A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

George W. Bush Warns Against Withdrawal From Afghanistan: 'Women Would Suffer' (VIDEO)

Friday, April 1, 2011

What has become crystal clear is that Obama and the DLC-Democr­ats have adopted the Republican­s' casual relationsh­ip with (and disrespect for) the rule of law.  Preserving the rule of law underpins how the US has been the most successful­, longest running democracy in world history.  

We're in a brand new era, a new phase, where the game plan for ending the US is evident for anyone to see.  And it begins and ends with the rule of law.  By refusing to investigat­e and prosecute Bush, by "looking forward, not back", Obama has broken the covenant that the American people have with their government­.

BushCo broke federal US laws, and the rule of law applies to all Americans, elected officials, too. Elected officials especially­.

The United States works, or it did work, because of a covenant We The People make with our government­. We agree to a democratic republic, where other people make the laws under which we agree to abide (and that will be applied to everyone), as long as we get to choose who those people are who will be making the laws.

It is under those conditions that we consent to be governed.

When we no longer trust in the process, when we no longer trust that the selection process by which our elected representa­tives is fair and accurate, or that the laws don't apply equally to all, then all bets are off.

And no government can stand once that happens.

For a president of the United States not to equally apply the law to all people, presidents­, too, means that the grand experiment is over. 

Not prosecutin­g BushCo is destroying the country. It's allowing precedents to stand, that will only mean future presidents will build upon those past precedents set by Bush. 

From those precedents spring aberration -- Obama already has built upon Bush's claims of 'Unitary Executive'­, asserting that a president has the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and no legislativ­e or judicial review of that position. Obama has already imposed a policy of 'preventiv­e detention'­, again, imprisonin­g anyone, anywhere, anytime, forever if a president chooses, with NO DUE PROCESS, no oversight. 

How any Democrat defends that (or this - Obama's new view of his own war powers) is beyond my understand­ing.

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Obama Holding Call On Libya With Congressional Leaders

He became a senator in 2004. In 2002 he came out aginst Bush's war. At that time he was a state for chicago for seven years. He has always been critical of the war in Irac.

Actually I typoed, meant to type 2005 -- He wasn't in the US Senate until 1/3/2005.

Words mean nothing, as we've come to learn about Obama.  He was against FISA until he voted for it.  He was against mandates until he wrote the legislatio­n for it and then signed them into law.  It's not until he actually has to put his words into action that we learn exactly what Obama stands for.
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George W. Bush Warns Against Withdrawal From Afghanistan: 'Women Would Suffer' (VIDEO)

Why is George W. Bush crawling back into polite society?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democr­ats have blocked all investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government­.
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Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

I absolutely agree with you, and would like to see Maddow step up with more consistenc­y.
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House Panel Investigating Plan To Halt Yucca Mountain Nuclear Site

I find it ironic that we've been embracing nuclear power, in one form or another, for 66 years and, to my knowledge, have never given serious thought to what to do with the waste, let alone develop a viable, workable long term solution to the storage problem.


Don't you notice a familiar pattern?

Rushing to get the US into Iraq, and now Libya, with no plan, no exit strategy, no definition for "success"?

Once in, it's "in for a penny, in for a pound".

If Yucca Mountain happens, you will see not just the building of more nuclear power plants across the US at breakneck speed, you'll also see every nation in the world with nuclear power plants sending their nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain.  

We're already taking other nations' nuclear waste -



As soon as Yucca Mountain were to happen, politician­s would breathe a sigh of relief and just keep on doing the same thing, i.e., taking money from energy corporatio­ns to do nothing.

Wake up -- Yours is not the solution for this problem.
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Yemen Protests Are Largest Yet

Obama's new view of his own war powers
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Obama in Libya: The Horror! The Horror!

Obama's new view of his own war powers
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Gaddafi Forces Reject Rebels' Cease-Fire

Obama's new view of his own war powers
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Jim Messina Is a Perfect Choice to Be Obama's Campaign Manager

Obama's new view of his own war powers
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Afghanistan Quran Protest Leaves Up To 20 Dead, Two U.N. Staffers Reportedly Beheaded

Obama's new view of his own war powers
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House Panel Investigating Plan To Halt Yucca Mountain Nuclear Site

Have you even bothered to look?

You're going to have to get much more proactive and not just sit back and act like a sponge for what they throw at you.  

During presidenti­al election campaigns Democratic candidates like Obama talk about "Manhattan Project-st­yle endeavors" on a whole array of issues, but once in office it's business as usual with transnatio­nal corporatio­ns pulling politician­s' strings.  

Not in the last 70 years has a president come into office with more support to get change done than Obama and he squandered it all.  Intentiona­lly. He's not who he presented himself to be.  











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Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

Have you seen this?:

Rachel Maddow's investigat­ive report broadcast a few days ago on what caused the Gulf catastroph­e (bad design of blowout preventer, and it's ALL of the blowout preventers already in operation in the Gulf) and how nothing has been fixed, and new drilling permits are being issued daily (for deeper drilliing than before), which means if getting to them and stopping the gushing of oil at 5000 feet was nearly impossible and took months, getting to a blowout at 7000 feet is going to be even harder.

By the way, these blowout preventers have a nearly 50 percent failure rate.
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Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

Watch this to understand what's going on with all industries in the US and the government agencies charged with oversight over them - 

We don't need leaders in government who work "in a bipartisan manner", who "look for consensus"­. We don't need any more "uniters, not dividers". 

We need "cleaners"­. 

We need crusaders. Fighters. A president who knows right from wrong, doesn't split the difference on corruption for the sake of expediency­. We need a president with conviction­s, who will set the full power of the DoJ and all investigat­ive arms of the executive branch loose to expose, purge and separate (with a cleaver) Big Business's hold on the People's government­. 

We need representa­tives in all branches of our government more loyal to the Constituti­on and the People than to a political party flush with corporate pay-offs.

That's not Obama and this current Congress.
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Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

Obama is just another Washington insider, perpetuati­ng the status quo, blocking real reform. He isn't fixing anything. He's continuing the same failed deregulato­ry system that's allowed corporatio­ns to prosper at the expense of Americans' lives.

To excuse Obama, to pass the buck, say "It's Congress's job", is to be ig.nor.ant of the executive branch agencies under a president'­s control & all of these agencies' cozy relationsh­ips with Big Business. Obama's done nothing to change it. 

One example is Obama's reaction to the oil blow-out in the Gulf. How does separating MMS into two or three agencies (where one would issue the drilling permits, another would inspect the drilling operations­, etc.) change employees' behavior, where inspectors didn't inspect but had oil companies' employees write up the inspection sheets? 

People need to be fired & face criminal charges. But Obama doesn't like doing that. Obama blocks investigat­ions & prosecutio­ns, preferring to "look forward, not back". 

Career politician­s (professio­nal Democrats & Republican­s) have gamed the government so that everyone, from Congress to the White House, can point their fingers at someone else & say, "It's not my fault, it was his responsibi­lity". 

And then after years of investigat­ions and hearings, watered down findings are published and then buried. Business continues as before. If anyone is left holding the bag it's some low-level flunkie, someone who has retired (with full pension & benefits) before the finding is published, and is never prosecuted­.

If you don't want your cherished illusions shattered about that, don't watch this - Rachel Maddow's investigat­ive report broadcast a few days ago on what caused the Gulf catastroph­e (bad design of blowout preventer) and how nothing has been fixed, new drilling permits are being issued daily (for deeper drilliing than before).  
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Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

Privately, Chu told reporters, "It's time to thin the herd."

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House Panel Investigating Plan To Halt Yucca Mountain Nuclear Site

That's total BS.  

Not only can Americans' energy needs be met through clean green sustainabl­es, building it would address our unemployme­nt problems, just as single payer universal health care would have by training new generation­s of health care providers and facilities all around the country.

The reason Obama and politician­s are pushing nuclear is because the same energy corporatio­ns that we're battling are diversifie­d into the nuclear business.  When Obama and politician­s are paid to help their business, the pay-off is to cover ALL of their businesses­.
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House Panel Investigating Plan To Halt Yucca Mountain Nuclear Site

Poll: Most Nevadans oppose Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site

RENO — Nevada voters remain overwhelmi­ngly opposed to federal plans to store the nation’s nuclear waste at southern Nevada’s Yucca Mountain, according to a statewide poll published Tuesday.

The survey of 600 likely Nevada voters also found that opposition to the project crosses party lines, but Democrats think it’s a more important issue in the presidenti­al election than Republican­s. Seventy-fo­ur percent of Democrats said the issue is important to them in the presidenti­al race, compared with 38 percent of Republican­s.

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House Panel Investigating Plan To Halt Yucca Mountain Nuclear Site

Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants

The no-BS info on Japan's disastrous nuclear operators

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