A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Joe Biden Asks Ecuador To Turn Down Edward Snowden Asylum Request

Monday, July 1, 2013

Look, you sound like the typical rightwinger who are trying to create their scandal theories. thanks for your opinions, but they are totally irrelevent. i don't believe a word of it. So, you can tell it to the rest of your teapub pals....


I'm an old, OLD liberal Democrat.  I've never voted for a Republican, never will, but I can honestly say that I can't imagine ever voting for a Democrat again.  There is NOTHING that Republicans have managed to do in the last forty years that wasn't done with Democrats coming on board.  When Democratic politicians' and Obama's 'most ardent fans' talk about voting for him/them because he and they are "the lesser evil", I ask "On what issue?"

When women can no longer get an abortion in 92% of the counties in the US, what difference does it make which party is in power?  Those who are past menopause or can afford to send our daughters and granddaughters to Paris for an abortion.    

When Obama and Democrats practice Republican foreign policy (expanding wars and codifying neverending war in which to justify removing Americans' Constitutional rights, etc.), what difference does it make which party is in power?

When Tim Geithner/Henry Paulson or some other Wall Streeter would be the Treasury Secretary under either a Republican or Democratic president, what difference does it make which party is in power?

When neither party has on its agenda getting money out of politics, eliminating corporate personhood, publicly funding elections, etc., then both parties are protecting the status quo.

When both parties kick "hot potato" issues that are wrecking the lives or ordinary people down the road or to the states or to the courts yet always manage to meet corporate lobbyists' demands, it really doesn't matter which party gets into power.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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