A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let them try it, and that is what Democrats will run on.

And if the White House doesn't have a campaign ready, of ads to show the American people the effect of Republican obstructionism on all of our daily lives, then the DLC-controlled Democratic Party needs to go because they are at worst, as corrupt as Republicans and at best, incompetent.

Democrats have had many opportunities to get rid of Senate rules which they didn't use to slow down or stop Bush-Cheney, but they haven't done it. They are useless.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

I agree with everything you've said, except for the Hillary part.

Of course it would have happened with her in the Oval Office.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

These are OBAMA'S nominations, and if you knew a fraction of what you think you know about governing and politics, you'd know that he can circumvent the Senate and make recess appointments.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

Obama convinced centrists that he was a centrist.

He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

Look, this is what Republicans do.

Now when are we going to get another political party to rise up and have the wits to do what's necessary to get the nation and the middle class back up and running?

Because it's NOT the Democrats. The DLC-controlled Democratic Party has proven they don't know how to govern and achieve what Democratic voters have put them into the majority to do.

If only the DLC-controlled Congress obstructed Bush and Cheney like the Republicans have obstructed a filibuster-proof Senate. But Democrats in Congress saw their time in office during the Bush-Cheney years as a paid vacation. Barbara Boxer wrote mystery novels. Pat Leahy played with his Batman comic book collection, and got to play a part in one of the Batman movies.

They are useless.
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

Didn't you read it? Obama's "helpless".

Just what we need, a "helpless" president.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Left Largely Helpless As Judicial Vacancies Reach Crisis

Oh for the love of Pete -- Two words: RECESS APPOINTMENTS.

Obama is keeping the nation hostage to Republican obstructionism solely for political purposes.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

Praising him for duping the constituents of his own party, as he passes Republican-type legislation and continues Bush-Cheney policy?
About 2010 Elections
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

The healthcare legislation is so bad, Democrats aren't running on it. Not one of them will have an ad on it.

The only place you'll hear any Democrat talk about it is in one-way venues, where they can't be confronted or rebutted.

About 2010 Elections
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

No maybe about it; you're wrong.

Obama never pressured JoeLieberman, Ben Nelson or Blanche Lincoln, or any Blue Dog. That's by their own admission. The Democratic leadership could've taken away committee chairs of members in their caucus that joined with Republicans and threatened to filibuster a public option for healthcare.

The DNC could've taken away reelection funds. But it hasn't. Because Lieberman & Blue Dogs (& Republicans) provide cover to Obama & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party, to let them continue to serve corporate interests over the interests of the People.

Obama, RahmEmanuel, the DLC, DavidAxelrod, DavidPlouffe, all have worked their @$$es off to prevent real progressives getting into office.

One example right off the bat is Blanche Lincoln.

The White House put their full weight & support behind Blanche Lincoln over the true progressive (& union-backed) candidate in the primary, Bill Halter.

Lincoln is 40 points down behind the GOP candidate John Boozman.

Guess who could beat Boozman in Arkansas? BillHalter. Because, like just about all Americans, Arkansans would prefer an authentic, likable candidate, even if it's a progressive.

But more progressives in Congress means real populist legislation getting passed into law. Real reform bills, that re-regulate banks and big business. Real stimulus bills, with jobs creation, green clean energy development, and more.

But that's not who or what Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats are about.
About 2010 Elections
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

What I used to have trouble understanding was how people who cast the first stone would get their noses out of joint when the stone was picked up and hurled back at them.

Then I realized they didn't recognize the insulting, bullying, snarky sarcasm in their own words/voice.

If you want to be treated with respect, act respectfully.

'Low information voter' isn't name-calling. It's not a matter of subjectivity. If I wanted to call you a name, I'd have said, "You're an id-jit".
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

Obama said - back around 2004 - that the reason we didn't have a single-payer health plan is because we needed to have a democratic congress and a democratic president.



The week before & the week after the healthcare bill (or, more accurately, 'The Insurance & Pharmaceutical Industries Windfall Act') passed in the Senate was the one & only time a public option had any chance of happening until another generation passes.

A group of senators had mobilized behind it since the bill had to be passed through reconciliation anyway, & there was no way that Democrats weren't going to get enough of its members to vote against it just because it had a PublicOption in it.

Obama nixxed it.

The excuse? "If the Senate did that, the bill would have to go back to the House for a vote & there's no time!"

After the (allegedly) pro-PublicOption senators accepted that excuse & stood down, Republicans discovered 2 flaws with the bill requiring it's return to the House anyway. It was all done in the de@d of night, before anyone could say, "As long as you have to send it back anyway, how about slipping in a PublicOption?"

http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/2010/03/25/byrd-rule-sends-health-care-back-to-house_n_512609.html

Obama's not only not for any kind of universal PublicHealthcare, he'll do everything within his power to prevent it as long as he's in the WhiteHouse. Because that was the deal that he made.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

But it's this comment of yours that intrigues me: That "if he got into office he would try and work in a bi-partisan way. He would try and consult".

How long are you ok with Obama's "trying"?

I think your problem (and most of Obama's 'most ardent supporters') is that you don't understand the lawyer-language that comes out of Obama's mouth. It's very similar to Bush-speak, but in Obama's case he doesn't need a team of speechwriters to write the script; he can do it on his feet, but Obama also has very talented, high-priced public relations (marketing) firms crafting for him. These are highly sophisticated propaganda campaigns -- They get paid the big money for your not seeing it coming.

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' have presumed that when Obama said that he would "try to work in a bipartisan way with Republicans" that it would be to achieve populist or traditional Democratic Party goals & objectives.

That's the mistake that Obama's most ardent supporters are making. Obama & DLC-Democrats are not working to achieve populist, traditional Democratic Party goals & objections. Obama & the DLC are working to achieve for the same people that the GOP is working to achieve for.
About 2010 Elections
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

How did he know the conservatives would stop everything, even rejecting bills they themselves authored.


Obama's rhetoric on bipartisanship was along the lines of, "Hillary's too polarizing; I've worked with Dick Lugar on bill to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons." What's left unspoken, but presumed by those listening at the time, "So it stands to reason that all (or enough) Republicans will cross over and vote with Democrats because I've got a great smile, I'm smart/reasonable/silver-tongued, blah, blah, blah, blah".

Except Republicans never made any secret of their intention to obstruct a Democratic Congress. It's what they were doing since Democrats took over control of Congress in 2006.

And because it was never said explicitly, but presumed, nobody ever retorted out loud, "Dick Lugar is an anachronism in the Senate and in the Republican Party".

About 2010 Elections
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

Giving up???

No, the solution is to stop putting fake Democrats (DLC) into power.

That's the quickest solution, working within the Democratic Party to get these DINOs out.

That's what voters, politically savvy ones, thought they were doing in 2008, when they put Obama and Democrats into the majority. But Obama was the DLC's back-up plan. No sooner was he elected than he surrounded himself with them and squeezed out all real progressives and liberals.

Since it's not likely that those who consider themselves politically active because they post comments at political websites will actually ever get really politically active where it counts, in the real physical world, then voting third party is the next best, fastest way to effect the change that's necessary.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

^ - For those who don't know, BillLoney here is professional political activist paid by the DLC.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did. Nothing changed.

Democrats said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate". In 2008, we gave them the 60. And the White House.

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him, a black man in America, than ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatocracy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate t00I.

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy & Byrd, at d.e.a.t.h's door, Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises & sloooooowed everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republicans", after Republicans had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, and vote no on everything, in lockstep.

Since Obama has gotten into office, he's continued most of Bush's policies & his 'accomplishments' are being spun as "reform" when, in fact, they're Republican in nature.

There could be 100 "progressives" in the Senate & 435 in the House, & they & Obama would still find a way to deliver to corporations instead of the People.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

What do you think Obama is going to do after the election in 8 weeks if Republicans take control of one or both Houses of Congress?


Do you think he'll veto the legislation they pass (through reconciliation and every other means they can manage)? Do you think Obama will take to the bully pulpit, urge Americans to bury Republicans in email, phone calls, snail mail, and urge Democrats to block Republicans every way possible?

Or do you think that Obama's going to be making deal after deal with them, spinning what he can as somehow "Good for the People and Democrats", and/or, "I'm president of all the People, and the People in their infinite wisdom put Republicans in the majority, so I must honor their wishes and work with Republicans, and not try to obstruct their will"?
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could be 'More Extreme'


Obama, Rahm Emanuel, the DLC, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, all have worked their @$$es off to prevent real progressives getting into office.

One example right off the bat is Blanche Lincoln.

The White House put their full weight & support behind Blanche Lincoln over the true progressive (& union-backed) candidate in the primary, Bill Halter.

Lincoln is 40 points down behind the GOP candidate John Boozman.

Guess who could beat Boozman in Arkansas? Bill Halter. Because, like just about all Americans, Arkansans would prefer an authentic candidate, even if it's a progressive. We appreciate honesty.

But more progressives in Congress means real populist legislation getting passed into law. Real reform bills, that re-regulate banks and big business. Real stimulus bills, with jobs creation, green clean energy development, and more.

But that's not who or what Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats are about.
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

I'm just so worn out with the political climate in this country.


In a democratic republic, you hire people to do the heavy lifting for you.

If you're worn out, it's because the people you're putting into office aren't doing what you thought you were hiring them to do; you're exhausted from trying to make them.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama told people they had to stay involved after the election. They couldn't just vote for him, go away for four years & expect that he'd do what they had hoped. He said that there were powerful interests working against what the people wanted, & if WeThePeople wanted Obama to do our bidding, we would have to "make him do it".

Obama's most ardent supporters forget that those of us who criticize Obama are only doing what he warned us needed to be done: NOT to trust him.

Since the election (& even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge & promise, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), & hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans & BlueDogs stronger & harder to beat in 2010 & 2012.

Obamabots are the most immediate problem; they help him screw them (& us) over. Until Obamabots wake up to these facts, they're their own (& our) worst e n e m ies, & the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted Obama &
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David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

The fear-card.

Karl R0ve was able to control low-information voters at elections with discoveries of new Osama Bin Laden tapes.

David Axelrod tries controlling low-information voters at elections with the specter of even lower-information voters winning.

Real Democrats, and not the corrupt DLCers like Axelrod, fight on a record of achievement for the People.

Axelrod can't do that. Everything that Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress have done has been for the benefit of corporations and the consolidation of the gains they made under Bush & the GOP.
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

Try thinking of the two political parties as working on the same side, towards the same goal, with one of the parties (GOP) willing to pull out all of the stops to achieve the goal and the other party (Democrats) consolidating the gains made by the GOP when the GOP has been turned out of office when the People have had enough of them and become wise to their ways.

The trick then for the Democratic Party is to make themselves seem like the good guys, like they're working on the side of the People. But the rhetoric doesn't match their actions.

Obama & Democrats do not turn back the tide on Republican misdeeds. Democrats don't pass legislation to undo what has enabled the GOP to effect the greatest transfer of wealth from the most to the fewest. As a matter of fact, Obama & Democrats manage to shift more power to the police & military & executive branch, and eliminate more of the People's Constitutional civil rights & protections.

And worse, Obama & Democrats block investigations & prosecutions into Bush and the GOP.

If stopping the redistribution of wealth is your issue, you're only helping to continue it by your unconditional support for Obama & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party.
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

It's not your lack of cynicism that prompted me to suggest you were young; it's your ig.no.rance.

Throwing words like "monarchist" and "oligarchy" around don't make you sound informed or intelligent, particularly when you think the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress are any different than the GOP.

The comment of mine that you replied to was asking, rhetorically, why aren't the Democrats & Obama playing hardball, to which you said, "Because they respect the Democratic process".

Now you're saying that if we dont' fight them tooth and nail, then they'll continue their redistribution of wealth, upwards.

To begin with, "playing hardball" doesn't mean outside of a Democratic process. Everything that Bush & Republicans did was within the Democratic process. All legal, and with Democrats for the most part on board.

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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

The comment of mine that you initially replied to in this thread was this:

==This is hardly a surprise; this is what Republicans do.

The real question is why are Democrats not playing hardball?

Why is Obama negotiating at all with Republicans? Why does he continue to play nice with them? Why does he try to win them over?

He & Democrats have never needed Republicans to pass anything. Harry Reid lets Republicans threaten to filibuster instead of forcing them to actually do it. Filibustering is hard on soft bodies. Democrats could pass whatever they want, too, through reconciliation. They refuse to do it. Democrats could also change the filibuster rule -- They don't have to wait until a new Congress convenes.

Obama & Democrats have let Republicans rise from the depths after Bush & Cheney left office. Obama refused, Obama has BLOCKED investigations & prosecutions into the Bush administration while Obama has continued most of Bush's policies.

The only question that remains is why Obama's most ardent followers still support him, someone who refuses to go to bat on populist issues.==
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

Two days of speechifying? You're actually trying to defend Obama by holding up speeches at staged holiday events in controlled environments (how much Obama/Axelrod/Plouffe learned from Bush & Rove) with fawning acolytes .

Obama's campaign rhetoric has never matched his actions.

You are the "low information voter" responsible for the downfall of the US and the middle class.
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

You have that totally backwards, and you are locked in that old definition of 'insanity' (Doing the same thing over & over, expecting a different result or outcome).

Unless & until you're willing to walk away from Obama & Democrats, there's no hope.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama told people that they had to stay involved after the election, that they couldn't just vote for him, go away for four years & expect that he would do what they had hoped. He said that there were powerful interests working against what the people wanted, & if We The People wanted Obama to do our bidding, we would have to "make him do it".

Obama's most ardent supporters forget that those of us who criticize Obama are only doing what he warned us needed to be done. NOT to trust him.

Since the election (& even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge & promise, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), and hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans and Blue Dogs stronger (and harder to beat in 2010 and 2012).

Obamabots are the most immediate problem, as they help him screw them (& us) over. Until Obamabots wake up to these facts, they are their own (& our) worst e n e m ies, and the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted Obama and Democrats into office as the majority
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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

Now we come to Blanche Lincoln and her uphill battle against John Boozman. She's 40 points down, behind Boozman.

Guess who could beat Boozman?

The progressive Democrat who ran against Blanche Lincoln in the primary. The one who Obama and Rahm Emanuel let loose the full power and fury of the White House on, defeating (and going against labor in Arkansas), Bill Halter.

Like just about all Americans, Arkansans would prefer an authentic candidate, even if it's a progressive, DINO/RINO.

Obama, Rahm Emanuel, the DLC, have worked their @$$es off to prevent real progressives getting into office.

What is going on in your mind for post-November? What do you think Obama is going to do if Republicans take control of one or both Houses of Congress? Do you think he'll veto they legislation they pass (through reconciliation and every other means they can manage)? Do you think he'll take to the bully pulpit, and urge Americans to bury Republicans in email, phone calls, snail mail, and urge Democrats to block Republicans every way possible)?

Or do you think that he's going to be making deal after deal with them, spinning what he can as somehow "Good for the People and Democrats", and/or, "I'm president of all the People, and the People in their infinite wisdom put Republicans in the majority, so I must honor their wishes and work with Republicans, and not try to obstruct their will"?


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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did. Nothing changed.

Democrats said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate". In 2008, we gave them the 60. And the White House.

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him, a black man in America, than ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatocracy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate t00I.

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy & Byrd, at d.e.a.t.h's door, Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises & sloooooowed everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republicans", after Republicans had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, and vote no on everything, in lockstep.

Since Obama has gotten into office, he's continued most of Bush's policies & his 'accomplishments' are being spun as "reform" when, in fact, they're Republican in nature.

There could be 100 "progressives" in the Senate & 435 in the House, & they & Obama would still find a way to deliver to corporations instead of the People.

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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

If he had more progressives- not less...we could get somewhere.


This is one of the more striking examples of Obamab0t ignorance.

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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

Do you know about this?

One of the many 'services' Lieberman has performed for Obama:

After Obama flip-flopped (one of many) on an issue he campaigned on (transparency and releasing the thousands of t0rture photos of detainees), he used Lieberman to slip it into legislation that gave the SoD the power to gut FOIA and bury the evidence forever.


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Republican Runs Street People On Green Ticket

The man tried to work with the deck he was dealt. Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, Kent Conrad, ...shall I go on?


Obama insisted Lieberman remain in the Democratic Caucus. In spite of multiple betrayals by Lieberman before and during the 2008 election (Lieberman endorsed McCain, campaigned FOR McCain).

Over REAL Democratic senators, Obama insisted Lieberman keep the chairmanship of the Governmental Affairs & Homeland Security Committee. That's the committee that whitewashed the Bush administration's failure during Hurricane Katrina. Obama rubberstamped that committee's not investigating Bush once Democrats took over control of government after the 2008 election.

Does anyone really believe that Obama got nothing for that concession? No agreement that Lieberman would vote as Obama told him to vote?

Obama never pressured JoeLieberman, Ben Nelson or Blanche Lincoln, or any Blue Dog). That's by their own admission. The Democratic leadership could've taken away committee chairs of members in their caucus that joined with Republicans and threatened to filibustered a public option for healthcare.

The DNC could've taken away reelection funds. They haven't.

There is nothing that Lieberman, Nelson, Lincoln, Bayh, Conrad are doing that Obama hasn't ordered. Obama & the DLC-Democrats want them there, doing what he's doing, which is to take the heat off of Democrats.
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