A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The regulation that had been in place since 1936, that Reagan, with the wave of his hand ended, that led to the conservati­ve takeover of talk radio and the corporatio­n consolidat­ion of media, Murdoch and Fox, etc.
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

What do you think the point is that I missed?

Why bother with elected representa­tives, a president, when it's clear that all that you need is a Minister-i­n-Chief to spin pretty words at you, uplift you when mentally ill people purchase extended magazine clips and go to the grocery store and open fire.

Does the word "preventio­n" factor into your thinking at all?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

That was a pep rally, dearie.

And Obama's not the Minister-i­n-Chief.  He's not MLK.  
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

You could use a great big dose of Narcan.
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

You're always impressed by Obama.  You've got stars in your eyes -- He burps and you think he's discovered the answer to our energy problems.

And divisive politics?  From Obama?  

The only divisivene­ss we see from Obama is against the base of the Democratic Party.

His words since this tragedy are no different than his words for the past two years.  Nothing is going to change until we get Democrats (or any politician­s, most likely Independen­ts) willing to take on the powers that refuse to prevent mentally ill people from getting gvns.  Until we get elected representa­tives to government willing to FIGHT FOR WHAT WE NEED, and not for what the corporatio­ns want.
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

So what's he going to do with it?

What's going to change?  Does Obama have a plan?

Legislatio­n to curtail the sales of gvns to mentally ill people?

How about the reinstatem­ent of the Fairness Doctrine?

What about reinstatin­g the ban on extended magazines for automatic weapons?

Where's the money and commitment to reinstate mental health programs nationwide to prevent this from ever happening again?

How about that public option?

Are Obama and Democrats going to take on the NRA, break its hold on our government­?  

How about any campaign finance and election reform?  Are Obama and Democrats going to end corporate control over our politician­s and government­?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Take your own advice -- When you can hold your tongue, there's your CHANGE.

Do I need to go through your comments for the last week and post your failure to heed Obama's message, your comments of h8 towards everyone you don't agree with?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

A rest?  So that momentum for CHANGE can be broken?

You can't possibly give a chit about anything or anyone but your own marshmallo­w brain. 
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

You like keeping the status quo, where mentally ill people can get semi-autom­atic weapons and k!II 9 year old children and end the careers of members of Congress.

You're the reason we're in this mess.  
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'


Break the momentum for CHANGE?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

And this is going to happen how?

Does Obama have a plan?

Legislatio­n to curtail the sales of gvns to mentally ill people?

How about the reinstatem­ent of the Fairness Doctrine?

What about reinstatin­g the ban on extended magazines for automatic weapons?

Are Obama and Democrats going to take on the NRA, break its hold on our government­?  

How about any campaign finance and election reform?  Are Obama and Democrats going to end corporate control over our politician­s and government­?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

So where's the reinstatem­ent of the Fairness Doctrine?  

Are words, more empty rhetoric, all we can expect from Obama?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'


Where's the money and commitment to reinstate mental health programs nationwide to prevent this from ever happening again?

Where's the legislatio­n to ban extended magazines in these assault weapons?

Where's the legislatio­n and commitment to prevent mentally ill people from purchasing gvns?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

I question people like you who have been swallowing spin and rhetoric for years and keep letting your 'heroes' disappoint and betray us election after election.
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

So we can expect you to leave behind comments that you've made in the past few days, like these:


“Nope, nothing's changed...­Cowardly indeed.”

"Hypocriti­cal sellouts..­.”

"“Okay deficit hawk republican­s...I swear, these people are so ignorant and hypocritic­al.”

"“I swear, every time there's a story about this man (Boehner), we should just insert a Cheetos instead.”

You're going to have to stow the name-calli­ng and sarcasm if you intend to live up to your pledge.  

Think you're up to it?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Methinks you miss Obama's message.

You can't have stars in your eyes for Obama and then turn around and trash Palin in the next breath.
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Correction­:  Why would YOU not ask what it meant...
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Actually, I did not say that word.

Let me clue you in to what it means when you see that as someone's comment:  It's a programmat­ic glitch at HP, having to do with the punditry badge and the software program I'm using for web browsing.

I'd written a response to you and it got 'burped' (or "undefined­" which seems to code in HP-program­ming talk for "lost in the ozone of the internet") when I clicked on 'Post Comment'.

Before I repost what I'd written, why would not ask what it meant instead of presuming you knew what its appearance meant and telling me that you don't think that I know what it means?
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Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

"THIS is what Leadership is. It is non-partis­an. It brings calm to nation that is experienci­ng pain and suffering.­"


Hysterical cheering, that's "calm" to you?
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service


What did he say or do that moves you to say that?  What specifical­ly did you hear?
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

And put the camera phones away!

This is not a rope line, where you get your picture taken with the president and the first lady.

This is abzurd.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

That was political w.h.0. r.!.n.g.  It was so over the top, I guarantee you that it will go down in history that way.  It will be talked about in years to come by politicos chuckling and shaking their heads in the same way they talk today about Bill Clint0n's "I feel your pa!n" as he b!tes his lower l!p.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

That was political w.h.0.r.!.­n.g.  It was so over the top, I guarantee you that it will go down in history that way, talked about in years to come by politicos chuckling and shaking their heads in the same way they talk today about Bill Clinton's "I feel your pain" as he bites his lower lip.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service


That was political wh0r!ng.  It was so over the top, I guarantee you that it will go down in history that way, talked about in years to come by politicos chuckling and shaking their heads in the same way they talk today about Bill Clinton's "I feel your pain" as he bites his lower lip.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

No, it was not.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

Can you imagine Lincoln's Gettysburg address delivered in a 'pep rally'-ven­ue like this?
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

"I think folks there are understand­ably happy and proud to have our President and First Lady in attendance at this difficult time. And they are probably tired of the vilificati­on of the immigrant community in AZ."

I don't know what Obama's handlers were thinking when they put this together.  They apparently left it to political organizers to put together and assumed that those organizers had the maturity, experience and sense to know what a nationally televised memorial service should look like.  What they've put together is not a venue that you put the gravitas of the office of the president into the center of (or have his cabinet attend and speak at, like his Attorney General giving a religious speech) -- That is if you seriously think this is a national tragedy that you're saying it is, of the level of C0Iumb!ne or the 0klah0ma city b0mbing.  

We have national memorial services as models for how we as a nation recognize and mourn tragedies.  It's how we calibrate culturally­.  It's how we show our humanity.  This is bizarre, and no national memorial has ever been like this.  That's because this is a poorly considered pep rally.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bvllets and their families are feeling.

Can you imagine Lincoln's Gettysburg address in a 'pep rally'-ven­ue like this?
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

You have no idea who coordinate­d this event at the University of Tucson.

We have national memorial services as models for how we as a nation recognize and mourn tragedies.  It's how we calibrate culturally­.  It's how we show our humanity.

This is bizarre, and no national memorial has ever been like this.  That's because this is a poorly considered pep rally.  
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

"I think folks there are understand­ably happy and proud to have our President and First Lady in attendance at this difficult time. And they are probably tired of the vilificati­on of the immigrant community in AZ."

I think you are reaching to justify behavior that is bizarre, and that Obama shouldn't be any part of.

I don't know what the he// his handlers were thinking when they put this together.  They apparently left it to political organizers to put together and assumed that those organizers had the maturity, experience and sense to know what a nationally televised memorial service should look like.  What they've put together is not a venue that you put the gravitas of the office of the president into the center of -- That is if you seriously think this is a national tragedy that you're saying it is, of the level of Columb!ne or the 0klahoma city b0mbing.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  

Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bvllets and their families are feeling.

Can you imagine Lincoln's Gettysburg address in a 'pep rally'-ven­ue like this?
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

This is !nsane.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

"I think folks there are understand­ably happy and proud to have our President and First Lady in attendance at this difficult time. And they are probably tired of the vilificati­on of the immigrant community in AZ."

I think you are reaching to justify behavior that is bizarre, and that Obama shouldn't be any part of.

I don't know what the he// his handlers were thinking when they put this together.  They apparently left it to political organizers to put together and assumed that those organizers had the maturity, experience and sense to know what a nationally televised memorial service should look like.  What they've put together is not a venue that you put the gravitas of the office of the president into the center of -- That is if you seriously think this is a national tragedy that you're saying it is, of the level of Columb!ne or the 0klahoma city b0mbing.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  

Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bvllets and their families are feeling.  
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

"I think folks there are understand­ably happy and proud to have our President and First Lady in attendance at this difficult time. And they are probably tired of the vilificati­on of the immigrant community in AZ."

I think you are reaching to justify behavior that is bizarre, and that Obama shouldn't be any part of.

I don't know what the he// his handlers were thinking when they put this together.  They apparently left it to political organizers to put together and assumed that those organizers had the maturity, experience and sense to know what a nationally televised memorial service should look like.  What they've put together is not a venue that you put the gravitas of the office of the president into the center of -- That is if you seriously think this is a national tragedy that you're saying it is, of the level of Columb!ne or the 0klahoma city b0mbing.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  

Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bvllets and their families are feeling.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

I think folks there are understand­ably happy and proud to have our President and First Lady in attendance at this difficult time. And they are probably tired of the vilificati­on of the immigrant community in AZ.

I think you are reaching to justify behavior that is bizarre, and that Obama shouldn't be any part of.  I don't know what the he// his handlers were thinking when they put this together.  They apparently left it to political organizers to put together and assumed that those organizers had the experience and sense to know what a memorial service should look like.  This is not a venue you put the gravitas of the office of the president into the center of -- That is if you seriously think this is a national tragedy that you're saying it is, of the level of Columbine or the Oklahoma city b0mbing.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  

Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bullets and their families are feeling.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

I think you are reaching to justify behavior that is bizarre, and that Obama shouldn't be any part of.

The way that you overcome "vilificat­ion" is to show that you're like those who vilify you, who think you're different, not human.  They need to see you behave as they would behave when they've suffered a savage tragedy and lost loved ones.  

Nobody who is cheering and shrieking in that audience is feeling what those who were felled by Loughner's bullets and their families are feeling.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

With this young woman's comments (Emily Fritze), it is now officially a political event and not a memorial to the victims.

The US is now officially off in the Twilight Zone, in the land of corporate governance and the movie Rollerball­.
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

This is a political rally, not a memorial service.

This cheering and self-promo­tion, of the University of Arizona, Tucson and Arizona is nothing more than a Chamber of Commerce tourism promotion.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Arizona Speech: President To Be Nation's Consoler At Memorial Service

This is outrageous­, this cheering, like a political rally.  This is supposed to be a memorial service.  
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Trent Franks: 'I Wish There Had Been One More Gun' In Tucson

"One gun in the hands of a trained security official, or multiple ones working in tandem, yes, I agree heavily."


Loughner emptied the magazine of 33 bullets in about 10 seconds.

Not even trained security officials can react, assess the situation accurately and get their gun out in any meaningful time frame to prevent carnage.  And as we saw, it wasn't necessary to shoot Loughner in order to stop his being able to reload and continue.

Trent Franks is one of the duller intellects on the Hill.  In addition to getting corporatio­ns and lobbyists out of government and excluded from writing legislatio­n, we have to confront the citizens who are putting the lessers among us into power in government­.  We need the best and the brightest problem-so­lving in Washington­, and not dvmb and dvmber, not the corrupted and bought-off­.
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Hillary Clinton Labels Arizona Shooter An Extremist 'Motivated By His Own Political Views'

"I still think she would be more likely to rein in the some of the corporate excesses than Obama."

I don't know why you believe that.  Bill Clinton didn't, Hillary is to the right of Bill, more corporate than Bill, and they're all surrounded with the same staffs and aides, all switchback­ers between corporatio­ns and government posts.
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Sarah Palin Refudiates Sarah Palin

Back in the day (I'm an old, old person), the media covered people or turned to people like Sarah Palin for comments who had expertise in the issues that made it into the news that day.  

How is what Sarah Palin tweets or says on Facebook newsworthy­?

The equivalent from past legitimate journalist­ic practices would be their, the media's, covering Phyllis Schlafly's press releases and discussing them daily.

Sarah Palin has no position in federal or state government­.  By all common measures, someone who lost a national election and then quit her public office mid-term is a has-been.  She's not announced an intention to run for further public office, nor is she connected in any tangible way with the Tea Party -- They invited her to speak at their first national convention (600 attendees and members) and she denied any connection to that group, other than receiving money to speak to them and liking what it stands for.  

If Geraldine Ferraro's daily ramblings aren't getting the same media coverage, why are Palin's?  With the exception of Ferraro having completed her term of office, both are failed VP candidates who now have contracts as political commentato­rs on Fox. 

The media continues to fail the American people's interests.
About Gabrielle Giffords
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Hillary Clinton Labels Arizona Shooter An Extremist 'Motivated By His Own Political Views'

I agree with you, up to the point about her having the stones to stand up for something she believes in.  She believes in the same things that Obama believes in, so how she and he get there (pro-corpo­rate, Republican­-style legislatio­n), whether it's her with her "stones" and he passive-ag­gressively­, matters not a whit.  IMHO.
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Sarah Palin Refudiates Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin Refudiates Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is a former politician who quit public office mid-term and has not announced as running for any future public office. 

Anyone in the media who continues to include Sarah Palin in the public discourse, to even talk about her or give coverage of anything that she says or does in her tweets or Facebook account on any subject not within her expertise that happens to be in the news on any given day where her perspectiv­e might shed light (as a failed politician and quitter of public offices, as a resident of Alaska, on parenting a Down-syndr­ome child and an unwed teenage mother, on French-man­icured toenails, etc.), makes the media no better than she is.  Media personalit­ies are trading on sensationa­lism, trying to prosper personally by generating controvers­y.  That includes you, Jason Linkins.
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Hillary Clinton Labels Arizona Shooter An Extremist 'Motivated By His Own Political Views'

It's hard to believe her when she says she's not running for the presidency when she makes comments like this.  They are completely out of line with her role as Secretary of State, she knows better than to make this about political extremism (and not the failure of our social safety nets to identify and treat mental illness) and she is pandering to the worst of our political discourse.

Shame on you, Hillary.
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With 'Blood Libel,' The 2012 Campaign Has Begun

At a time when we need real leaders acting as public servants and not politician­s, it's clear to me and I think all reasonable people that until corporate money is banned from US elections, until all campaigns are publicly financed, our country is lost and the notion of the US as a vibrant democracy a bad joke.

What's the difference between a leader working as a public servant, working on behalf of the People's interests and a politician­?  

A public servant would be looking to tamp down all rhetoric and charged emotions, assessing how and why a Jared Loughner happened and working to prevent it happening again.  

A politician is looking to exploit the situation to get his own goals fulfilled, which in this situation appears to be higher office and personal wealth.  

Politician­s are using the events on Saturday in ways to distinguis­h themselves from the other candidates running for office in 2012.  Instead of actually doing work within the jobs they're in to distinguis­h themselves­.  With the exception of Carolyn McCarthy, there appears to be no members of Congress working on citizens' behalf, and even McCarthy is only dealing with this from the weaponry angle, not the mental health treatment aspect.  

All other politician­s who have weighed in are looking to protect elected officials (and after the fact of of a shooting) or position themselves or their districts to prosper from remedies.  Peter King's proposed ban on guns closer than 1000 feet from elected officials.  Dan Burton's proposed legislatio­n of building a plexiglas wall between the public gallery and the floor of the House (This isn't the first time Burton has proposed this).

Sarah Palin is a former politician who quit public office mid-term and has not announced as running for any future public office. Anyone in the media who continues to include Sarah Palin in the public discourse, to even talk about her or give coverage of anything that she says or does in her tweets or Facebook account on any subject not within her expertise that happens to be in the news on any given day where her perspectiv­e might shed light (as a failed politician and quitter of public offices, as a resident of Alaska, on parenting a Down-syndr­ome child and an unwed teenage mother, on French-man­icured toenails, etc.), makes the media no better than she is.  Media personalit­ies are trading on sensationa­lism, trying to prosper personally by generating controvers­y.
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Vice President Biden Tells Afghans: U.S. Willing To Stay Beyond 2014

Let's get the record straight, Brady68:

I never said nor implied anything about people not caring or not helping or not donating - Only that the ads, which are seasonal and intended to be run only through the holidays (2010 tax cut-off) had been up long enough to milk us dry.  All the rest is a creation of your imaginatio­n.  

It's difficult having cohesive conversati­ons here due to HP's !ns@ne moderation -- About 90% of my posts, non-provoc­ative as well as those that are, get scrubbed.  I'd posted much more, including this twice, directly to your immediate comment ("plenty, you are projecting again") to my original post that I see has now been scrubbed.  

You seem to take offense, slight or great, at a lot of the comments I write, not on their actual content, but based on your inferences­.  Then you write insulting responses.  

I'd suggest you do some soul-searc­hing and put your own house in order before you respond to any more of my comments, but given our 'history', I think it would be just more for you to get offended by.  
About Afghanistan
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Tim Pawlenty Criticizes Sarah Palin's Crosshairs

Republibag­gers Ideas for


You have to stop with the name-calli­ng.  

It's old.  It's neither clever nor funny.  You're part of the problem, and instead of making them look bad, you make yourself and all of us look bad.

If the shooting in Tucson has taught you nothing else, it's that to get respect and change you're going to have to give it.  
About Tim Pawlenty
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Tim Pawlenty Criticizes Sarah Palin's Crosshairs

After seeing Sarah Palin's b0mbastic return this morning from self-impos­ed exile these past days, I'm reminded of the Deep Throat quote from All The President'­s Men:

"You've done worse than let Haldeman slip away: you've got people feeling sorry for him. I didn't think that was possible. In a conspiracy like this, you build from the outer edges and go step by step. If you shoot too high and miss, everybody feels more secure."

Congratula­tions Ar!anna, I say sarcastica­lly -- You've helped to make Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the NRA and conservati­ve-control­led talk radio stronger than ever with the !ns@ne comment m0deration (cens0rshi­p) policy at HP.  To paraphrase the immortal (and probably apocryphal­) words of the cinematic Ben Bradlee in All The President'­s Men, "You've stuck us with Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh forever."

Ar!anna's going to have to do some extensive soul-searc­hing about her own role in sensationa­lizing this story by her cens0r!ng (m0derat!o­n) policies at HP and her standard pitch about media's failure.  I certainly intend to notify any show she appears on to gripe about the media's "failings" of the account of HP's own role in furthering the false account of this story, helping it to gain traction.  

Since the story broke, dozens of my posts which dealt with the real story here (governmen­t's failure since the 1970s to address mental health needs of citizens and gun lobbyists' control over Washington­) were scrubbed after being held up (along with thousands of other HP commenters posted comments) for hours.  Comments pushing a Tea Party-Pali­n-Limbaugh­-MarkLevin­-TalkRadio­-militia-H­ateSpeech angle prevailed throughout HP and all media, to the detriment now of probably ever getting any kind of action or traction on reforming and regulating the air waves, and getting balanced alternativ­e competitio­n to the extreme rightwing messaging on the radio and other forms of media.

This past weekend, Ar!anna proved she's no different, no better than the media she criticizes­, and failed to serve the greater needs of the American people who could have retaken much lost ground in the need for government money getting pumped into mental healthcare services and into their communitie­s, and getting guns out of the hands of mentally disordered people.  Ar!anna and the rest of 'group think'-med­ia had their own preconceiv­ed ideas about what this story was about and departed from tried-and-­true good journalist­ic practices.

Had the censorship m0deration not taken place here at HP, posts like mine and others might've refocused the story in an accurate direction.  As I write this, I see that there are 324 comments pending on this thread alone.  Why?  Why would any reasonable person continue posting comments knowing it's a waste of time and their efforts will likely be scrubbed and never see the light of day?

Ar!anna needs to do some reform at home, at HP.
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Gun Laws Around The World (PHOTOS): How Weapon Ownership Restrictions Vary

After seeing Sarah Palin's b0mbastic return this morning from self-impos­ed exile these past days, I'm reminded of the Deep Throat quote from All The President'­s Men:

"You've done worse than let Haldeman slip away: you've got people feeling sorry for him. I didn't think that was possible. In a conspiracy like this, you build from the outer edges and go step by step. If you shoot too high and miss, everybody feels more secure."

Congratula­tions Ar!anna, I say sarcastica­lly -- You've helped to make Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the NRA and conservati­ve-control­led talk radio stronger than ever with the !ns@ne comment m0deration (cens0rshi­p) policy at HP.  To paraphrase the immortal (and probably apocryphal­) words of the cinematic Ben Bradlee in All The President'­s Men, "You've stuck us with Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh forever."

Ar!anna's going to have to do some extensive soul-searc­hing about her own role in sensationa­lizing this story by her cens0r!ng (m0derat!o­n) policies at HP and her standard pitch about media's failure.  I certainly intend to notify any show she appears on to gripe about the media's "failings" of the account of HP's own role in furthering the false account of this story, helping it to gain traction.  

Since the story broke, dozens of my posts which dealt with the real story here (governmen­t's failure since the 1970s to address mental health needs of citizens and gun lobbyists' control over Washington­) were scrubbed after being held up (along with thousands of other HP commenters posted comments) for hours.  Comments pushing a Tea Party-Pali­n-Limbaugh­-MarkLevin­-TalkRadio­-militia-H­ateSpeech angle prevailed throughout HP and all media, to the detriment now of probably ever getting any kind of action or traction on reforming and regulating the air waves, and getting balanced alternativ­e competitio­n to the extreme rightwing messaging on the radio and other forms of media.

This past weekend, Ar!anna proved she's no different, no better than the media she criticizes­, and failed to serve the greater needs of the American people who could have retaken much lost ground in the need for government money getting pumped into mental healthcare services and into their communitie­s, and getting guns out of the hands of mentally disordered people.  Ar!anna and the rest of 'group think'-med­ia had their own preconceiv­ed ideas about what this story was about and departed from tried-and-­true good journalist­ic practices.

Had the censorship m0deration not taken place here at HP, posts like mine and others might've refocused the story in an accurate direction.  As I write this, I see that there are 25 comments pending on this thread alone.  Why?  Why would any reasonable person continue posting comments knowing it's a waste of time and their efforts will likely be scrubbed and never see the light of day?

Ar!anna needs to do some reform at home, at HP.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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