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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Another weekend of crappy moderation, I see, with hundreds of comments stuck in the loop for hours or being deleted for no apparent reason.

What happens when the weekday HP staff leaves on Friday afternoon?  Who is left in charge on weekends?
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

The "mountain" is 'getting rid of what prevents affordable, quality medical care for everyone".  

ACA doesn't do that.  ACA makes getting affordable quality medical care for everyone an impossibility.  ACA institutionalizes the current system.  It went in the wrong direction.  

The fact that you don't know this means you that you don't understand the issue, the legislation, nor did you read this article or know how the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical industries operate.
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Supreme Court Health Care Decision Will Define The Future Of The American Health Care System

Too much kool aide son. Get a grip.


You comment implies that you don't believe that it's true.  How and who do you think wrote the legislation, regulations and is implementing it all?   
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

Both work fine where I live, too.

But I'm going to take wobblysow's comment as an opportunity to demonstrate just how politicians create such beliefs in minds like his.  It's what lawyers do when preparing a case for trial.  They try to get something in the record which they can spin later for the jury.

Let's look at what Republicans did to the US Postal Service, which is a successful institutio­n.  

What's causing the bankruptcy is legislatio­n passed by the 109th Congress in 2006 that requires it to write a check ($5.5 biliion) from its operating funds every September 30th to the US Treasury to fully pre-fundin­g future retirees’ health benefits ("future retirees" = people who haven’t even been born yet, let alone working for the US Postal Service).  For 75 years.
Nobody, no government agency or person, has had to do that.

This was a manufactur­ed crisis, done to destroy the USPS and give a windfall to the insurance and banking industries­.
About Health Care
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Supreme Court Health Care Decision Will Define The Future Of The American Health Care System

ACA/Obamacare is a vehicle for CORPORATE control -  The insurance and pharmaceutical industries' control.  Written (both the legislation and the regulations controlling it) and implemented by the insurance industry.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

If not a victory if by victory you mean affordable quality medical care for everyone; ACA doesn't do it.  ACA wasn't intended to do it.  ACA was intended to prevent it.  Because if affordable quality medical care for everyone is what you're after, the only way to get it is single payer.  ACA was intended to continue the insurance and pharmaceutical industries profit-making.  

Early in the healthcare legislation process, Obama declared that he wouldn't sign any legislation that didn't include a public option, but he did.  Instead of working to get a real healthcare reform bill through, Obama worked overtime to make sure that there would be no real reform -- Just a massive corporate giveaway with no cost controls and no universal coverage.   

The week before and the week after the healthcare bill (or, more accurately, 'The Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industries Windfall Act') passed in the Senate was the one and only time a public option had any chance of happening until another generation passes.

A group of senators had mobilized behind it since the bill had to be passed through reconciliation anyway, & there was no way that Democrats weren't going to get enough of its members to vote against it just because it had a PublicOption in it.  Obama nixxed it.  What was the reason? 

"If the Senate did that, the bill would have to go back to the House for a vote and there's no time!"

After the (allegedly) pro-PublicOption senators accepted that excuse and stood down, Republicans discovered two flaws with the bill requiring it's return to the House anyway. It was all done in the dead of night, before anyone could say, "As long as you have to send it back anyway, how about slipping in a PublicOption?"

The Obama-Biden administration will do everything within its power to prevent a public option, public healthcare, and affordable, quality medical treatment for everyone as long as it retains the WhiteHouse, because that was the deal that was made.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

There is no mechanism in ACA for lowering the costs of treatment.   

On Countdown with Keith Olbermann, whistleblower Wendell Potter talks with Lawrence O'Donnell about where the con game (medical loss ratio, the amount of money insurers must spend on health care) is in the legislation, and how it will enable insurance companies to continue to price gauge and keep obscene profits instead of delivering affordable and quality medical care to policy-holders.

Obama put the foxes in charge of this chicken coop (former WellPoint executives Liz Fowler and Steve Larsen) to write both the legislation and the regulations, and enforce the regulations.  

Fowler's most notable actions to date has been issuing waivers to businesses that don't want to have to provide insurance to their employees.  So much for Candidate Obama's pledge on restricting lobbyists from writing our laws.  

Obama's healthcare legislation prohibits the very thing that was the top issue in the 2008 election:  The government being able to negotiate lower drug prices or reimportation.

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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

Of course the insurance industry benefits from it - It wrote the legislation as well as the regulations governing it and is implementing it.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

Now that the constitutionality and thus the legitimacy of Obamacare has been upheld, public perception is that it's a huge win for Obama; he looks strong and Republicans look weak.


When tea-partiers yell, "Get government out of healthcare" and in the same breath, "Don't touch my Medicare!", then education is the solution.  

There's rarely a majority in Congress to pass anything until a campaign's been mounted to sell it, but this wasn't a hard sell -- Americans, with few exceptions, love Medicare.  Obama has a clear pattern of mounting campaigns to sell his Republican­-like policies and legislatio­n AFTER it's all a done deal, after he's worked in secret to undermine progressiv­es in Congress, to ram his 'lousy for the people'-legislation through and into law.  It's what he did in the healthcare legislatio­n, in extending Bush's tax cuts, in burying the CIA's criminal torture, the Great Bank Heist, and so much more -- Look at what he did last week on the DREAM Act, no longer implementing deportation of undocumented aliens.  

Ten million more people voted for Obama, a black man in America, than for any other presidential candidate ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade.  He persuaded them that he was going to change the system, end the corporatocracy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate tool. 

When a president and his political party are swept into power to deliver affordable­, quality medical treatment for all as Obama and Democrats were in 2008, and the one method that can accomplish it (and also happens to solve other unique problems facing us at the time, i.e., a crashing economy, joblessnes­s, etc.) that president not only doesn't use his bully pulpit to sell, but unilateral­ly takes off the table, removes from even discussing­, then the fix is in and that president is corrupt to the core.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

 the bill has profit and premium caps for insurance companies. How is this a negative?


'Medical loss ratio' is what you're talking about.

And the insurance industry has already figured out the way around it.  

On Countdown with Keith Olbermann, whistleblower Wendell Potter talks with Lawrence O'Donnell about where the con game (medical loss ratio, the amount of money insurers must spend on health care) is in the legislation, and how it will enable insurance companies to continue to price gauge and keep obscene profits instead of delivering affordable and quality medical care to policy-holders.

Why put the insurance industry into the equation of Americans' medical treatment at all?  Insurance adds NOTHING to the medical model. The way that the insurance industry makes its profits is by taking a cut of money that can be spent on medical care.  And in reality the insurance industry profits like Wall Street and all other corporations that have crashed our economy have profited:  By denying claims and preventing treatment (Wall Street and corporations do it by offshoring manufacturing, outsourcing jobs, eliminating jobs in spite of record profits for short term windfalls to shareholders and bonuses for CEOs, etc.).  

The insurance industry is the 'Don Fanucci' (Godfather, Part II) of medical care; the insurance industry is "wetting its beak", letting you get medical care (maybe, if you can afford the deductibles, the co-pays, and if your illness is covered by your policy, but) only if you pay them a gratuity up front.

The controlling meme that has been operational for the past 40 years, the sales pitch for privatizing government services and resources, is that "private industry can do it cheaper".  While Republicans (Nixon) began it, Democrats joined in (Jimmy Carter).  But it's just not true that private industry does it cheaper.  Or even better.  

What the insurance industry has charged anywhere from 12-39 percent for, the US government (Medicare) does spectacularly well for 4 percent.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party got the healthcare legislation through that the insurance industry and PhRma wanted.  

From Amy Goodman's interview with whistleblower Wendell Potter, former CIGNA executive:

AMY GOODMAN: But don’t the insurance companies like this legislation?

WENDELL POTTER: They do. And that’s why this will not be repealed. They like a lot about it. This legislation, we call it "healthcare reform," but it doesn’t really reform the system. There are a lot of good things in there that does make some of the practices of the insurance industry illegal, things that should have been made illegal a long time ago, so that—


WENDELL POTTER:—for that matter, there are good things here. But it doesn’t reform the system. It is built around our health insurance system, as the President said. And they want to keep it in place, because it also guarantees that they will have a lot of new members and billions of dollars in new revenue in the years to come.

AMY GOODMAN: How does it ensure that?

WENDELL POTTER: One of the—the core component of this—and it’s kind of ironic, but the one thing that the Republicans and conservatives are saying they want to repeal is the provision that we all have to buy coverage from private insurance companies.

AMY GOODMAN: Like we do for auto insurance.

WENDELL POTTER: Exactly, right. And they’re citing or they’re saying that that’s unconstitutional. That’s also all for show, because it is just an effort to try to, in a sense, turn people away from the idea of reform. It sounds complicated, but it’s part of the insurance companies’ strategy.

Read the entire interview here.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

4. The ACA, although initially flawed, can be a stepping stone to a single-payer system, through an iterative, evolutionary process.


Where do you get that idea, and how do you see that happening?  Step-by-step, explain yourself.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

By the way, the fact that the author repeatedly refers to the Affordable Care Act as "Obamacare" is a sign of where her political motivations lie.


Obama Campaign Again Tries To Reclaim The Term ‘Obamacare’.

Dr. Marcia Angell is a proponent of single payer universal health care.  Here she is testifying before Congress as to the reason our health care system is in such a shambles:  

"It's set up to generate profits NOT to provide care.  To pay for care, we rely on hundreds of investor-owned insurance companies that profit by refusing coverage to the sickest patients and limiting services to the others.  And they cream roughly 20% off the top of the premium dollar for profits and overhead.  Our method of delivering care is no better than our method of paying for it.  We provide much of the care in investor-owned health facilities that profit by providing too many services for the well-insured and too few for those who cannot pay.  Most doctors are paid fee-for-sservice which gives them a similar incentive to focus on profitable services, particularly specialists, who receive very high fees for expensive tests and procedures.  In sum, health care is for maximizing income and not maximizing health..."

And ACA does nothing to change that.
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Did John Roberts Give Mitt Romney A Gift?

David Axelrod, and even Obama, call it "Obamacare".
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