That is, if you're going to weigh in with so decided an opinion as you've been doing on this thread.

Only in the worst case scenario (such as she's a vegetable who is not likely to recover in any meaningful way) should Kelly be leaving his wife's side for weeks.  

Why?  Because with a traumatic brain injury, even in the best of circumstan­ces (some meaningful recovery is possible), no husband is going to leave his wife in rehab for weeks on end.  The anxiety and distress caused by his absence is going to impede rehab.  And with brain injuries, every day not making progress makes recovery less likely.

If her condition is worse than has been implied, if he's considerin­g going, then everything from "the smile hours after the sh00ting" and "the 60-minute massage" and the intermitte­nt photos with Giffords' hand (and Kelly and 'her hand' watching the SOTU) has been manipulati­ve public relations to commit fraud on the American people.
About Arizona Shooting
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George W. Bush Worried That America Is Becoming 'Nativist' (VIDEO)

The GOP isn't anti-immig­ration; the little R's (Republica­n voters) are.  Just as Democratic voters generally are.  

This is an economic issue.  Jobs.  Education.  Social service program spending.  

The more pro-corpor­ate you are, the richer you are, the more you support loose immigratio­n policies, with its cheap labor.  Loose immigratio­n policies mean abundant low wage workers for hotel and restaurant jobs.  And domestic help.  Loose immigratio­n policies help bust unions in the US.  Big business loves that.  Bill Gates loves loose immigratio­n policies.  Americans without jobs don't.  American students trying to find work with their degrees don't support loose immigratio­n policies, with its H1 visas.  

We are in a class war, and it's going to get worse.
About George W Bush
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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

You think I've asked how old he is because he misspelled Endeavor?

How old are you?


Are you married?  Do you have children?  Have you ever had someone close to you who was seriously ill?
About Arizona Shooting
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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

HP isn't poll testing; Marcia Dunn is the AP's aerospace writer, assigned to the space program.
About Arizona Shooting
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

As usual, like your boss Obama, you say nothing of substance.  What you are describing is someone who is out for his own self-inter­est, and not the American people's.  There is no "some days he's a liberal" etc. with Obama -- On all days he's been doing everything on behalf of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns and furthering his own career.  

There's no statesmans­hip in what you describe, nor is it leadership­.  It's the sign of a snake-oil salesman, an oiIy poIitician­, someone with no integrity or rudder.

And after two years of Obama, the only 'best interest' we're ever going to get from Obama is what's in his own best interest.  "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior".
About Egypt Protests
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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

I can't believe that they're poll-testi­ng this.

This is further indication that she's in horrid shape with little, if any, chance for a meaningful recovery, and they're looking for a way him to go without seeming to be a cad while keeping the public believing she's on the road to meaningful­, if not full, recovery.  
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Egypt: Dozens Of Journalists Detained, Clash With Pro-Mubarak Forces

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


ABC News Producer Brian Hartman Threatened With Beheading In Egypt

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Christiane Amanpour Nabs First Interview With Hosni Mubarak, Egypt President

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

^ - See?

shinola bought it.
About Barack Obama
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Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

It's just for show, Joann.

Because US public opinion is supporting the Egyptian people, and Obama isn't.  Obama is doing what he can to support Mubarak, keep him in power through the old 'kicking the can down the road'-tact­ic, stalling, trying to put off the Egyptian people until they can be divided and conquered (sent home where the leading dissidents will be rounded up and tort/ured by Egypt's new VP (and our 'go to' guy for renditioni­ng and tort/ure in Egypt).  

This article is all for show, for showing the American people that Israel is angr/y at Obama, when Israel knows Obama and Hillary and Joe Biden and everyone in the line of succession to power in the US won't do a thing that Israel doesn't want it to do.
About Barack Obama
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Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into cha0s. Who will be head of state of Egy/pt? It will be a m@d dash for power and will result in another dlctator. Instead, the pr0testers should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Pr0testing and starting cars on flre are so much better.

Egy/pt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratlc critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egy/ptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egy/ptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egy/pt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egy/ptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egy/ptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egy/pt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

Like you have an objective view on any of it

This is actually a very funny comment, ironically so.  I know you don't comprehend the irony, but at least a dozen others reading it do.  [Yes, you're being laughed at.]

All of those tanks blocking Tahrir Square and those planes and helicopter­s hovering, buzzing, bu//ying the Egyptian people are from the BILLIONS in economic aid we have given Egypt.  You bet your life it's Obama's place, it's Obama's DUTY, to tell Mubarak to step down.  And it's also Obama's duty to protect and defend the American people, NOT the corporatio­ns exploiting citizens of other nations around the world.  We have ene/mies joining A/ Qaeda because of the dastardly deeds being done to people by government­s we've put into power around the world.

You need to get a clue about what is being done in our names, by po/itician­s bought and paid for by transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.
About Barack Obama
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Senator Patrick Leahy: Egypt Will Lose Aid If Mubarak Does Not Step Down (VIDEO)

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Senator Patrick Leahy: Egypt Will Lose Aid If Mubarak Does Not Step Down (VIDEO)

Leahy isn't saying that Mubarak must step down now or else Egypt will lose US aid.

Leahy said, "It's unrealisti­c to think he can wait until elections in September"­.
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Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
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Barack Obama's Egypt Response Slammed In Israel

The purpose of stories like this is to help bolster the impression in the US that Obama told Mubarak to step down, when there's no truth to it at all.  

It's why there are people who still believe that Obama's a 'centrist' (or any kind of a Democrat), when in fact he's nothing but a politician­, telling one thing for spin and doing another to make sure that the oligarchy retains its iron grip on power.  
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

About 4 days ago, Biden said that Mubarak shouldn't leave and that he's "not a d/ctator".
About Egypt Protests
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

If Mubarak leaves now, Egypt will be thrown into chaos. Who will be head of state of Egypt? It will be a mad dash for power and will result in another dictator. Instead, the protesters should be organizing and planning for an upcoming election. The winner can take over the presidency and a peaceful, real transition can occur. However, why do that? Protesting and starting cars on fire are so much better.

Egypt will be just fine with Mubarak and his Vice T/orturer-­in-Chief gone now.

The momentum for a popu/ist d/emocracy is there now.

As George Will said of Obama's candidacy for the presidency when Democratic critlcs were saying he was too young, it wasn't his turn, etc., "When the girl is up on her toes, klss her."

The Egyptian people are up on their toes; they're not going to wait until September.  And why should they have to?  They want Mubarak gone now.  They don't want him h/anging around for another 8 months, to tamper with eIections, for him (or the US) to put a pup/pet candidate in.  

Journalist­s are being rounded up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices, if the protesters leave Tahrir Square the dissidents are next in line to be rounded up.  Especially with Egypt's new VP our 'go to'-guy for t/orture when we rendition.  "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Protests End"?  Are they kidding with that?  The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength, is their numbers protesting openly out in the streets, in Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2%, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
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Egypt Army Moves In As Protesters Clash With Mubarak Supporters

US & UK Help Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices
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Bill Keller: Rupert Murdoch Has Made America More Cynical And Polarized

That's actually funny coming from the man who cooperated with the Bush administra­tion to hold d/amning reports about what BushCo was up to until after the 2004 election.

Fox and USA Today, along with Reagan's eliminatin­g the Fairness Doctrine and newspapers like the NYT and WAPO standing down instead of standing up to pressure to lay off criticizin­g Reagan and his administra­tion share responsibi­lity for the deat/h of America.

At a time when more news reporting should have been happening, corporate-­media s/ashed budgets and closed bureaus all over the country and the world and gave Americans abbreviate­d news.  

The polarizati­on and cynicism of America couldn't have occurred had the Grey Lady and the rest of the fourth estate been doing its job.   These institutio­ns dropped the baton, and with it went the noble experiment­.  I don't know how they live with that, knowing their role in all this.
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Tahrir Square Gunfire: Egypt Protests Continue Overnight As Mubarak Supporters Attack

Egypt VP Refuses Dialogue Til Protests End..

The US's rend/ition to t/orture program and the t/orture career of Eg/ypt's new VP
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Catching Up With History

Digital Darkness: US & UK Help Egyptian Regime Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dissident Voices
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