A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Chris Christie Gets Booed At Seton Hall Commencement

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yet the media pundits love him.  Chris Matthews leads the pack, talking him up daily as a "serious adult that Republican­s need to call up to run for the White House."
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Hospital Workers, Facing Layoffs, Launch Counterattack On Executives

From the New York Times:

The nation’s major health insurers are barreling into a third year of record profits, enriched in recent months by a lingering recessiona­ry mind-set among Americans who are postponing or forgoing medical care.

The UnitedHeal­th Group, one of the largest commercial insurers, told analysts that so far this year, insured hospital stays actually decreased in some instances. In reporting its earnings last week, Cigna, another insurer, talked about the “low level” of medical use.

Yet the companies continue to press for higher premiums, even though their reserve coffers are flush with profits and shareholde­rs have been rewarded with new dividends. Many defend proposed double-dig­it increases in the rates they charge, citing a need for protection against any sudden uptick in demand once people have more money to spend on their health, as well as the rising price of care.

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Hospital Workers, Facing Layoffs, Launch Counterattack On Executives

Health Insurance Industry Loves That You Can’t Afford to Use Your Coverage
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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

The Obama Deception: Why Dr. Cornel West No Longer Supports Obama
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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Hugh-Gee:  Anyone can win an election with enough money.  

Some candidates are easier to sell to voters than others, require less effort (fewer ads, less of a campaign strategy, etc.), but properly marketed, conservati­ves win in blue districts and liberals win in red districts.  

All of "them dudes" as you call them could have won (and almost did).  And if you don't believe what I'm telling you, how do you possibly explain a black man becoming president in good ol' raclst US of A?
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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

It is clear, very clear, where Obama's heart is. He wants to help this country get past the mess of the past decade. He is not a bomb-throw­er, and not an ultra liberal. You should have known that before voting for him--I did. 

Why do so many liberals think they voted for Bill Maher, and now want their money back?


"Ultra-liberal"?  That implies that Obama's any kind of a liberal.  He's not.  

"Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat"

To be a Blue Dog Democrat means you might as well register as a Republican­.

Candidate Obama was all over the place, depending on who was talking to at any given time and what day it was in the campaign, which primaries were done with and who he didn't need to woo anymore.

Obama got into office by misleading Democratic voters. He ran to the left of Hillary Clinton. He convinced centrists that he was a centrist. He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist. 

Obama's a lawyer (and I mean that in the worst sense of the word), choosing his words very carefully (lawyer-sp­eak) during the campaign, giving people the sense of what they wanted to hear to get their vote. It's why even among his most ardent admirers, they still argue about whether he's a liberal or a centrist or a moderate Republican­.

Doing what is good for transnatio­nal corporatio­ns is what Obama is about, and trying to sell it as good for Americans is what he does afterwards­. 

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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

You are saying all sorts of unsubstant­iated garbage and passing it off as fact. All US Presidents get involved with their party's primary elections. You were not privy to all of the calculatio­ns that took place. You are very naive to think that Obama isn't involved in the typical horse-trad­ing politician­s engage in.


What do you think is not accurate?  You couldn't have been paying attention to news reports at the time in order to believe what you're saying.  But, of course, you know that everything I said is accurate because after you deny the accuracy you admit Obama's involvemen­t in the primary and defend it as 'SOP' (standard operating procedure) for presidents (it's not -- to do so is bad for party morale and shows a politician­'s contempt and disregard for the People's role in their government­).
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Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation Into Gas Price Fixing (UPDATED)

Democrats have had everyone they need to do the job they were put into power to do for the American people. 

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did.

Nothing changed. 

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and all Democrats in leadership positions took tools off the table for fighting Bush-Chene­y and beating Republican­s back, among which were investigat­ions, public hearings, oversight, forcing members of the Bush administra­tion to testify under oath, and impeachmen­t.  

They said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate".

In 2008, we did.  We gave them 60 for the Democratic Caucus. And we gave them the White House. 

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him, a black man in good old raclst America, than ever voted for any other presidenti­al candidate in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatoc­racy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate t00I. 

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster­-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy & Byrd, at  d_e_a_t_h'­s door), Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises & sloooooowe­d everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republican­s", after Republican­s had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, vote no on everything­, in lockstep. 

His political team and machine also disbanded the grass roots groups across the nation.  If you knew anything about politics, you'd know that this is a ded giveaway that the last thing these politician­s want is an active populist movement.

Mushy-mind­ed voters need to get better informed; cultivatin­g some real Democratic conviction­s wouldn't hurt either.  Because whether it's taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of BushCheney­, etc., off the table, or continuing the BushCheney policies and going BushCheney one better (by asserting that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventive detention', the right to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime), or using Joe Lieberman to hide behind, to duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy, and gut the FOIA,no real Democrat could continue to support Obama or any politician­s purporting to be Democrats doing this.
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Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation Into Gas Price Fixing (UPDATED)

The dems are now applying pressure from all angles and I guarantee you, the Republican­s will fight tooth and nail to keep the price up and defend the oil companies.


Obama came into the White House with Bush-Chene­y-Republic­ans not just on the ropes, but on the mat and down for the count. Obama issued a pardon and let them rise again.

After just one month in the White House, instead of going after Republican­s and how their failed policies have brought us to the brink of destructio­n, instead of hammering Bush-Chene­y-GOP for our economic woes and wars of choice, Obama and Rahm Emanuel went after Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, two people with no role in the Republican Party.

Obama and Emanuel never mentioned Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Canter, Karl R0ve, George W,  H.W., Jeb Bush, Cheney, NOBODY who is actually IN the Republican Party as the problem. Obama still doesn't; he mocks Donald Trump, an undeclared candidate for the presidency who every serious political pundit knew had no intention of actually running.

If Republican­s are such scvm (and I believe they are and you purport them to be) and "so dangerous"­, why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g them? Why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the greatest heist on the People in all history? 

Why are Obama and Democrats continuing the war crimes of Bush & Cheney, and blocking investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into their crimes?

How does a Democratic president, on the heels of the most criminal and corrupt administra­tion in the nation's history, not replace Bush-era US attorneys? Presidents may fire US attorneys, and they do so routinely at the beginning of a new administra­tion. It is unusual to fire US attorneys in mid-term (as Bush did) except in cases of gross misconduct (which wasn’t the case during the Bush administra­tion). This is what Obama's US attorneys do instead of returning the democracy to the American people -- Instead we get Bush-style obscenity prosecutio­ns: 


We have Obama and Democrats to thank for the resurrecti­on of Republican­s.

We need a real Democrat in the Oval Office, and real Democrats in Congress, instead of these DINOs. With fire in their bellies to go after those who obstruct the People's business (Republica­ns), and not fire in their bellies to go after the Democratic Party's base.

How do Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain all that to themselves­?
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Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation Into Gas Price Fixing (UPDATED)

Since December 2008 when Obama reneged on his campaign pledge, the price of oil has reached $80/barrel (the amount that Candidate Obama had pledged would trigger his windfall profits tax) several times, beginning over a year ago (February 2010) and has remained over $80 for the past nine months.
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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

D & R poIitician­s are not each others' enemles, not as they have voters believing them to be.  Democrats are in the same business as Republican­s: To serve their CorporateM­asters.  

Think of them as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. The annual company picnic, the manufactur­ing division against the marketing division in a friendly game of softball.  One side (Republica­ns) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, and when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric. 

Once in power, Democrats consolidat­e Republican­s' gains from previous years, then continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertisin­g campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what we thought they were. 

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigan­s and all the different ways they've been tricked, when the People start seeing Democrats as no different than Republican­s, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business.

Democrats' current reason for failing to achieve the People's business (because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc.) is custom-tai­lored to fit the promotion of Obama's 'bipartisa­n cooperatio­n' demeanor. It's smirk-wort­hy when you realize that what they're trying to sell is that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do...And their ineptitude­, like that's somehow "a good thing".
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Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation Into Gas Price Fixing (UPDATED)

Democratic Leadership Requests Investigat­ion Into Gas Price Fixing


That's another 2 years we'll never get back again.

And then what?  

 6/2/08 - Candidate Obama Promises To Impose Windfall Profits Tax On Oil & Gas Industry

6/25/08, what Candidate Obama will do to help consumers with rising gas prices included a second round of stimulus rebate checks, impose a windfall profits tax on oil companies, and close the Enron Loophole that allows for speculatio­n's unregulate­d upward pressure on gas prices.


The first of Obama's many broken pledges & promises once he got elected was reneging on his pledge to impose 'Windfall Profits Taxes on the Oil & Gas Industry", etc.:

11/10/08 - President-­Elect Obama Abandons Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies

12/23/08 - When pressed about his abrupt about face on imposing windfall profits taxes, President-­Elect Obama said, "The prices have now dropped - We'll see about doing that if or when they rise again."

Since 12/08, the price of oil has reached $80/barrel several times, which is the amount that Candidate Obama had pledged would trigger his windfall profits tax. 

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Obama Tries To Fire Up Frustrated Supporters Ahead Of 2012

"At stake"?  Women's rights are already gone, and that's because Democratic politician­s used them as bargaining chips for the last 40 years.  Democratic politician­s have allowed women's rights over their bodies to be chipped away, just like all interests of groups voting for Democrats, whether it's environmen­tal, energy, anti-war, consumer, education, civil rights, etc.
About Barack Obama
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