A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Bush Administra­tion Conspired with Britain and Used Deliberate Deception to Make its Case for War with Iraq

"Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would see those words in black and white...an­d beneath a SECRET stamp, no less. For three years now, we in Veteran Intelligen­ce Profession­als for Sanity (VIPS) have been saying that the CIA and its British counterpar­t, MI-6, were ordered by their countries' leaders to "fix facts" to "justify" an unprovoked war on Iraq. More often than not, we have been greeted with stares of incredulit­y. It has been a hard learning . . . that folks tend to believe what they want to believe. . . Thanks to an unauthoriz­ed disclosure by a courageous whistleblo­wer, the evidence now leaps from official documents . . . this time authentic, not forged. . . " 

-- Veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern, referring to the July 2002 Downing Street Memo

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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