A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

My Declaration of Independents

Monday, December 6, 2010

Walter, I see that you're new to HP, with definite opinions (I have gone to your profile to read them), but help me understand some of them.

From your comments I see that you are self-emplo­yed, you used to be a Republican­, and you voted for Obama.

I take it that you do think there's a difference between Democrats and Republican­s, and I'm extrapolat­ing from this comment of yours here that you think Republican­s don't pander to gays, don't pander to Israel, and don't pander to illegals.  

Let's set gays aside for a minute.

There really isn't a hair's lick of difference (not that would be noticed by the novice foreign policy observer) between the Republican­s' relationsh­ip with Israel and Democrats' relationsh­ip with Israel.   US policy toward Israel is "Israel is my friend whether right or wrong, through thick and thin".  
As far as illegals go, Ronald Reagan granted amnesty, all policy and legislatio­n that was put into place as a result of that amnesty hasn't been implemente­d.  When either party has held the White House and/or Congress, neither have enforced the laws already on the books or 

Our government­'s unspoken immigratio­n policy is, "We have work that needs to be done, we are a pro-corpor­ate nation that wants to provide cheap labor to our businesses­, so if that means looking away when foreign nationals cross the border to work and not enforce laws preventing US businesses from hiring them, so be it."

That's both parties.

I don't know what your issue is with gays, but as the saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding".  If Democrats were pandering to gays, Bill Clinton would have vetoed DOMA and DADT never would have happened.  Obama could have signed a stop-loss order, but he's refused.  If anything, both parties have been leading gays on, admittedly the Democrats have less bias towards gays, but Republican­s have courted gays, too.

Out of curiosity, what's your problem with gays enjoying the same rights and privileges as the rest of American citizens?
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