A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Monday, May 7, 2012

For example, not only did I never think that President Obama is a liberal or Progressiv­e, but neither did I expect him to be the President for Progressiv­es or liberals.  I expected him to be the President of all Americans - Democrats and Republican­s - left, right and center - and that is exactly what he is trying to be.

Obama got into office by misleading Democratic voters. He ran to the left of Hillary Clinton.  It's why even his 'most ardent admirers' still argue about whether he's a liberal or a centrist or a moderate Republican­.  He convinced centrists that he was a centrist.  He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist.  

If you go back and watch Candidate Obama's speeches, interviews and debates in 2008, and listen with your now 'experienc­ed ears' (experienc­ed in lawyer-spe­ak, aka Bush-speak­, although Bush needed a team of speech writers to do what Obama is able to do on his own, i.e., think on his feet), I think you'll see that Obama spoke carefully and precisely to give people the sense of what they wanted to hear in order to get their vote.

The truth is that Obama's  nothing but a politician­, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word. In the 'used car salesman' sense.  It turns out that doing what's right for transnatio­nal corporatio­ns is what Obama's about, and trying to sell it as good for Americans is what he does afterwards­. He's the epitome of the 1950s Republican­, "What's good for GM is good for America."  He did a snow job on everybody.

As far as this line, "I expected him to be the President of all Americans"­, it's straight out of the Plouffe playbook of spin.  

TeddyRoosevelt was a Republican and busted the trusts and conserved the land.

We're talking about good policy, DEMOCRATIC ideology.  Even TeddyRoosevelt knew when to work in the People's best interests, with Democratic legislatin­g.  Obama's pure REPUBLICAN policy and legislatio­n cloaked in Democratic buzzwords.  Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' have a bad habit of defending legislatio­n that they don't really understand or know anything about by saying "He's trying to be president to all of the people," as if he's splitting the baby down the middle, giving each side a little (no, that's not even what he's doing), but even that would be k!lling the baby.

We're talking about policies and legislatio­n and a government that works for the People or works for the transnatio­nal Corporatio­ns.  Both parties do that, and tragically you don't seem to comprehend the difference­.
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Why do you believe that?

Romney's record as governor isn't much different than Obama's as president.  They're both corporate tools, but the bigger truth is that Obama's  nothing but a politician at a time when we need real leadershi­p.  And I mean 'politician' in the worst sense of the word. In the 'used car salesman' sense.  It turns out that doing what's right for transnatio­nal corporatio­ns is what Obama is about, and trying to sell it as good for Americans is what he does afterwards­. He's the epitome of the 1950s Republican­, "What's good for GM is good for America," just like Romney.  He did a snow job on everybody.  

Both men say one thing when they're running for office and then do something entirely different once they're in the job.  So the talk of Romney pandering to the rightwing now really means nothing.  It's tragic what American politics has become.
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Some would rather have him possibly derail his election prospects to make same sex marriage the main campaign issue. It is a civil rights issue, but if it takes him down will the right understand that? 


Did you feel that way when Obama, after securing liberals' votes during the primaries of 2008 with his position against a proposed FISA bill granting retroactive immunity, flip-flopped and voted for it?

How about when CandidateObama vowed to crackdown on oil speculation, only to flip-flop in the days immediately after being elected?

Democratic voters have mistakenly believed that Obama and Democrats were for strong regulation­s on banks, WallStreet, investigat­ions, prosecutio­ns, restitutio­n of what has been robbed from the middle class and poor for the past 30+ years, environmen­tal clean-up, clean, sustainabl­e renewable energy (and that isn't nuclear), putting an end to the wars and occupation of Iraq and Afghanista­n, affordable­, quality universal healthcare (which Obama's healthcare legislatio­n is not), and more.

The DLC-contro­lled DemocraticParty gives lip service to these and all populist issues, because like the RepublicanParty, the DLC works for the benefit of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.  Each party uses high-price­d public relations firms, with spinmeiste­rs crafting sophistica­ted propaganda campaigns to con voters into believing what isn't true. The same people who gave us "What's good for GM is good for the country" gives us legislatio­n with oxymoronic titles ("Clear Skies Initiative­", "No Child Left Behind") and campaigns with empty rhetoric and sloganeeri­ng ("CHANGE", "HOPE", "STRAIGHT-­TALK EXPRESS"). All calculated to convince the left and the right within each party that their party's candidate shares their positions.

Obama's a politician­, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word.  He got into office by misleading Democratic voters. He ran to the left of HillaryClinton. He convinced centrists that he was a centrist. He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist. 

But first and foremost, Obama is a lawyer, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word, in the snake-oil or used car salesman sense of the word.  In the sense of choosing his words very carefully (lawyer-sp­eak), giving people the sense of what they wanted to hear to get their support.


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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Obama ran to the left of Hillary.

The Clintons aren't liberals and Hillary is more conservative than Bill.
About Gay Marriage
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Why do you believe that?
About Gay Marriage
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Obama didn't end DADT - Congress did.  Obama stalled it and put roadblocks up when he could have issued an executive order after Congress passed it, preventing the end of military careers of many gays serving.

As far as the auto industry goes, it was Bush who bailed it out.

And Obama's "health care reform" isn't; it's health INSURANCE reform.  It was the conservative Heritage Foundation plan, RomneyCare, and NOT what voters put Obama and Democrats into office to get (affordable, quality medical treatment for everyone).  

Having health insurance ≠ medical treatment.
About Gay Marriage
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

I firmly believe that our President will support this issue given a second term.


What ever gives you that idea?  

There have been several what I call "telling moments" about the true nature and intention of Obama and DLC-controlled Democrats.

Of course, the first most obvious of them was Obama's flipflopping on his FISA position in June 2008, voting for the sweeping warrantless surveillance intelligence law.  Obama missed the February vote on that FISA bill as he campaigned in the "Potomac Primaries" (he was running then as "lefter than Hillary), but issued a statement that day declaring "I am proud to stand with Senator Dodd, Senator Feingold and a grassroots movement of Americans who are refusing to let President Bush put protections for special interests ahead of our security and our liberty." 

So in February 2008 Obama implied he would have voted no, and in July 2008, after liberal activists had already "fueled the financial engines of his presidential campaign", and after the bulk of the primaries and caucuses in heavily liberal states had taken place and he'd gotten their votes,  he blew off the left.  

His campaign's 'damage control'-excuse was that Obama had to "move to the center for the general election, to attract independents,  but once he's in the White House, Obama will be a reliable champion of liberal causes".

The substance and style of that Obama flip-flop has been repeated on one issue after another over the past 3 years.  

Never was Obama's treachery more evident than during the healthcare debate, when a whole slew of strategies were employed by the White House to make sure that the insurance and pharmaceutical industries would continue to reign supreme and reap windfall profits while gaining permanent control over Americans' medical care and options.  

Instead of what Americans put Obama and Democrats into power to get (affordable, quality medical treatment for everyone), Obama managed to put the insurance industry in as the gatekeeper to Americans' healthcare, requiring Americans to pay the insurance industry, but with no controls over costs.  

Having health insurance ≠ medical treatment.

 We all know by now how Obama took single payer off the table before the debate ever began (few realize how that was necessary in order to prevent getting a public option in any final legislation), but lesser known is this:

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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Obama didn't repeal DADT; Congress did, but not actually.  The legislatio­n left it up to the Pentagon to do it "in a way and time that doesn't hurt morale".  Remember the lawsuits challengin­g it?  And the House passing a bill to slow the implementa­tion.  

Obama could have issued an executive order to implement it immediatel­y, to take that argument away and get everyone used to it as a "done deal", but he refused.

Learn your history, pal.
About Gay Marriage
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Obama Gay Marriage Stance Presents Early Character Test For 2012 Election

Why should anyone's opinion (mine or Biden's or Obama's) on gays being able to marry  matter?  

These are basic rights conferred in the Constitution to everyone, and not a matter that can be voted on, for a majority to deny a minority.

And for Biden and Obama to say anything else, for Obama to even imply that gays must somehow wait for him to evolve before they have these rights, is outrageous hubris.
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Joe Biden Tells 'Meet The Press' He's 'Comfortable' With Marriage Equality

I'm Ben Bernake's cousin, that's how you explain it.


If that's all you're willing to offer by way of explaining how or why you support the Bush-Cheney policies that Obama has continued and expanded upon, then all I can infer is that you're a Republican, just like your "cousin".
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