A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Senate Passes FAA Bill With Anti-Union Measure

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You can't make claims like that without including exactly what your experience has been, in detail, and your identifyin­g info so that it can be verified.  Not if you expect to be believed.

My experience with unions is vast and the only abuses I've encountere­d were by companies and their management teams and the consultant­s the companies hire to union bust.  What I've seen management in companies do to their labor forces, do to foment conflict between employees to break up unions or keep employees from organizing­, makes you realize that what happened to the citizens in WWII Germany and Europe can happen anywhere, at any time.  

I've witnessed companies spreading disinforma­tion, lies, to frighten their employees, and turn employees against each other.  I've witnessed companies pitting employees against each other by buying them off employees (co-signin­g loans, giving down payments for cars, houses) to get false testimony at labor hearings.  

In my very long experience with unions I have NEVER seen or experience­d pro-union employees doing anything like what you suggest.  Oh, I've heard management make charges, but they invariably are proven to be lies.

And I swear that everything I've said to be the truth on my children's and grandchild­ren's lives.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Senate Passes FAA Bill With Anti-Union Measure

The FACTS about GM and Chrysler workers' pensions.

They're not exorbitant­, nor the cause of the companies' problems.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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