Hamid Karzai: U.S. Taxpayer-Funded Private Contractors Engaging In Terrorist, Mafia-Like Activity
Sunday, August 22, 2010
This, by the way, is a practical and tangible method for judging Obama and whether he's just another Iying, corrupt politician. This plan for how US taxpayer money is being spent in Afghanistan, the policy "for winning hearts and minds", is completely within Obama's power. This isn't something that's been left to the military to come up with on the fly. This is a policy that was thought through, worked out with top US think tanks and the Pentagon, the Defense Policy Council, with input from Congressional leadership, SoD, Sos, the VP, the NSA, the CIA, etc., and then pitched to Obama, and signed off on by him.
Obama doesn't even have the luxury that other presidents have had, of deniability due to ig.no.rance about life for the average citizen in a developing, impoverished muslim country that's being exploited by superpower (the US). Unlike our other presidents who come from lives of privilege or comfortable middle class, Obama lived the life himself in Indonesia.
So Rachel Maddow, Richard Engel (as well as the US military in Afghanistan) didn't stumble on an American plan for Afghanistan gone awry. This was always the plan meant to be implemented. It's only been secret to the American people.
About Afghanistan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost