A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Harry Reid: Filibuster Rule Has 'Been Abused,' Needs Changing

Friday, May 11, 2012

But Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party didn't, won't, let Reid force Republicans to filibuster. Because it might actually work to get Democratic voters' legislative agenda made into the law of the land and do good for the People, but at less profit to corporations. And that's not what Obama and Company are there for. They are there to do the work of the transnational corporations, and preventing that are the liberals, which Obama has excluded from his administration and silenced throughout government. 

So that Obama can reach out for Republicans, and water down the legislation, make it Republican-like.   Legislation that Republicans won't vote for anyway, because everything that the parties do, both parties, is for the next election campaign.  So Republican-like legislation gets passed, with Democrats signing on, and that makes the corporations happy.  And Republicans can count on their 'dvmb as tree stumps'-constituents' votes, because Republicans in Congress stood firm against Democrats.  And all the while Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats work to prevent any more liberals and progressives from getting elected.

We've known for years, before Obama got into the White House, that Republicans would obstruct everything that Democrats tried to do.  After Obama got into the White House, Reid and Democrats said, "Senate rules can't be changed in the middle of a congressional session", which isn't true; Senate rules can be changed at any time, not just at the start of a new Congress - It can be done at any time (see page 6 - http://fpc­.state.gov­/documents­/organizat­ion/45448.­pdf ).  Democrats could even change the supermajority rule by simple majority (50 + 1).

Nor is there just one way (or even two or three or more ways) for Democrats to get bills passed despite Republican­s' obstructio­nistic tactics.  But first they have to want to do it, with the fierce urgency of now (don't click on that link, don't watch it, if you aren't prepared and can't bear to have your cherished illusions about Obama destroyed).
About Republican Party
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Medical Marijuana: Obama's War On Pot Ramps Up In Colorado, Key Swing State


The Senate has no say in this.  Congress already gave the president the authority.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Harry Reid: Filibuster Rule Has 'Been Abused,' Needs Changing

Who woulda thunk Harry Reid would raise ending the filibuster as an election issue (says this hardened and cynical liberal Democrat)?

Reid, Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats would love for their supporters to believe it's all the Republicans' fault.

Yes, Republicans are scvm, but the fact of the matter is that Democrats haven't needed Republicans and have pulled their punches (hoping ignorant voters wouldn't know the rules that the Senate and the House operate under) and helped pass corporate-friendly legislation.  Like Obama's healthcare bill, without a public option, that does not provide affordable, quality medical treatment for everyone, and that was passed in the end through reconciliation (50 + 1).

Republicans haven't filibustered; they've threatened to filibuster.  And Harry Reid made a deal with Mitch McConnell, to let Republicans do that.  Harry Reid has refused to exercise the discretion that Senate Rule 22 allows: Making Republicans actually filibuster, instead of just threatening to do it.  Rule 22 gives the Senate Majority Leader the discretion to actually make the call.

Filibustering is hard on those soft, pampered bodies. Harry Reid should have forced them do it, over every issue where Republicans have threatened to do it -- Americans love reality TV. 'Survivor - E Capitol St NE and 1st St NE'.  The few times Reid has forced Republicans to actually filibuster, when Democrats have really needed whatever the issue was (like when Jim Bunning threatened to filibuster over extending unemployment benefits), Republicans caved.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


If You Use This Word, People Will Think You're Stupid

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough -- Another pet peeve of mine (about myself, along with my being sloppy with pronouns).

Enthuse is a verb, not an adjective.  

"I'm enthusiastic about my new job," she enthused.  

It's not, "I'm enthused about my new job."

The verb enthuse is a back formation of the noun enthusiasm.  While it's gained in legitimacy (because it's so widely misused), it's still seen as colloquial, which is basically what this article is about; the misuse of words that make a person seem poorly educated.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


7 Things My Cat Taught Me About Life (PHOTOS)

wearing the collar

I live with a lady and four cats
and some days we all get

some days I have trouble with
one of the

other days I have trouble with
two of the

other days,

some days I have trouble with
all four of the

and the 

ten eyes looking at me
as if I was a dog.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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