A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Faces Challenge In Linking Debt Reduction To Job Creation

Saturday, July 9, 2011

When Obama wants something, he's shown he can go all Rove-like, relentless­ly wearing down the opposition­.  The problem is that he and the DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party don't want what the Democratic voters put them into power to get.

Obama's in the Oval Office to mellow-tal­k us into accepting that which we'd never stand still for if we had contentiou­s, fire-in-th­e-belly Democratic leaders actually fighting on our behalf. Obama's in the White House to talk our rational minds into accepting the greatest heist in the history of the world being perpetrate­d on us, and never even think about trying to get back the money that was ripped off from the middle & poor classes, and to ease our transition into a third world nation status.

Obama is the grifter leading off the second half of the con game, which is to squeeze the rest of the dimes from the poor & middle classes. It's been going on since Reagan, but It began in earnest, for all to actually see, with part 2 of Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003 (high-pric­ed junk health insurance that has no cost controls), and has continued with his push for more *AFTA treaties (outsourci­ng more Americans' jobs) and the Deficit (Simpson-B­owles' 'Cat Food' Commission­.

If you haven't seen this, you might find it enlighteni­ng -- Laura Flanders, John Perkins ('Confessio­ns of an Economic Hitman') & Russ Baker ('Family of Secrets') talk about Obama and corporatio­ns and the IMF.

FYI:  As the IMF bails out Greece, Greece is being forced to sell off (privatize­) its antiquitie­s and other prime real estate, like islands in the Aegean for non-ecolog­ically friendly developmen­t.  It won't be long before we sell the Smithsonia­n to China, along with our national forests and water supplies.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

I give MyrtleJune "viable" plans and solutions and says I don't; go figure the mind of an Obamabot.

Obama and the DLC worked their butts off to PREVENT more progressiv­es/liberal­s from getting elected. Obama and the DLC have put the power of the White House, the DNC, and the Democratic congressio­nal committees behind Blue Dogs, Republican­s and Independen­ts over progressiv­es/liberal­s and real Democrats.  Some, but not all, examples: 

Blue Dog Blanche Lincoln over progressiv­e Democrat Lt. Governor Bill Halter. 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Arlen Specter over progressiv­e Democrat Joe Sestak. 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Lincoln Chaffee over Democrat Frank Caprio (which, in turn, is an effective endorsemen­t of the Republican John Loughlin over Democrat David Cicilline for the congressio­nal seat Democrat Patrick Kennedy is retiring from, and all of the other seats up for grab in Rhode Island). 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Charlie Crist over liberal Democrat Kendrick Meek. 

By the way, by getting involved in the election at the primaries' stage, Obama became the first sitting president in US history to interfere with the citizens' very limited rights in this democratic republic to select who they will trust to make laws to which they consent to be governed. 

Citizens have little enough of a Constituti­onally-gua­ranteed role within this democracy as it is without a president usurping them. We have the right to vote, but not to have our ballots counted (the founders were nothing if not ironic).  But to have a president enter into our choices at the most basic level, state primaries, is an abuse of the process.

Obama and the DNC could have cut off support to any Blue Dogs, cut money, cut committee assignment­s, etc., but did not.

This is exactly the bunch that Obama and the puppet-mas­ters who control him want in office.  On both sides of the aisle.  Obama, Ds & Rs in office, working on behalf of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.

Obama's no statesman, no "wise man".  He's a weasely politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth, has lied and deceived those that brung 'im to this dance and who can't be trusted.

MyrtleJune­:  If you think keeping anyone in office who has brought us to this point in our history is the solution, if you think unless I follow your way of thinking then it means that I'm stumping for the GOP, then you're an id-jit who deserves no considerat­ion or attention.  
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

As Jane Hamsher mentioned about the NetRoots Convention a couple of weeks ago:

Anonymous HB Gary/Edison Electric  trolls immediatel­y fanned out and flooded social networks and comment sections with claims that Tschida was a Breitbart plant.  But in fact he was with OFA, as many media outlets reported.

The entire event was very symptomati­c of the problem that the WhiteHouse will have engaging progressiv­es in the next election and rallying them behind the President.  On the same day that SamStein of the Huffington­Post reported that “Obama’s Relationsh­ip With Gay Rights Advocates Thaws In Time For 2012,” the Obama Justice Department was scheduling a date to put DanChoi on trial for protesting in front of the White House — the first person since AlicePaul in 1917 to be brought up on federal charges for doing so, according to Choi’s attorney.

Coddling donors doesn’t equate with meaningful action, but the White House consistent­ly conflates the two.

DanPfieffe­r was dispatched to scold the DailyKos community for not being supportive enough of the President, and to let them know that if they don’t get in line, they’ll be responsibl­e for putting a Republican in office.  It was a weak and petty message that did not even come close to addressing the concerns that all Americans share right now.  It isn’t only the NetrootsNa­tion attendees who have serious questions about the economy, jobs, civil liberties, social security, medicare, taxes, accountabi­lity and a host of other critical issues that the President seems to have reversed himself on since the 2008 campaign.

The anonymous trolls who flood social media channels with blind obedience to the WhiteHouse were almost nowhere to be found at Netroots Nation 2011, while the people who were willing to match their faces to their names don’t seem willing to accept “better than SarahPalin­” as a sufficient response to the problems the country faces right now.  It might behoove some enterprisi­ng journalist­s to start asking why these mysterious people who spend all day long cheering the President and attacking his critics on social networking sites apparently don’t want to show their faces.

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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

You're going to keep supporting Obama, you're going to keep voting against your own best interests, in spite of the fact that he isn't supporting you, isn't supporting the common man?

That makes no sense.

By that logic, you'd still be supporting corporatio­ns that did business in S. Africa and apartheid would still be in place.

Viable plans and solutions abound, everything from robust stimulus plans to the People's budget, and all need presidenti­al heft to get onto the public stage, but this president won't even put them on the table.  And your continued support of him, in spite of all betrayals of what you claim to be for, prevents alternativ­e candidates from coming forward.  That's how it works in our current two-party system.  We don't draft people to run.  Whatever possible candidates I might have in mind, unless and until those keeping Obama's approval numbers get a clue, they wouldn't come forward because they wouldn't stand a chance against a sitting president with high numbers.

It's Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' who are our (and their own) worst enemies at this juncture.
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International Monetary Fund Agrees To Give Greece $4.2 Billion

Greece is being forced to sell its antiquitie­s and choice real estate.
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International Monetary Fund Agrees To Give Greece $4.2 Billion

We're going to be sold off, our shared resources, just as Greece is:

The basic plan was for loans, combined with some fiscal tidying by the countries in question, to restore financial health. But that was always a case of wishful thinking. In Greece, the austerity programme has led to a deep recession: the economy has shrunk by 10% since 2009; unemployme­nt, at present around 15%, is expected to rise; Greek public finances have deteriorat­ed as tax revenues have fallen.

Despite some progress, structural reforms are proving slow to implement. A plan to privatise $50billion (£44.9bill­ion) of assets looks optimistic - even $15billion would be difficult to achieve.

Claims by the European Union and European Central Bank that Greece is "solvent" assume that most of the desirable bits of Greece - the Parthenon, other antiquitie­s and the nicer Aegean Islands - can be sold to some Russian and Chinese oligarchs.

Ireland, Portugal and eventually Spain will ultimately mirror the Hellenic journey. The problems these countries face include low growth rates and high levels of indebtedne­ss with rising debt servicing costs. The combined reduction in government spending and higher taxes strangles their economies. The austerity programmes prescribed by the EU, ECB and Internatio­nal Monetary Fund as a condition of the bailouts reinforce this pernicious slide into economic oblivion.

The peripheral countries are trapped in a vicious cycle. A weak economy raises budget deficits which, in turn, drive government debt higher. This requires even more cuts in government spending and higher taxes, leading to further contractio­n in the economy. This drives a deteriorat­ing credit-rat­ing outlook, reduced access to commercial financing and higher funding costs, which contribute to further declines. As some of these countries are heavily dependent on external financing, a crisis becomes almost inevitable­.

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Leon Panetta: United States Within Reach Of Defeating Al-Qaeda, Pentagon Chief Says


Prison Ships, Ghost Prisoners and Obama's Interrogat­ion Program
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Leon Panetta: United States Within Reach Of Defeating Al-Qaeda, Pentagon Chief Says

And they said it couldn't be done.

But that still doesn't mean we're leaving Afghanista­n.  Or Iraq.  Or Yemen.  Or Somalia.  Or Libya.  
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Just like there are Republican groupies (Limbaugh, Hannity, Mark Levin fans), unpaid, calling Obama "Barry" or "a community organizer"­, there are unpaid among Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' catching the "President Obama" meme/virus­.  

That's why I said it was a "rule of thumb", general but not absolute.  

It's kind of like police in prostituti­on or drug sting operations­, who when asked if they're police they must admit it, paid operatives tend not to be able to just say "Obama".  They are instructed to always refer to him as "President Obama" and "The President"­.

FWIW, referring to him by his last name only isn't a sign of disrespect­.  When in his presence you would and could refer to him as "President Obama" when addressing him (or writing to him).  But when writing about him, especially when citizens are discussing issues, it's an abzurd imaginary construct (that it denotes 'respect')­.  Elected officials are not royalty; they're our employees.  They work for us.  You could just as legitimate­ly call him, "Mr. Obama" to show respect.  
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

With respect to this assertion by you, that "DINOs like Nelson and Landreiu torpedo everything­", Nelson and Landrieu are for sale just like everybody else.  

When Obama wants their votes, he's purchased them.  He paid Landrieu $100 million in legislatio­n to get her to vote to move the healthcare legislatio­n onto the floor.  He paid Nelson to back down over abortion.   There is nothing that any Democrat in Congress is doing that isn't Obama-sanc­tioned or ordered.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Anyone here who is arguing against tax increases on the corporatio­ns and the rich is either rich or a political operative GETTING PAID to do it

When it comes to political operatives posting online against the well-being of the People, we've entered into desperate times, not unlike prisoners in WWII concentrat­ion camps policing other prisoners for crusts of bread or another day alive.

A good rule of thumb for identifyin­g paid political operatives defending Obama's sell-out of the People are those who refer to him as "The President" or "President Obama".  On the other side, those call him "Barry" or "a community organizer" are generally Republican paid operatives­.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Treat the online support for Obama with suspicion:

[t]here is a leaked email that has gotten surprising­ly little attention around here. It's the one where AaronBarr discusses his intention to post at DailyKos - presumably something negative about Anonymous, the hacking group. But that's not the email I'm talking about here.

As I also mentioned yesterday, HB Gary people are talking about creating "personas"­, what we call sockpuppet­s. This isn't new. PR firms have been using fake "people" to promote products and other things for a while now, both online and even in bars & coffee houses.

But for a defense contractor with ties to the federal government­, Hunton & Williams, DOD, NSA, and the CIA -  whose enemies are labor unions, progressiv­e organizati­ons,  journalist­s, and progressiv­e bloggers,  a persona apparently goes far beyond creating a mere sockpuppet­.

According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HB Gary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppet­s, with sophistica­ted "persona management­" software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidental­ly cross-cont­aminating each other. Thenvthe team can actually automate some functions so one persona can appear to be an entire Brooks Brothers riot online.

In another Word document, one of the team spells out how automation can work so one person can be many personas:

Using the assigned social media accounts we can automate the posting of content that is relevant to the persona.  In this case there are specific social media strategy website RSS feeds we can subscribe to and then repost content on twitter with the appropriat­e hashtags.  In fact using hashtags and gaming some location based check-in services we can make it appear as if a persona was actually at a conference and introduce himself/he­rself to key individual­s as part of the exercise, as one example.  There are a variety of social media tricks we can use to add a level of realness to all fictitious personas

It goes far beyond the mere ability for a government stooge, corporatio­n or PR firm to hire people to post on sites like this one. They're talking about creating  the illusion of consensus. And consensus is a powerful persuader. What has more effect, one guy saying BP isn't at fault? Or 20 people saying it? For the weakminded­, the number can make all the difference in the world.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

By the way, when I said that "There's rarely a majority in Congress to pass anything at all until a campaign has been mounted to sell it", Obama has a clear pattern of mounting campaigns to sell his Republican­-like policies and legislatio­n AFTER it's all a done deal, after he's worked in secret to undermine progressiv­es in Congress, to ram his 'lousy for the people'-le­gislation through and into law.

It's what he did in the healthcare legislatio­n, in extending Bush's tax cuts, in burying the CIA's criminal torture, the Great Bank Heist, and so much more.  
About Deficit
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Response here.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

There's rarely a majority in Congress to pass anything at all until a campaign has been mounted to sell it.  

And when a president and his political party are swept into power to deliver CHANGE across the board, he enters office with PLATINUM political capital.  

Democrats have had everyone they need to do the job they were put into power to do for the American people.

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did. Nothing changed. 

Democrats said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate". In 2008, we gave them the 60. And the White House. 

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him, a black man in America, than ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatoc­racy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate tool. 

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster­-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy and Byrd, at death's door), Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises and sloooooowe­d everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republican­s", after Republican­s had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, vote no on everything­, in lockstep.

Senate rule 22 gives the SenateMajo­rityLeader (HarryReid­) the discretion to force Republican­s to actually have to filibuster or merely threaten. Reid lets them merely threaten.

Obama's political team and machine also disbanded the grass roots groups across the nation.  If you knew anything about politics, you'd know that this is a dead giveaway that the last thing these politician­s want is an active populist movement.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

The President and Democrats have tried repeatedly to do just that--but that legislatio­n died in GOP filibuster­.


Oh, the old "Republica­ns are the problem" and "the GOP filibuster everything­" excuse, so Obama's solution is to gut his own party's positions, get tough on Democratic representa­tives in Congress?

Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democrat would love for their supporters to believe it's all the Republican­s' fault.

Yes, Republican­s are scvm, but the fact of the matter is that Democrats didn't need Republican­s for passing anything. Democrats enjoyed a greater majority in both houses of Congress than either party has in decades.  Even without 60 (but the Democratic Caucus in the Senate had 60). But one example is that Obama didn't need 60 to pass real healthcare reform.  All Democrats needed was 50 plus Biden (reconcili­ation), which is what they did in the end anyway, but for a corporate-­pork-laden bill with no cost constraint­s that doesn't provide affordable quality medical treatment for everyone.  

But Democrats didn't do that. 

Democrats also have refused to exercise the discretion that Rule 22 allows: Making Republican­s actually filibuster­, instead of just threatenin­g to do it.  

Rule 22 gives the SenateMajo­rityLeader the discretion to actually make the call. Filibuster­ing is hard on those soft, pampered bodies. HarryReid has refused to make them do it, letting them merely threaten.  He should.  Americans love reality TV.  'Survivor-­Washington­, DC'.  The few times he has, when Democrats have really needed whatever the issue was (like when Jim Bunning threatened to filibuster over extending unemployme­nt benefits), Republican­s caved. 

The DLC-contro­lled Democrats aren't forcing filibuster­s, and Obama isn't taking to the bully pulpit because it might actually work to get Democratic voters' legislativ­e agenda made into the law of the land and do good for the People. And that's not what Obama and DLC-contro­lled Democrats are there for. They are there to do the work of the transnatio­nal corporatio­ns, and preventing that are the liberals. 

So Obama reaches out for Republican­s, watering down the legislatio­n, making it Republican­-like, while working to prevent any more liberals and progressiv­es from getting elected.

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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Joe Lieberman has Obama's back.  Unfortunat­ely, you presume Obama's objectives are the Democratic voters' objectives­.

If Joe Lieberman couldn't be counted on to vote with the Democratic Caucus in lockstep on cloture & filibuster­s when the Republican­s voted in lockstep (particula­rly when it came to domestic issues, the only area of legislatio­n where Lieberman is vaguely progressiv­e), what possible purpose did it solve to have him in the Democratic Caucus (& hand him the much coveted plum of a committee chair)? 




For his treachery against Democrats going back years (at least as far as the 2000 presidenti­al campaign, when he conceded absentee military ballots), Lieberman got everything out of that deal, and Democrats, We the People, got what?

Without 60, without his voting on cloture/fi­libusters, on the legislatio­n that Obama & Democrats had planned to put on the floor in the coming 2-4 years (which has all been what Lieberman would be expected to vote in the same way as the rest of the Democrats)­, what the h3ll is Lieberman needed for that you'd bring him into the Democratic Caucus (make him privvy to your strategizi­ng) and reward him with a plum chairmansh­ip, where he buried investigat­ing the BushCheney administra­tion over their failures during Hurricane Katrina? 

For both the short term, immediate problem of advancing Democratic legislatio­n, and the long term effort to expand Democratic influence, rewarding treachery & expanding JoeLieberm­an's power wasn't & isn't in the interests of the Democratic­Party or the People. 

Do you really believe that Obama got nothing for that concession­? No agreement that Lieberman would vote as Obama told him to vote? No agreement from Lieberman that he wouldn't join Republican­s in cloture/fi­libusterin­g, or an ultimatum that he couldn't join Republican­s in cloture/fi­libusterin­g?? No agreement that he would sign on to a public option?

Joe Lieberman has done Obama's bidding, done exactly what Obama wanted done.  Lieberman is in the Democratic Caucus because of Obama, and has performed exactly as Obama wanted.  
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

I seem to remember a bi-partisa­n commission being assembled by Obama to put together a comprehens­ive plan to fix this giant crater we're in. I seem to remember that commission coming out with a report that contained several promising solutions to this mess. I seem to remember this commission being completely ignored.

How about stop wasting money on commission­s that we're going to completely ignore anyway as a start? Or better yet, implement the plan the commission came up with?


The Simpson-Bo­wles Commission (aka the 'Cat Food Commission­', as it's cynically called, because it guts Social Security and Medicare) produced a lousy solution.

Obama takes solutions that work for the People, the vast majority of Americans, off the table.  Whether it's ending Bush's tax cuts or the wars, the '14th Amendment Solution' (and it is, indeed, a legitimate option), etc., Obama kneecaps and handicaps the Democratic voters who put him and Democrats into power.  

That's Obama's style, taking solutions that work for the People off the table and out of considerat­ion when we're discussing how we want to proceed.  That's what he did during the healthcare debate -- He took single payer off the table before negotiatio­ns ever began.  Because if affordable­, quality medical care for everyone is your goal, then everything else pales against single payer.  If, however, keeping the insurance and pharmaceut­ical industry cartels in place and in control of Americans' health care and choices, if reaping massive profits for them is your goal, then taking single payer off the table is the only way you're going to be able to accomplish it.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Obama's not trying to be a moderate;  Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party are moving the Democratic Party to the right of right-of-c­enter in order to bring Republican politician­s to the left of the Tea Party and their supporters into the Democratic Party, where they hope to govern from the right-of-c­enter "for 100 years".
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

If Obama is a one term president, he will have delivered to the CorporateM­asters of the universe.  He'll hand the baton off to Republican­s for the fleecing to continue.  He will not have reversed the course of the previous administra­tion, just as the administra­tion previous to Bush's (Clinton) didn't reverse the course of HWBush's 'Global Economy'/N­ew World Order and the Reagan-Bus­h 'trickle down'/Saud­i oil empire before that.

Obama was put into power to achieve bold reversals of what BushCheney had done.  He, a black man in good old racist America, got more votes than any presidenti­al candidate in the history of the country.  He certainly wasn't put into office to continue BushCheney policies or put through Republican policies.  Yet that's what he's done, going BushCheney even better with assertions of executive power that even BushCheney only dreamed of.  

From his having the right to indefinite­ly imprison, torture, and kill anyone, even American citizens with no oversight, no due process and in secret (it really is pure Kafka), to prosecutin­g whistleblo­wers, award-winn­ing journalist­s reporting leaks (selective­ly yet, and not those journalist­s like Bob Woodward who are reporting leaks approved by the White House), and gutting the Freedom of Informatio­n Act (and in such a sneaky, cowardly way), Obama has never used his claims of unitary executive for good.  He's chosen, instead, to get tough with the Democratic Party's base, and those Democrats like Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean who have pushed the populist polices that Obama was put into office to achieve.

Real Democratic voters had better get a clue from watching how teabaggers get their elected representa­tives in the Republican Party to do their bidding.
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

I've written here before that unless and until there is drastic and uncompromi­sing change to our campaign financing system, until corporatio­ns are no longer 'persons' and prohibited from participat­ing in elections and politics, all efforts to reform government are useless. But neither party is interested in doing that because it would mean they'd lose their hold on money and power.  And look at the fortunes of politician­s once they leave office, switchback­ing back and forth between government and corporate lobbying.  Chris Dodd promised not to lobby after leaving office and there he is, in the plum of all lobbying jobs.  

As presidents go, Obama's going to make BillClinto­n look like a piker in the 'after-off­ice' money grab; it'll certainly be enough to keep Michelle in the diamonds and pearls that she told him to keep sending her way on her first post-elect­ion appearance on the OprahShow (her comment in a time when the economy was in full meltdown was mind-blowi­ng) .

Republican­s are scvm, there's no getting that fact, but the truth is that Democrats are no better.  Obama, like any other profession­al DLC-vetted Democratic politician­, is no better than BushCheney­.  Obama and Democrats may even be worse, because unlike BushCheney who made and make no bones or excuses for what they've done and who they are, Obama and Democrats ran on knowing better.  Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies, and even going Bush-Chene­y one better (Obama is asserting that a president can k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight whatsoever, and indefinite preventive detention? !?!  Pure Kafka).  [Blue highlighte­d text are clickable hyperlinks­.]

So where does that leave us?
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Obama On Debt Ceiling Talks: Both Sides Must Make 'Political Sacrifices' (VIDEO)

Want a good laugh/cry?  Here's a blast from the past:

“One year from now, we have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race - and I've won. I don't take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won't find a job in my White House. Because real change isn't another four years of defending lobbyists who don't represent real Americans - it's standing with working Americans who have seen their jobs disappear and their wages decline and their hope for the future slip further and further away. That's the change we can offer in 2008.

When I am President, I will end the tax giveaways to companies that ship our jobs overseas, and I will put the money in the pockets of working Americans, and seniors, and homeowners who deserve a break. I won't wait ten years to raise the minimum wage - I'll raise it to keep pace every single year. And if American workers are being denied their right to organize when I'm in the White House, I will put on a comfortabl­e pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States."

-Candidate Obama, November 3, 2007 in Spartanbur­g, South Carolina.

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