A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

George McGovern and the Tea Party

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's  most telling is that Carter, Clinton, Gore, and Obama all ran purporting to be liberals.   Obama's campaign didn't really have legs until he got the backing of the black community, in Selma, and to do that he invented a narrative where he became one with the civil rights movement of the 1960s -- It doesn't get any more liberal than that.  

The only way that any of them got the nomination­s (and into office) was by deceiving Democratic voters.  Even today, most Democratic voters think each of those men are liberals.  Even Obama's 'most ardent supporters­'.
About Elections 2012
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George McGovern and the Tea Party

George McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electrosho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the d.e.a.ths of JFK, RFK, MLK to Ted & Chappaquid­lck) in a race with the very Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know WTH he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electrosho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the deths of JFK, RFK, MLK to Ted & Chappaquid­lck) in a race with the very Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know WTH he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Thomas Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electr0sho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the deths of JFK, RFK, MLK to Ted & Chappaquid­lck) in a race with the very Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know what the hay he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

What seminar was this?  

For the record, we know now from recent releases of tapes that Nixon ordered the break-in, as well as the fire-b0mbi­ng of the Brookings Institute.  We also know that McGovern very much supported the impeachmen­t of Nixon, didn't come forward because he thought it would be taken as sour grapes, and that he ran for the presidency chiefly to end the war in Vietnam, which just about all of the Democratic candidates ran to do.
About Elections 2012
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

George McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electrosho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the deths of JFK, RFK, MLK to Ted & Chappaquid­lck) in a race with the very Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know what the hay he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

It's tragic what the mahds won't let be seen.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

George McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electro$ho­ck ther@py a decade earlier to treat depressi0n­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the end of JFK/RFK/ML­K to Ted & Mary Jo) in a race with the very Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know what the hay he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

George McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electrosho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the deths of J.F.K., R.F.K., M.L.K. to TedK off the side of a bridge) in a race with the Republican­s who invented modern day 'dlrty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nix0n).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know WTH he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

About Elections 2012
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George McGovern and the Tea Party

I think Slayton's implying (wrongly) that Obama is a leftist now.
About Elections 2012
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


George McGovern and the Tea Party

George McGovern lost because of one mistake too many (choosing and sticking with Eagleton too long after it was reported that Eagleton had had electrosho­ck therapy a decade earlier to treat depression­), after Democratic disappoint­ment after disappoint­ment (from the deths of JFK, RFK, MLK to Teddy & Chap-pa-qu­id-dlck) in a race with the Republican­s who invented modern day 'dirty tricks'-ca­mpaigning (Nixon).

Anybody who writes "Barack Obama will move to the center" and implies that will be from the left toward the right doesn't know what the heII he's talking about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Obama Administration Defends Health Care Reform In Court

Don't go by what you read in comments on Aytch-P as what the left thinks about this.  Many on the left don't support Obama and his Republican­-legislati­ve practices such as his healthcare reform that was actually a massive giveaway to the insurance and pharmaceut­ical industries­.  It was Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003, Part 2.

Democrats, Republican­s, they're both the same.  They're controlled by the same people.

Democratic and Republican poIitician­s are not each others' enemles, not as they have voters believing them to be.  Democrats are in the same business as Republican­s: To serve their Corporate Masters.  

Think of them as working on the same side, as tag relay teams (or like siblings competing for parental approval). 'Good cop/bad cop'. The annual company picnic, the manufactur­ing division against the marketing division in a friendly game of softball.  One side (Republica­ns) makes brazen frontal assaults on the People, and when the People have had enough, they put Democrats into power because of Democrats' populist rhetoric. 

Once in power, Democrats consolidat­e Republican­s' gains from previous years, continue on with Republican policies but renamed, with new advertisin­g campaigns. They throw the People a few bones, but once Democrats leave office, we learn that those bones really weren't what we thought they were. 

Whenever the People get wise to the shenanigan­s and all the different ways they've been tricked, and start seeing Democrats as no different than Republican­s, Democrats switch the strategy. They invent new reasons for failing to achieve the People's business.

Democrats' current reason for failing to achieve the People's business (because "Democrats are nicer, not as ruthless, not criminal" etc.) is custom-tai­lored to fit the promotion of Obama's 'bipartisa­n cooperatio­n' demeanor. It's smirk-wort­hy when you realize that what they're trying to sell is that they're inept, unable to achieve what they were put into office to do...And their ineptitude­, like that's somehow "a good thing".
About Health Care Law
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


The Real U.S. National Security Budget: The Figure No One Wants You to See

Draft your own.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


U.S. Approves First Deepwater Drilling Permit In Gulf Of Mexico Since BP Oil Spill

It's not for us.  The oil goes on the open market.

None, not one, of the oil companies drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (or anywhere in US waters) has submitted a plan for clean-up or has any supplies or equipment in place in the event of another blowout or spill gusher.

The Gulf of Mexico is d-e-a-d.  It was an ELE (Extinctio­n Level Event), and the next one is certain to move beyond the GoM, into the gulfstream and into the oceans.

And BP is Moving To Get The Court To Dismiss Oil Spill Claims.

Voting for Obama and Democrats is as good as voting for Republican­s.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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