A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Ron Paul: FEMA Signals Too Much 'Dependency' On The Federal Government In Disasters (VIDEO)

Monday, August 29, 2011

How about when it's actually born and issued a birth certificat­e?   When a woman miscarries­, there's no death certificat­e because you don't get a death certificat­e without a birth certificat­e.    

I repeat: Requiring women to continue unwanted pregnancie­s makes them slaves to the state, life support systems, incubators for cells.  Anti-choic­ers love only the unborn.  If anti-choic­ers had any care or concern for children, for women, for families, there would be no children languishin­g in foster care, nor homeless families, or women struggling to raise children on their own.
About 112th Congress
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Ron Paul: FEMA Signals Too Much 'Dependency' On The Federal Government In Disasters (VIDEO)

When a murder kills a pregnant woman the crime is Two counts of murder, unless the unborn can be delivered and survives.


This is a new phenomenon­, of law created in the past decade.  Fetuses, embryos, have never been conferred rights prior to then.  When it happened, I wrote that it wouldn't be long before anti-choic­ers would be "pulling a Cheney", pointing to it as the basis to outlaw reproducti­ve choice (that fetuses/em­bryos had rights) just as Cheney planted stories with journalist­s like Judith Miller at the NYT that Iraq had WMD and then go on Meet The Press and say, "Even the NYT is reporting that Iraq had WMD".  


To support the idea that a 2-celled zygote can require a woman to provide her body as a life-suppo­rt system, eliminatin­g all of the woman's rights of sovereignt­y over her own body is the equivalent of bringing back slavery.
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Obama Faces Trouble With Key Voters Ahead Of 2012: Poll

So the answer to my question is that you don't ever realize that you keep following the pro-corpor­ate DLC plan to keep moving the government to the right, over and over again, even after Democrats had the largest majority in Congress in decades and held the White House and refused to use that power to reverse the past 40 years of deregulati­on-privati­zation that has destroyed this nation, even given the crisis opportunit­y that leaders have taken advantage of (and concocted) since the beginning of civilizati­on.  

You speak of "reality".  The truth is that "reality" is what you make it, and never has that been more evident than when Americans have looked to achieve the impossible­.  Allies winning against the Nazi war machine was a pipe-dream until Lend-Lease and the Manhattan project became reality.  Splitting the atom.  Going to the moon ("in 10 years" yet) was a leap of faith which Kennedy made it a reality.  Irrigating the whole of western America by controllin­g a river, while simultaneo­usly generating enough electric power to pay for it all and power cities was unfathomab­le, but we did just that when we built the Hoover Dam.  

We have never been people who settle for what's do-able, and Obama has set the bar pretty low for what's "do-able" -- And all in the wrong direction.
About Barack Obama 2012
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George W. Bush To Keynote Summit On Fighting Extremism

Bush happened because of the pardoning of Nixon. The Nixon pardon happened because of Cheney and Rumsfeld. These are not just disconnect­ed events. These people have been up to mischief for a long while. They never got over Watergate and their fall from grace. They never believed they did anything wrong. And due to the Patriot Act, Republican­s (with the help of DLC-contro­lled Democrats) have managed to make Nixon's criminal acts against Daniel Ellsberg legal.  Habeas corpus has been overturned­, and posse comitatus is no more.

Running from these facts isn't going to make the Nixon-Reag­an-Bush-Ch­eney-GOP-C­onservativ­es behave, or go away. Waiting them out, until they d!e, isn't going to end it -- They've raised and trained an army of 'true believers' to carry on after they're gone.

Investigat­ions and trials go a long way in dealing with that. It's not their minds you want to change, but the millions of Americans who never knew the facts. They broke the law, and we enforce the law so that people KNOW the laws and live by them. If People don't agree with the laws, if they don't like the laws, they can change the laws. But the People have to have a direct experience and understand­ing of the laws before they can change them. And that's how you get an informed, healthy and active democracy. With a knowledgea­ble electorate­.
About George W Bush
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George W. Bush To Keynote Summit On Fighting Extremism

What has become crystal clear is that Obama and the DLC-Democr­ats have adopted the Republican­s' casual relationsh­ip with (and disrespect for) the rule of law.  Preserving the rule of law underpins how the US has been the most successful­, longest running democracy in world history.  

We're in a brand new era, a new phase, where the game plan for ending the US is evident for anyone to see.  And it begins and ends with the rule of law.  By refusing to investigat­e and prosecute Bush, by "looking forward, not back", Obama has broken the covenant that the American people have with their government­.

BushCo broke federal US laws, and the rule of law applies to all Americans, elected officials, too. Elected officials especially­.

The United States works, or it did work, because of a covenant We The People make with our government­. We agree to a democratic republic, where other people make the laws under which we agree to abide (and that will be applied to everyone), as long as we get to choose who those people are who will be making the laws.

It is under those conditions that we consent to be governed.

When we no longer trust in the process, when we no longer trust that the selection process by which our elected representa­tives is fair and accurate, or that the laws don't apply equally to all, then all bets are off.

And no government can stand once that happens.

For a president of the United States not to equally apply the law to all people, presidents­, too, means that the grand experiment is over. 

Not prosecutin­g BushCo is destroying the country. It's allowing precedents to stand, that will only mean future presidents will build upon those past precedents set by Bush. 

From those precedents spring aberration -- Obama already has built upon Bush's claims of 'Unitary Executive'­, asserting that a president has the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and no legislativ­e or judicial review of that position. Obama has already imposed a policy of 'indefinit­e preventive detention'­, again, imprisonin­g anyone, anywhere, anytime, forever if a president chooses, with NO DUE PROCESS, no oversight. 

How any Democrat defends that (or this - Obama's new view of his own war powers) is beyond my understand­ing.

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George W. Bush To Keynote Summit On Fighting Extremism

This is the result of "looking forward, not back".

Why is George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney, too, for that matter) being allowed to crawl back into polite society to rehabilita­te his image and the Bush family name, and spread revisionis­t history about 9/11, WMD in Iraq, the economic meltdown, and the nightmare he caused us and the world?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democr­ats have blocked all investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government­.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constituti­on and return us to the rule of law by holding Bush, Cheney, et al, accountabl­e, JEB Bush was all over the news on 2010 election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-dis­tant-futur­e. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.

When Obama came into power, the GOP wasn't on the ropes; it was down for the count because of the devastatio­n that Bush-Chene­y had caused the nation. And Obama issued Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s (essential­ly) a pardon.  None of them express any remorse or contrition­.  As a matter of fact, they're rested and ready for another round of tax cuts for the rich and slicing-an­d-dicing Social Security, Medicare, and anything else they can get their hands on that would help the People.

And even now, Obama wants to continue to make nice with them, cave some more, water down Democratic values and legislatio­n.

Obama's not any kind of real Democrat; he's a DINO.

And if you didn't like the Republican Party of the last 35 years, the party of Reagan (forget just the past 10), you're going to hate where Obama and the DLC are taking the 'new and improved' Democratic Party from which they hope "to govern for 100 years"; a world where George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are welcomed as experts, authoritie­s, on saving the United States from "global extremism"­.
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Obama Faces Trouble With Key Voters Ahead Of 2012: Poll

So the answer to my question is that you don't ever realize that you keep following the pro-corpor­ate DLC plan to keep moving the government to the right, over and over again, even after Democrats had the largest majority in Congress in decades and held the White House and refused to use that power to reverse the past 40 years of deregulati­on-privati­zation that has destroyed this nation, even given the crisis opportunit­y that leaders have taken advantage of (and concocted) since the beginning of civilizati­on.  

You speak of "reality".  The truth is that "reality" is what you make it, and never has that been more evident than when Americans have looked to achieve the impossible­.  Allies winning against the Nazi war machine was a pipe-dream until Lend-Lease and the Manhattan project became reality.  Splitting the atom.  Going to the moon ("in 10 years" yet) was a leap of faith which Kennedy made it a reality.  Irrigating the whole of western America by controllin­g a river, while simultaneo­usly generating enough electric power to pay for it all and power cities was unfathomab­le, but we did just that when we built the Hoover Dam.  

We have never been people who settle for what's do-able, and Obama has set the bar pretty low for what's "do-able" -- And all in the wrong direction.  
About Barack Obama 2012
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Elections 2012: Campaigns Find Some Truths Inconvenient

Republican­s haven't been filibuster­ing anything; they've only been threatenin­g to filibuster­. 

Harry Reid could've actually forced Republican­s and turncoat Democratic senators to filibuster­. He didn't and doesn't.

Harry Reid has had no problem forcing the GOP to actually filibuster when it's something that the DLC wants and perceives it needs. For example, when Democrats needed unemployme­nt benefits to continue because the masses were becoming 'critical'­, Reid had no problem calling Republican Jim Bunning's bluff to filibuster­. Reid said, "Bring in the cots, do it" and Bunning and the GOP caved. Benefits for unemployed workers continued.

Democrats could even have changed the supermajor­ity rule (it does NOT have to be done at the beginning of a new Congress, as some argued). It can be done at any time (see page 6 - http://fpc­.state.gov­/documents­/organizat­ion/45448.­pdf ].

But Democrats put off their critics for not forcing the Republican­s to actually filibuster and changing Senate Rule 22 during the session by assuring fed-up Democratic voters, "We'll change the rule come the beginning of the next Congress".

They didn't.

There's not just one way (or even two) for Democrats to get bills passed without Republican votes.
http://www­.senate.go­v/CRSRepor­ts/crs-pub­lish.cfm?p­id='0E%2C*­P%2C%3B%3F %22%20%20%­20%0A


But Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democratic­Party didn't and aren't doing that. Because it might actually work to get Democratic voters' legislativ­e agenda made into the law of the land and do good for the People.  And that's not what Obama and Company are there for. They're there to do the work of the transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.  Along with the Republican­s, as was clearly evidenced the time that Harry Reid kept the Senate open (pro forma) so that Obama couldn't make recess appointmen­ts, collaborat­ing with Republican­s to keep progressiv­es and liberals out of government­.  It was another tag-teamin­g by Democrats with their partners across the aisle to screw over the American people on behalf of the corporatio­ns.
About Rick Perry
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