A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Oil Spill: Turtles Rescued By Wildlife Agents, Only 1 in 5 Survive (VIDEO)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What Judith Miller was busted over was being a stooge for the White House, letting the Bush administration use her and the cover she has as a journalist not to divulge sources to plant information justifying their plans to go to war in Iraq.

I'm not impressed with arguments dismissing a story by implying the journalist is a nutcase. Nobody who has lived through the past decade could possibly say that the events during either the Bush or Obama administrations, and the decisions made, were sane or logical. Madsen has broken stories that were later picked up and confirmed by MSM.

This may make no sense to you, but then again who are you?

In light of the fact that Obama has not shut down BP's Atlantis operation, and hasn't even had inspections to check it out, makes this all the more compelling.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Planet BP: BP Magazine Discovers Bright Side To Oil Spill

Obama, Salazar, Chu, and Gates green-lighted the risky Macondo drilling operation from the outset. BP was able to have several safety checks waved because of the high-level interest by the White House and Pentagon in tapping the Gulf of Mexico bonanza find in order to plan a military attack on Iran without having to be concerned about an oil and natural gas shortage from the Persian Gulf after an outbreak of hostilities with Iran.

BP still has an ongoing operation to drill down to 40,000 feet below sea level at the Liberty field off the north coast of Alaska.

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Obama Offshore Drilling Moratorium OVERTURNED By Judge

Obama, Salazar, Chu, and Gates green-lighted the risky Macondo drilling operation from the outset. BP was able to have several safety checks waved because of the high-level interest by the White House and Pentagon in tapping the Gulf of Mexico bonanza find in order to plan a military attack on Iran without having to be concerned about an oil and natural gas shortage from the Persian Gulf after an outbreak of hostilities with Iran.

BP still has an ongoing operation to drill down to 40,000 feet below sea level at the Liberty field off the north coast of Alaska.

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Rolling Stone Editor: McChrystal Knew He Was On The Record, Didn't Dispute Accuracy Of Quotes (VIDEO)

McChrystal has issued some of the strictest directives to avoid civilian casualties that the US military has ever encountered in a war zone. It's "insurgent math," as he calls it – for every innocent person you kill, you create 10 new enemies. He's ordered convoys to curtail their reckless driving, put restrictions on the use of air power & severely limited night raids. He regularly apologizes to Hamid Karzai when civilians are killed, and berates commanders responsible for civilian deaths. "For a while," says one U.S. official, "the most dangerous place to be in Afghanistan was in front of McChrystal after a 'civ cas' incident." The ISAF command has even discussed ways to make not killing into something you can win an award for: There's talk of creating a new medal for "courageous restraint," a buzzword that's unlikely to gain much traction in the gung-ho culture of the U.S. military.

But however strategic they may be, McChrystal's new marching orders have caused an intense backlash among his own troops. Being told to hold their fire, soldiers complain, puts them in greater danger. "His rules of engagement put soldiers' lives in even greater danger. Every real soldier will tell you the same thing."


It's time to leave Afghanistan, to stop throwing good money after bad, and not lose any more lives, ours or theirs.
About Morning Joe
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Rolling Stone Editor: McChrystal Knew He Was On The Record, Didn't Dispute Accuracy Of Quotes (VIDEO)

The mission in Afghanistan has failed because it's been one flawed strategy after another.

US strategy in Afghanistan calls for sending huge numbers of ground troops to not only destroy the enemy, but to live among the civilian population & slowly rebuild, or build from scratch, another nation's government – a process that even its staunchest advocates admit requires years, if not decades, to achieve. The theory essentially rebrands the military, expanding its authority (& its funding) to encompass the diplomatic & political sides of warfare: Think the Green Berets as an armed Peace Corps.

McChrystal is gearing up for an offensive in southern Afghanistan. The prospects for any kind of success look bleak. In June, the death toll for US troops passed 1,000, & the number of IEDs has doubled. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the fifth-poorest country on earth has failed to win over the civilian population, whose attitude toward US troops ranges from intensely wary to openly hostile.

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Rolling Stone Editor: McChrystal Knew He Was On The Record, Didn't Dispute Accuracy Of Quotes (VIDEO)

how every American there should be brought home.
About Morning Joe
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Rolling Stone Editor: McChrystal Knew He Was On The Record, Didn't Dispute Accuracy Of Quotes (VIDEO)

I think many of the commenters who are expecting McChrystal to be fired (& who I assume are Obama's most ardent supporters) haven't actually read the RollingStone article, only the quotes, which are the least sensational, illuminating aspects of the article.

I don't think Obama will fire him, won't do much of anything, but reaffirm McChrystal as his choice for the job in Afghanistan. Because Obama's plan for Afghanistan is the Bush-Cheney plan (permanent puppet government & occupation). It's never made any sense for Obama to increase the troops if the goal was to leave in a year. What Obama wants accomplished can't be done in a year, or two or ten, if ever. Obama's supporters have presumed Obama's intentions were to give neocons a chance, a year, give them enough rope to accomplish their goal, but that goal has never been clearly defined. A year & a half has now passed with Obama doing what he always does -- Kicks the can down the road. He stalls off pressure to actually institute the CHANGE & populist policies that he promised. Obama's presidency, all policies, domestic & foreign, will be one of merely "warming the seat", acting as a place-holder, marking time, until the next president takes office.

McChrystal's already apologized (the comments don't appear to have actually come from him, but from one or more of his aides). What's really comes out in the article is our failed policy & presence in Afghanistan, how every American there should be
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