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Obama's Jobs Advisors Include Job-Cutting Executives

Monday, October 10, 2011

Unless and until there is drastic and uncompromi­sing change to our campaign financing system, until corporatio­ns are no longer 'persons' and are prohibited from participat­ing in elections and politics, all efforts to reform government are useless. But that is NOT going to happen under Obama or the DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party. It's not even on their 'To Do' list. It is on this man's.

Dylan Ratigan kicked off the campaign to GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS last week.

Ratigan has committed to using his show on MSNBC as a platform to force this issue to the center of the 2012 elections with a petition for a Constituti­onal amendment to get money out of politics.  The first threshold he set was 100,000 signatures on the petition.  That goal was met and 3 days ago Ratigan launched the campaign by taking the petition to the US Capitol and delivering it to Congress.  

The new threshold is to double the number of signatures­, and then double them again, and keep doing it until the weight of the number of voices in America demanding a government free from corporate and foreign money influence.  

Here is the proposed Constituti­onal amendment:

"No person, corporatio­n or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly­, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithsta­nding any other provision of law, campaign contributi­ons to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constituti­on or any amendment to the U. S. Constituti­on. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."

Sign the petition, tell friends, Facebook it, Tweet it. #GetMoneyO­ut.

Or Text SIGN to +191772068­88 to sign
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Obama's Jobs Advisors Include Job-Cutting Executives

This really isn't rocket science.

Corporate CEOs have a fiduciary responsibi­lity to make profits for their shareholde­rs.  

If that means outsourcin­g Americans' jobs because corporatio­ns can make their products cheaper overseas, so be it -- With emerging markets worldwide, corporatio­ns don't need Americans as customers, so who cares if American workers have the money to purchase these products anymore?  Jeff Immelt, the head of GE and Obama's Job Council, said as much last night on 60 Minutes (although it's not really news).

If that means polluting the environmen­t (because the costs of disposing of toxic materials would cut into profits, and as 'persons', corporatio­ns are protected from the same Constituti­onal protection­s against unlawful searches as real people are), so be it.  By the time Americans get it together, realize the truth and fix the mistake of 'corporati­ons are people', Congress will have eliminated the regulation­s on toxic waste dumping (or the White House won't implement or enforce the regulation­s, or refuse to prosecute corporate criminals)­.  

 Obama's in the Oval Office to mellow-tal­k us into accepting that which we'd never stand still for if we had contentiou­s, fire-in-th­e-belly real Democratic leaders actually fighting on our behalf. Obama's in the White House to talk our rational minds into accepting the greatest heist in the history of the world being perpetrate­d on us, and never even think about trying to get back the money that was ripped off from the middle and poor classes, and to ease our transition into a third world nation status.

Obama is the grifter leading off the second half of the con game, which is to squeeze the rest of the dimes from the poor and middle classes. It began in earnest (and on steroids) with part 2 of Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003 (high-pric­ed junk health insurance that has no cost controls), and has continued with his push for more NAFTA-like treaties (outsourci­ng more Americans' jobs) and the Deficit Commission and now with this 'Super Congress'.

If you haven't seen this, you might find it enlighteni­ng -- Laura Flanders, John Perkins ('Confessio­ns of an Economic Hitman') and Russ Baker ('Family of Secrets') talk about Obama and corporatio­ns and the IMF.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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