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Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I see that the entire link isn't highlighting.  Either cut and paste it or try clicking on this.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

You're welcome.  If the media isn't going to do it, someone has to.

FYI, some of the links I provide get scrubbed (especially so of politicians' and government links - Obama has scrubbed all references to Candidate Obama's campaign promises on many issues, particularly single payer and a public option).  I mention this because one of the links in the post was scrubbed, but due to some sleuthing I found a link through the Wayback machine - http://web.archive.org/web/20101202063602/http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=996

I bring that up because it's a valuable resource we should all be aware of when we find out-of-date scrubbed links.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

I'm a liberal Democrat.  The blue text in my comments are hyperlinks to the source citations.  Click on them and learn the facts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

Obama is NOT a progressiv­e, NOT a liberal, and is a Democrat-In-Name-Only.

Reported in the NYT:

"Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat (Blue Dog = Republican­)."

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Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

It's been more than a year and a half since Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others were shot and wounded and 6 were killed in front of a supermarket in Tucson, Arizona.

How much time do you think is enough to sit before talking about it?  How much time do you think is enough before doing something about it?
About Aurora Shooting
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Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

How much time?

How much time did you suggest after Gabrielle Giffords was shot?

Nothing is going to be done.  As a matter of fact, what we'll see is further relaxing of gun laws until there are no regulations because the establishment elites don't care if we're shooting each other on street corners or in movie theaters or supermarkets.  The elites will always have their bodyguards and gated communities, and gun play on the streets keeps the little people occupied and not paying attention to their corruption.
About Aurora Shooting
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Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

Since that speech, the NSA is gathering information on all US citizens, Obama demands full, reform-free renewal of the once-controversial power to eavesdrop without warrants, Obama's war on whistleblowers has escalated, NDAA has passed and any American can be locked up and executed without any due process.

Unless and until there is drastic and uncompromi­sing change to our campaign financing system, until corporatio­ns are no longer 'persons' and prohibited from participat­ing in elections and politics, all efforts to reform government are useless. But neither party's interested in doing that because it would mean they would lose their hold on money and power.
About Aurora Shooting
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Barack Obama And Guns: How A Vocal Advocate Went Quiet

I wrote this after Obama's speech in Tucson after GabrielleGiffords was shot:

Neither party is for gun control.

The DemocraticParty has been courting the gun lobby.

GabrielleGiffords is not for gun control.  The weapon used on her was purchased legally. The weapon was one that had been banned during the 1990s, but that law expired in 2004 and Giffords supported ending the ban. She supports gun rights, opposed the WashingtonDC gun ban, and signed an amicus brief with the USSupremeCourt in support of overturnin­g the ban.

The roll call vote in the Senate on the (Dianne) Feinstein amendment to extend the ban, March 2, 2004. RussFeingold lovers, note his "nay" vote, as well as other Democrats still serving, like HarryReid, MaryLandrieu, TimJohnson (not voting), BenNelson, MaxBaucus. 

In 2007, CarolynMaloney's bill to reinstate the ban with 67 co-sponsor­s (Giffords wasn't among them), went nowhere.

HR 6257 (a bill to reinstate the ban on assault weapons, as well as to expand the list of banned weapons, for ten years) was introduced in June 2008, and then got buried in a House subcommitt­ee one month later, where it d!ed at the end of that Congress (2008).

After Obama and Democrats won the 2008 elections and took control of the WhiteHouse and Congress, DianneFeinstein said in April 2009 about introducin­g legislatio­n in the Senate to reinstate the AssaultWeaponsBan, "I wouldn't bring it up now."

Obama has stated that he wouldn't push for the reinstatem­ent of the AssaultWeaponsBan. 

Neither Republican­s nor Democrats are willing to take on the gun lobby (or any corporate industry), nor spend the money on the prevention side (funding for mental health treatment, public education and social safety nets, etc.).

So across America, the fight (& gridlock) continues

If I had to bet right now, I'd say what is going to come out of this are more draconian laws to ban speech and privacy rights (all of said legislatio­n will be used for drug crimes and political groups working to unseat the entrenched corporate power, and not crimes of 'terror').  All because it happened to "their own" (Giffords, JudgeJohnRoll and Giffords aide GabrielZimmerman).

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Postal Service On Edge: What Would A World Without Mail Look Like?

Isn't it incredible that our elected officials, from the White House and US Congress and State Houses, aren't talking about this or anything else of substance in Americans' lives?
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