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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

Monday, July 26, 2010

Exactly correct.

If you haven't read this, I recommend it.


Obama's a fraud.
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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

And about Lieberman.

Obama was the one who insisted that Lieberman be allowed to caucus with Democrats.

Obama was the one who let Lieberman keep the chairmanship of the Governmental Affairs and Homeland Security Committee. That's the committee that whitewashed the Bush administration's failure during Hurricane Katrina. Obama rubberstamped that committee's not investigating Bush once Democrats took over control of government.

During the healthcare reform debate, Obama never once pressured Lieberman for threatening to filibuster any legislation that had a public option in it. Obama never pressured Ben Nelson (or Blanche Lincoln, or any Blue Dog), either.

Obama DID unleash the attack dogs to go after Howard Dean when Dean said it was a lousy bill. Dean was then forced to get back into line. Obama did go after Kucinich for threatening to vote no on the healthcare bill, and we all know how that ended.

Anyone who still thinks Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic party is on the People's side is an id-jit, & k!IIing us all with their continued loyalty to politicians who are all working for the side of corporations.
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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

I might agree with you, except it's not going to get more people healthcare. It's going to get more people paying for insurance, but that doesn't mean that they're getting treatment.

This legislation does NOTHING to lower the cost of insurance premiums. It will increase co-pays and deductibles, and will cost more to those with pre-existing conditions, and won't necessarily cover them, in spite of what the hype is.

Just because you have insurance (and it's NOT universal), doesn't mean you're going to be able to afford treatment.
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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

I'm not a progressive; I'm an OLD OLD liberal Democrat. An FDR Democrat.

We didn't half of anything; Obama paid off his corporate masters, just as Bush, the GOP and Democrats paid off their corporate masters with the Medicare Reform Act of 2003\.

It's shameful how ig.no.rant you are (or how corrupt and on the DLC's payroll you are).

Obama is a DINO -- A Republican-in-Democrats'-clothing.
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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats in Congress did NOT put through healthcare reform.

What they did was a massive corporate giveaway, that does NOT provide affordable, quality medical treatment for all.

Calling it "healthcare reform" doesn't make it that.
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Gibbs: Elizabeth Warren Is A 'Terrific Candidate'

He may not be if he does.

Democratic voters didn't put Obama and Democrats into power to have to constantly sit on them and convince them to do the correct thing 24/7, and not water down legislation & cave to Republicans.

I've had enough of Obama's and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party's lies.
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Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

And in addition to Howard Dean working on the DLC's behalf to move the Democratic Party to the right, and to change the Democratic Party's pro-woman's health policies and protect a woman's right to choose, Dean is not for single payer. He never has been.

Howard Dean isn't any prize. He talks a good populist game, but he's as much a corporate Democrat when push comes to shove as any DLCer. Dean wants desperately to be in with the DLC insiders, to play with the Big Boys so badly, but they don't want him. He has repeatedly snatched defeat from the jaws of history every time the left begins to get any traction on an issue (the public option in healthcare reform was just the latest example). As soon as the DLCers get what they want, they cast Dean aside and leave him to the scrap heap of obscurity (again). They get him to do heavy lifting for them (keeping us liberals on the hook), but in the end they slam the door in his face and break his heart every time.
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Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

Look at what Obama's "building" upon - He's decided that no woman in the new high-risk insurance pools will be allowed to obtain abortion coverage beyond limited cases (rape, incest, endangering the life of the woman). The high-risk insurance pools are for some of the most medically vulnerable women in the country — those with pre-existing conditions (breast & ovarian cancer, AIDS, diabetes, & other conditions) that may make pregnancy extraordinarily dangerous. They'll be locked out from abortion coverage, even if they pay for it out of their own pockets.

He's re-inserting the draconian Stupak-type anti-abortion rules to deny abortions to the most vulnerable women. This man said he was pro-choice, pro-woman:


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Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

2/9/05 Writer Alexander Sanger said that on many levels, he's been pleased that politicians have begun to rethink the approach to abortion rights. "There is no question in my mind that we, the pro-choice movement, ought to be leading the way to reframing how we talk about abortion," he said. "So if various leaders of the DemocraticParty are beginning to have this discussion that's all to the good." But he warned, "We have to differentiate between the pro-choice movement & DemocraticParty." What the politicians are saying may be sound, but their strategy may be suspect. "The Democrats are looking for a scapegoat for the loss in November, & they've picked the wrong one [in abortion]."


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Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

The public option plan(s) were floated out, but again, the votes weren't there.


Not true. Demonstrably false.

You really don't know what you're talking about.

If the Bush years taught us nothing else, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid & relentless in your sales pitch & tactics.

What Obama, Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe, David Axelrod, & all DLCers, have to do in addition is insist that the policies and legislation they're pushing is really populist and not the stuff of Republicans' dreams.

The Senate Finance Committee's bill (Max Baucus's bill) was the bill the White House intended to prevail over the 3 other committees working on healthcare reform bills. It prevailed because Obama undermined the other committees.

The Baucus bill was written by Liz Fowler, former executive at WellPoint (Baucus hired her as senior counsel to him as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee). So much for Candidate Obama's pledge on restricting lobbyists from writing our laws (Obama just hired Liz Fowler to implement the legislation -

http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2010/07/14/former-wellpoint-vp-liz-fowler-to-be-in-charge-of-health-care-oversight/ )

In the end, the votes for a public option were there, both in the Senate and the House.


In the end, Obama blocked it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

The reality is that the single-payer plan was NEVER gonna pass, period.


No amount of your repeating that makes it true.

Obama came into office with the wind at his back, with more people having voting for him, a black man in good old rac!$t America, than ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatocracy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, and not a corporate t00I.

Obama, Mr. Personality, came into office with more good will, more wind at his back, more political capital than ANY previous president.

And what did he do with that political capital?

He sat on it.

Obama has been absent on every issue. He went AWOL on healthcare reform, saying, "Oh, that's Congress's job", all the while he was undercutting the congressional committees writing legislation, cutting secret deals with phRma, the AMA and hospitals. At the end, he emerged and kamikaze-style, rahmed through a massive corporate giveaway with no cost controls, a bill guaranteed to end all public healthcare sooner rather than later.

Obama could have delivered on his promises, but Obama didn't & doesn't want to.

And there will be no "improvements", no public option much less single payer, as long as Obama is in the White House; that was the deal he made.
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Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

It seems "we" (you) have no time to go back and kick Bush's butt on ANYTHING.
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Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

WILL BAILEY: I heard once-- I don't know if this is true-- I heard once that you convinced the President to let you rewrite a section of the State of the Union with less than 24 hours to go. It was the second year, and everybody was a Republican whether they were or not, and people at the DNC convinced him to include the line, "The era of big government is over," and you couldn't live with it. Because government should be a place where people come to gather, and no one gets left behind. An instrument of good. And that's exactly what we heard in the State of the Union the next night.

TOBY ZIEGLER: There were maybe four people in the room when I had that conversation.

WILL BAILEY: Well, if I'd had been one of them, I'd have repeated it to everyone I met.
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Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

The real 'Me-Firsters' were the GOPers who, after LBJ started the precedent of 'borrowing' from Social Security (to pay for the war in Vietnam), put all kinds of spending over-budget (Pentagon/military) and paid for it by stealing from the Social Security trust fund.

Let's call it what it is, stealing, because the Republicans never had any intention of paying it back.

When you operate a budget in the red, cut taxes for the rich and return what's been "borrowed", that's stealing (& lying and trickery).
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Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

I'm an old liberal Democrat, and it's not just the Republicans out to end social programs.

The DLC-controlled Democratic Party has been a co-conspirator with the GOP, and did nothing to prevent Bush from handing out tax cuts after he LOST the debate for shoring up Social Security in the 2000 election.
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Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

"Mismanaged and underfunded heap"?

The Social Security Trust Fund was stolen from to pay for wars and pork. The original explanation for doing it was "borrowing", but they had no intention of ever paying it back, so let's call it what it what it is -- THEFT.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

Stop calling them "entitlements".

If we must pay into a program to receive a return then it is not an entitlement. Social Security is a benefit We The People pay for.
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