A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The official objective has been kept from the American people:

"The war in Iraq was very very clearly about oil, as was the war in Afghanista­n. The oil pipeline that was planned (in Afghanista­n), the best security for that was an occupation­." 

"If you map the proposed pipeline route across Afghanista­n and you look at our bases? Matches perfectly. Our bases are there to solve a problem that the Taliban couldn't solve. Taliban couldn't provide security in that part of Afghanista­n -- Well now that's where our bases are. So, does that have to do with Osama Bin Laden? It has nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden. It has everything to do with the longer plan, in this case a strategy which I wouldn't necessaril­y call neoconserv­ative, however it fits perfectly in with the neoconserv­ative ideology which says, 'If you have military force and you need something from a weaker country, then you need to deploy that force and take what you need because your country's needs are paramount'­. It's the whole idea of unilateral­ism, of using force to achieve your aims."

-Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowsk­i, retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel whose assignment­s included a variety of roles for the National Security Agency and who spent her last 4 1/2 years working at the Pentagon with Donald Rumsfeld 



Not long ago, Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-strewn streets of Afghanistan with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-building actually builds. Watch this to see where are our tax dollars going, and learn how we are not "nation-building", not making us safer, and not helping the Afghans or building their nation at all (or a democracy). Learn how this has all been just a huge rip-off of the American people:

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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

The 10-year strategic partnership agreement that Obama and Karzai signed commits the US-- its troops and billions more dollars -- to Afghanistan for the indefinite future.

We're not leaving Afghanistan.  

Just as we haven't left Iraq.  We're not out of Iraq.  That cutback in troops by the Pentagon doesn't apply to State.


In addition to some 5,000 private security contractors now protecting the embassy’s 11,000-person staff, Iraq is rife with American-paid contractors, mercenaries, and is a war zone, with the dead piling up day in and day out.

Whenever there's been a cutback in the number of troops, there's been an increase in the number of mercenaries hired and paid for with US taxpayer dollars.  

What's the objective, how is the military going about achieving it, and where are our tax dollars going? 

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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

I don't hear anybody saying that it's a new issue.  

With every administration, though, it morphs into new problems.  For example, after Nixon went to China, it took successive presidents and Congresses (both parties) to lay the groundwork for Reagan to be able to let corporations pillage employee pension funds and outsource workers' jobs.  And then Bush1 and Clinton, the S&L heist, along with the Telecommunications Act and gene patenting and Walmart, and it's been mission-creep for decades.

I'm one of those people who has never gone to Walmart.  I actively promote supporting local small businesses.  Those of us who warned about what would happen with these trade agreements have been proven right, but are still battling because of those who throw their bodies in front of politicians like Obama, who make it possible for the heist to continue.
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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'


Nancy Pelosi didn't join the revolt and sign onto this letter (she voted for the recent S. Korean and Colombian free trade agreements).

But she has expressed "concern" about federal crackdown on medical marijuana.
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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

I and many other lefties have been talking about this and fighting it for decades.  

You fight the president on whose watch it continues and gets worse.  Now that means it's Obama.
About Environment
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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

Congress had better revolt when it comes to rubberstamping Obama's agreement with Karzai, continuing the war in Afghanistan.
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Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'

And that sOB wanted labor unions to pick up the costs of his anointment, the Democratic National Convention?

He and the DNC are freakin' unbelievable.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

Great point, and what nobody talks about is how corporations have been polluting the environment, causing environmental illness, all the while making huge profits at all of our expense.  This is yet another reason for the corporations to be paying taxes, covering health care costs, for all.
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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

I never said Obama was a "liberal". I would NEVER say that. I think he's a SOCIALIST". There's a big a socialist.  There's a big difference.

It's just as ignorant and idiotic.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

You're welcome, and I replied to your question here.
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

You don't believe that The Guardian is credible?

Just goes to show that, just like Bushies who defend him (and Fox) to the detriment of their own best interests, Democratic voters have our own crosses to bear (Obama's 'most ardent supporters').
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

"Although three were unaffected by the THC, nine lived 19-35 days, while tumors were completely eradicated in three others."

Damn. The government would rather have us die of cancer than legalize marijuana? Why? Because the liquor industry doesn't want the competition, or what?


You're almost there.  It's about a governing system that has been taken over by corporations, corporate-think, something that the founders understood and sought to avoid, but that since 1877 corporations have been hard at work to overturn.  And they've succeeded.

I yearn for leadership in all branches of government that protects and defends living, breathing human beings' needs and interests instead of legal fictions (corporati­ons) that, if they were people, would be diagnosed as sociopathi­c character disorders.   

Back at the founding of the the US, a corporatio­n's charter was required to be dissolved after 40 years, so suspicious and cautious were the earliest Americans about corporatio­ns.  They exist for no other purpose than to profit, no matter what.  That wasn't always the case.

Now, corporatio­ns are immortal, which is another abzurdity about their being considered 'persons' under the law.

Following the reducto ad absurdum of corporatio­ns as people, if you look at them as people, the vast majority of them could be diagnosed as sociopaths­. They're completely self-absor­bed, their only motivation is profit and destroying competitio­n (other corporatio­ns or by the same legal definition other people), they have no conscience­, no capacity for empathy. The only time they do something that could be construed as generous or for the greater good is when their consultant­s tell them it's good for business. It's like they display all of the lower qualities of human beings - greed avarice predatory nature. The same behavior in a flesh and blood human being would elicit cries of shame in the community and considered appalling, but somehow it's just fine for a corporatio­n to behave that way.   And they can't be criminally prosecuted­.

We're not going to get the kind of leadership to end this travesty from either the Democratic or Republican parties.  Not when a Nancy Pelosi is "concerned" -- She ought to have been sounding alarm bells for years.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

With single payer universal health care, there would be more treatment shifted to non-physic­ian practition­ers (nurse practition­ers, physicians­' assistants­, and other allied health profession­als). Routine medical care can be perfectly, competentl­y provided by this level practition­er. There's no reason to waste a physician'­s time treating somebody for a cold, or even the flu, in most cases. 

It's true that if universal health coverage were to become an official reality, we'd need to expand training programs for both MDs and non-MD providers to insure there were enough to go around, but in the long run it would mean cheaper and more effective service, along with job creation.  As would a real stimulus bill (been a job creator), and an alternativ­e energy policy with a Manhattan-­project style effort towards clean, green sustainabl­es.

These are all good things, but Obama and Democrats have chosen the dark side.  The corporate side.
About Marijuana
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

After the election is too late.  

Before the election is when the deals are cut, the alliances forged.

That's why I keep telling Obama's 'most ardent supporters' that by assuring him that they're with him no matter what, they let him dismiss their issues and them.
About Marijuana
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

Legalizing marijuana is not my #1 concern at this time.  Do you think Romney would deliver what you wish, more than Obama?


Legalizing marijuana isn't my #1 concern either, but all of these issues are interconnected with the top issue we are constantly being told by the media is the only concern of the electorate, and determinant of the outcome of the election (the economy).

FWIW, I don't partake, but others who do can't "get their weed", as you put it, without the risk of running afoul of the law and resulting in everything from incarceration to fines, all costly.  The cost to me as a citizen (diverted law enforcement from real crimes, violent and other, court resourses, prison costs) is huge.

Neither Obama nor Romney will deliver on any issue important to the 99%.  This is just one of many issues where Obama's hypocrisy and deceitfulness is apparent for all to see.

How Obama has handled the massive problems is EXACTLY how Republican­s would've handled them (and how BushCheney was handling them).  Obama's not governing as he had promised or as a real Democrat would have.

The real shame, the real tragedy for all of us is that Obama could have been a transcende­nt president, good for both business AND the People.  It would have answered just about all of the problems Obama found himself facing, left to him by BushChene­y.

On the domestic front, the job creation possibilit­ies were lost when the real reform proposed by single payer universal healthcare advocates was eliminated from even getting a seat at the table, and Obama chose to preserve an anachronis­tic, expensive and failed insurance industry and employer-p­rovided system for medical care, which is government­-sanctione­d racketeeri­ng.

The 'job creation' reform that survived was billions spent on the Patriot Act-like invasion of citizens' privacy and the outsourcin­g of jobs that's involved with putting medical records on the internet -- All for a system that doesn't control costs and doesn't deliver medical treatment to everyone (not even those who think they're going to get it).  

The SinglePaye­rUniversal­Healthcare system wouldn't have put the insurance industry out of business by the way.  It would've been a two-tiered system: Basic coverage for everyone and boutique coverage for those willing to pay for it. So nobody had to worry about poor Big Insurance and Pharma -- There would have been work for all. Big Insurance and Pharma would just had to have made smarter gambles, with no taxpayer bailouts.

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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

This would be no different than a doctor prescribin­g things like morphine to people simply because they enjoying doing it.


To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever died from using (or abusing) marijuana, unlike morphine.  

Any physician who did that would lose his license and his ability to prescribe.  If you believe that that is going on, that physicians are prescribin­g marijuana to anyone who asks, then your problem then is with physicians­.

What this is is the government second-gue­ssing the judgment of physicians and the will of the voters.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

Yet marijuana has yet to claim a single human life.


The criminaliz­ation of marijuana takes lives.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

In February, 2000 researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. 

The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumor-bearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years ago. In both studies, the THC shrank or destroyed tumors in a majority of the test subjects. 

Most Americans don't know anything about the Madrid discovery. Virtually no major U.S. newspapers carried the story, which ran only once on the AP and UPI news wires, on Feb. 29, 2000. 

The ominous part is that this isn't the first time scientists have discovered that THC shrinks tumors. In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice - lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. 

The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research.  In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out - unsuccessfully - to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the "high."

Read more: Marijuana Shrinks Tumors http://ehealthforum.com/health/marijuana-shrinks-tumors-t144227.html#ixzz1nX14wH5u
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

The Obama administra­tion has also told gun shops in California that they can't sell guns to anyone with a prescripti­on for medical marijuana.  

But you can carry concealed weapons in bars in Ohio.
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

Why is the DOJ Assaulting California's Legalized Medical Marijuana Instead of BP?

Or banks?

Or those that tortured?

Or the Bush administration for war crimes?  

Or Bush-Cheney and the CIA for lying to Congress?
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Nancy Pelosi: Medical Marijuana Busts By Feds Of 'Strong Concern'

PBS documentary sheds light on marijuana’s cancer-killing properties.

Marijuana Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in ‘74

Project Censored: U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-­Tumor Research
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

Clearly you must be one of the "New 1%"-ers.

Meet The New 1%: - Healthcare CEOs replace bankers as America's best paid:

Pity Wall Street's bankers. Once the highest-paid bosses in the land, they are now also-rans. The real money is in healthcare and drugs, according to the latest survey of executive pay.  One example is Joel Gemunder, CEO Omnicare, who had a total pay package in 2010 worth $98 million.

Obama's healthcare legislation is nothing more than a massive giveaway to the health insurance industry.  It is one of the most corrupt pieces of legislation ever enacted by our government.

The health insurance industry provides no real service.  All it does is take money out of the system.  It's nothing more than a blood-sucking middleman.

Having health insurance ≠ medical treatment.

Obama's healthcare legislation doesn't control costs and doesn't deliver medical treatment to everyone (not even those who think they're going to get it).  ACA Unlikely to Stem Medical Bankruptcies.

People who voted for Obama and Democrats voted to get affordable, quality medical treatment.  That was NOT a vote to protect and further enrich the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.  Voters did NOT send Obama and Democrats into power to entrench the insurance industry as the gatekeepers to being able to get medical treatment.
About Barack Obama
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Osama bin Laden Documents Released Online

If Bush had killed Bin Laden:

Not only would we never have heard the end of it, but we would have been reminded every single day by the very people who now say Obama "shouldn't politicize the death of Bin Laden" what a "great leader" Bush was.  


If Republican­s are such scvm (and I believe they are) and "so dangerous"­, why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g them?

Why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the greatest heist on the People in all history? 

Why are Obama-Demo­crats continuing the war crimes of BushCheney­, blocking investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into their crimes?

How does a Democratic president, on the heels of the most criminally corrupt administra­tion in the nation's history, not replace Bush-era US attorneys? Presidents may fire US attorneys, and they do so routinely at the beginning of a new administra­tion. It is unusual to fire US attorneys in mid-term (as Bush did) except in cases of gross misconduct (which wasn’t the case during the BushAdmini­stration). Instead of returning the democracy to the American people, Obama's AttorneyGe­neral has US attorneys going after legalized medicinal marijuana in the states and Bush-style obscenity prosecutio­ns: 


How does Obama continue just about all of the BushCheney policies, even going BushCo one better:  How do any of Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for 'indefinite preventive detention' and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret?
How do Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain his putting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' care, et al, on the table for benefits' cuts?  

And then there's the escalation of wars, continued occupation of Afghanistan, NDAA, and Obama's atrocious environmental record.
You defend Obama at the expense of your own best interests. As long as his numbers remain high, he does the bidding of corporatio­ns and establishm­ent elites.

Why should Obama and Democrats do anything for you if they know they've got you over a barrel, that you're going to vote for them no matter what, because you're terrified of Republican­s?
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Osama bin Laden Documents Released Online

Can you believe that no autopsy was performed on OBL? 

With all of the speculation through the years of his having renal failure and questions about how he managed to elude capture while tethered to a dialysis machine, and we didn't perform an autopsy once we had him?

We retrieve downed commercial airliners from the bottom of the sea and reconstruct them in hangars to be able to understand what downed them, and no autopsy was done on Osama bin Laden?
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

When what you believe is not due to evidence examined in the public arena (the hallmark of democracy), but to a miniscule group of people with a poor record of truthiness, you can't possibly say it was "the right decision" and expect to be taken seriously.
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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

More distortion.

As commenters to HP can't repeat comments to others in the same thread (and since you appear not to have read the other comments and responses in this thread -- another example of Fox fans limited knowledge base), I'll provide you with this link.  

And as another commenter said in this same thread:

80% of Americans believe in angels of some sort.

Just because a majority believes a thing, that doesn't make it true.

A majority of people (and Rick Santorum to this day) used to think the world was flat, the sun disappeared at night, and the sea was full of dragons.

We now know it's round, we revolve around the sun, and the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet.

One set of statements are a belief, and the next are facts.

FOX news viewers confuse the two, and FOX designs it's programming to promote that confusion to people too lazy to challenge what they're told.

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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

If you had read the whole thing, you'd have seen that I don't (nor do liberals/progressives in general) think MSNBC and CNN are "SLAMMED to the LEFT".  Just as most Democratic voters don't think that Obama is a liberal.  It's just Fox and conservatives that make that claim.  Not even Obama says he's a liberal/progressive ("Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat").
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

NBC News’ top hagiographer -- The role of Brian Williams is to glorify political and military leaders, but he really outdid himself last night:


This bin Laden show — “Inside the Situation Room” — was hagiography in its purest, most propagandistic, and most subservient form. This is typically the role Williams plays — he cleanses and glorifies American government actions, especially military actions, with his reverent, soothing, self-important baritone — but he really outdid himself here.

From the start, Williams proudly displayed his child-like excitement over his special access: “television cameras are inside the Situation Room for the very first time,” he gushed. As he stood outside of the sacred room, holding the now-iconic photograph of Obama officials watching the raid, he intoned: “We are one floor below the West Wing of the White House and we are about to take television news cameras inside the White House Situation Room for the first time in its history.” (Do people like Williams, or Peter Bergen and David Ignatius, ever wonder why they are chosen to receive such official honors and how that reflects on whether they engage in actual adversarial journalism, or do they just avoid looking these royal court gift horses in the mouth?) For his first inquiry, Williams, holding his spectacles in his hand, noted that he was standing behind the very same chair where the President sat that night, and — as he showed Obama the photo — unleashed his first question, one of the most challenging ones he posed that night: “there you are — that’s an intense look on your face, and everyone is intently watching that screen.”

In essence, the entire show was devoted to uncritical veneration of our national political and military leaders. It was as vapid as it was propagandistic; as Josh Gerstein wrote: “Much of the program was devoted to the thoughts and feelings of the senior officials involved and to such details as Biden clutching his Rosary ring as the raid unfolded and the sourcing of the food consumed by officials on that fateful day.”


About Barack Obama
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

The role of BrianWilliams is to glorify political and military leaders, but he really outdid himself last night:

Whatever one’s position is on the killing of OsamaBinLaden — and I’ve always argued that there is a range of reasonable views — there are many journalistically important questions and significant disparities that still need serious examination (with all due respect (i.e., none) to JohnKerry’s dictate that we all “shut up and move on”). For one, as both MotherJones’ MarkFollman and my formerSalon colleague JustinElliott have extensively documented, there are — due to multiple conflicting WhiteHouse claims — numerous unanswered questions about what really happened on the raid.

There’s also the question of why Obama aides like JohnBrennan spouted outright falsehoods to the world on key questions (such as whether BinLaden was armed or used his wife as a “human shield” and whether there was a “shootout” in the house). There are conflicting claims about whether a full video recording of the raid exists.

There’s the contradictory administration behavior of resisting lawsuits seeking any disclosure about the raid on secrecy grounds while simultaneously boasting publicly about the details of the raid for political gain. And there’s the question of whether previous American statements — and the principles of Nuremberg — would've made it better (or even legally necessary) to apprehend BinLaden for trial; whether doing so was reasonably possible; and whether that was permitted by the mission plan.

None of those questions was even acknowledged, let alone meaningfully addressed, by last night’s one-hourmelodramatic extravaganza hosted by NBC News anchor BrianWilliams. This BinLaden show was hagiography in its purest, most propagandistic, and most subservient form.  


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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

It happens all the time, whether they're made available to journalists for background, off-the-record accounts, anonymously, or to senators or members of the House.

And as the media was honing in on some of the contradictions of the accounts of the raid, don't you find this a little (a lot) fishy?:

The U.S. Special Operations Forces held a changing of the guard Monday, and it should have been a moment to recount triumphs, like the raid that killed Osama bin Laden just three months ago.

Instead, the long-planned change of command in Tampa, Fla., was a somber day as military leaders paid tribute to the 30 American troops who died in Afghanistan in a helicopter crash Saturday.

Nearly two dozen were members of the unit responsible for killing bin Laden — Navy SEAL Team 6.

Right after this, the media let it all go, stopped questioning the discrepancies in accounts.
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

Does it matter if the photos are released or not? I, and many other Americans, don't give a hoot about bin Laden, dead or alive. We're more concerned about keeping our homes and getting (or keeping) the lousy jobs we have.


Presidents can do both (deal with the economy and the proof of OBL's death, and it's not just the photos that need to be released).  Presidents can walk and chew gum at the same time.  It's not a matter of doing one thing instead of another.  

Yes, it matters. It's even necessary, to deal with this before being able to deal with the economy.  For all of the reasons I've already stated, about how we do it in a democracy, but also because after years of reports that had OBL's activities growing to mythic proportions (renal failure yet living in a cave, able to elude the most expensive and well-equipped military in the world, and claims he'd already died but to announce it would have Americans questioning the continuing of the war), yes, it matters.  How Obama has handled the death of OBL is extremely suspicious.  

Just because you've chosen the name Ilovegreatdanes, I'm going to speak to you in language you might better appreciate -- How all animals need to process a death among them.  Not just the death of a friend or family member, but the death of any of their kind and the effect it has on all as a group.

Here are two extraordinary clips where the need for 'proof' is clear for processing and closure.  

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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

If Bush had made these same claims, without the evidence to support it, we on the left would have, been outraged and questioned it.  And we would have been correct to do it.  Because in a democracy, we don't have to take somebody's word for it; we go by a system where we are expected to doubt and question and test evidence.

Now, with Obama who has not only embraced Bush-Cheney policies but expanded on them, Obama's 'most ardent supporters' behave like Bushies.  Blindly loyal, accepting of the most preposterous and outrageous actions by a president who got into office promising to restore the rule of law, but instead has carved up the Constitutional rights of Americans even farther than Bush-Cheney.
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

How do you know it happened?

In the US, in a democracy where it's the rule of law that reigns supreme, where evidence isn't accepted unless and until it's seen, examined, tested, we don't just take someone's word for it.  No photographs?  Body secretly dumped at sea?  Conflicting accounts leaked by administration officials, with Seal team 6 sequestered, kept from the media?

Given Obama's record for lying, for flip-flopping, for breaking his promises to constituents, his continuing Bush-Cheney policies and going Bush-Cheney one better and expanding executive power and eliminating Americans' civil liberties, it's Obama's 'most ardent supporters' who, yet again, are sealing our doom by their blind loyalty to an administration that has betrayed the trust.
About Barack Obama
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

Yet in spite of the claim that OBL is dead and that there are, at most, 100 Al Qaeda left, Obama's latest deal on Afghanistan (a clever kicking of the can down the road, yet again) means that we're never leaving Afghanistan.  

When do Americans get their civil liberties (and Constitution) restored?
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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

The problem for Obama is that due to his record of reneging on his promises, his flip-flopping on campaign pledges, his continuing Bush-Cheney policies (and going Bush-Cheney even one better, with NDAA, extrajudicial killing of American citizens, expanding war, surrounding himself with the same Bush-Cheney officials that got us into illegal wars that we were lied into, invoking John Yoo in his illegal expansion of executive power, and so much more, it's really impossible to believe a word that comes out of this administration.  

When you refuse to release the photographs, when you dump the body in the ocean like a thief in the night, when the accounts of the raid on bin Laden's compound are conflicting and when you refuse to let the press anywhere near Seal Team 6 for questioning, how do you know that what Obama claims (the killing of bin Laden) is true? 

This isn't what we do in the US.  It's not how a democracy works.  Democracy can't stand without transparency, oversight, checks and balances, nor does Obama get to take credit for anything without it.
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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not 

Of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed.  In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Readers of The New York TimesUSA Today and listeners to National Public Radio were better informed about international events than other media outlets.

In one major example, New Jersey poll participants were questioned about the outcome of the so-called Arab Spring uprisings in North Africa earlier in the year. A total of 53% of respondents know that Egyptians were successful in overthrowing dictator Hosni Mubarak. Also, 48% know that the Syrian uprising has thus far been unsuccessful in ousting Assad. But on balance, Fox News viewers were 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government than those who were not TV news viewers.  Fox News viewers were also 6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government than those who watch no news, suggesting a daily dose of sound bytes from CNN at the gym, and headlines from GoogleNews were enough to surpass what average Fox viewers polled knew about current events.

Fox News is the leading cable news channel.

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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

For you to believe that Current is "VERY liberal", you've got to be canoodling with John Birchers.

Al Gore isn't a liberal, and with the exception of Cenk Uygur, the commentary that you see on Current is purely CORPORATE ESTABLISHMENT.  It's a sad day, tragic really, when law and order advocates who happen to be Democrats are considered to be liberal just because they're Democrats.  Elliot Spitzer made his bones going after organized crime.  Both Spitzer and Granholm are DLC connected, loyal to the Democratic Party establishment apparatus.
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Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

Al Gore is not a liberal.  Never has been.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Cable News Ratings April 2012: CNN Has Worst Month In Decade (PHOTOS, POLL)

Do you somehow believe that because I don't watch Fox, that I'm unaware of conservatives' opinions and how they've come to form them?  Conservatives' positions on issues are very well represented in the media.  You don't have to watch Fox to find out that conservatives want taxes lowered or why.  

There isn't an issue you can name that this liberal (or most liberals) can't recite conservatives' rhetoric.  Conservatives, OTOH, can't make the same claim about liberals' positions.  

It's not as if I have never seen Fox - I have and there is just so much insulting of liberals and distorted recitation of our policies I'll listen to.  

What you hear on mainstream cable channels like CNN and MSNBC isn't liberal policies, but CORPORATE policies.  On both of those channels (and on Current-TV; with the exception of Cenk Uygur, the commentary on Current is corporate), establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans appear and keep the conversation narrowly corralled, from the right-of-center to far-right.  

And Obama isn't a liberal, and neither is Al Gore.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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