A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

Friday, July 23, 2010

And what's gotten little, if any, coverage is this:

==A leading abortion rights group called on its members Sunday to pressure the White House to reverse course and make sure abortion coverage is included when new insurance coverage becomes available under the health care law President Obama signed last March.

"To our dismay, the Obama administration just announced it will exclude abortion coverage in the temporary health-insurance pools that will transition us into the new health-care system," wrote Nancy Keenan, who is the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

"I am outraged that such a decision would come from a pro-choice president that we helped elect," Keenan said.==

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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

The problem we have is with ourselves for letting these characters continue to betray us, and with the DLC, whose members we've long needed to purge from the party.

The DLC controls the Democratic Party, has for about 20 years. We the People, the base of the Democratic Party (liberals, most people who voted for Democrats) actually beat the DLC this past election. We thought that by putting Obama in over Hillary, that ended the DLC's control. We thought that by adopting Howard Dean's 50-state strategy over Rahm 'Blue Dog' Emanuel's "focus on a few electoral states to sink DNC's resources" -strategy, we were taking back the party. It's too bad more of us didn't know that Obama's a Blue Dog at heart, a DLCer, and he hearts Rahm. So when Rahm sailed with Obama into the White House, they tossed Howard out on his keester.

We've got to stop looking to Democratic Party celebrities' positions & opinions for what's possible, what we should do. We know what we want and need and, in fact, THEY work for US.
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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

2/9/05 Writer Alexander Sanger said that on many levels, he has been pleased that politicians have begun to rethink the approach to abortion rights. "There is no question in my mind that we, the pro-choice movement, ought to be leading the way to reframing how we talk about abortion," he said. "So if various leaders of the DemocraticParty are beginning to have this discussion that is all to the good." But he warned, "We have to differentiate between the pro-choice movement and Democratic Party." What the politicians are saying may be sound, but their strategy may be suspect. "The Democrats are looking for a scapegoat for the loss in November, and they've picked the wrong one [in abortion]."


Dean is not for single payer, and never has been.

Dean talks a good populist game, but he's as much a corporate Democrat when push comes to shove as any DLCer. Deanwho wants desperately to be in with the DLC insiders, but they don't want him. They play with him, toy with him, and they get him to do heavy lifting for them (keeping us liberals on the hook), but in the end they slam the door in his face and break his heart every time.

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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

Most voters judge politicians by their personalities and mistakenly assume politicians' ideological positions for their own when they've decided they personally like the politician. That's certainly true of Howard Dean. He's a nice guy, but he's not a liberal and definitely not married to what I would say are sacrosanct Democratic Party positions, like pro-choice and public health care.

Just about all professional Democratic politicians want to make the Democratic party hospitable to anti-choice people, as noted in this article from 12/04 -


The only way to do that is for the party to not take a stance on abortion, to remove any reference to 'choice'. During Dean's tenure as chairman of the DNC, he indicated in several interviews that the intent was to move the DemocraticParty from referring to abortion at all in its platform. Here's one of those interviews, from 11/1/05:

Video - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/9882255#9882255

Transcript - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9883824/

Dems May Waver on Choice, Repro Rights 01/14/05 http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/2144/context/archive

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Pay Czar Criticizes 17 Bailed-Out Banks For Huge Pay Packages -- But Won't Go After Money Already Paid

This article isn't about repaying the TARP monies; it's about the HUGE PAY PACKAGES that the banks receiving bailouts gave to their executives as the economy was tanking from the bad business practices of THOSE EMPLOYEES.

Your defense means you're either ig.no.rant of the issue, or you're on the payroll, a recipient of taxpayer money and one of those who fleeced the American people.
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Pay Czar Criticizes 17 Bailed-Out Banks For Huge Pay Packages -- But Won't Go After Money Already Paid

No, Kucinich is not a shill for the banks; he's just completely feckless.

What a waste. To vote for someone who not only has no chance of winning, but supporting him after his cave-in on a public option should show you how useless that path, as if this was a proportional democracy, is.

It's time to get real candidates, mount real challenges, to the party system.
About Financial Crisis
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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

It would have.

In case you missed the news, Dean isn't heading the DNC anymore, and the 50 state strategy is no longer operational.

The Obama-Emanuel strategy (moving the Democratic Party to the right in order to attract Republican politicians and their supporters into the Democratic part) is what's in play.
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Nation Losing Patience With Afghanistan A Year Earlier Than Obama Expected

No one will ever want to do their job protecting the nation again.


No CORRUPT public servant would want the job again.

You don't seem able to wrap your mind around the fact that we're talking about criminal behavior.
About Afghanistan
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Nation Losing Patience With Afghanistan A Year Earlier Than Obama Expected

Afghanistan will never be "fixed" until its own people stop being so selfish.


What Afghans are you talking about? The puppets we put into power, prop up and pay off?

That would make Afghanistan unable to be "fixed" until those responsible for keeping the "selfish Afghans" in power (Obama, our government) cease and desist.
About Afghanistan
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Bush DOJ's Firing Of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias Was Inappropriately Political But Not Criminal, Obama DOJ Says

I am curious if this is your opinion,


It's a fact.

Even if the RNC wasn't in possession of them, even if the emails had been "deleted from a non-secured system", they would be retrievable in a variety of different ways.

But the RNC has admitted it's in possession of them, but that it just isn't going to cooperate. And Obama & Democrats, most notably Henry Waxman, is letting the RNC and the Bush administration get away with it.

I'm an old liberal Democrat. A REAL Democrat. How do you get to suggesting that I am defending Gonzales & R0ve? Because you believe that if the emails were retrievable, were obtainable, Obama and Democrats would be all over it?

If I didn't know the facts, if Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party didn't have a history of continuing the Bush-Cheney policies and a habit & pattern of helping cover up for Bush, I might believe it, too. Because they're supposed to be adversaries, and on opposite sides of the issues, right? Republicans are certainly on the opposite side of the issues from where I sit.

Not only hasn't the Obama administration brought charges against anyone in the Bush administration (in spite of admissions by Bush and others in that administration of criminal acts, on a wide range of fronts, not just on the email issue), but Obama quietly sought dismissing of missing emails lawsuit -

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