A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

Monday, December 6, 2010

Assange's motivation isn't important or relevant.  Here's why:

Marcospine­lli   20 hours ago (6:19 PM)

We've got a w@r going on WITHIN the US.  Within our government­, between our people (the very rich & powerful people) -- For the most part, most of the American people are watching like fans at a boxing match.  This is just the internatio­nal version of what's been going on here at home for a very long time; remember the book/movie­, 'Charl!e W!lson's War'?  What the H#LL (and how in h#ll) was a private citizen (Joanne Herr!ng) able to subvert US government foreign policy?  The downfall of the Sov!et Union was never a "good thing", just as removing S@ddam Husse!n wasn't -- Not for the US.  Keeping the Sov!ets alive & occupied in a neverendin­g war in Afghan!sta­n was a good thing, just as keeping S@ddam Husse!n in place (Sunn!s, against lran) was a good thing.  

At least when there was a Sov!et Union, we knew where the nvkes were.  Now?  Not so much.

Neoc0ns & ne0l!beral­s (not to be confused with l!berals or l!beralism­) opened a Pandora's box, the contents of which will not be recontaine­d anytime soon (not in my, nor my kids's, lifetimes)­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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